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Northridge Vampires_Drake

Page 7

by Amy Robyn

  “Where are you going?” I ask. She is probably taking Sammy for a walk but why does she need to have her purse to do it.

  “I’m going home. You obviously don’t see me as a partner and I won’t be with someone who sees me as a child who needs protecting.” She grabs her jacket and puts it on as I stand there in complete shock. She is leaving me. After I tell her I love her and try to protect her as best I can.

  “I am only trying to protect you.” I shout. I am finished being calm when she is ready to walk away from me.

  “I’m not a child. Information will only help me. You can’t be with me all the time.” She shouts back, not the least bit intimidated. I take a deep breath and let it out my nose. William steps into the room.

  “Tell her. She has a right to know.” William tells me.

  “She isn’t your mate.” I growl at him.

  “No but she is like a daughter in law.” I press my palm to my eyes where a pain has started.

  “All I want to do is see her smile and be happy. This shit will fuck with her head. I don’t want that to happen.” I tell William as calmly as I can.

  “It is my choice. You’re either my equal partner or I am leaving. I won’t settle for less.” She says and I notice the tears in her eyes. I can feel her pain and I do not like it at all. I grab her shoulders and look into the most beautiful eyes, of the perfect woman who has stolen my heart.

  “You will never be my equal.” She tries to shrug out of my grip.

  “You are so far above me. Don’t you see? To me you’re like a goddess and I am your knight, your protector. All I will ever do is keep you safe and happy.” I tell her honestly and the tears spill over and down her cheeks, making my heart break.

  “You’re putting me on too high of a pedestal and I can’t live like that. I need honesty and withholding the truth is lying by omission.” She squares her shoulder and I can tell that if I continue down this road, I will lose her forever. That is unacceptable.

  “Alright. I will tell you everything.” I reach up to cup her cheek and my hand is shaking. I haven’t had a shaky anything since becoming a vampire. This woman has made me truly fear for the first time in a century.

  Chapter 8.

  I know this is hurting him but if I back down now he will always get away with doing this. I have to be his equal. I have never been the kind of woman to stand behind a man, any man, even a sexy vampire. I need to establish myself as a strong presence now or I will never know what is going on around me. He’s the kind of man that I know would continue to do this as long as he thinks he’s doing the right thing. He can’t always be with me to protect me like that.

  I’m not sure how he thinks he’s protecting me when I’m far more armored with information than I would be without. I pride myself on doing the right thing with whatever information I get. I am sure this will be no different. I know when I need to step back and let the big boys take over. I know that I would be fodder up against a vampire. I am intelligent. That’s what upsets me the most. Does he think I am stupid enough to take this on myself?

  I follow the guys back into the dining room. I sit back in the spot I had been in when Drake came home. The others are still seated where I left them. They decided to keep playing after I left. I smirk at them when they look up at me. I can’t help it. I am a good loser but winning is another thing. I have to rub their noses in it, especially playing with guys who thought they could easily beat me. Not that these guys thought that. I’m used to testosterone fueled guys thinking they’re better.

  Thomas smiles as he shakes his head. He has certainly grown on me. The other two seem cool yet they still seem unsure of me as much as themselves. If I had to guess, I would say they are pretty newly made.

  “Are you guys wanting to play with us now?” Terrance asks. William sits down beside him and pats his back.

  “Maybe after we talk a little. It is good seeing you guys all doing things together for a change.” William tells them. I wonder why they never broke in to any of those games in the closet. If I am here for any length of time they will all be played, eventually.

  Drake comes over and lifts me up and sits me in his lap. He glares at the other guys as though he is staking his claim. I roll my eyes. Men. I pull my hair to the side and let it fall in his face. I laugh when he sputters. He should know by now that I have no interest in any other man. I told him I love him for god’s sake.

  “William will you tell everyone what we saw?” Drake asks William to tell us as he pulls me close and puts his face in my hair. He takes a deep breath as if to breathe me in. It always seems to calm him and I love it that he likes the way I smell.

  “Paul was killed by another vampire. His neck was broken and his heart had been torn from his chest. We found a note where his heart should have been.” William says as he pulls the note from his pocket and sets it on the table. I lean in to read it with the other guys and gasp at what I see.


  Is this note about me? I am the only mate here. Why would someone want me dead? I have never done anything to upset someone. These are the only vampires I have ever met.

  “What is this abomination that could be born?” I ask the guys. William clears his throat and looks at Drake.

  “This person is referring to any child you two conceive.” William says reluctantly and Drake pulls me closer as I absorb what he just said. Is he saying that I can get pregnant? I didn’t think that was possible. I guess I should have asked. Oh my god. I touch my stomach, where a child could very well be growing. We haven’t used any protection, since I stupidly believed that it wasn’t possible. I glare up at Drake who just continues to hold me close. I can’t really place all of the blame on him. I should have asked and protected myself.

