Book Read Free

Something Amazing

Page 13

by M. Clarke

  I was pretty good at reading Stacey, so I knew she was telling me the truth. She practically helped me put on my dress, fluffed my hair, and handed me my purse. “Go have fun. Make sure to send Jax a picture of your date.”

  How hot could this guy be? When I walked out of my bedroom, the first thing I noticed was his figure. He was the type of guy that cared about his body. With the right amount of ripples on his arms and chest, the button-down half sleeve shirt he had on framed his body nicely. He was certainly going to turn women’s heads and get a lot of attention.

  “Hi, Rachel. I’m Tyler.” His grip was tight and strong. With soft baby blues and light blond hair, he was gorgeous. The way his eyes twinkled and grew indicated he was highly interested in me. And that deep voice that rumbled out brought him to another level of hotness.

  “Hi, Tyler,” I greeted, liking what I saw so far. He peered over me, and then with one fast swoop, my body was pressed to his, facing Stacey, as if we were posing.

  Click! Stacey took a picture of us with her phone. I had no idea that was coming. When Tyler released me, I gave Stacey a disapproving look.

  “Ready to go?” I asked Tyler.

  He looked over me to Stacey, who wore a ridiculously huge smile, looking like a mother who was excited for her daughter’s first date.

  I nudged Stacey to snap out of it. “Let’s go, Tyler. Bye, Mother.” I stressed the word Mother. That’s when I heard the weirdest sound coming out of Tyler’s mouth, as if he couldn’t get enough air or he was sucking in air through his mouth while making a wheezing sound. Stacey’s smile fell, replaced by a look of shock. This was not a good sign.

  “Mr. Siegel. Welcome back.” The hostess’ tone was too friendly. Wearing a tight black, short dress, showing off more cleavage than necessary, she batted her eyelashes. Ignoring me, she started walking, leading us to our table. Expecting Tyler to place his hand behind my back to guide me to the direction or gesture for me to go first, like most gentlemen would, I took a step toward him. At that moment, our arms collided. Tyler’s weight knocked me to the ground. I was a yoyo, whose string had been cut just before it could return. What the hell?

  “Are you okay?” Tyler asked, offering his hand to pull me up. And that stupid wheezing laughter made me want to cover my ears.

  Embarrassed and in pain from falling on my ass, I declined and pulled myself up. “Yeah. Why don’t you go first?” I grumbled, and straightened my dress. I was surprised he listened. I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt after I had heard his laugh, but this was not a good sign, and I could see this date was already a flop.

  “Here you go,” the hostess said, giving us menus. “Your waitress will be right with you.” When she placed the cloth napkins on our laps, she bent further down just for Tyler. His eyes were taking her cleavage in. I think I even saw a little bit of his tongue come out.

  “Thanks,” I said, but she didn’t even glance my way as she left. Snob! However, Tyler was looking her way, checking out her cute ass. That is when I knew this date was going nowhere for sure. After a long pause, as we looked over the menu, I asked the questions I had to have answers to.

  “So. How do you know Jill?” I asked, breaking the ice. It felt like date number one all over again.

  Tyler peered up from his menu. “Jill took pictures for me. I’m an actor and a model. We went out a couple of times, but we’re just friends now.”

  Great! Not another one of her fallouts. I didn’t know Jill in that context, and I wanted to keep it that way, but holy cow…seeing the guys she had dated told me she really had poor taste in men, but perhaps I was wrong. At least she didn’t stay with them. “You’re an actor?”

  “Yeah. I’ve done little gigs here and there. I mostly do book cover modeling.”

  “Oh. My sister Becky is a literary agent.”

  “I have no idea what that is. I just model book covers.”

  Oh boy! No brains and no manners. “Which book covers are you on?”

  “I’m not sure. But since I have to take my shirt off and take pictures with half naked woman on me, I’m assuming mostly sex books. I don’t read much, so I don’t know. I just care that I get paid. Gotta pay the bills. You know what I mean?” He bopped his head, showing me all his teeth.

