Book Read Free

Something Amazing

Page 14

by M. Clarke

  “Bucket list? I didn’t know you had one.”

  “Sometimes best friends don’t share everything,” Stacey snickered. “Do you have one?”

  “Nope. Let’s get off the plane.”

  Stacey and I reached for the top compartment and grabbed our carry-on bags. Thank goodness we’d decided to upgrade our economy seats so we were sitting toward the front of the plane with a bit more leg room.

  After we got off the plane, we followed the sign to retrieve our luggage. On our way down the escalator, I spotted a man holding a sign that read Rachel Miller. He was probably around fifty, with gray hair only on the sides of his temples. Wearing navy dress pants and a button-down blue and white striped top, he looked professional.

  “Look. Do you see that sign?” Stacey pointed.

  “I can’t miss it. My name is written longer than his chest.”

  The man waved at us when he saw us coming toward him.

  “Hi, I’m Carlos. Mr. Matthew Knight sent me.” Carlos had an Italian accent. Becky had mentioned him before in our conversations. I recalled him being the “everything” man. He could cook, drive the yacht, babysit, and so much more.

  “Hi, Carlos. I’m Rachel.” I extended my hand. “This is my friend, Stacey.”

  After the greeting, Carlos helped us with our luggage and placed it in the trunk of a limo. Stacey’s lips perked up and so did her eyes. “I’m always going to tag along with you when you visit your sister. You get treated like royalty. First, the suite in Kauai and now this.” Suddenly, she angled her brows. “Wait, I take that back. You’ll be living with your sister, so I’ll tag along when you travel with her.”

  “Any time,” I said, and ducked under to get inside.

  “Thanks,” Stacey said to Carlos, sitting next to me.

  As I watched the door close, the world outside became slightly darker from the tinted windows. Though Stacey hardly spoke at all, I could see the excitement in her eyes as she stared out through her side. Seeing all of the street signs and words on the billboards written in French made this so much more real. Exhilaration bubbled up inside of me, and I couldn’t wait to venture into the city.

  As I continued to stare, my sleepy eyes started to close and everything outside of the window seemed to blur. It was only about a seven-hour flight, but the time change made me tired. We should’ve been in bed sleeping, but instead the day had just begun. The next thing I knew, we were in front of the hotel.

  “Wake up, Rachel,” Stacey said, nudging me with her eyes still glued to the scenery outside of the window.

  “I’m up.”

  “Do you see?” Her voice was calm and soft.

  “Yes, I see.” The Four Seasons Hotel pictures on the Internet did not do it justice. It was a vision of splendor with an elegant cream-colored building structure, and yellow lights dangling on top of nearby trees and bushes. Even the glass windows above the doorway were painted with the Four Seasons emblem in gold.

  When the door opened, I snapped out of my trance. “Welcome to the Four Seasons, madam,” the bellboy said with a French accent, offering his hand. He wore a blue tailored uniformed with white gloves.

  “Thank you,” I said, stepping out.

  “This way,” Carlos instructed. “They’ll bring your bags to your room.”

  After I made sure all of the luggage was on the cart, I checked to see that I had my purse and my camera bag with me. “Let’s go check in.”

  The first thing I heard upon passing through the door was my name. Matthew came out of nowhere and embraced me. Even wearing just jeans and a T-shirt, he looked damn fine. It was hard not to drool over my brother-in-law, even though I had told Stacey a fib about how I didn’t see him that way.

  “Matthew,” I said excitedly, happy to see him. “This is my roommate, Stacey. You’ve never met her, but I’m sure Becky mentioned her before.”

  “Yes, she did. Hi Stacey. It’s nice to meet you.” Matthew grinned, shaking Stacey’s hand.

  “Hi,” Stacey replied. Her cheeks turned pink, and her smile couldn’t have been brighter.

  “How was the trip?” Matthew asked. Like a perfect gentleman, he snatched up my camera bag, which was draped on my shoulder. “Let me hold that for you. You must be tired. I’ve already checked in for you, so I’ll take you to your rooms.”

