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Northridge Vampires_Drake

Page 8

by Amy Robyn

  “I’m starting the shower.” She tells me as she walks in the bathroom. I look up in time to see her rounded bottom shake as she walks into the other room.

  “Shit.” I say under my breath as I feel myself harden again. I guess it’s time for round two. I think we have time. I look at the clock on the bedside table. More than enough.

  Chapter 10.

  He climbs in the shower and I smile to myself. I knew he would follow me. I wonder if it’s a vampire thing or just a Drake thing, the way he can cum over and over again, all night long. Not that I am complaining. He has made me just a voracious as he is or maybe it’s the hormones. I can’t believe I am pregnant. I have never been happier. I have a very loyal man who loves me and now we are having a child together.

  “I can never get enough of you.” He says against my neck as he pushes me against the wall and enters me from behind. He thrusts deep and bottoms out on the first stroke making me cry out. It is always like this with us. So primitive in our need. I can’t get him deep enough. I wish he could stay inside of me. Stay one with me always. This is when I feel the most complete.

  He starts moving inside of me and I am lost in the pleasure. I moan against the cold tile that my hard nipples are pressed against. He turns my head to the side and takes my mouth. He thrusts his tongue in the same rhythm his dick is moving. I whimper into his mouth and just absorb the fast pivoting action of his hips. He powers into me like a man possessed and I am equally possessed. I can’t stop the sounds of ecstasy from falling from my mouth and into his.

  I scream as I feel myself tighten around him, milking his cock of his essence. My cream coats his cock as he slams into me three more times before he stills and I feel the warmth of his semen fill me. I can’t stop moving my hips as I work the seed from his body, as though I need more of it.

  He stops my movements with his palm on my hip and covers my mouth with his hand. I can feel his panic and my heart starts racing. What’s going on?

  There are men here and they are not vampires. They just pulled up. He pulls out of me and removes his hand from my mouth. He moves us out of the shower so quickly that I am disoriented. He grabs my robe and wraps it around me before moving to the door. He races out, still carrying me. I just close my eyes so that I do not get dizzy. He stops at what looks like the rest of the wall except the large painting. He pushes it aside and enters a code in the steel doors that appear.

  He swings the door open, revealing a small room. It has a bed a refrigerator and a toilet. It basically has everything you might need in an emergency. I look around as he sits me on the bed.

  “You’ll be safe here. I promise to return to you as soon as this is over.” He kisses my lips and leaves. The door shutting behind him sounds so final and I am scared I will never see him again. I can’t live without that man. I never thought I would fall in love and when I thought about it as a child, I never thought it would be with a vampire. I am happy I was wrong on both parts.

  I lay down on the bed and try to push my way into his thoughts so that I can see what is happening but he won’t let me through. I growl in frustration. I need to know what is going on with him. I feel him yet only his emotions, which are all over the place, anger is the strongest. His need to protect me makes me feel cherished and pissed all at the same time. I realize I’m not as strong as a vampire but I am still no shrinking violet. I can handle myself, especially with humans.

  I get up and go to the refrigerator. It is stocked with human food. I roll my eyes because he plans for everything. It’s a good thing, though annoying that he assumed I would end up in here as the damsel in distress.

  I hear gun shots and I drop the bottle of water I had picked up. I press my shaking palm to my mouth to keep from screaming. My lover, the father of my child, is out there in this chaos I hear raining down on the castle. More gunshots. I sit down on the floor and curl my knees up to my chest as I try to calm my racing heart. I can’t lose him.

  Chapter 11.

  I rush back to our room and throw on a pair of sweats. I grab my blades. I block everything out of my mind but the need to protect my family. I rush out and down the stairs just as the doors are broken through. We are all ready, moving in a blur. I reach the first man who raises his gun. I move my blade quickly, cutting off the hand holding the revolver. The gun goes off and I feel the bullet whiz by my cheek. That was too damn close. I slash the man across the neck and watch as he slumps to the ground

  I move on to the next man who is trying to shoot at William who is moving too fast for him. Bullets are flying but none finding a target. I growl as I come up behind the man and quickly cut his throat. More men are coming through the door and I move even faster than I had before. The need to destroy those who would harm my family is beating against my brain. I grab the next man and throw him to Thomas. Then on to the next. I cut through them without thought and without stopping.

  When all the humans are dead and laying with their eyes open, yet unseeing. I finally slump down against the wall. I look at the carnage that had once been our home. I flinch just thinking about sweet Emmy seeing this destruction. I look over at where William was standing and see him leaning against the wall holding his neck. Fuck. I rush over to him. He is missing a chunk out of the side of his neck. I wish I could kill these men all over again.

  I pick him up and carry him to the dining room table. He tries to speak but nothing comes out. I press my hand to his chest where another hole is. This one doesn’t worry me as much as the one in his neck. If it severs his spinal cord we will lose him.

  “Don’t move father.” I tell him before running up the stairs two at a time. I step into my room and grab my phone. I call Steven.

  “I need you here. William has been hurt and needs human blood.” I hang up without saying anything else. There is no time to spare. I run to the panic room and enter the code. Emmy throws herself into my arms as soon as the door opens. She is crying as she looks me over. I carry her down the stairs.

