Book Read Free

Something Amazing

Page 10

by M. Clarke

  “Hi, Rachel. I told you we would probably bump into each other again.”

  “Ray?” I was pleasantly surprised. “Hi. This is my friend, Stacey. Stacey, Ray.”

  “Hi,” he greeted. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  Stacey gave me a sideways glance. It was her way of asking why I hadn’t mentioned him before. I answered her question before she could ask. “I met Ray several days ago.”

  “Oh,” she said with a straight face.

  Hendrix came around the table and sat next to Stacey, staking his claim by putting his arms around her. “Ray? You trying to pick up on my girls?” Hendrix greeted with a friendly pat on the back.

  Ray gave a hardy chuckle. “Your girls? You can spare one, can’t you?”

  “Only if the one you want agrees. Have a seat. How’s business?”

  “It’s going great. I’m building a new complex and another pool. The expansion in Kaoloa Landing should be completely done in two years.”

  He owned the place we stayed at? Did he know Matthew?

  “That’s great. Rachel and Stacey are staying there.”

  “Really?” Ray looked me at. “I wished I would have known that earlier.”

  “Do you know Matthew Knight?” Curiosity got the best of me. I had to ask.

  “I know of him from my business partner, but no. I don’t know him personally like Hendrix does.”

  “Matthew is a great guy. In fact, the whole family is amazing. They contribute lots of money to charities. They also funded money to our local schools and libraries.”

  “That’s incredible. I never knew,” I said, feeling awestruck by their generosity.

  “Anyway, my backup showed up so I’m free. Let’s dance.” Hendrix led Stacey away from the table.

  “Let’s join them.” Before I had a chance to take a rain check, Ray tugged my arm. I could have fought it, but figured why not. I was trying to forget Jax, so I thought this was the best way. This wasn’t an invitation to sleep with him; it was just an innocent dance.


  I had taken care of business as fast as I could to fly back to Rachel. She had a day left, but one day was better than no days. Never had I flown back in a hurry for a woman I hardly knew, but there was something about Rachel, something about her I couldn’t let go of. I needed to see her, touch her…to be with her. And I couldn’t shake off this feeling, no matter the ocean distance between us.

  Knowing where they were, I wanted to surprise her. Not knowing how she would feel about seeing me—since she believed I wouldn’t be back in time—made me hesitant. But what the hell, I had nothing to lose. Regardless, a huge part of me knew she would be pleasantly surprised. I had one challenge: how to be inconspicuous.

  I went to the back and hid behind the menu. Seeing Rachel caused my heart to beat faster and my insides to twist and turn with blissful emotions I couldn’t shut down. God I missed her. I didn’t know how much until I saw her again. Wearing a white strapless dress, she looked soft and angelic. I thought about just going up there, but when I counted four people, I decided to stay back and observe. For all I knew, she could be on a date with someone. The thought of that sickened me, so I brushed it off. Who the hell was he?

  Seeing Hendrix talking to the guy that had his arm around Rachel’s chair ticked me off, though I had no right to feel that way. It seemed to be one-sided by the way Rachel was sitting so stiffly. Her body language told me she was not into him, and that put a smile on my face.

  “Hey…Jax?” one of the waitresses said hesitantly. I had forgotten her name. After glancing at her name tag, I peered up to see a flirtatious smile. “What are you doing?” She giggled, placing a strand of hair behind her ear.

  Shit! “I’m trying to surprise Hendrix. Just pretend I’m not here, okay?” I winked.

  “Sure, but can I get you anything to drink or eat?”

  “I’m fine. Thanks.” I was quick and to the point to get her out of my way. After she left, I shot my eyes back to Rachel’s table, but where the heck did Hendrix and Stacey go? And who was with Rachel? When the guy tugged Rachel out of her seat, I stiffened, hoping they wouldn’t go out of the restaurant. My answer to where Hendrix and Stacey had gone was answered when Rachel was forced to dance.