  “Thank you.” I walked behind Matthew, but fell behind. On the way to the elevator, I couldn’t help glancing around. Too busy being greeted by Matthew, I hadn’t noticed the decor. As we walked across the polished marble floor, I admired the elegant furniture in the lobby area. Next, the massive crystal chandelier that sparkled like diamonds caught my eyes, then the unique, intricately designed rugs along the way. Huge paintings covered the walls and were brightly lit by the glass ceiling, giving light to where the rays touched.

  “I was right. The picture you showed me of Matthew did not do him justice,” Stacey whispered so only I could hear. “Nice ass.” This time her voice was a bit louder.

  “Hush,” I giggled, feeling warmth travel to my face. Seeing the tip of Matthew’s lip curl up when he craned his neck to show his side profile was a sure indication that he had heard. “Don’t say a word when you meet Max, Matthew’s older brother.”

  “Okay, but you have to admit, Matthew has a nice ass. It’s very toned and squeeze worthy.”

  “Shhh!” I scolded. “What if he can hear you? Don’t embarrass me.”

  Stacey just giggled when we caught up to Matthew to get on the elevator. When the door opened, Matthew gestured for us to enter first. “Did you take a lot of pictures in Kauai?” he asked, pressing the button.

  “I did. And I know I’ve told you this many times, but thank you for everything. Hendrix was good to us.”

  “I hope Rachel told you thank you from me,” Stacey added. “That was very sweet of you.”

  “Not a problem. It was my pleasure to do it. Hendrix told me about you, Stacey.”

  “Really? I hope good things.”

  “Yes, he did.” Matthew winked.

  Stacey’s face turned red. When Matthew rewarded her with that killer wink, even I flushed. “He also told me Jackson was there,” he continued. “They’re both good people.”

  “I have to agree.” Stacey nodded.

  “Here we are.” Matthew placed his hand out to stop the door from closing. Again, Matthew led the way. Stopping by the first door, he handed me two key cards. “These are the keys to your suite you are sharing with Stacey, which is right next door. I’m going to take you to our place first. Becca has been waiting for you.”

  After sliding the card through a slit, the green light shone. Matthew pushed the door and we entered.

  “Rachel.” Becky speedily walked toward me, and gave me a long, tight hug, then gave Stacey one, too. “Stacey,” Becky bellowed. “I hope your trip was comfortable.”

  “Da da,” Addison squealed with the cutest sound, running to her father. Matthew swung her around, kissed her cheek, and then placed her down. “Again…again.” Addison lifted her arms in the air.

  “First, can you say hello to Auntie Rachel and Auntie Stacey?” Matthew asked.

  Her big, brown, innocent eyes peered up, and she looked like an angel. Wearing a purple and pink dress and a matching bow in her hair, she looked like a doll. There were no words to describe her cuteness. I wanted to bite her cheeks and squeeze her tightly.

  “Hello,” she said softly, and hid behind Matthew’s legs.

  “Don’t be shy.” Becky lifted her up. “Auntie Rachel is my sister and Auntie Stacey is her good friend. Give them a kiss.”

  When Addison smiled, I leaned in and got a quick peck from her. At that moment, my heart melted, and I surrendered to her.

  “If you’re both tired you can order room service and eat lunch in your room or take a nap if you’re jet legged,” Becky said, placing Addison down after she gave Stacey a kiss on her cheek.

  I glanced over at Stacey. Her eyes were warm and kind, and she was giving a
huge smile to Addison. She was just as taken by her as I was.

  “I’m feeling great right now, but let’s see how I am after lunch.” Glancing past Becky I could see the grandness of the presidential suite. Knowing our place was going to be just like hers, I was elated. I couldn’t wait to check it out. With long, velvet drapes sweeping across the wide window and antique furniture set around the living area, a feeling of being treated like royalty became planted in my mind.

  “Let me know.” Becky turned back to me as her eyes followed Addison running across the room back to the toys. “Max, Jenna, and Connor will be joining us for dinner.”

  “I definitely will. And Mom and Dad said they’ll be flying in two days, right?”

  “Yes. They will have the floor above us…and Matthew’s parents will as well.”

  “I’ll walk them to their room,” Matthew offered, opening the door.