  “I could be pregnant?” I ask Drake and ignore the others in the room. He looks me in the eye and nods his head. I cry out and put my head against his shoulder. It was the one thing that I felt I would miss out on when I decided to give this relationship a chance. I thought I was giving up my dream of being a mother. I start to softly cry into his shoulder as he rubs my back. I am sure he is in my mind and knows that I am crying in relief and not disappointment. I always wanted to be a mother.

  “I love you.” I whisper in his ear. What the hell did the asshole who left the note mean about it being an abomination? Will it be a vampire or a human like me?

  “Why would this person call our child an abomination?” I ask Drake and he looks down at me and I can see the muscle ticking in his jaw.

  “Our child will be the first hybrid.” He tells me and I can tell he is worried about what I will think. Honestly, I am still in shock that I can get pregnant with his child. A hybrid, meaning the baby will be a mixture of both vampire and human. I still wonder why this vampire could see that as being an abomination. I know that in the human world we have elitist who believe in the purity of races. It never occurred to me that it might happen in the vampire world but that is what it sounds like to me.

  “I believe that is it exactly.” Drake says, obviously reading it from my mind.

  “Believe what?” William asks. Drake looks over at him.

  “That this vampire is probably similar to the human elitist who believe in the purity of a race of humans.” Drake explains to William. William thinks about it for a few minutes.

  “I think that has to be it. I honestly can’t think of another reason.” William tells us.

  “I can tell you what the person’s behavior would be like that feels this way.” I tell them. I did an article on profiling criminals and the profiler from the FBI that I met taught me how to do it. I am not good enough to work for the FBI or anything but I do know how a racist acts, even when they are in the closet bigots.

  “Please do share.” William says.

  “Well this will be someone who believes that he is a step above the rest of you. He will come off a bit cocky. Not always, but most of the time. He will also not like taking
in fledglings, I can imagine he would think it is beneath him.” I tell William, as he steeples his fingers under his chin. He is thinking about what I just told him. I know that it isn’t anyone in this house. They do not fit the profile.

  “Sounds like most of the council members.” Drake says over my shoulder.

  “I think we need to contact them and get them all here.” William barely gets out, when Drake jumps up taking me with him and sending the chair crashing to the floor.

  “Absolutely not.” He shouts. I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.

  “He’s right Drake. I will know just from being in the room with them, who it is. He will show his hand. He won’t be able to resist.” I say reasonably to Drake as he stares daggers at William.

  “Would you risk your own mate?” He asks William, ignoring me completely.

  “If my mate is half as smart as yours, I would have faith in her ability but I also wouldn’t leave her side. I will be with you too. I am the oldest and the most powerful. Do you trust me, my son?” He asks Drake. I look up at Drake and see him frown as he takes in everything that William said. I love that William thinks so highly of me. I trust these two fierce men to protect me.

  “Yes, father. I trust you.” He finally says but he hugs me closer to him. I can feel his fear for me and I know he is truly putting a lot of faith in William. William look surprised before he schools his features. I wonder if these two have ever talked about their feelings. It’s doubtful, men seem to suck at that. It looks like vampires are no different.

  “Make the call before I change my mind.” He carries me out of the room. I look over his shoulder and see William pull out his phone. I press my face into his neck and allow him to carry me to his room. I know that he is going to make love to me again. It seems that I’m not the only one who needs the comfort.

  Chapter 9.

  It has been three weeks since we called the council to come to Northridge. It took some time to come up with a date that worked well for everyone. I have been dreading this day for three weeks, though much more now. This morning as I lay next to Emmy, a noise caught my attention. It took me a while to figure out what it was until I placed my head on her stomach. It was my child’s heart beating. Now, I need to protect them both.

  I haven’t told Emmy yet because we have been so busy getting everything ready that I haven’t had a chance. I know she wants to have children and that this will be good news. I am just so scared that if I noticed the heart beat that surely one of the council members would. There is only one way to tell. I walk into William’s study with Emmy by my side. William looks up at us with a smile.

  “Is everything ready?” He asks with a raised brow. He stands up to make his way over to us and stops. His brows are now in his hairline as he looks at Emmy’s stomach. He can hear it. Now that I have heard it, it seems to be getting louder. Emmy looks at William as though he is losing his mind. I would laugh if this wasn’t such a scary situation.

  “You hear it. Surely you can see why we need to have Emmy and Thomas stay in the safe room while we meet with the council.” Emmy looks up at me with clear disappointment on her face. I hate seeing it there but I have to protect them at all costs.

  “Why?” She looks hurt now and I like it even less than the disappointment. I place my hand on her stomach and she gasps. She places her hand over mine and stares up at me with tears in her eyes.

  “Are you certain?” I just nod my head and watch as the tears spill over and down her cheek. I wipe them away with my thumb and grip her chin so she doesn’t look away.

  “I love you Emmy. You and this baby are my life. I can’t live without you. I can’t risk something happening to you.” I tell her and then brush my lips across hers.

  “You and William can both tell, but would other vampires who never met me?” She looks up at me with the question before looking over at William.

  “We can hear the heart beat pretty loudly but we are attuned to such things.” William tells her.

  “Yes they will know right away.” I hate having to tell her that but it’s true. They will know as soon as she enters the room.