  I had to admit, he had a beautiful smile and a body that reminded me of Jax. His white teeth were perfect, probably bleached. He was the perfect physical package. “I know what you mean,” I agreed, to entertain him.

  Tyler held out his phone. “Want to see a picture of me?”

  “No,” I said quickly, holding out my hands as if I could stop him, but it was too late. Tyler showed me pictures of his self-portraits and then with other women. “Those are nice.” I sounded like I was really looking. After seeing a couple of them, I became disinterested. A couple of them seemed familiar. I might have seen them on bookshelves, but the eyes were cut off. Perhaps it was better that way.

  After the waitress took our orders, she left. Again, Tyler was gawking, staring at anything that had a skirt on. If we were dating, it would have bothered me beyond anything, but not having a care in the world, I had to laugh at his actions. After we ordered, our meals came in no time.

  “So. Look. This is kind of embarrassing, but I forgot my wallet at home. Do you think I can pay you back later?” he asked hesitantly, slicing his steak into bite-sized slices.

  Did I just hear him right? Oh, hell no he didn’t. Ugh! Not having any choice, I gave him a fake smile. “Don’t worry about it,” I replied, chewing on a piece of steak that wasn’t as soft and tender as the one I’d had with Jax.

  Tyler shoved a bite of baked potato into his mouth and turned his head to see the woman that had just passed by our table. “Thanks.”

  Being irate from the lack of his attention, I decided to say something I wouldn’t normally say. “You like what you see?”

  Surprised by my question, Tyler flashed his eyes to me. I finally got his attention. “Yes, I do. Do you? Do you like women, too?” His eyes grew big with curiosity, leaning forward to reach closer, seemingly hoping I would say the words he wanted to hear.

  Shocked by his question, I spit the wine I was just about to swallow on my food. Now my baked potato was a red potato. “No,” I coughed relentlessly, wiping my lips with my napkin.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you cough. I thought if you liked women, I know a place we could go. Or I could just fuck you right here in the restroom, if that turns you on.”

  I swallowed a lump of my baked potato and almost regurgitated it back up. “No,” I said sternly. I had no idea what Jill had told him about me, but I was fuming in anger, and I felt the need to be clear. “I’m very straight. And there is no way you and I will ever happen.”

  “That’s fine. Most of my dates just want to get into my pants right after they buy me dinner.” He’d said it as if it wasn’t a big deal, something he was used to.

  “What did Jill tell you about me?” My legs were itching to get up and walk out the door. I might even just pay for my half of the bill and let him worry about how he was going to pay the other half. It was his fault for not bringing his wallet. Who does that?

  Tyler shoved another steak piece in his mouth. “Jill told me that you were beautiful. She might have mentioned you broke up with your boyfriend and might need a good fuck.”

  I was never going to allow Jill to set me up again. At that point, I was about to call Matthew and accept his offer before I could change my mind again. “I just want to clarify that I’m just fine. And as matter of fact, I had the best fuck of my entire existence in Kauai.” I had no idea why I had said that, but it was the truth. Jax was the best. This only made me miss him more.

  “Sure. If you’d rather I pulled my pants down in the back of my car or in my apartment, I can do that, too.”

  Did he not understand what I’d said? Sliding my hand down my face in frustration, I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I didn’t know which date was more of a nightmar
e. “No, thanks. How about we go home now?”

  “How about dessert? I like dessert.”

  The hell if I was going to pay for his dinner and his dessert. “You know what? Forget it. You stay and eat your dessert, I’m going to take a cab.” With that, I dropped my napkin, grabbed my purse, paid for dinner because I was that stupid—more so because he was my boss’s friend—and called Stacey to pick me up.

  Just as I ended our call, a text message popped up with a picture of Tyler and me.

  I don’t like this picture.

  Holy crap! How did Jax get that picture? Stacey! I was just about to text that I didn’t either, but changed my mind at the last minute. I was just about to text back when the texts kept coming.

  However, if you cover his face, he could look like me. Just a little. My body is perfection. He has flaws.

  Aren’t we arrogant?

