Book Read Free

Something Amazing

Page 11

by M. Clarke

  From our heads to our shoes, we were practically taking a shower as we ran for cover, but it relieved us from the dreadful heat. I laughed, still running behind Jax with one hand in his. With his long stride, it was difficult for me to match his steps.

  “We’re almost there.”

  When the thunder boomed angrily across the darkness, as if sending some form of punishment, the lightning struck beautifully, lighting across the sky soon after. That’s when Jax panicked.

  “We need to get out of the open. I don’t want us to get hit by one.”

  When it did it again, Jax picked me up and ran into the shelter nearby the elevator. When he released me, heat infused between us. I was almost certain I was going to orgasm from my body pressing against his. Too dizzy from this sensation, my clenching fist around his T-shirt pulled him down with me. Getting a grip on what was happening, Jax managed not to slam into me.

  “We’re so soaked,” Jax said, running his hands through his hair to keep the water from his face, and I did the same. As his chest rose and fell rapidly from sprinting, with his mouth open, he let out hot breaths. I couldn’t stop staring.

  Seeing him in a wet T-shirt that clung to his chest and water dripping down his body was a sight I could not ignore. And watching his expression change to something I couldn’t explain—perhaps desire or lust—sent tingles through every part of me.

  I pressed the elevator button without looking away from his hypnotic eyes. They were staring back at me with the same intensity…this was not a good idea. I was so confused. I wanted him to kiss me, but at the same time, I didn’t. However, those inviting eyes were full of mystery, excitement, and danger. When the gap between us started to get smaller, my mouth began to salivate from the anticipation of his lips on mine. I could already taste him, feel his hands all over me, and feel him inside of me as I quivered from Jax and the cold.

  Ding! The sound of the elevator snapped us out of whatever was going to happen, and we stepped inside, turning away from each other. It was only one flight up…thank goodness.

  “Well…here we are,” Jax sighed, leaning against the wall beside the door with his hands inside his short pockets.

  Not knowing what to do, I did what I did best and changed the subject. “You know what I love about this place?”

  “I could name a few things.” He twitched his brows flirtatiously.

  My lips curled up at the corner. “I’m sure you can. But it’s the elevator. It’s like Stacey and I have our own elevator. The door opens and we’re the only one on the second floor.”

  “I see your point.” I could tell he wasn’t interested in what I was saying when his eyes darkened and he moved his body in front of mine. Stretching his arms across and planting them against the door, he held me prisoner. “You know what I like about your place?”

  I closed my eyes for a second from the heat blistering through me. Staring at his lips was not a good idea. “What would that be?”

  Jax leaned in, inches away from my lips. “It’s very quiet. You can make a lot of noise and no one can hear you.” Leaning his forehead against mine, he began to slowly caress my cheek. “I missed you when I was away, and I’m going to miss you more the second time around. Now that I know what it feels like to miss someone so badly that your heart aches, I’m not sure if it wouldn’t have been better if we didn’t meet at all.”

  I released a long sigh, believing what I was about to say was probably the truth. “You won’t miss me when you go back to your routine. We will be a faint memory. I was a fun fling in passing. You’ll meet someone that will mean more to you.” I didn’t know why saying those words out loud stung my heart, but it did. “We weren’t meant to be.”

  “Maybe. We’ll see what happens. Do you need any help packing? I’m good at folding G-string panties and bras.”

  He was too cute. My lips perked, trying desperate not to laugh. “I’m sure you are. Anyway…I should get going.” My eyes left his as I fidgeted with my key card in my purse. It was difficult to move in wet clothes.

  “Here, let me help you.” Jax took the key card from my hand and opened the door.

  “Thanks,” I mumbled.

  “Well, make sure to take good care of JC. I think the best place for him will be on your bed.”


  “Jackson Clark. I assumed you would name the stuffed turtle after me. It sounds better than Jax Surfer, don’t you think?” Jax’s dimples deepened.

