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Along Country Roads

Page 27

by Mandy Magro

  ‘Stop, Ryan, before I …’ She panted, her voice sounded strangled. Her body trembled as she fought it. ‘I want to come with you inside me, together.’

  He gave into her desires and climbed back on top of her, making sure he held his body weight above her. Wanting to tease it out a little longer, he moved his hips so the tip of his manhood rubbed against her wetness before, inch by inch, he slid inside of her. She gasped as she gripped his shoulders tighter. He held her green eyes captive while he merged with her body to become one. Her head tilted back in pleasure as her legs came around to capture him, pressing him harder into her. Her sweetness melted around him as if they’d been made from the same mould. She was perfectly warm and wet, her beautiful breasts moving with his every long, slow, deep thrust.

  The intense look of love in her eyes built the fire within him, her every breath stroking the embers, fanning the flames, until his body felt ablaze. She moved her hips in unison with his, the rhythm building and becoming less measured, and within moments, wild and hot and hungry. His skin tingled, her breath caught in her throat. For a breathless moment, they hovered on the brink, before tumbling into a gripping climax that sent fireworks exploding in his heart. Matilda cried out as her sweetness pulsed around him, sending him into an even greater depth of ecstasy. He’d never felt so alive, so in tune, so connected with anyone as he did with her. If there truly was such a thing as soul mates, of people who came together life after life after life, this was it.

  ‘I love you, Tilly.’

  A smile claimed her mouth. ‘I love you, Ryan.’

  They placed one last lingering kiss on each other’s lips.

  Gently rolling onto his side, Ryan took her into his arms. Matilda wrapped her arms and legs around him as she buried her face in his chest. Her long deep breaths made him smile—she sounded so at peace.

  It took several long minutes for their heartbeats to slow down as they remained wrapped in each other’s arms. Neither felt the need to fill the silence. There were no words needed, the depth they had just reached beyond anything they could express verbally. While stroking her hair he felt Matilda twitch, something she did when she was lingering on the edge of slumber, and then her body fully relaxed as she slipped into dreamland. Satisfied she was sleeping, he closed his eyes and drifted in their euphoric land a little longer before he, too, tumbled into a deep blissful sleep.


  It was almost time.

  Feeling as though she had a million butterflies in her stomach, Matilda wandered from the king-size bed to stand in front of her swanky hotel room’s full-length mirror. The image staring back was one she never believed she would see when she’d run from Shadow Creek Station. She had left there fearing for her life, with only a rucksack and the clothes on her back. Now she lived with Ryan in their home at Heartsong, she had a beautiful palomino horse of her own named Honky-tonk, she worked alongside Ryan every day at his mum and dad’s farm now he’d quit his truck-driving job and she could finally say she knew her father. So much had changed, and so much good had come into her life—it overwhelmed her every time she really stopped and thought about it.

  Leaning in closer so she could see her smoky eyes, at the same time admiring how the hairdresser had made her usually wild hair look so silky smooth, she smiled gently at her reflection. She had never had her hair and make-up done by a professional before, let alone a manicure and pedicure. She’d had a full two-hour pamper package, thanks to Lisa. It made her feel like a princess. Preferring jeans and cowgirl boots over designer labels and shiny high heels, it wasn’t something she was accustomed to feeling. Although she had to admit, for a once-in-a-lifetime celebration like this, she loved all the fuss. If only she hadn’t forgotten to bring along the necklace she had picked out especially for the day. It would have finished off her dress nicely.

  Turning to her side she tenderly placed her hand upon her belly, assessing for the hundredth time if anyone was going to notice her tiny baby bump pressing ever so gently into her vintage lace wedding gown. She hoped not, not wanting their surprise to be foiled. Ryan wanted to wait until the reception, during his speech, to let everyone know they were expecting, and Matilda couldn’t wait to see people’s reactions. It would be another wonderful reason to celebrate the night away—although she wouldn’t be drinking.

  A knock at the door pulled her gaze from the mirror. Padding over, she opened it to be met with Greg’s beaming smile. ‘Hi.’

  ‘Hi, sweetheart, are you ready to go and marry the love of your life?’

  She nodded. ‘I sure am.’ She stepped back a little to allow Greg into the room. ‘How is he feeling now?’

