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Secret Pleasure

Page 7

by Lora Leigh

  Instead, Alyssa used the time away from the two men to put them, as well as the relationship itself, in perspective.

  It would have been sufficient, she thought, to leave the situation in Sebastian’s hands in this case. The two men had a way of balancing each other, of each countering the other’s less than appreciable traits.

  She wouldn’t tolerate having it happen again, but the situation should have been dealt with differently. The differences she should have used she wasn’t quite certain, she thought in amusement as she slipped into her apartment, via the window above an iron trellis that supported a lush assortment of blooms.

  She came to a stop when she moved into her bedroom, tears filling her eyes at the sight of an envelope taped to the mirror. Her name was written on it, Shane’s scrawled handwriting bold and as forceful as he was himself.

  Moving to it, she removed it from the glass and pulled the card inside free. As she did, a gold chain with three gems fell to the cherry top of the chest of drawers. Lifting it, she saw the sapphire, her birthstone, suspended between two beautiful diamonds.

  The necklace isn’t a gift, siren, it’s a promise. We’re bound to you, and nothing matters more than ensuring you’re a part of us. I’m sorry. I behaved like an animal, fearing the presence of another man you gave your smiles to. I forgot, your smiles aren’t gifts, they’re a part of you and a part of the warmth that radiates from you. I swear it won’t happen again. Shane.

  P.S. I’ll break his legs if it does. Sebastian.

  Holding the necklace, Alyssa closed her fingers around it before turning to find her phone. At that same moment, it rang, her neighbor Marissa’s number showing in the caller ID.


  “Please, Alyssa,” Marissa all but moaned. “These two assholes have just about moved in with us. They’re killing my sex life and making Gregory insane. Please God have mercy on me and let them talk to you.”

  “How long have they been there?” Alyssa asked, surprised.

  “How long have you been gone?” Marissa all but growled. “They even watched you climb back to that window like some damn cat burglar, and I swear they went white when you slipped halfway up.… Alyssa, for the love of God…” She was whimpering now. “Please.”

  As Marissa begged, Alyssa walked through the apartment into the kitchen and slid the bolt lock free before releasing the door’s main lock.

  “Tell them the back door’s unlocked,” she sighed. “They can come up.”

  “I owe you my firstborn child,” Marissa sighed. “I think I want to kill them.”

  “Keep the child,” Alyssa assured her. “Thank you for watching them for me. I appreciate it.”

  “They’re like two-year-olds,” Marissa informed her caustically. “Check in with me later. After you shoot them. I’ll help you hide the bodies.”

  “I’ll be sure to,” Alyssa promised. “Good-bye, Marissa.”

  The call disconnected as the door opened and Shane and Sebastian stepped inside the kitchen. They looked haggard. As miserable Alyssa she felt.

  They stopped just inside the door, their gazes heavy, watching her silently but moving no closer to her. She would have to make the first move. She could see that in their expressions.

  Stepping over to them, the necklace still held loosely in one hand, she drew in a deep breath. “I was angry, but you hurt me, Shane,” she said painfully. “And you made me afraid that would be the means you tried to control me in the future, and I couldn’t bear that.”

  “Alyssa,” he whispered her name, his voice rough.

  “Let me finish.” She shook her head before drawing in another deep breath. “I overreacted, though, and I know that.” She turned her attention to Sebastian then. “I should have left that ignorance to be dealt with by ‘’Bastian, just as you often deal with his rougher edges. I should have trusted both of you.” Tears filled her eyes again before she blinked them back. “I won’t make the same mistake in the future, I promise.”

  Lifting her hand, she held the necklace out to them. “And if you want me to wear your promise, then you have to put it on; otherwise it doesn’t count.”

  They stepped to her. Shane took the chain, but she was surprised when they each took one side of it and latched it together.

  “Our heart bound by yours,” Shane whispered as he pressed his lips to her shoulder.