  “I agree.” I nodded, laughing at myself for calling him that stupid name the first time we met. “I’m Rachel Miller.” I didn’t know why that just came out. Since he’d told me his last name, I thought I should, too. I was such a dork.

  “Rachel Miller,” Jax repeated. “I already knew.”

  “Oh.” My cheeks suddenly felt warm. “Don’t worry about JC. I will put him on my bed. I’ll even give him a kiss every night.” I let out a soft giggle, playing along with his humor.

  “Lucky turtle.” Jax lit up with a satisfying grin. “Before you close the door, you have a tiny piece of the ice waffle on the side of your lips.” He pointed. “Would you like me to wipe it off for you?”

  Feeling embarrassed, I froze. I didn’t know what had gotten into me, but the way he was staring at my lips, I was sure my body was gravitating toward him. I was just about to wipe it when Jax spoke.

  “I’ll just take care of it for you my way.” His words were slow at coming, but that sexy smirk on his face told me he had an ulterior motive.

  Next thing I knew, Jax’s lips conquered mine with passion and hunger. If he was trying to give me a kiss to remember, it was working. Feeling his arms around my waist, I wrapped mine around the nape of his neck and pulled him closer, wanting to feel his body against mine for the last time; wanting to remember his smell; wanting to hold on to him a little bit longer before I would have to force myself to forget him.

  With heavy breaths, Jax pulled back, looking like he’d made a mistake. “It’s getting late. I should go. Have a safe trip.” He sounded as if he was in a hurry to get somewhere.

  “Sure,” I murmured, feeling dazed, wondering what had just happened. Watching him wait for the elevator to open felt like an eternity. With his head down, he continued to stare at the ground. When the door finally opened, he went right in without a word or a glance back. I guessed he was already over me, going on with his life, maybe on to the next woman, who he might have already met.

  I thought about waving to him as the door closed, but by the time I got my body to move, the door was halfway shut. “Thanks, Jax, for being my friend.” It was not intended for him to hear, but it came out louder than a whisper.

  Just as the door was about to close, I saw a fist pop out, stopping the door from closing all the way. It had only glided halfway open when I was yanked inside.


  What the fuck was I thinking? I was trying so hard to be friends, but having her that close to me drove me insane. And seeing her all wet with the little piece of waffle at the corner of her lips, looking so cute and innocent, I couldn’t help myself.

  I knew I had made a mistake when I kissed her. Uncontrollable emotions were rushing through me, and the thought that it would be our last kiss didn’t sit well with me. Wanting to guard my heart, I needed to get out of there. The sooner I forgot about her the faster my heart would heal, but damn! When I heard her sad, frail voice, she hooked me again, and the wall I’d tried to put up crumbled down.

  My reflexes took over before my mind could stop them. I halted the elevator from closing with my fist and yanked her in when the door was only halfway open. Holding her tightly in my arms, I breathed her in. Hearing a soft moan sent tremors through me, but I had to be strong.

  “You’re the best thing that’s happened to me,” I murmured against her ear. “I won’t forget you.” Pushing the button for the door to open, I gave her one last slow kiss on the lips and guided her out. “You still owe me a picture. I’ll text you my email.” I tried to soun
d casual, but I was dying inside. I’d felt this kind of pain before, maybe not to this extent, but regardless I felt like my heart was being pulled into two, and no matter the degree of pain it still hurt.

  “You don’t know my number,” she shouted as the door closed.

  “I already have it,” I said, even though she couldn’t hear me. Placing a hand on the elevator door to steady myself, I inhaled a deep aching breath.

  “Are you coming with me to the airport?” Hendrix asked, shoving his wallet inside his back pocket.

  “Why? Are you and Stacey that serious?”

  “We’re going to try to make things work. I have a more flexible schedule than you.” He picked up a set of keys from the table.

  “She lives in New York. That’s not that flexible,” I grumbled.

  “You should’ve told her. Rachel seems like she would understand. Then maybe you could work something out.”

  “It doesn’t matter.” I grabbed a mug from the counter and poured some coffee. “Maybe I’ll tell her if I go to the wedding.” That first sip always felt so refreshing, like a breath of fresh air. “What?” I asked loudly when he stared too long.

