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Along Country Roads

Page 26

by Mandy Magro

  The nurse reached out and rubbed her shoulder. ‘I’m sorry, Miss Jones. His family haven’t mentioned you, and I have strict instructions from them and the doctor not to let anyone in to see Mr Hunter unless they’re immediate family.’

  ‘Please, I need to see him.’

  The nurse paused for a few moments. ‘Let me find out what I can do, okay?’

  Had Pippa gone to the lengths of putting something under her shirt to make her look pregnant? Standing a little out of sight, Matilda battled with what she should do. She hadn’t told anybody, except Ryan, what she had overheard. She didn’t feel it was her place to do so. But this was the last goddamn straw. Pippa was trying to weasel her way into Ryan’s room by lying through her teeth yet again, even after Ryan had told her he knew what she was up to. He was fighting for his life, goddamn it—this was complete disrespect. Drawing in a deep breath Matilda strode forwards. She stopped and tapped Pippa’s shoulder.

  Pippa spun round, the shocked look on her face priceless. She tried smiling but it was more of a sneer. ‘Matilda, what are you doing here this time of the night?’

  Matilda folded her arms. ‘I could ask you the same thing, Pippa.’

  Pippa matched her stance. ‘Well, I’ve come to see Ryan.’

  ‘Why now? He’s been here for five days. And why so late at night, Pippa? Anyone would think you’ve got something to hide?’

  Pippa’s brows shot up. ‘The cheek of you, saying something like that … I’ve been away at my aunt’s in Brisbane the past few days, and I only came back late this afternoon. Not that I need to explain anything to you, I have nothing to hide.’

  ‘Is that so?’ Matilda took the plunge and prodded Pippa’s belly, not surprised at all that it felt cushiony.

  Pippa stepped back as she wrapped her arms around her stomach. ‘How dare you poke my baby and Ryan’s like that? Who in the hell do you think you are?’

  ‘Oh come on, Pippa, the lying has to stop.’

  ‘What lying? What are you talking about?’ Pippa’s voice was steady, confident, but the look in her eyes told Matilda she was terrified that, like Ryan, Matilda knew the truth. She no doubt believed that because Ryan had sent her the text less than an hour before he was rushed to hospital, nobody else knew her dirty little secret.

  ‘Pippa? Matilda? What’s going on here?’

  Matilda turned to see a very tired looking Lisa standing between Greg and the nurse.

  ‘Pippa is trying to see Ryan.’

  ‘Yes, that’s what the nurse has just told me.’ Lisa stared at Pippa. ‘After what you did to Ryan, I don’t think he’d want you in there, Pippa. I think you know that, which is why you’ve chosen to come in here at such an ungodly hour, in the hope that none of us would be here to stop you.’

  Pippa flinched as though struck, but then smiled so sweetly Matilda almost gagged. ‘Lisa, Ryan and I chose not to tell you straight away, just until we worked through a few things, but …’ She rubbed her belly. ‘I’m carrying his baby … your grandchild.’ She then flashed Matilda a look vicious enough to kill.

  ‘I beg your pardon?’ Looking faint, Lisa swayed and Greg quickly wrapped his arm around her to stop her from falling.

  ‘Lisa, are you okay?’ Matilda helped Greg move her to a chair behind the nurse’s desk, all the while glaring at Pippa.

  ‘Yes, I’m okay. Probably exhausted, but that’s all,’ Lisa said, looking and sounding a little distant.

  ‘Can’t you come back tomorrow, Pippa?’ Greg looked at her. ‘This is all too much right now.’

  Matilda flashed Pippa the same death stare she’d received moments ago. ‘How could you waltz in here and do this? Don’t you have one ounce of respect for anyone other than yourself?’

  ‘Do what? Try to see the man I love?’ She closed her eyes and shook her head. ‘It breaks my heart that he might not even remember me when he wakes up.’

  Aha. Pippa was hopeful that Ryan would have amnesia, so she could continue with her scheming and win him back into her life. The very thought made Matilda sick and fuelled her fury. ‘Oh give me a break, Pippa. You don’t know what love is. Your scheme to get Ryan back is over. I know all about your pretend pregnancy, and so will everyone else very soon.’