  “Your heart bound by ours.” Sebastian’s lips moved to the point where her neck and shoulder met. “And I promise you, he’ll never be that stupid again. Just as I promise you, you run from us again and I’ll find you, Alyssa. The next time, I will not let you run. And when I catch up with you…”

  “You’ll spank me?” Looking over her shoulder, she met the dark, brooding gaze he directed to her with a small smile.

  “Lock you in a basement and chain you to a bed,” he threatened.

  “Barefoot and pregnant,” Shane growled. “Then she can’t run near as fast.”

  Her heart tripped at the thought of having a child at some point. Who the father was she wouldn’t care. As long as it was one of them.

  Sebastian’s gaze seemed to darken further, though, a heavy sensuality moving over his face.

  “You’d have to find a way to fit first.” The spurt of amusement was unstoppable. “I have a feeling I may yet die a virgin.”

  “Oh, baby.” Shane turned her to him, one hand at the back of her neck, tipping her head back. “That so is not going to happen.”

  His head lowered then, his lips fitting to hers as he kissed her with such instant carnal demand that she swore her toes were curling against her sandals. Regret, hunger, need. She could feel it all suffusing her. Hers, theirs. A combination of heady desires that had her weakening against them as the knowledge that she was falling in love with them became clear.

  She wasn’t just falling in love, she thought as pleasure swamped her. They were becoming a part of her, and that was even more frightening, because when she was gone she could have sworn she didn’t just feel her pain, but theirs as well.

  And that was just crazy.

  Breaking the kiss just as abruptly as he began it, Shane pulled Alyssa to him, holding her to his chest as his eyes closed, the overwhelming relief he felt barely containable. He’d suffered while she’d been gone, certain he’d lost her. Certain she would never forgive him.

  They knew things she hadn’t told them; their aunt had made certain of it. How Alyssa’s mother had used humiliation and guilt to control her daughter as she grew up and the subtle ways Alyssa had been drawing from everyone her mother influenced. She’d made friends Margot Hampstead had no idea she’d made. Powerful, older friends willing to step in if she needed them to. Friends who could exert pressure on Margot that Alyssa couldn’t.

  She hadn’t been doing it because she was weak, but to break away from the controlling manipulations her mother practiced. Landra had seen what few people had. Alyssa was ensuring there was no one her mother could use against her when she broke with her family to live her own life.

  The quiet strength and courage their siren possessed went far deeper than anyone knew.

  “I haven’t slept,” she finally admitted, her voice quiet, tired. “I think I’ve gotten too used to the two of you getting me to sleep.”

  Lying with her, surrounding her with their warmth, and getting her used to their presence in bed with her. Since the morning her response to them had thrown her so off balance, they’d been attempting a more subtle seduction. Alyssa was more frightened than she was uncertain of her response to them.

  “We haven’t slept well, either, love,” he said, his eyes opening to meet his cousin’s.

  The warning in them was clear. Alyssa wouldn’t be hurt again because of the cousins’ possessiveness. She would never be humiliated by another instinctive attempt to warn another male from her. Sebastian had made that clear. If she was hurt again he’d make certain Shane was kept away from her until he could learn to control the unruly impulse.

“Come on, baby, let’s get you to sleep then,” he whispered.

  Instead of walking to the bedroom with her, he picked her up in his arms, the soft fabric of the light tan skirt flowing around her as she looped her arms around his neck and tucked her head against his shoulder.

  None of them had slept, it seemed. Shane had spent the nights merely napping, waking at every sound to see if she had returned home. Sebastian had slept little better. Marissa and Gregory had threatened to call Sebastian’s brother, Lucien, more than once.

  Carrying his precious siren to the bed as Sebastian pulled the sheet and thin quilt back from the bed, Shane swore he’d never let himself forget what he’d nearly destroyed. She was too important. Her presence in their lives was too important. Losing her might well destroy not just his own soul but Sebastian’s as well.


  They were killing her.

  Lying on the bed between them, Alyssa stared up at the ceiling, her body torturing her, need burning inside her despite the incredible rush of pleasure Shane and Sebastian had thrown her into hours before.