  I cringed when the guy placed his arms around her back and pulled her to his chest. Then I accidently bit my tongue when I found out who it was. Ray! Son of a bitch. Knowing he had no idea how I felt about Rachel, I couldn’t get mad at him, but I couldn’t help the heat that infused me, especially when his hands were caressing her back. I was pretty good at reading people, and I could tell Rachel didn’t like his touches. That made me ease up a bit. Hopefully, she was thinking about me, but that was my wishful thinking.

  Contemplating what to do, I relaxed in my seat and continued to stare. What was wrong with me? I hadn’t felt this nervous around any woman before. Already not liking this feeling that was only growing every time I saw her, I thought about just leaving. But when the band started to play “Somewhere Over the Rainbow,” something inside of me snapped. Though Rachel didn’t know it, it was our song. Damn it! I didn’t want Rachel to think of Ray when she heard this song. Stop being a scared pussy and get your ass up, I told myself.


  “Excuse me for a second,” I told Ray, and pretended to fix the back of my sandals. Needing some space between our bodies, I had to think of some kind of excuse. When I stood back up, I made sure there was a gap.

  “Can I call you if I’m in New York?” Ray asked out of the blue, swaying us to the music. Though it was an upbeat song, I followed his lead.

  Awkward. How do I tell him I’m not interested? “Sure. But I have to warn you that I have many projects backed up, and I don’t know what my schedule is like. I may even have to travel.” It was a fib, but either he’d get the idea that I was not interested, or I could let him know I was out of town if he really did come to see me.

  “Then I’ll make sure to call you in advance.” He winked.

  Great! He didn’t get it. I didn’t know what to say so I just smiled. What I really wanted to tell him was that I didn’t do long distance relationships, but then it would seem like I had already assumed he would want more than that. God! Why was being single so confusing? When you were with someone, you didn’t have to deal with this. It was definitely not my favorite stage, especially when I was not interested.

  “Well, looks like the song ended.” Pulling away, I was glad it did so we could sit back down. The way he was caressing my back was bringing back memories of Jax, the time we spent the night together on the beach, and especially the time when I was practically naked in front of him at my place. Surprised by the sting in my heart, I had lost the mood to dance.

  “Already? We only danced to one song.”

  I was going to give him another excuse when I froze. The band played “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” and the singer had a familiar voice. Feeling a tug in my heart in a somber way from missing Jax, I hadn’t realized I was swaying to the music with Ray again.

  “Excuse me,” I heard a voice over the music say behind my back. Since he was talking to Ray, I didn’t bother to turn to see who it was.

  “Hey,” Ray said with a friendly tone.

  “Some hot lady was looking for you at the front. She said it was an emergency. You better hurry before she leaves.”

  The voice sounded like Jax. It couldn’t be. Did I miss him that much that every male’s voice sounded like his?

  “Sorry. I’ll be right back,” Ray said to me. He dropped his hands and left.

  I was just about to head back to my table when I felt an arm on my elbow, forcing me to turn. “Where are you going? You’re not happy to see me?”

  “Jax?” I was sure my eyes were illuminating because I felt myself levitated off the ground from happiness. “You’re here?” I was so elated that I practically threw my body on his.

  Jax didn’t answer. He held me tightly, and I could feel a long intake of
breath from him, as if he was inhaling me. “I missed my friend. I needed to see you one last time,” he murmured against my ear, sending heat through me. How he could do this to me just by words alone, I had no clue. With my body pressed to Jax’s, he swayed us to the music.

  “I’m glad you’re here,” I said as casually as possible, but I was screaming inside with happiness.

  “Really? Seemed like you were pretty occupied. I see you’ve made a new friend. I hope he didn’t take my place.”

  For some strange reason, I felt guilty. “It was just a dance. Are you jealous?” I teased, expecting him to rebut.

  “Yes,” he confessed. “I didn’t like Ray touching you that way. In fact, I wouldn’t like it if any guy even looked at you that way. I know I’m being possessive, and I have no right, but I can’t help the way I feel.”

  My arm glided from his biceps, up to his shoulders, and then around his neck as we continued to sway. “Ray? Is he your friend?”