  Pippa scowled as she prodded Matilda in the chest, her long fingernail leaving marks. ‘If you dare try and spoil this for me I will make sure you’re made responsible for Ryan lying in there and you’ll be chased out of this town by the locals. Nobody likes blow-ins here in Moonstone Valley, and that’s what you are, a homeless hopeless nothing.’

  Greg stepped up beside Matilda, blocking any view Lisa had of Pippa. ‘Don’t you dare threaten my daughter like that, Pippa, or I’ll make sure you’re the one who is disgraced and chased out of this town with your tail between your legs.’

  Pippa looked from Greg to Matilda. ‘She’s your daughter?’

  Greg wrapped his arm around Matilda’s shoulder. ‘She sure is. And I’m mighty proud of the fact.’

  Matilda felt herself stand up taller. ‘Ditto.’

  ‘What’s all this about a pretend pregnancy?’ He flashed Matilda a sideways glance.

  ‘Oh, I think Pippa should explain that one.’ She turned back to Pippa who was pale-faced. ‘Don’t you, Pippa?’

  ‘I have nothing to explain to anyone.’ With that she spun around and took off down the corridor as if a bull was hot on her heels.

  Greg dropped his arm from around Matilda’s shoulder. Glancing over to where the nurse was taking Lisa’s blood pressure he lowered his voice to a whisper. ‘So what do you know that I don’t?’

  Matilda sighed and shook her head. ‘It’s a long story but to cut it short, Pippa isn’t pregnant at all. She was just saying that to try and win Ryan over again.’

  ‘Really? What did she expect to happen when her apparent pregnancy didn’t progress?’

  ‘She was going to fake a miscarriage so Ryan felt sorry for her, and felt obliged to stay with her.’

  ‘She really is a piece of work. She better not try to step foot in the pub again, because the likes of her aren’t welcome.’

  ‘Ryan and I can pick ’em, can’t we?’ Matilda glanced over at Lisa. ‘You should get Lisa home. I’ll sit with Ryan tonight.’

  ‘I can come back and stay with you, if you like, once I’ve dropped her off.’

  ‘No, you have a pub to run so you need to get some rest. I’ll be right.’

  ‘You’re not right at all, Tilly.’ He reached out and pulled her into a hug. ‘You’re such a beautiful soul, just like your mother was. I’m so happy you’ve come into my life, and allowed me into yours.’

  ‘Me too,’ Matilda said, her voice quavering with emotion as she squeezed Greg a little tighter.

  It was nearly three in the morning when Matilda finally decided to give into her weariness. Yawning, she stretched her legs out, preparing herself for another night in the horrid chair-bed beside Ryan when a sensation in her fingers made her breath catch. She froze, wishing the room were a little brighter, waiting to see if she felt it again and wondering if she was so dog-tired she was starting to imagine things. But then she felt it again, and this time it was stronger than before. Looking down at her fingers entwined with Ryan’s she burst into tears when she spotted the small movement of his ring finger. Who could have thought the twitch of a finger could be so powerful.

  ‘Oh my God, Ryan, baby … I’m here.’ She gently stroked his cheek, her tears dripping onto the sheets.

  Leaping to her feet, while keeping hold of his hand, Matilda grabbed the call buzzer, pressing it repeatedly. In seconds the night nurse came running, the patter of her shoes on the linoleum floor heard for a few seconds before she appeared in the room.

  ‘Is everything …’ She didn’t get to finish her sentence.

  ‘Quick, he’s squeezing my hand.’ With her heart beating like a bass drum, Matilda felt like dancing on the spot. ‘Ryan, can you hear me? You’re in hospital … everything’s going to be okay

  The nurse switched on the overhead light and ran to the bedside just as Ryan’s eyelids began flickering. ‘I better go call the doctor on duty … just keep talking to him. Okay?’

  Matilda nodded as the nurse raced out of the room.

  Ryan’s eyes finally opened. He winced from the light. Matilda quickly held her hand up to shade his eyes. ‘Hey beautiful, it’s me, Tilly.’

  His eyes came to rest on hers and for a few moments he seemed to be staring straight through her. Then he responded in a way she never ever expected, the shock of it almost sending her crumbling to the floor.