  She was more aroused now than she had been, the clenching demand in her sex causing the sensitive flesh to spill more and more of the slick essence from inside her vagina.

  She needed them, not just their lips, wicked tongues, and caressing hands. She needed them fully.

  She wasn’t stupid: after her initial shock had passed she’d gone to the Internet for information she could never ask anyone to supply. What she found there assured her that even the more than normal length and girth Shane and Sebastian had could be accepted without more than an initial flash of pain.

  She didn’t doubt their patience in preparing her. She knew they’d give her more pleasure than she’d even imagined. Maybe it was just the fear of the unknown, she thought as frustration whipped through her.

  She was too inexperienced; she knew that. Most young women she knew had been having sex for years, proud of the experience they were acquiring. Alyssa had never believed that having one lover after another was something she’d find any pride in. Her dreams, on the one hand, hadn’t been hugely ambitious when it came to men. Her emotional desires had always seemed out of reach, though. Someone to love her, totally, completely. A man who would wrap her in warmth and pleasure. And now, she had two.

  A surge of sensation clenched in her belly at the thought. Two men who wanted her simultaneously, who wanted to take her at one time.

  They’d touched her many times now as they wanted to take her. With lips and tongues, with gentle fingers and a need that whipped around them until Alyssa swore she could feel not just her hunger but theirs as well.

  Her breath caught at another wave of demand spreading from her lower stomach to her vagina, her swollen clit. She could feel the thick layer of slick juices dampening her panties, more spilling to the swollen folds and encasing her clit.

  She needed their touch. She needed them.

  A shiver raced through her and it had nothing to do with a chill that might be in the air. Her body was so flushed, so hot, she couldn’t bear it. The demands torturing her had her breathing harder, fighting to hold back a moan of restlessness.

  Were they asleep? They were quiet, lying still on each side of her. She could slip her fingers into her panties. It wouldn’t take but seconds to find relief, she was certain.

  Turning her head, she gazed for a moment at Shane. He lay on his side, just as Sebastian did, facing her. His eyes were closed, his lips parted just slightly. Turning to Sebastian, she saw the same image.

  She just needed a few moments, she assured herself as she slid her hand from where it rested against her stomach and eased her fingers beneath the band of her lacy panties.

  She was so wet. The juices gathered along the folds of her sex covered her clit with such a heavy layer that the slide of her fingers over the sensitive bundle of nerves wasn’t enough. Her fingers weren’t calloused as theirs were; the rasp of rougher flesh was needed.

  Biting her lip, her eyes drifting closed, she let her fingers circle the hard bud, press against it.

  The pleasure sent a surge of adrenaline tearing through her, hitching her breath as she tried desperately to find a trigger to throw her into release.

  And why she was doing this rather than just waking Shane and Sebastian she couldn’t explain. The need for satisfaction was growing by the second, though, and her own attempt to fix it sure as hell wasn’t working.

  “’Lyssa…” Sebastian’s hand was suddenly pressing against her fingers, holding them still, his voice gently chastising. “You had only turn to one of us, baby.”

  Tears gathered beneath her eyes. “It’s not enough anymore.” She felt as though she were strangling on the admission. “Nothing’s enough anymore.”

  It wasn’t. Not matter how they touched her, no matter the strength of her orgasm, it simply wasn’t enough.

  “We’ll fix it,” he promised her, easing her fingers from beneath her panties as Shane moved beside her.

  Shocking her, he brought her fingers to his lips and one by one covered them with his lips, his mouth, his tongue, tasting the heavy layer of her desire.

  “’Bastian.” She could barely breathe, the sight of his pleasure in taking her taste rushing through her with a wave of destructive need.

  “Everything’s good, siren,” he said, his voice low as Shane eased closer against her.

  Her head swung around, her gaze meeting his before dropping to the hardened length of his erection as it pressed against her thigh. The low light of the moon spilling through the windows behind the bed did nothing to shadow the huge wedge of flesh throbbing against her.