  “Cover your eyes until I tell you to open them.” I make sure she complies. She doesn’t need to see all of the death and destruction that lay in our living room. I carry her into the dining room and sit her at Williams head. I wouldn’t even consider this for anyone else. I can’t let William die if I can prevent it.

  “Sweetheart, I need you to feed William some of your blood or we will lose him.” I tell her as I grab her chin in my fingers so she sees the seriousness in my eyes. I leave a streak of red on her chin and up her cheek. For some reason seeing it there nearly destroys me. I know it isn’t her blood but knowing that it is there at all fucks with my head.

  “William.” She says when she looks down at the table. William is looking at us and holding his throat. He doesn’t want her to see how badly he is injured and for that I am grateful. She presses his her wrist to his mouth and William shakes his head.

  “Please William.” She says softly to him. He stubbornly shakes his head.

  “Father, I called Steven. He will be here soon but you need to take some from Emmy. You know I wouldn’t allow it if it wasn’t necessary. Now drink old man.” I know the old man part will tick him off as he opens his mouth, letting his fangs slide down. He latches on to her wrist and I can’t help the way I respond. I growl at him and Thomas comes over along with Terrance. They hold me back as I shout and growl like a wild beast as my mate feeds another vampire. I know it isn’t rational.

  I hear a car pull up outside.

  “Zeke go help Steven get in here.” I yell at Zeke who was standing near us in case he needed to add his strength to hold me back. Zeke leaves the room.

  “William, Steven is here. Release my mate or I will kill you.” I growl the last part but William releases her and licks her wound, making me growl some more.

  “Calm yourself, my son. I would never do anything to hurt my daughter in law or my grandchild.” William tells me and I take a deep breath to calm myself. The guys let me go as soon as Emmy wraps her arms around my waste. I li
ft her into my arms and move her away from William or any of the other men. I hold her close to me and take her mouth. I kiss her over and over until she finally pushes me away to check on William.

  I look over and see him feeding from Steven now. His wound on his neck has closed and looks normal again. We watch as the bullet in his chest pops out and lands noisily on the table. It closes up quickly. I breathe a sigh of relief. When he finishes feeding, he licks his wrist to seal the wound. He sits up and looks around at all of us. He rubs his chest where there used to be a hole.

  “I know the neck was the worst but the chest hurt the most.” He tells us with a pinched look on his face.

  “Any other injuries?” He asks. I shake my head but it is Devyn who answers.

  “Are you kidding? You and Drake were moving so fast that you had them taken out before we could even get to you.” He says in awe. I noticed a few weeks ago that Emmy’s blood makes me stronger than ever. She makes my abilities nearly match that of William’s. I never knew a mate’s blood makes you stronger. I can’t wait to see what happens when William finds his mate.

  I walk over to Steven and put my hand out to shake his. He has been such a good friend and always willing to help out.

  “Thanks man for coming so quickly and helping save William.” I say and pull him in for a manly hug. I slap his back and pull away. I never would have done that a month ago. Emmy is making me soft and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  “You know I would do anything for you. You saved mine and my wife’s life. We wouldn’t be here now if it wasn’t for you.” He tells me as he grips my shoulder.

  I remember going to the bar that day and seeing a Steven’s wife, Julia, frantic. He had been missing for two days in the woods. I rushed out and tracked him from his house and into the woods. It only took me an hour to find him. He had a twisted ankle and had a fever. He became disoriented from his fever and couldn’t find his way out. I rushed him to the hospital. He had pneumonia. Had I waited another day he would have died. I am glad that I decided to check on the bar that day.

  A few months later I found Julia’s car dangling precariously over a ledge of a steep drop off. I had always thought it needed guard rails. Poor Julia was gripping the steering will with white knuckles. She feared to move even a little. She barely breathed in fear of it offsetting the weight of the vehicle. I knew in saving her I would be revealing what I was. I couldn’t walk away. I pulled the car back onto the road and pulled her out.

  The next day I received a call from Steven. I knew the call was coming though I had hoped it wouldn’t. I was scared that I would be putting their lives in jeopardy by revealing my secret. We are not supposed to let a human live once they find out. Thankfully times have changed. I went and saw him. He asked me how I was able to pull the car without another vehicle. I told him about us. I had discussed it with William and we decided to allow some human help. Now, we pay him to keep us updated on who moves in and out of the area.

  He has helped in so many more things than we ever thought he would. He has been invaluable to us. He has also been a friend and confidante. I haven’t had many of those in my life. His wife knows also. She is such a sweet thing. I am hoping her and my Emmy will get along well. I know Emmy hasn’t had many friends either. She was a bit of a loner growing up. I have seen her blossom under the friendships she has made with the fledglings. They adore her and she them.

  “I was thinking of bringing Emmy to meet Julia. I think they will get along very well.” I tell Steven. He smiles genuinely happy.

  “I think Julia could use a friend that will visit her now that she is on bed rest.” I agree to call him in a couple of days. He shakes my hand one more time before he leaves. I turn to the fledglings as I gather Emmy into my arms.