  Matilda’s feet sank into the fine white sand as the sun began its descent, sending the cloudless sky a pomegranate pink scattered with blood red and orange. The vibrant hues reflected off the ocean like flickering flames. The waves rolled in, each one as strong and loud as the last, ever-changing yet always familiar; the sound of them crashing upon the golden shoreline was comforting. Breathing the salty air in deeply she gazed out towards the horizon, to where the aqua-blue seemed to drop off the edge of the earth. Rock walls protected each side of the horseshoe-shaped bay and a long jetty stretched out as though reaching for the dark blue sea. The beach was almost deserted, apart from a lone fisherman sitting in a deckchair beside a bucket, patiently waiting for his night’s catch, his rod pushed into the sand. The breeze was soft, laced with the scent of the frangipani trees lining the pathway that led down to where she stood. Her heart swelled. It was as beautiful as her mother had said.

  With the ornate silk-wrapped box tucked under her arm, Matilda walked forwards until the water caressed her bare legs and feet, her thongs tossed on the sand behind her. She closed her eyes and drew in a deep breath as if trying to draw in the sun’s warmth. The moment had come when she had to say her goodbye. Although she was torn with finally letting her mother go, she was also happy to be fulfilling her mother’s lifelong wish of one day returning to Sapphire Bay.

  Feeling Ryan’s arms slide around her waist, she rested her head back against his chest, gathering strength from him.

  ‘You okay?’ His voice was soft, tender.

  ‘Yes and no.’ Remaining within his arms, she turned to face him, mindful of his vertigo so she didn’t knock him off balance. With at least a year of physio ahead of him, and migraines that were at times crippling, it was going to be a long road to recovery after what Troy had done to him. But she would be beside him the entire way, loving him through it. ‘I better do this before I decide to wait until next year.’

  ‘Do you want me to go and wait up there, with Greg?’ He nodded towards the grassy picnic area.

  Greg gave them a small wave to let them know he was watching.

  ‘No way. I want you right here with me. I told Greg the same thing, but he was determined not to get in the way—not that he would have. I reckon he just doesn’t want me to see him cry.’

  ‘Yes, probably.’

  Stepping out of his embrace Matilda began to unwrap the silk scarf. Her heart pounded and tears filled her eyes, but before they had time to fall Ryan was wiping them away with his fingertips.

  ‘I know this is hard for you, Tilly, but remember …’ He touched her chest where her heart beat frantically. ‘She will always live in here.’

  Matilda bit her bottom lip and nodded softly. ‘I know.’ She looked up, a wisp of a smile tugging at her lips. She was falling more and more in love with this gorgeous man every day, the depth within his heart something she never imagined possible. ‘I’m one lucky girl having a man like you to spend the rest of my life with.’

  ‘I’m the lucky one, which is why I asked you to marry me the minute I saw you standing by my hospital bed.’

  ‘I’ll never forget that moment, Ryan.’

  ‘Neither will I, especially when you said yes.’

  She pushed up onto her tippy toes and gave him a quick peck. ‘I love you.’

  ‘I’m madly, ridiculously in love with you.’ He smiled, then pointed to the horizon. ‘We’ve only got a few minutes left before the sun vanishes. You ready?’

  ‘Not really, but here goes.’ She walked into the ocean, flicked open the lid and watched as her mother’s ashes whipped up into the soft westerly breeze and were carried away from her.

  ‘There you are, Mum … you’re finally here. I’m here to stay too. I love you more than words can say.’

  Off in the distance, two dolphins splashed out of the water, making the moment even more poignant. The majestic creatures embodied everything to do with peace and freedom. Matilda felt her mother’s presence, and warmth filled her heart. Looking towards the horizon, watching as the last of the sun’s rays disappeared, she thanked the powers that be for the night she came across her knight in shining armour along the deserted country road.

  After an emotional day, dinner at their favourite local Chinese restaurant was a nice way to wind down. Back home, Tilly dropped her handbag on the dining table and slipped her shoes off. Ryan imagined his fingers on her zipper, and how her long red hair would look resting against her bare skin as her dress fell to her feet. He knew what it felt like to caress her, and how she responded when he trailed his lips over her neck and shoulders, and he especially loved how she sounded when she reached the point of ecstasy. No matter how many times they made love, it never stopped him wanting more of her. Every time they became one, he discovered another layer, finding himself falling more and more in love with her along the way. ‘God, you’re amazing, Til,’ he said as he leant against the doorway.