  “Ah, siren, your expression.” Amusement tinged Shane’s voice as he lifted her chin and let his lips whisper over hers. “I swear, it will fit, baby. I promise.”

  There was no way, but she was on fire, burning from the inside out with the need to try.

  A whimper fell from her lips as they parted for him, the hungry male force spilling to his kiss as it rocked her senses. The pleasure from such a simple act shouldn’t be so strong, nor should it send such harsh, clenching demands racing through her and spilling more of the wet heat from her vagina.

  As he kissed her, Shane eased her to her back, one hand sliding between her thighs to pull the one nearest him farther open. Sebastian parted the other and braced them open with the width of his broad shoulders.

  She cried into the kiss, her hands clenched on Shane’s shoulders as Sebastian’s lips lowered, his tongue sliding through the narrow slit revealed by the swollen folds of flesh.

  Jerking at the contact, pleasure lancing through her, Alyssa lifted her knees, pressing her heels into the bed and arching her hips closer.

  Now. She needed it now.

  A second later his tongue speared into the clenched entrance, pushed into the narrow passage, and a sharp, demanding cry fell from her lips as she turned her head, breaking the kiss Shane had deepened to a carnal melding of lips and tongues.

  “It’s not enough!” she cried out, her back arching. “I told you, it wasn’t enough.”

  That wasn’t what she needed. It was good, so good. His tongue thrust inside her, parting the tense tissue.

  His hands clenched in the rounded curves of her rear, parting them, a finger rubbing against the tiny entrance there, spreading the slick moisture spilling from her vagina.

  Gasping, moaning, she pressed down; the prickle of sensation as the tip of his finger pierced the small opening sent waves of desperation tearing through her.

  Opening her eyes, she stared up at Shane as he watched her, his eyes so blue, sexual need burning in them.

  “It’s not enough,” she whispered, her hips rolling beneath Sebastian’s penetration of her rear as his tongue lashed at her sex, curled around her clit, and sucked it into his mouth.

  Broken breaths, strangled moans, escaped her. She arched into each decadent caress of his lips, his tongue, his finger pressing inside the forbidden entrance lowe

  “’Bastian.” Shane’s voice was strangled, his muscles raging with tension as he lifted his upper body, waiting until Sebastian’s head lifted. “Fuck her. Now.”

  Alyssa jerked, crying out as the explicit demand sent a power punch of sensation racing to her vagina. Juices spilled, rushing to slicken and prepare her, his head lowered again to catch the rush of her response.

  “’Bastian!” she cried out when he seemed to become lost in catching each taste of her again. “Please. Now.” He didn’t let up, his tongue rimming her entrance as her hips lifted to him again. “Fuck me. Now.…”

  He came to his knees so quickly she was shocked. His fingers wrapping around the base of his cock as his expression tightened, his gaze moving to Shane.

  Whatever he saw there convinced him to move closer as Shane lifted her knee, spreading her thighs farther as he brought it back, allowing him to watch.

  Alyssa watched the broad shaft with its dark, engorged crest as Sebastian released it. He slid his hands beneath her rear and lifted her closer until the thick, blunt head of his cock eased into position.

  She was shaking, Alyssa realized. Anticipation was racing through her, spilling more of the slick warmth from her sex.

  “Watch, baby,” Shane whispered at her side. “See how he’ll fit.”

  It wasn’t possible.…

  He pressed against the opening, flaring it open, parting her flesh as the sense of stretching heat began to build, became a flame as he worked the head in and out of her with slow rocking movements.

  Shane caught her hands as she reached for Sebastian, holding them above her head.

  “Watch, baby,” he crooned, his voice tight. “Look how your pretty pussy parts for him.” She shuddered in reaction to his words, to the sight of Sebastian’s cock head disappearing inside her again.

  Just the crown, nothing more. And she needed more.

  “Please,” she whimpered, watching, anticipation tightening her as he sank inside again.

  She tightened on the small penetration. As the wide crest entered her a wave of sensation tightened her vagina and stole her breath.


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