  “Thank you.” Becky kissed Matthew on the lips, then turned to us. “I’m so happy you’re both here.”

  “Thanks, sis,” I said, and walked out.

  Taking the key card from my back pocket, I slid it through the keyhole and opened the door. “Thanks, Matthew, for everything.”

  “Thank you,” Stacey added.

  “Thanks for traveling all the way to Paris for our wedding.” Matthew handed me my camera bag.

  “I wouldn’t miss it for the world. See you tomorrow.”

  Just before I closed the door, Matthew stuck out his hand to stop it.

  “By the way, Stacey…if I wasn’t taken, I would let you squeeze my ass.” He winked and then disappeared, leaving the both of us staring at the space where he was just standing.

  Stacey dropped her jaw and mumbled, “Oh my freakin’ heart. He heard. I’m so embarrassed.”

  Chapter 21


  When I came out of the bathroom, Stacey was already spread across my bed. She was holding JC with her arms extended to the ceiling. “I can’t believe we’re staying in a presidential suite in The Four Seasons. This room is amazing. I feel like a princess.”

  “I can’t either.” I lay next to her.

  “I can’t believe you brought JC with you.”

  Turning over to my side, I bent my elbow and rested my head on my hand. “I can’t believe I brought it with me, either. I know it’s silly, but I think of it as my pet.”

  Stacey turned over to her side to face me and placed JC on my pillow. “It’s okay to admit that you miss Jax. Now that you’re moving to Los Angles, things could work out between you two. I mean, wasn’t it the long distance relationship that was in the way of going to the next step?”

  “I think so. I can’t remember anymore, but the fact that he’s so secretive with me on what he does for a living just boggles my mind. If it’s meant to be, then it will happen. Maybe after I find out what he does, I’ll be turned off like he thinks I will be.” Suddenly, I didn’t miss Jax anymore. Anger took me over. If he didn’t trust me enough to tell me, then so be it. I was not going to waste my time anymore.

  “I can try to get it out of Hendrix.”

  “No. That’s okay. He won’t rat on his brother no matter how many times you sleep with him.” I choked on my laugh.

  “Haha. You’ve got it wrong. It’s no matter how many times I withhold sex.”

  I nodded in understanding. “You’re so right.” After I picked up JC, I jumped off the bed, threw it in the drawer, and slammed it shut.

  Stacey sat up, looking shocked. “What are you doing?”

  I leaned back against the dresser as if that would shut Jax out of my mind. “Doing what I should have done when we got back home…moving on. Jax stopped texting me. It’s a sign that he’s obviously moved on.”

  “Or, he’s trying hard not to think of you because it’s too difficult for him. Maybe he’s giving you space. Maybe he thinks you’re seeing someone and he’s backing out.”

  “Stacey,” I squealed her name irately. “Stop putting thoughts in my mind. I don’t want to think of all these things. It’s too much. It’s going to drive me crazy.”

  The room was silent for a long second. “Sorry, I’m going to stop talking. Are you hungry? Do you need a nap?”

  Taking out my cell phone, I set the alarm and lay next to her. “I need a nap. I’m so jet lagged that I have no idea what we just talked about.” I picked up my phone again and touched the letters on the screen. “I just texted Becky to let her know we both need a nap and asked her have our bags sent to her room so we won’t be disturbed.”

  “Okay. Just a little nap or we’ll be really screwed with our schedule.” Stacey’s eyes were already closed. I guessed she was not going to her room. “This bed…so comfortable,” she murmured under her breath, half-asleep.

  Letting out a yawn, I closed my eyes. “Yeah, it is. Does Hendrix call you?”

  “Yes,” I heard a yawn, “he calls often. I…can’t…wait…to see him.” Stacey’s words were sluggish and dragged toward the end.

  “I’m so happy for you.” I thought that was what I said as I peacefully drifted off to sleep.

  After having a fantastic dinner at the restaurant inside of the hotel, we headed back to Becky’s suite and settled in the living area. Jenna and her family joined us as well. We were all admiring the little ones playing with blocks, big Legos, and other educational toys.