  She turned and gave him a smile that sent his heart into a wild canter. He fought the urge to take her right here, right now, on top of the dining table or the kitchen bench, or on the sheepskin rug on the lounge-room floor. They had done all of that countless times—halfway through making breakfast, while watching television, while cuddling up with a glass of wine, even a cheeky smile or touch while passing each other in the cottage sent them into a tear-each-other’s-clothes-off frenzy. As much as he loved those moments, tonight he wanted her to feel every touch, every kiss, and every stroke—ten-fold. He needed her to feel how much he loved her.

  Without a word she padded towards him. He went to speak, to tell her how beautiful she was but she placed her finger gently against his lips to shush him. She stepped back and slowly unzipped her dress, allowing it to slip from her shoulders, leaving her completely naked. He recalled her saying at the restaurant that she was wearing no underwear. He had thought she was playing with him, and it turned him on even more to know she’d been so risqué. He ran his gaze over her perfect body, her hard nipples making him ache to lick, suck and bite them. But he waited, allowing her the freedom to do as she wished. For now. And then, he would regain control, and take her to euphoric heights as he kissed and caressed her in all the places he knew sent her wild.

  She stepped towards him, smiling the sexiest smile. While slowly unbuttoning his shirt she captured his gaze, the intensity in her eyes moving him beyond words. Pushing the shirt off his shoulders, it dropped in a heap on the floor. She sifted her fingers through the fine scattering of hair on his chest, making sure to linger on his stomach, teasing him, making him ache even harder for her, and then began unbuttoning his jeans, helping him take them off, soon followed by his jocks. He then closed his eyes, his breath catching with the way her fingertips trailed ever so gently up his shaft and over the tip. Clearly satisfied he couldn’t possibly get any harder, she stepped even closer to him, pressing her beautiful curves against his naked flesh, wordlessly offering all of herself to him.

  Unable to hold back any longer, he wrapped his arms around her waist as he leant in and kissed the side of her neck, making sure to bite the places that made her moan in pleasure. Her breath caught as he ran his fingers down the length of her back, his hands cupping the curve of her arse. Stopping to look into her eyes, so she could see how deeply he loved her, he felt her body tremble as a sigh escaped her. She brought her mouth to
wards his, and he met her there, teasing her as he ran his tongue over her parted lips. He could feel her wanting more, wanting him to take her, but she would have to wait a little longer. Plunging his tongue into her sweet mouth, she followed his lead and circled it with her own, evoking a hungry longing within him that he had only ever felt with her.

  She went to caress his chest but he grabbed her hands and held them behind her back. Then, he used his body weight to press her against the wall, so she could feel the hard planes of his torso against her naked flesh. Leaning forwards he claimed her lips once again in a no-holds-barred kiss, hungry and promising at the same time. She opened her mouth further to allow his tongue to sweep around her own, enticing her body into quivers. She tried to raise her hands but he gripped them tighter, at the same time making sure to not hurt her.

  ‘Please, Ryan, I want you inside me. Now.’ Her warm whisper trailed over his ear, sending goose bumps all over him before she met his lips once more.

  Without breaking the kiss he guided her down the hallway and towards their bed, the room perfectly lit by the silvery moonlight shining through the open window. They tumbled onto the bed, legs and arms entwined as they ravished one another. Ryan pulled away, letting her know he wanted to slow it down by flashing her a devilish smile before beginning to lower himself down to taste the sweetness between her legs.

  Slowly, deliberately, he stopped to lick and bite her nipples, the swirling of his tongue around them making her writhe beneath him. Gliding his lips downwards, following the soft curves of her stomach and then around her belly ring, he took his time, savouring every inch of her. Then, trailing warm breath over her pleasure spot, he kissed the inside of her thighs, liking the way she grabbed a fistful of the sheet while she arched her hips into him. He moved inwards slowly, sweeping his tongue over her lower lips before finally licking the place she was begging him to touch. He teased her by gently feathering his tongue back and forth, before exploring her deeper. He sucked as he licked, slow at first, deliberately building bit by bit until she was shuddering.


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