  ‘Yeah, better. The painkillers have kicked in.’

  ‘Good. He hasn’t had a migraine for a few months. I think it must have been all the stress leading up to today. I tried to take on as much as I could, but you know Ryan, he wanted to be involved.’ She looked down at the floor and swallowed down hard.

  Greg tipped her chin so she was facing him again. ‘Now don’t you go beating yourself up. You’ve done enough of that this past year. It’s not your fault, what Troy did to him.’ He smiled tenderly. ‘Ryan has come a long way with the physio. His vertigo is almost non-existent.’

  ‘He sure is much better than this time last year.’ Trying to focus on the positives, she straightened her dress. ‘How do I look?’

  ‘You look absolutely beautiful, sweetheart, like an angel sent down from heaven.’ He lightly brushed her arm. ‘Your mum would be so proud of you.’

  ‘Thank you, Dad, I wish she was here.’ She choked back a sob.

  ‘I know, honey, me too.’

  She eyed him up and down. ‘You’ve scrubbed up quite dapper yourself.’

  ‘Why thankya, ma’am.’ Greg rubbed his fingertips on his jacket and then pretended to blow smoke from them. A full smile wrapped his face as he dabbed his eyes with his handkerchief. He reached out and placed his hand gently on her shoulder. ‘I’m so proud to be walking you down the aisle, Tilly. Thank you for giving me the honour. I truly never believed I would meet you in this lifetime, and here I am, about to give you away to your future husband.’ He shook his head as though dazed. ‘I’m one lucky bloke to have a daughter as beautiful as you.’

  Matilda placed her hand over his, and gave it a squeeze. ‘I’m so happy fate has brought us together, Dad, I honestly couldn’t imagine my life without you in it.’ She sniffled and blinked quickly while looking up at the ceiling. Then she shook her hands in the air in a bid to try to stop herself from crying. ‘Now, stop getting me all emotional or I’m going to cry like a baby and ruin my make-up.’

  ‘Oops, sorry, love.’ Greg pulled a little box out of his pocket. ‘Just one more thing before we head down to the chapel. I’ve been waiting for the right time to give this to you and I think this is it.’ He flicked the box open, revealing a gold chain with a love heart pendant, a tiny diamond embedded in the middle of it. ‘This was your mother’s. I bought it for her when we met, spent all my life savings on it, but she left it behind when …’ He stalled and cleared his throat. ‘Anyway, I thought you might like to have it.’

  Matilda’s hand came to rest upon her chest. ‘Oh my …’ She reached out and touched it, admiring its simple beauty before she brought her gaze back to her father. ‘You’ve kept it all these years?’

  ‘Uh huh, I always hoped that one day I would be able to place it back around your mum’s neck, but now I get to place it around yours, and that’s just as special.’

  ‘Oh Dad, that’s so beautiful. If only Mum knew how much you loved her, she would have had a much richer life with you by her side.’ She leant in and kissed him on the cheek. ‘I would love to have it, thank you.’ She turned around and held her hair up. ‘Could you put it on for me please?’

  ‘You sure you want to wear it today? Don’t feel like you have to.’

  ‘No, it’s perfect. I forgot to bring the necklace I bought for today, and now I know why.’ She
looked over her shoulder and smiled. ‘They say everything happens for a reason.’

  ‘It sure does, even when it makes no sense at the time, there’s always a rhyme or reason.’ Greg hooked it around her neck, then clipped the latch together. ‘There we go.’

  A tear ran down Matilda’s cheek as she turned back to face him. ‘Look what you’ve gone and done.’ She smiled softly.

  Greg chuckled. ‘I’m sorry, love. Trust me to go and ruin your make-up.’ He passed her his well-ironed hanky. ‘Here, dab your eyes with this.’

  The door flung open and Samara walked in, looking as beautiful as ever in her turquoise bridesmaid’s dress. She seemed to be as nervous as Matilda.

  Lisa hurried in behind her, bouquets of flowers in both hands as she held her phone against her ear with her shoulder. ‘I know Jake is nervous, Peter, but please don’t let him have another beer. He’ll fall over at the altar.’ She rolled her eyes before skilfully grabbing the phone from her shoulder while balancing the bouquets of flowers in one hand. She stopped when she saw Matilda. ‘Tilly, you look absolutely stunning. Turn around so I can see the back, love.’