  “That could be an advantage to us. It would incite the guilty vampire into making a mistake. He will show his hand more quickly.” She says as she looks between William and me.

  “No, absolutely not.” I yell. I do not even care that she flinched. The entire thing is insane. I would never risk her and my child. I was fearful before the baby, now I am positively dreadful. I can’t lose them. I look over at William for help. He seems to be thinking it over. He looks up at me and I see the look in his eyes.

  “No, William. I thought you would be on my side. You would risk my mate and child.” I am shocked but more than that, I am hurt. How could he even consider this? This is not just my life that he is putting on the line. He is risking the lives of two innocents. Two innocents that are my…everything. My reasons for living. My heart and my sanity are in this woman’s hands. I pull her against me and absorb her heat as I listen to the fast heartbeat of my child. The steady rhythm soothes me.

  “I wouldn’t ask this lightly. I will protect her with my life and if you asked the others, they would as well. She is part of this family. The boys adore her as much as I do. None of us would allow her to be hurt. Again, I have to ask, do you trust me?” He looks me in the eye and I see the determination. I trust him with my life but he’s asking me to trust him with my mate and child. I’m not sure I can trust anyone but myself with their wellbeing.

  William stares into my eyes and I know he can see the battle that is taking place in my head. I wouldn’t even question my trust in him for anything other than her.

  “You once told me that you didn’t want to live without your family. I told you that you wouldn’t have lived at all. I saved you selfishly because what I saw in you was my son. It is more than that though. When I was still human, I had a child. A girl named Anna. She was beautiful just like her mother.” He looks away as though lost in a memory. I have never heard him talk about his human life. I knew his siblings and parents were dead. He was forced to watch it happen under mind control.

  “We were young, barely fifteen. Her parents made us give her to a family that couldn’t have children of their own. We agreed though it was the hardest thing either of us had to do. Jenny, the mother of my child, died a year later. I was destroyed. I really thought that what we had was love. It was a fleeting feeling, though very intense. I understand now that it was more like puppy love.” He looks back at me.

  “I kept track of Anna as she grew up, even after I was changed. She had one child and he married a woman. They had three kids though only one lived after small pox took them. Beverly, she married your father and they had you kids. I watched you grow. You look so much like my daughter Anna. I couldn’t bear to lose my last family member. The very last of my blood.” He looks me in the eye. I would have fallen to my knees if Emmy wasn’t there to keep me strong. I still have family.

  It seems so hard to believe, though I do not doubt it. William is my great, great grandfather. That is the reason he didn’t wait for my permission to change me. All these years that I carried anger for what he had done to me and it is nothing more than I would have done myself. I see why he told me about all this finally, so that I would see that he would be risking the last of his bloodline if anything happen to my mate. This child will be his grandchild.

  “I trust you.” I tell him in a gravelly voice that barely sounds like me. I am overcome with emotions. I wish he had told me all of this years ago. It would have explained so much. I know he has a difficult time talking about his past. I can’t blame the man. There has been so much tragedy. I only hope that we all get to see better days now. I have hope now that I scarcely believed I would ever have. I hold my hope and dreams in my arms.

  “I will never do anything that would harm my daughter in law and grandchild. Do you understand now how important you three are to me?” He asks as he grips my shou
lder. I look up into his crystal blue eyes and I know that he will always put us first, if I allow it. I place my hand over his and give him a nod. I do not have a handle on my emotions yet. He seems to understand and doesn’t push the matter.

  Emmy hugs William and pulls me from the room. She understands exactly what I need right now as she drags me to our room and starts stripping out of her clothes. I follow her lead. When she is completely naked she comes over and helps me with my pants. She drop to her knees and looks up at me through her thick lashes. I have never had a woman take me into her mouth. In my day that was considered obscene and not respectful of the woman. I want to stop her and tell her I respect her too much but I am speechless.

  “It would be disrespectful if you didn’t let your woman please you with her mouth, as you have her.” She says as her tongue darts out and licks the pre-cum from my tip. I groan at what a vision it is to see her this way. Her on her knees ready to explore me with her tongue. I run my fingers through her soft hair as she licks me from base to tip. The only thing better is the silky grip of her pussy.

  She opens her mouth wide and sucks me into her mouth.

  “Fuck.” My head falls back as she slides more of me inside her wet mouth. I look back down to see what else she will do and she looks up at me with her beautiful eyes. Her pretty plump lips are pulled tight around my thick cock. I can’t look away. I am mesmerized as she slides her mouth up and down my shaft taking me further back into her throat. She gags a little but doesn’t stop. I grip her hair as she starts moving in a rhythm that has my hips moving with her. She is driving me crazy.

  “I’m about to cum.” I tell her as she continues to suck me and then she swallows around me. I can’t take any more. I growl as I pump my cum into her mouth. I think I am nearly done when she cups my balls and rolls them in her fingers. I groan as one more spurt releases. She is killing me. I fall back on the bed and she giggles. She knows that she has just enslaved me. My fucking goddess.


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