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Secret Pleasure

Page 8

by Lora Leigh

Sebastian stilled, his hands bunching in the cheeks of her rear where they lifted her to meet his thrust. “It’s not enough. Shane, please, fuck me—”

  “’Bastian, no,” Shane suddenly growled.

  Too late. A broken groan left Sebastian’s lips before his hips jerked, pushing his cock deeper, spearing past the hymen that tore at the first thrust.

  He pulled back quickly, ignoring Shane’s curses now, and pushed inside her again, again; each sharp increment he added as he pushed inside her only amped the level of sensation inside her. Three hard thrusts and Alyssa felt each burning stretch of untried flesh, of muscles unused to the intrusion, protesting even as more of her juices spilled and her body attempted to ease his way.

  “Fuck!”’Bastian groaned as he pushed in to the hilt, the fiery intrusion dragging a sharp cry from her lips. Her hips arched into him, the sharp sensation against her clit as his body met it melting her further. “Fuck. Shane, she’s too fucking tight.”

  Perspiration gleamed on ’Bastian’s shoulders, the side of his face, as he stared at the point where his body was now a part of hers.

  So much a part of her. Painful pleasure was lancing her, demanding, intoxicating.

  She rolled her hips against him.

  “God, ’Lyssa, stay still,” he groaned.

  “I can’t.” She could barely breathe, let alone speak.

  Dizzy from the sensations, she jerked her gaze to where Shane rose to his knees as though to leave the bed.

  He couldn’t leave. She wouldn’t let him. Reaching out, her fingers tried to wrap around the base of his cock. Curling around it, the touch brought him to a stop. Clenching her fingers on him, she lifted her head just enough to catch the pre-cum glistening at the head against her tongue.

  Before she could draw back, the throbbing crest pressed between her lips, following her as her head lowered more comfortably, her lips tightening around it, sucking it. He filled her mouth, the engorged crown throbbing in demand as she tightened her lips around it.

  “Ah hell,” Shane groaned.

  He couldn’t bear it. Fuck, he was dying. Her mouth tightened on his dick with hungry need, making his gaze unfocused, his need ravaging his self-control.

  Sebastian was moving, thrusting inside her as her mouth destroyed Shane.

  “Fuck her,” he gritted out, dying inside her mouth. “Hurry, Sebastian.…”

  Make her come. Throw her into orgasm before he couldn’t take it anymore.

  Pulling her lips from his cock, Alyssa gave him no more than a moment’s respite.

  “Both of you,” she demanded, her voice filled with a pinnacle of arousal that he had to close his eyes to deny. “Please, Shane. Both of you.”

  “Alyssa.” His eyes opened to see Sebastian easing from her, her juices clinging to his cock, her body looking far too small, too fragile, for one of their cocks pushing inside her, let alone both.

  “Shut the fuck up, Shane,” Sebastian growled. “She’s too far gone. We pushed her too far.”

  Pushed her too far. Played with her sweet body without taking her, without giving her what she needed sooner.

  Lying back as Shane watched, Sebastian drew her over her his body, easing her above him, spreading her thighs over his hips and pulling her down.

  Her head tipped back, a long-drawn-out wail leaving her lips as he rocked her, holding her hips and easing her into a rhythm that would only make her pussy tighter, her grip hotter around his cock.

  Once he impaled her fully Shane was already behind her, the tube of lubrication Sebastian handed him smeared over his fingers. Watching as his cousin parted the pretty globes of her ass, Shane pressed his fingers to the rear opening.

  As he watched her response shiver through her body, her cries spilling to the room with a touch to her anus stole more of his common sense. After taking her first with one finger, penetrating and easing the tiny entrance, he then took her with two.

  “Ah fuck,” Sebastian snarled as Shane watched two fingers fucking her, scissoring apart inside her, preparing her for his cock, for the penetration that would be far wider. “She’s so tight I’m dying. So fucking tight…”

  Easing his fingers free, Shane moved behind her, his hands actually shaking as he gripped his cock and pressed it against the narrow entrance.