  Matilda turned slowly, Lisa’s gasps letting her know how much she loved the low cut back of the dress. When she came back to face her, Lisa had placed the flowers down and was dabbing her eyes with a tissue.

  ‘Oh dear, not you too.’ Matilda grinned. ‘We’re all a babbling mess.’

  ‘Yes,’ Greg said. ‘Even I’m being a big sook today, and I don’t care one little bit because my baby girl is getting married.’

  He looked so damn proud it made Matilda’s heart swell even more.

  Lisa smiled tenderly. ‘You’re going to make my boy one very happy man, Tilly.’ She walked over to Matilda, gave her the bouquet of calla lilies and then placed a kiss on her cheek. ‘We all love you very much, and are so happy you’re going to officially be part of our family.’

  ‘Thank you, Lisa, that means the world.’

  Samara sat down and slipped her stockinged feet into her shoes. ‘Are you sure I look okay, Nanna? I feel a bit silly in this dress.’

  ‘You look more than okay, Samara, you look like a princess.’

  Samara screwed her face up. ‘And that’s a good thing?’

  Giggling, Matilda nodded—she and Samara were the same when it came to preferring jeans to dresses. ‘Yes it is. You look gorgeous, sweetheart.’

  A face poked through the doorway, the hotel’s wedding planner looking a little frazzled but smiling regardless. ‘I don’t mean to rush you, but are we all good to go? Your future husband is going to wear a hole in the carpet if you don’t get to him soon.’

  ‘Would you like me to help you with your veil, love?’

  ‘Yes please, Lisa, my hands are shaking too much to do it myself.’

  Lisa gently lifted it up and over, and stood back to admire it. ‘It looks as lovely as the day I wore it, Tilly.’ Then, as if to stop herself crying again, she clapped her hands together and said, ‘Right, let’s do this.’

  Taking a deep breath Matilda nodded. Greg wrapped his arm in hers and puffed his chest out. Lisa said a quick goodbye and then took off out the door like a bull at a gate. With Samara leading, they headed towards the seaside chapel, which was only a short walk down a pretty, palm-lined pathway that smelt of the sea and frangipanis.

  Standing outside the open French doors, the country love song she and Ryan had chosen started, Chris Stapleton’s ‘Tennessee Whiskey’. The lyrics about love healing a broken heart tugged at her heartstrings—it was the song Ryan had been playing the night she had hopped into his truck. The night that had changed her life forever.

  The wedding planner gave them the cue to go. With her heart pounding, Matilda watched as Samara walked down the aisle, her steps perfectly in time to the music.

  All heads turned as she and her dad stepped inside, the panoramic view of Sapphire Bay from the floor-to-ceiling chapel windows momentarily stealing her breath away. She imagined her mother out there, her spirit flying free above the crashing waves. Feeling her nerves building, she tightened her hold on her father’s arm as she kept her focus on her future husband—there was so much love in his eyes she could barely breathe. Their gaze held and then locked. He was so handsome in his black suit. She couldn’t believe the day had finally arrived when they would become husband and wife.

  After a walk that felt like an eternity, she now stood before her gorgeous man. Ryan and Greg shook hands before Greg placed her hand in Ryan’s, gave her a kiss on the cheek and took his seat beside Lisa and Peter. Jim gave her a quick wave from where he sat on the opposite side.

  ‘Hey, baby,’ Ryan whispered. ‘You look … just wow.’

  ‘Thank you, you look quite wow yourself.’ Matilda noticed he had tears in his eyes as he drew in a shaky breath.

  Standing face to face with Ryan, she smiled at Jake over his shoulder, impressed with how fetching he looked in his Best Man’s outfit. He flashed her a kooky smile—yes, he’d clearly had a few beers to calm the nerves. She giggled beneath her breath. At least it had worked, Jake looked relaxed and right at home. The celebrant welcomed them, along with the hundred or so guests. Matilda only heard half of what she was saying, the world fading away as she looked into the eyes of the man she loved with her entire being. Her hands were trembling and Ryan gave them a gentle squeeze, supportive and protective as always. Before she knew it, it was time for the vows.