  “Please clean up the entryway before the council arrives.” I tell them as I carry Emmy into the kitchen. She starts making a sandwich as she hums. She pops a few green grapes in her mouth as she moves around the kitchen. I love watching her move. She is so graceful and enthralling. Her enticing curves making my mouth water as her hips sway. Her long hair swings around her and I imagine gripping the locks as she sucks my cock. My dick hardens painfully in my pants.

  “Will you go let Sammy out of our room? See if Thomas will give her a quick walk before the council gets here.” She asks and I am only too happy to comply but not without a kiss. I take her mouth once more in a passionate embrace before I turn and walk out of the room. One minute more and I would have pinned her to the counter. My cock throbs at the thought of it.

  I rush up the stairs and I can hear Sammy howling before I get there. I open the door and she races out and down the stairs. She must smell Emmy because she heads straight into the kitchen. I laugh. She truly loves her owner. I holler at Thomas and ask if he will take Sammy for a walk. I would do it but I am not leaving Emmy’s side and she needs to eat and then dress quickly.

  I walk back into the kitchen and find her sitting at the table. She eats her sandwich and hums as she chews. She is beautiful sitting there in only a robe with sunlight steaming in through the window to create a glow surrounding her, making her look ethereal. How lucky am I that she is my mate? Mine to love and cherish. I listen to the rapid beat of my child’s heart. She has given me the miracle of life. The most precious gift of all time.

  I lift her up and sit her back down in my lap as she finishes eating. I like feeling the soft press of her against me. It calms me. Everything she does seems to either soothe me or arouse me. She turns sideways as she finishes her last bite and stares up at me. I kiss the tip of her nose. I do not think she could ever fathom just how much I love her. It goes well beyond any explanation.

  “I love you so damn much, woman.” I tell her as I pull her into me. I kiss her neck and feel the shiver work through her. I smile as I kiss her some more. She makes me feel alive. I want nothing more than to carry her upstairs right now and make love to her but we have the other council members showing up soon and another enemy to seek out.

  “We better get you dressed and I need to shower really quickly.” I tell her as I stand up and let her slide down my body, making me groan at the feel of her curves against me. I lead her out of the room and up the stairs to our room. I pull her inside and then lock the door behind us. I kiss her softly before leaving the room. I am barely able to do it when I would like nothing more than to lay her out on the bed and do all the things that are running through my head.

  I step into the shower and quickly clean up. I do not want to be away from her any longer than I have to be.

  Chapter 12.

  It’s funny how things can change in a flash. It seems like only yesterday that I was going to work at the paper and I thought my life was perfect. It took me meeting a very beautiful, yet stubborn vampire for me to realize that I hadn’t really been living, just existing. I was waiting for him. I am finally alive. In his arms I feel more alive than in the twenty five years prior. He is very much a part of me, the vital part. I can no more live without him than a fish can live without water.

  I pull open the drawers to our dresser and find a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I’m not dressing up for the council. One, I didn’t bring anything fancy with me and two, after what we have all been through today, who gives a shit. I hear the shower turn off and I smile. He really doesn’t like being away from me at all. You should have seen him when I had to go into the office. He would growl at my boss anytime he came near me. Not that I minded.

  I think that is the reason my boss was perfectly okay with me taking my vacation. The only problem now is that I do not plan on going back there. I had a lot of time to think things over. It is time I wrote that book I have always wanted to write. I know that Drake will love the idea of me being home more. He hasn’t said anything but I know he wants me to give up my apartment. I have no problem doing that. I know where my home is now.

  He walks out of the bathroom with towel wrapped around his waist. I look over at him and I can’t look away from w
hat I see. I lick my lips as I watch a droplet of water slide down his chest, it zigzags at his washboard abs and then straight down to his navel. I follow its progression. Drake laughs and moves toward me.

  “I love that you like my body as much as I love yours. It’s sexy when you get that look and then lick your lips. It makes me want to watch you swallow my cock.” He growls the last part against my mouth. I go to pull his towel off and demonstrate just that. He steps back.

  “Nope, we have company coming and if you start that, we won’t be leaving this room again tonight.” He tells me and I give him a pout that makes him chuckle and kiss my lip that is sticking out. He turns and pulls out some clothing. He chooses all black and I shake my head. Is he trying to be the quintessential vampire? I brush my hair while he dresses and when he is finished, he takes my hand.

  “Well, let’s get this over with.” I can tell this is the last thing he wants to do. I can relate. He is worried about me but what he doesn’t get is that I will be worrying about him too. I know he would fight to the death for me and it terrifies me that he will do just that. I can never lose him. He means too much to me. It is strange how quickly he has made his way into my heart. I always thought it would be more of a process. I would date a man for a year then move in with him. After a year of living together he would ask me to marry him.

  It has been a total of a month and I am hooked. I live with him and I am already carrying his child. It seems like everything I wanted only in different orders and at warp speed. It’s a good thing that I adapt well to changes. My father is military and moved us from one base to another. My mother passed away when I was ten from breast cancer. My father buried himself in work and didn’t care much about the girl left behind. I learned to be alone at a very young age. I would adapt to wherever he moved us, only to move again six months later.


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