  Texting on a date? He must be boring.

  He’s quite entertaining.

  I really meant that. I had never been on a date with anyone like him before.

  Not a good answer. He better show his best manners, and I mean in every sense of that word.

  Jax was a bit possessive in his text this time around. Perhaps seeing the guy made my date that much more realistic.

  Don’t worry. I can kick ass, remember?

  I remember. Everything. On a date with the same dude? That’s two days in a row. Not that I’m counting. You can figure out by now that I like to count.

  I could have clarified, but what was the point? I changed the subject.

  What are you doing?

  Staring at your pictures.

  Sure you are.

  Not lying. Wish you were here.


  I texted his name as if he could read the sadness.

  He’s not good enough for you. He seems like a selfish, dumb jock. JC will go all ninja turtle on him if he enters your room. OK, I know. Sounding a little possessive. I’m in Japan. Talk to you soon.

  The terrible date I just had didn’t fluster me anymore. It was replaced by the ache in my heart. Those two men were nothing in comparison to Jax. He was my brightest star that I couldn’t reach.

  Chapter 20


  “I’m so sorry,” Becky belted over the phone, listening to my recent dating experience. “That’s terrible. I have to say, someone should write a story about this. I would make an offer in a heartbeat.”

  Hearing Becky laugh like crazy made me do the same. “Yes, you’re right. It would make a great story.”

  “See. Even Addison is laughing. She’s been laughing every time I laugh. It’s the cutest thing. Say hello to Auntie Rachel.”

  “Hi, Addison,” I said over the phone as if I was speaking to her directly.

  “Hi.” I heard the cutest sound, then a giggle. “Mommy.”

  “Do you have a picture of your dates?” Becky’s lingering laugh echoed through the phone.

  “Stacey took one picture. I’ll send it to you. Anyway, I better go, but I just sent an email to Matthew letting him know that I will be taking his offer.” At that moment, I had to pull the phone away from my ear. Becky’s squeal was so loud I was sure that our neighbors could hear her excitement, too.

  “Really? When did you decide?”

  “I had to weigh the positives and the negatives, but I always knew in the back of my mind that working for Knight Fashion Magazine would be the right career move for me. It’s just hard letting go of what you are used to, your everyday routine. It’s also hard moving away from Stacey.”

  “I understand. I had a hard time when Jenna moved out, even though it was for the right reason. I was happy for her, but it was still difficult. Does she know?”

  “I was planning to tell her tonight. I know she will be happy for me, but I’m not looking forward to telling her the news.”

  “Stacey will understand.”

  “I know,” I sighed. “She told me I was crazy when I didn’t take the offer right away.”

  “Well, I have to agree with her. I can’t wait to see you this weekend. We’re flying tonight. Jenna and her family will meet us a couple days later.”

  “Have a safe trip. See you soon.”

  “We’ll talk about the details when you get there. Send me your flight information, and we’ll have a driver pick you and Stacey up at the airport.”

  “Will do.”

  “Say bye Auntie Rachel, Addison,” Becky cooed.

  “Bye, bye,” Addison said in the most adorable voice.

  I could not wait to see her.

  “Did you tell Becky about your dates?” Stacey asked, sitting on the sofa while sipping on a bottle of water.

  “I did.” I sat next to her, trying to be brave, trying to find the right words to tell my best friend I was going to leave her. The thought twisted my heart painfully, and I was sure tears were glistening in my eyes.

  “I bet she had a lot to say. Did you tell her what Jax had said on his text?”

  I paused, gathering my thoughts. “Becky doesn’t know about Jax.”

  “What?” Stacey’s eyes grew with shock and so did her pitch. After placing the bottle down on the coffee table, she gave me her full attention.

  I tucked one leg under the other and turned my body toward her. “Becky knows about a hot surfer, but she has no idea that it’s Jax, Hendrix’s brother.”

  “You’re not worried that Matthew would get mad, are you?”