  And watched.

  Sebastian had flipped the low light next to the bed on allowing them to see her response to their touch. Shane watched as her flesh flared open with the pressure against it, parting, flowering over the slow invasion as he pushed closer, rocking against her to penetrate the hot depths of her rear.

  Slowly, so fucking tight he was dying from the pleasure surrounding each inch of his dick as her body eased and began accepting him.

  Shane watched. Watched his iron-hard erection part her, stretch her. Her inner flesh contracted, drawing him deeper, deeper, until he passed the ultra-tight ring of muscle and sank inside her ass with a guttural moan of exquisite pleasure.

  Alyssa’s cry below him of both pleasure and pain speared inside him, rocking him to the core with the sharp whip of ecstasy threatening to burn him alive. She was trembling between them, her flesh milking his cock continually, threatening to draw free the explosion building in his balls and a release he suspected would destroy the man he was and leave only the man who lived for this woman.

  Suspended between agony and ecstasy, Alyssa felt Shane and Sebastian pause. Held between them, her cheek resting against Sebastian’s shoulder, her fingers digging into his hard biceps, she felt each thick, throbbing shaft inside her. She was stretched to the point that so much as a hair’s thickness more would have sent the point she was riding between the ultimate pain and the ultimate pleasure too far into the realm of agony.

  Poised as she was on that border, her body hummed with the sensations, demanding more, demanding they move, that they push her instead into that realm of rapture waiting ahead.

  The first shift came from Shane. As he groaned, the smallest thrust had the whirlwind gathering inside her again.

  “I’m dying,” he whispered behind her, his hands clenching her hips as he drew back, just a little, then sank inside her again. “Sweet baby. That’s it. Tighten on my dick just like that, baby.”

  She jerked in his grip, her hips shifting, more sensation dragging a cry from her lips.

  “That’s it, sweets,” Sebastian groaned. “Let more of those juices fall. So fucking wet,” he bit off. “So slick and ready. Can I fuck you now, baby?”

  He moved.

  Shane sank inside her as Sebastian drew nearly free before working the length inside her again. “Ah fuck. Tight. I won’t last long, siren.”

  As he sank fully inside her Shane eased back. A second later he was pushing inside her again, the lashing sensations flaying her senses and causing more of her juices to spill.

  Slowly, working in, out, they began moving. Each thrust and retreat sent dizzying waves of pleasure rushing through her, crashing through her senses and pushing her higher into the vortex gathering with more strength than ever before.

  “Not enough,” she panted, barely able to think, to talk. “Faster … please…”

  “Easy, love,” Shane groaned, desperate to hold back, to ensure this act was an unrelenting pleasure rather than pain.

  “No.” She ground her forehead against Sebastian’s chest. “Fuck me. Fuck me harder. God, please…”

  As though she’d lit a match to gasoline, the response was instant.

  Control shattered, fracturing his determined efforts immediately.



  They moved inside her, fucking her with smooth, practiced thrusts that kept her flying higher, stretched her and burned, and lit a fuse she had no idea existed inside her senses.

  She felt the waves gathering. Fear began to coil at the edge of the pleasure, the arcs of so much sensation gathering, tightening.

  “I have you, baby,” Sebastian groaned, his arms holding her, steadying her as she fel
t them racing through the same storm she was within. “I have you, siren. Let go. Just let go; I swear I’ll hold you right here.”

  As though she needed no more than that, Alyssa let herself fly. Emotion, pleasure and rapture, ecstasy and sweet, pleasure-pain intensity, began whipping around her. Their thrusts increased, moving inside her, triggering each level of sensation

  Spasms tore through her body. Ecstasy ruptured her mind, her heart, shot to her very spirit, and gathered in intensity before exploding again. She could feel her lovers, their final thrusts harder, their cocks swelling further in that second before her world dissolved.