  ‘Ryan, my sweet, loving, beautiful, big-hearted man … I stand before you today, to show our friends and family just how much I love you, and to give myself, my heart and my soul, freely to you.’ She began to choke on her words, and had to take a few moments to pull her emotions into line. Recomposing herself, she smiled, before continuing. ‘You are the man I’ve been hoping for and dreaming of. Before I met you I never believed in happily ever afters, but you have shown me there is such a thing. You’ve also shown me that there are things in life that are perfect, and you, my love, are one of them. When I look at you I see my forever home. You have shown me what love can be, and what a relationship should be, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life making sure you know how much I love you. I promise to not just grow old together, but to grow together. I love you, Ryan Hunter. So will you make me the happiest woman alive and be my lawfully wedded husband?’

  ‘Yes.’ He said it a little too loudly, enticing soft chuckles from the onlookers.

  ‘Now it’s your turn, Ryan,’ the celebrant said.

  ‘My darling Tilly, you’re beautiful, funny, selfless, loving and caring. You are my best friend, my soul mate and I’m so blessed to be able to say you will very soon be my wife. I will be forever grateful for the night I came across you along that country road, for that night our stars aligned, and being with you has changed my life for the better, and made me the better man I am today. I promise to love and care for you for the rest of our lives, and I will try in every way to be worthy of your love. I promise to nurture your dreams, because through them your soul shines. I promise to protect you, to always be by your side, to be there to catch your tears, to hold you when you need support and to laugh with you through all the adventures of life. I promise to be a devoted husband and father to our future children. I promise you all of this, and more, through this life and into the next, because one lifetime with you just won’t be enough.’ Ryan stopped speaking, and cleared his throat. Matilda squeezed his hands to let him know she was there for him. He half chuckled as he shook his head, and then said, ‘So, Tilly, I stand here today, in front of our family and friends, to ask you a very important question. Will you, Matilda Denver, make me the happiest man alive and be my lawfully wedded wife?’

  ‘I will.’

  The celebrant continued with a few more words then said, ‘I now pronounce you husband and wife.’ She smiled and the crowd cheered. ‘Ryan, you may kiss your beautiful bride.’

  Gently, slowly, he lifted her veil. And kiss her, he certainly did. Taking her weight in his arms
he carefully arched her back, claiming her lips in a delicate yet passionate kiss that sent flames soaring throughout her. The crowd cheered some more as he helped her to straighten up.

  ‘I can’t wait until later, when we get to go back to our hotel room …’ he whispered in her ear, flashing her a smile so wicked it made her knees weak. ‘The things I want to do to you, Mrs Hunter.’

  ‘Ditto. And guess what…’ She equalled his playfulness with some sassiness of her own. Arching one eyebrow she leant in closer so nobody would hear her. ‘I’m not wearing any underwear.’

  Ryan shot her a look that made her insides twist and tumble. ‘That, right there, is one of the many reasons I love you so much, my gorgeous, sexy, spontaneous bride.’

  Matilda smiled, her heart and soul ablaze. ‘I love you so much, Ryan, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.’


  A huge heartfelt thank you goes to my amazing team at Harlequin headquarters—my wonderful publisher Rachael Donovan, who shows so much belief in me and is always there to cheer me on, my two editors, the lovely Annabel Blay and equally lovely Bernadette Foley, the design team who have created magic once more with an amazing cover, and the rest of the always encouraging and supportive team who have helped make Along Country Roads the very best it can be. I feel extremely blessed to be part of the Harlequin family/sisterhood.

  To my gorgeous daughter, Chloe Rose. I’m always so moved when I stop to see the world through your eyes. The magic in your heart and soul is amazing and I’m so very proud to be your mum. You light up my every day, and help me to see the beauty in all that is around us. I love you my beautiful darling, more than life itself.

  To my beautiful mum, Gaye, to have you in mine and Chloe’s lives means the world. Thank you for reading through the final draft of Along Country Roads, and giving it a big thumbs up. Apart from being an awesome mum and nanna, you are my best friend, the one person in this world that knows me inside out. Love you a trillion.


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