  “Just warning you. Matthew might get upset.”

  “He’ll get over it. It’s not like he has a clean record. And there wouldn’t be anything to get over. It’s not like Rachel and I are dating. We agreed to be friends.”

  “Friends,” Hendrix repeated. I could tell by his expression that he didn’t believe me. “If my observations were correct, you really like her… enough to come back and have to leave in two days.”

  “I came back for you, my brother. We didn’t get to spend time together. You were always hanging out with Stacey.”

  Hendrix rolled his eyes and chuckled lightly. “You’re full of shit. I need to get going. I’ll give you ten minutes to get dressed. If you’re not in the car by then, I’m taking off without you.” He started heading toward the garage.

  “Don’t bother to wait ten minutes. I’m going back to bed.”

  “Your grumpy attitude just confirmed how much you like her,” he said as he turned the knob. “Grandmother would have approved of her. I think she would have really liked her.” The door shut behind him.

  “I know. Not liked…loved,” I corrected.

  After I heard the sound of the garage door closing, something in the pit of my stomach urged me to get out of bed. I thought Hendrix was joking, but he’d actually waited ten minutes. Getting ready in no time, I texted Hendrix asking what airline, then I was on my way.

  Good thing Kauai’s airport was small and not crowded. After I parked, I speedily walked to the entrance. There was a good chance I might have missed them. Once the luggage went through the initial customs, they were set to go. Spotting Rachel, my heart stopped racing and started to become steady again knowing I wasn’t too late. I didn’t know why I was so nervous. I was glad I had this chance to see her one last time.

  Instead of announcing myself at that point, I decided to stay back and observe. Leaning against a pole, I turned just enough to where they couldn’t see me. They were talking and laughing while waiting in line. Rachel looked so good in her jeans and T-shirt; with a light sweater wrapped behind her, it was hard to not stare. And to my surprise, peeking out of her purse was JC. That touched me more than I thought it would.

  “Is Jax coming?” I heard Rachel ask, glancing around.

  “He texted me asking what airline and what time. I’m assuming he’ll be here, unless he got lost. My brother has a really bad sense of direction.”

  Thanks, bro!

  “It was nice of you to come out on your busy day,” Stacey said. “Jax better hurry. We’re up next.”

  Hendrix helped them set their luggage through the scanner.

  “Any food or flowers?” the gentleman asked.

  “Nope, but my friend Rachel wants to take home the mangos and passion fruit.”

  “Everybody does,” the man stated as a matter-of-fact. “Did you have a good time in Kauai?”

  “The best,” Stacey replied, looking at my brother while Rachel nodded with a smile.

  “Have a safe flight, ladies.” The man gave them back their luggage and pointed to the entrance. “See you next time.”

  “Looks like this is the real good-bye,” Stacey said, hugging my brother. “Thank you for everything.”

  “Call me as soon as you get home.”

  While Hendrix and Stacey were speaking sweet nothings to each other, Rachel glanced in my direction. I had no choice but to show myself.


  Seeing Hendrix always made me miss Jax. Knowing he was on his way to the airport livened up my mood, but where the hell was he? Time was running out.

  I turned away from Hendrix and Stacey saying their good-byes. Seeing Stacey sad like that made my heart sting even more. Wondering if Jax would make it in time to see me, I looked past the brick wall, past the parking lot. However, just as my eyes shifted back a body appeared, making my heart explode with blissful beats…then it stung like hell.

  Dressed in shorts and a tank, he appeared relaxed with his hair sleeked back. With his hands in his pockets and his deep, sexy grin, and having the sun rays behind him giving him a heavenly glow, he looked utterly dreamy.

  Jax didn’t have to say a word; his expression said it all. We stood there frozen, staring, smiling at each other. A part of my gut told me he had been there a while, just watching. I didn’t blame him. He was probably wondering why he was there. We had already said our good-byes. A second one would be torture.