  “An acquaintance. Hendrix introduced us. Ray is a regular here. And he’s not good enough for you.”

  “But he’s good enough for the hot lady? I really don’t care, but who do you think is hot?” I sounded jealous, but it was in a playful way.

  Jax let out a chuckle. “There’s no hot lady. I made her up. And while we were talking, Ray came back to see us dancing, so looks like your friend left the restaurant. He might be pissed off at me.”

  “You made her up?” I shook my head in a scolding manner, but I loved that he would go out of his way like that for me. It showed he was determined and went after what he wanted. And why I was thinking these thoughts, I had no idea. I had to stop.

  “I had to find a way into your arms. This is our song.”

  “Our song?”

  “Yes, our song,” Jax said with conviction. “It will always remind me of you, when you were practically naked in front of me. And let me tell you, I will never forget that vision that’s embedded in my mind forever and ever.”

  “Oh, God!” I shoved my face into his chest. If he was trying to make me blush, he was succeeding.

  “But now,” he continued, “it will remind me of our last dance together. How I’m holding you in my arms, just like this. And me singing you this song.”

  The beautiful words echoed in my ears. Jax had a great singing voice. Now, for sure, this song would always touch my heart the way it was doing now. There was a mix of somberness and happiness struggling inside me. I couldn’t believe I had let it come to this. I was falling for the impossible.

  “So how was your trip? Everything went smoothly?” I asked.

  “Yes. Thank you for asking.”

  “Where are you traveling next?”

  “To London. I have to be there in three days. Then I leave for Japan.”

  “You have a tight schedule.”

  “Yeah.” His tone dipped, and he changed the subject. “What do you think of my room?”

  I leaned back to look at him. “I thought it was very neat and clean.”

  Jax’s body shook with his chuckle. “Were you expecting a messy room?”

  My lips curled into an apologetic smile. “Maybe?”

  Jax laughed out loud. “I assure you, I’m not a messy person in general. I’m very detailed…especially in bed.”

  Heat flushed through me…that he was for sure. “I got your gift,” I said. “And I love your collection of turtles. I understand because I collect magnets. However, I don’t have a lot since I haven’t traveled to many countries.”

  “We’re going to have to work on that. Magnets?” Jax twirled me around, making me giggle. “I’ll have to remember that.” Twirling me back into his arms, we slightly jerked when a body bumped lightly against us.

  “Jax?” Stacey sounded surprised. Seeing her still in Hendrix’s arms, I knew she must have dragged him closer to us. “What are you doing here?”

  “I had a reason to come back. Even if it was just for a day.”

  “Awww…that’s so sweet. We leave tomorrow night, so technically you have another day.” Stacey looked at me to confirm since she had just made plans for me without consulting me first. Then she turned to Hendrix. “Did you know your brother was back?”

  “Nope.” Hendrix shook his head. “He texted me to ask me where we were.”

  “I wanted it to be a surprise.” Jax winked.

  “Where’s Ray?” Hendrix threw in.

  “Somewhere away from Rachel.” He raised a brow. “Anyway, I’m going to take Rachel out of here. I feel like Lappert’s ice cream. See you later.” Jax wrapped his arm around my waist to guide me out.

  “We’re coming with you,” Hendrix said after a few seconds.

  “I didn’t ask him,” I heard Jax grumble under his breath, and an annoying grunt escaped. I had to laugh; the sound was too adorable.

  Chapter 16


  “I can’t believe ten days flew by with a blink of an eye,” Stacey scowled as we stood in line. “But it’s been the best ten vacation days ever.”

  Hendrix’s arm tightened around her and he kissed her lips. “That’s because we met.”

  She snuggled against him and kissed his cheek. “So true, my dear.”

  “Both of you are welcome to come back any time,” Hendrix said, taking a step closer to the counter. “There’s so much to see and do on the island. You’ve only touched the surface.”

  “Maybe next time,” I said, though I wasn’t sure if there was going to be a next time. Thinking of Kauai reminded me of Jax, and I didn’t know what the future held for us. I may not want to come back to this particular island if somehow it went bad between us. “I have to say, it has been the most relaxing vacation.”