  “No,” I shook my head, letting out a soft laugh. “Not at all. Matthew wouldn’t go all crazy on him like that. Anyway, it doesn’t matter.” I swallowed a big lump down my throat as I prepared to tell Stacey my sad news. “Remember that offer I had for Knight Fashion Magazine?”

  “Yes, I do.” Stacey’s eyes softened, looking concerned. Her facial expression became serious.

  “Well…I emailed Matthew the other day, and…I told him that I would accept his offer.”

  It was dead silent for a second, until Stacey practically jumped off the sofa and into my arms. “I’m so happy for you. This is the right career move for you, but I’m not going to lie. A part of me is so sad. I’m really going to miss my best friend.”

  Tears flowed down my cheeks. “Me too. I’m really going to miss you.” My words muffled into her shirt. “You’ve been my other half for so long. I don’t know what I’m going to do without you.”

  “Me too, my friend,” she sniffed, and then finally released me. “At least you’ll get to look at hot models all day long.” Wiping her tears, she sat back down. “I’m assuming Jill knows?”

  “Not yet.”

  “Boy, you’re full of surprises these days.”

  “I meant, she will when she goes to work tomorrow morning. I sent her a resignation through the email, and I’ll talk to her first thing when she comes to the office. I kind of hinted to her before. It was probably the reason why she offered me a manager position for the other studio she’s going to open up in New Jersey.”

  “If I were in your shoes, I wouldn’t have gone to work after the disastrous blind dates she set you up with. I mean, either she thinks that little of you, she has very bad taste in men, or she owed them a favor.”

  “Stacey,” I laughed. I didn’t want to admit it, but I agreed with her.

  Stacey looked lost in thought as she stared out into space, then she turned back to me. “You’re not coming home after the wedding, are you? You’re planning to go straight to Los Angeles, aren’t you?”

  I nodded. “Matthew gave me a number to call. They’re going to come pack my belongings for me and ship them to L.A. I don’t have much. Just clothes.”

  “But you’ve got a lot of clothes.”

  “I do not,” I barked playfully.

  “Let’s see how many boxes the movers end up packing.” Stacey’s amused smile became serious.

  “I’m going to need your help. The movers will come after the wedding when you come back home.”

  “Sure. No worries. Are you going
to tell Jax that you’re moving to Los Angeles?”

  The thought had never crossed my mind. “Whatever for? It’s not like I’m moving to Los Angeles for him. Anyway, he’s out of town, and I don’t know when he’s going home. He probably has a girlfriend by now or is hooking up with girls from different countries.”

  “Is he going to be at the wedding?”

  “I don’t think so. I hope he doesn’t come.”

  Stacey gave me a questioning look, but I didn’t answer. Having a fling was one thing, but when you felt something special, it was something else. I wanted to close this chapter in my life and move on. The longer Jax lingered in my heart, the more difficult it would be to move on. Secretly, a part of me hoped he would be at the wedding. Stacey’s stare was still demanding an answer, so I changed the subject. “I bet you’re all packed, ready to go.”

  “You know it. And I bet you’re not.”

  “You know me so well.”

  “Better than you think. Where will you be staying? With your sister?”

  “For now, until I find my own place.”

  “You’ll get paid enough to have your own place? I’m so happy for you.”

  “Thanks.” My smile fell short and my heart ached as I tried to remind myself that this was the right move, and that our friendship would be just as strong. Stacey and I had been roommates for a couple of years. When my old roommate moved out, Stacey moved in. Ever since then, our friendship bloomed, and she had become more like a sister to me.

  I got off the sofa and grabbed my purse that was on the dining room chair. “It’s dinner time. I’m starving. Let’s go.”

  “I’m right behind you.”

  She always was right behind me, ready to catch my fall when I needed her. Moving away from her was not going to be easy, but I knew we would make it work. Real friendship lasts through distance…through time…through the sunshine and rain.

  “Welcome to Paris,” the pilot announced.

  “Holy Pairs. Here we are,” Stacey said just as we landed. Unbuckling her seatbelt after the chime went off, she stretched the length of her body and glanced around. “I can scratch this off my bucket list.”


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