  Heat exploded in the depths of her vagina, in her rear, pulses of fiery blasts as their semen filled her. Each explosive release added to the ecstasy whipping through her. She felt so much, too much, but through it all, a pleasure as violent as any storm she’d heard of nature producing, an inferno sweeping through her, laying waste to any preconceived notions of what this release should be. And through it, Shane and Sebastian centered her. Anchored. She felt those anchors; the hearts and souls of the men who had taken her there holding her between them. She couldn’t become lost in the merging. There was no way to become lost.

  They held her.

  Eased her.

  Spilling their own pleasure inside her, taking hers as they flew into the storm with her, still they held her.

  Possessed her.

  Loved her.

  They bound her to them even as she felt them becoming bound.

  In a world where love had become a commodity, they found the treasure it was meant to be in each other.

  One the loss of which would destroy them all, forever.


  With each week, each touch, each wildly explosive possession of her lithe body and incredible sensuality, each day spent laughing with her, testing her wit and often finding themselves bested by innocent gray eyes and a surprisingly sharp little mind, Shane and Sebastian felt their world balancing in a way it never had before.

  She balanced them.

  Just as she balanced their lives. Alyssa refused to spend every waking moment with them. Through the week, she demanded they leave her from morning until late afternoon. She needed to breathe without them a few hours a day, she informed them. Sebastian knew the decision for what it was, though. As young as she was, Alyssa needed a measure of independence, time to do the things women did without feeling as though she were abandoning them.

  At first, they hadn’t thought much of that decision. It seemed, though, she was far wiser than they in enforcing it though. Because it forced them to find something to do with their time that didn’t include spy games, parties, or hangovers.

  The effect wasn’t seen just by themselves, either, or felt just by their hearts. The maturity and lessening of quick tempers were immediately recognized by friends and family they saw during those hours. Their refusal to take further courier assignments from the agency they’d worked for for nearly three years was a surprise to the agents overseeing them. Their interest in De Loren business affairs that their grandfather had been pushing them to take was quietly noticed by their grandfather, Fernando De Loren, as well as Sebastian’s parents and brother, Lucien.

  As summer deepened Shane and Sebastian more or less moved into the apartment with Alyssa. Through the week they helped Sebastian’s brother with the prized horses he bred as well as several business interests they owned in Barcelona. The rest of the time Shane and Sebastian spent with Alyssa.

  Quiet evenings were spent talking, learning each other’s dreams for the future, their hopes and fears.

  Alyssa hadn’t dreamed of college and a career, they learned. She dreamed of loving and being loved, of a house full of laughing children, and a life rich and filled with caring for them, as well as Shane and Sebastian.

  She didn’t vow her love every day, but neither did they. The words weren’t spoken, but neither Shane nor Sebastian was in doubt as to who would father those babies.

  In Alyssa they found a contentment they hadn’t known was possible. A peace that filled them, and laughter in the smallest things.

  In Shane and Sebastian Alyssa found her freedom. Secure in the knowledge she wasn’t alone or unprotected, she found the balance she had been searching for to be able to look to the future and know the dreams she’d had could survive Margot’s machinations and too-strong personality.

  She loved her mother. It was Margot who had taught her that loving someone didn’t mean the words had to be said with each breath, just felt with each beat of the heart. She was harsh, uncompromising, but what no one ever saw in Margot Hampstead was her complete dedication to her husband and child.

  That dedication wasn’t always kind, but Alyssa had never doubted it, just as she never doubted her mother’s love.

  What she did doubt was Margot’s ability to ever fully let Alyssa go. Neither of her parents had other family now that their parents were gone. They had no brothers, sisters, or nieces and nephews. They had Alyssa. And she hoped that one day her children would give her parents more to focus on than just their daughter. Enough to focus on that having two sons-in-law wouldn’t be impossible to accept.

  As the second month of her vacation rolled by, Alyssa didn’t worry about promises, she didn’t worry about what would come next, because she had no intention of leaving Barcelona alone. If she left at all.