  “We better go or we’ll miss our flight…although that wouldn’t be such a bad idea.” Stacey broke me out of my trance when she grabbed my arm. She had no idea Jax was there.

  “See you at the wedding, Rachel.” Hendrix slipped his arms around me, then let go. “Jax must have been held up. Sorry he’s not here to say good-bye.”

  “That’s okay. We already did yesterday,” I replied, trying not to make it obvious I was staring at Jax. “Thanks for everything. See you soon.” Grabbing my luggage, I wheeled it behind me as I followed Stacey in. As she continued to walk, she blew kisses at Hendrix, while I looked over my shoulder to see Jax. The last thing I saw before he was out of my sight was his warm, somber smile and a wink, then he held up five fingers.

  Chapter 17


  Having to go to work after a long, relaxing vacation was always a drag. It wasn’t that I didn’t like my job; it was the fact that I had to face reality. Being with Jax was like living a fairy tale, at least my version of a fairy tale.

  Jax was my unexpected hot prince who’d saved me from a shark. He was the prince of the ocean, not to mention the prince of mystery. Why he couldn’t tell me what his career was I had no idea, but it didn’t matter. My fairy tale was over. Though he had asked if he could call, and I agreed, I knew there was a slim chance that he would.

  “Rachel. Besides our couple shots, we’d like to take individual pictures as well,” Morgan said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

  I peered over the camera. “Yes, of course. It’s in your contract.” Looking into the lens once more, I shot away. Morgan and Jess were one of the most adorable couples I’d shot in a long time. Not only were they dressed in similar outfits—jeans and white long-sleeved button-down shirts—they both had a great sense of humor, wanting to take silly pictures as well.

  They were young, but you could clearly see how much they loved each other. The way he doted over her, and the way they gazed at each other with loving eyes, was a good indication their marriage would last.

  “I’m going to take some close ups, then we’ll move to another spot. I’ll take individual pictures there.” Click! Click! Click! “Jess, can you put your hand on Morgan’s lap? Yes. That’s it.” Click! “That’s perfect.” Click! “Morgan, turn slightly to your right.” Click! “Great. Now if you would follow me.”

  “How long have you been a photographer?” Morgan asked, walking beside me.
  “About two years. Jill’s studio was my first job. I’ve been with her for two years.”

  “That’s wonderful. Do you always take pictures at Manhattan Park?”

  “It depends on the weather and what you request. After we do the individual shots, I’ll be taking you back to the studio for studio shots. We like to take the outdoor pictures first when the sun is at the perfect angle.”

  “I can understand why. It’s beautiful here. Are you assigned to take our wedding pictures as well?” Jess asked, draping his arm around Morgan.

  “I believe I am.”

  “Perfect. Morgan and I feel comfortable with you. And if we need to request, then we will.”

  “Thank you. I appreciate your trust in me.”

  “We saw your work before we requested you.” Morgan gave me a guilty smile, as if she had spied on me.

  “People do it all the time. These are your pre-wedding pictures. I would do the same. I’m sure Jill has gone over the packages with you, but just in case you need a reminder. I’ll be sending you proofs in an email within twenty-four hours.”

  “That’s perfect.”

  After taking pictures for another hour and moving to a different location, we headed back to the studio.

  “Hello,” Jill greeted, standing beside Melinda, the receptionist. With her hair pinned up, she was dressed in black slacks and a cream-colored blouse.

  “Hi.” We waved in response to her greeting.

  Jill headed toward us, giving our clients a hug. “Morgan. Jess. You two look so cute and perfect dressed like that.”

  “Thanks,” Morgan giggled. “You two got lucky today. What beautiful weather for pictures.”

  “It couldn’t have been better,” I agreed.

  “Oh, Rachel. Before I forget, there’s something for you in your office.”

  “Thank you. I’ll check it out after I finish.” I shifted my attention to the couple. “Ready?”

  The first thing I did after the session was over, was dash to my office. Being told I had something waiting for me was exciting enough, but seeing that smirk on Jill’s face added an intense degree of curiosity. I believe it was my world record picture taking time…ever!


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