  “Everyone is laid back here,” Jax commented. “They sure don’t drive like people in L.A.”

  “Or New York,” I added.

  After we got our ice cream, we sat at the corner table. “I don’t think coffee ice cream will ever taste this good anywhere else,” Stacey murmured while licking.

  “I totally agree. I don’t think I’ll be able to find white chocolate Macadamia nut ice cream anywhere,” I commented.

  “This is a chain store. I’m sure you’ll find one,” Jax informed us, taking a long, slow lick.

  Seeing him eat his ice cream like that, I had to turn away. Naughty thoughts were occupying my mind.

  “Jax, can you take Rachel back to our place?” Stacey asked. I shot my eyes at her. That came out of nowhere. She hadn’t mentioned that to me before we got here. “I’m going to Hendrix’s place first, then I’ll be over later tonight…or in the morning.” She gave an innocent smile with a shrug of her shoulders.

  My eyes gaped between Stacey and Jax, hoping Jax had a good excuse to say no. Jax taking me home made me feel extremely nervous. Another passionate night with him would add more fire to the flame. It would not be a good idea for my heart.

  “Sure. Not a problem,” Jax agreed.

  “I don’t know about you two, but Stacey and I are going to get going.” Hendrix stood up, looking over at Stacey, who finally got the hint.

  “Oh, um. Let’s go.”

  Stacey and Hendrix took off in a hurry, leaving Jax and I laughing. After some time had passed, and we both agreed it was getting late, Jax drove me to my place. Since the parking space was full on my side of the lot, he had to drive back to the main entrance to find parking.

  “You can just drop me off here. I’ll walk,” I said, feeling bad that he had to go out of his way to take me home, even though it wasn’t my fault.

  “It’s okay. You shouldn’t be walking around alone at night. There’s one parking space left. See. It was waiting for me.”

  I gave a light laugh at his comment and got out of the car. Looking up at the dark sky, I saw that no stars had graced us with their presence tonight. There was only one indication of what was to come next. “Looks like it’s going to rain.” I felt a drop on my nose.

  Jax stuck out his hand, palm facing up. “I j
ust felt a drop.”

  We looked up at the sky again—because that’s what you do when you’re trying to figure out if you should run to your destination just in case it starts pouring—but it was hard to tell. It was night and the clouds, or lack of clouds, gave an eerie feel anyway. The ominous clouds were never up to any good.

  “I’m sure we’ll be fine.” I started to pick up speed. “You can go back, Jax. You don’t have to be a gentleman tonight.”

  “Are you always this stubborn? Can a guy walk you home because he just wants to talk to you?”

  I halted, and felt more drops fall. “Oh,” I said underneath my breath. I wouldn’t have minded, but having slept together and feeling the awkwardness from wanting to be with him again, I was in a hurry to get home, safe behind my own doors. “What do you want to talk about?”

  Jax seemed lost for words. “Ummm…what’s your favorite movie?”

  “It’s an oldie. Gone With the Wind. It’s my favorite book, too.” I started picking up my pace again.

  “Gone With the Wind?” He chuckled, walking by my side. “It’s a good movie, but I hated the ending.”

  “Me, too. He sure left with the wind.” I laughed at my own stupid comment. Why did I say that? “I don’t like unhappy endings.”

  “I agree. And Rhett is crazy. Who in their right mind would leave Vivien Leigh?”

  “You’re mixing the character with the actress.”

  “True. I just didn’t think what Scarlett was doing was right. She was leading Rhett on.”

  “That’s not true. She just didn’t know what she wanted. She was torn between what her body and mind wanted.” Kind of sounded like my situation with Jax. “Jax, I think we better run.”

  “I think you’re right.”

  Jax grabbed my hand and started jogging. Though we had a warning, what was to come was unexpected. I’d heard of spurts of rain in Kauai, and now I knew what that meant. The rain poured as if a giant bucket was dumped from the sky. As it pelted to the ground like machine gun fire, we were drenched.


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