  Shane and Sebastian had already made their plans. The purchase of the two-story apartment building in Alexandria, Virginia, had been made. Their agreement that Sebastian would take the position of her lover to her friends and family while Shane stepped back from the limelight until her father’s political career was realized. They would ensure Margot’s cooperation by bringing in contributors to the Hampstead political campaign who would more or less ensure Davis Allen Hampstead’s political dreams were brought to fruition.

  Quietly the cousins made their plans, saying little to anyone, even Alyssa. As though their hearts were so much a part of each other that they had no fears of the future together, they found themselves simply enjoying the happiness that filled them.

  A happiness they should have realized could never come so easily. Their friends saw it, Lucien De Loren watched it with somber knowledge, and their grandfather, Fernando, waited for the fall he knew was coming.

  Such love, such complete inner peace in one person, never came without first paying a hefty price. The world simply didn’t work that way. The greater the love, the deeper the love, the higher the price demanded in compensation.

  And, Fernando knew, the price his grandsons and their lover paid would be exceptionally high. What he hadn’t expected was the price the rest of the family would pay.


  Shane and Sebastian entered the De Loren hacienda with its gracefully arched doorways and centuries-old elegance before dawn that morning. For decades De Lorens had resided within its walls, their wealth and carefully invested fortunes overseen with an eye to each future generation and the changes of the world’s financial landscape.

  They had weathered wars, upheavals, rebellions, and personal losses that would have destroyed other families. The De Loren patriarchs had always believed in preparation, though. In both personal and private defenses as well as political strengths.

  The summons the cousins had received before dawn had brought them from Alyssa’s bed for the early-morning meeting as suspicion tightened inside them with each mile covered. They knew, the closer they came, that somehow Alyssa lay at the center of this meeting.

  Moving through the large, expansive rooms to the back of the hacienda, Sebastian knocked at the heavy wood door of his grandfather’s office firmly, his shoulders tight with tension.

  “Enter,” the old man’s voice called out, as arrogant as ever, but now with a hint of anger as well.

  As he glanced at his cousin Sebastian’s lips tightened at the certainty that this meeting would bring nothing good. Shane’s knowledge was reflected in the deep blue of his eyes, in the implacable exp
ression he too carried.

  Opening the door, Sebastian stepped inside, almost pausing at the sight of his father, Alberto, his brother, Lucien, and Shane’s brother, Murphy.

  “Gang’s all here,” Shane muttered behind him, his voice low enough that only Sebastian heard him.

  “Hmm.” Sebastian could only imagine what awaited them.

  “Sit.” Fernando waved his hand to the two red leather chairs in front of the desk that sat prominently in front of the high, wide windows overlooking the rich green pastures that spread out from the hacienda.

  Fernando De Loren was in his eighties, not that he was willing to give in to age. His black hair was silver now, his dark brown gaze eagle sharp, and his mind just as calculating as it had ever been. That mind often gave Sebastian and his cousin pause.

  “It’s early, Grandfather,” Sebastian stated as he and Shane took their seats. “Let’s get this over with.”

  “Early?” Fernando’s silver brows nearly lifted to his hairline. “No more than a few months before you were still partying at the time you were texted. Or making your rounds about the globe in your quest for your next adventure. Now it’s early?”

  The mocking surprise Sebastian decided to let slide.

  “Nevertheless, now it’s early,” he stated. “What couldn’t wait until we arrived tomorrow to help Lucien with the new colts?”

  Lucien’s horse-breeding enterprise was a highly profitable venture for the De Loren family.

  “This is what could not wait.” The large manila envelopes were tossed to them, his grandfather’s anger glittering momentarily in his brown eyes. “Be certain to read the letter included, if you don’t mind.”

  Opening the envelope and pulling the contents free, Sebastian felt everything inside him explode in rage. A rage he kept carefully contained, silent, as he stared at the eight-by-ten photos.

  They were taken from inside the apartment Landra had given Alyssa for the summer. Explicit, damning photos of the three of them. In each, Alyssa featured prominently between the cousins. Naked, her expression tight with sensuality and such love for them that even now he felt humbled by it. Humbled and filled with a murderous rage that anyone would invade their privacy in such a vile way.


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