  One thing I learned from observing Addison and Connor, even at a young age there was a difference in the way they played. Connor would play make believe with cars and destroy the blocks after he would build them. Addison, on the other hand, would push the buttons to make music sounds. She would occasionally look at us and laugh here and there, even though she had no idea what we were talking about. She was going to be a social butterfly.

  “Matthew told me you will be working for us,” Max said in his deep, manly voice, lounging back comfortably with his arm around Jenna’s shoulder. His tone reminded me of Jax.

  “Yes. I’m actually going straight to Los Angeles after the wedding.” I glanced at Becky for confirmation.

  Becky nodded. “I know we talked about you staying at our house, but Matthew had an idea. His penthouse is still available, and it’s closer to the office. What do you think?”

  “That’s a wonderful idea,” Jenna said.

  “I can’t afford it, and it’s too big for just one person,” I rebutted.

  “Matthew and I each had our own place. It was just fine,” Max said.

  “That’s because Max wouldn’t share a place with me,” Matthew pouted.

  We laughed at his comment. One thing was for sure, Matthew knew how to make everyone laugh and even blush.

  “That’s because you’re messy and you snore,” Max chuckled.

  “I don’t snore.” Matthew glanced at Becky.

  “I plead the fifth,” Becky said, raising her hand to surrender.

  “I will agree that I can be messy, but not as messy as Addison.” Matthew picked her up and gave her kisses on her cheek.

  “Da da messy, messy, messy,” she giggled.

  “See? Even Addison knows it,” Max said.

  Matthew’s brows angled as he twisted his lips into a frown. “Anyway ….” Matthew placed Addison back down, only to be tugged to sit next to her on the rug. “Since I own the place, you don’t have to pay the rent.”

  “I can’t.” I shook my head. “Either you let me pay for my portion or I find my own place.”

  “Man, she’s just as stubborn as you,” Matthew said to Becky.

  “We are sisters, after all, but she’s only half as stubborn as I am. Sometimes.” Becky looked so proud, giving me a sideways hug.

  “Fine. It was difficult enough to get you to work for our company. I’m not going to argue about another thing. I’ll call the movers and tell them to move your things to the new address. The place is already furnished so you don’t have to worry about that. There are two master bedrooms so you can take the one across from the room I slept in if you want, but I’ll leave
that decision up to you.”

  “Thank you for everything,” I said sincerely. “I’m excited to start.”

  “Good.” Matthew looked pleased. “I already have a project lined up for you. The department manager will guide you every step of the way. We just hired new models to do the fall line. You’ll be very busy.”

  “And don’t let my brother boss you around,” Max joked.

  Jenna poked Max in his ribs, but joined the humor. “Or Matthew will have to answer to his two bosses.” Jenna tried to hold in her laughter, but she couldn’t. She was not good at fibbing. She was just too nice.

  “Hey, the only boss Matthew has is me,” Becky sneered playfully.

  Matthew got off the floor, plopped next to Becky, and snuggled against her chest. “That’s right. You’re my boss in every way.”

  Becky started wiggling. “Matthew, that tickles.”

  “Hey, there are little ones here. Keep it rated PG,” Jenna scolded, laughing lightly.

  “Nothing is ever rated PG with Matthew,” Becky said.

  Matthew pulled up. “Oh, by the way…when is Hendrix coming?”

  “He’ll arrive a couple of days before the wedding,” Stacey answered.

  “Great. I can’t wait to see him.”

  “Is Jackson coming to the wedding?” Max asked. “I haven’t seen him in a long time.”

  I didn’t know why hearing Jax’s name made me tense up, but it did. My heart started thumping faster. The last time I had heard from him was when I was on the date. It was like somehow he knew and wanted to wreck my dates, though the dates did that themselves. I was like a yo-yo; he let me go only to reel me back to him just when I could move on.

  “Hendrix told me he wasn’t sure,” Matthew replied. “But his parents will be at the wedding for sure. Anyway, if Jax does come, he’ll probably bring a date. On the reservation, he marked ‘yes’ with a date, but that was a while back.”

  Hearing that Jax would come with a date stung my heart. I could tell from the corner of my eyes that Stacey was staring at me. She was probably wondering what my thoughts were.


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