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Charlene Hartnady - Stolen by the Alpha Wolf 3# (Determined Theft)

Page 11

by Unknown

  Ward felt his chest tighten. “Yes, I do. Stephany is everything to me. I would do anything for her.”

  The little female nodded, her eyes glazed. “Maybe one day I’ll find someone who cares even half as much.”

  “You have…will female, of that I have no doubt.” She didn’t know it yet, but she really already had. It wasn’t Ward’s place to discuss it with the human though. Besides, such things had been known to scare non-shifters off. Rushe seemed to want this female, so he would leave it alone.

  “Call me, Becky.” She pouted her full lips at him for several beats.

  He nodded. “Becky.”

  She released a breath, her whole demeanour softened. “They have the most delicious pastries with fruit filling or custard at the coffee shop. Stephany will love them.” Becky smiled.

  Ward felt his whole frame tense at the thought of his female. The urge to go back to her almost overwhelmed him. The need to keep her safe had him clenching his fists. He hated this feeling of helplessness.

  Becky must’ve noticed how worried he was because she added, “I’ll reapply the gel once she has eaten. I’m sure that her labor will start within the next twenty four hours.”

  “This baby is growing fast. I was only gone a few days and her belly doubled in size. I’m worried that twenty four hours will be too long.” He felt his brow crease and his teeth clench. If something happened to his female…

  “The gel seems to be working. You said it yourself, we need to keep our thoughts positive.”

  He nodded. “In that room...yes, we do” He gestured to the closed door. “But out here…I want you to give it to me straight.”

  “I did. As a doctor, it is my duty to be nothing but honest with my patients. Stephany is progressing nicely. She should go into labor sooner rather than later.” She let out a healthy sigh. “All the signs say that labor can happen any time now. The problem is that these things are unpredictable at the best of times. We need to wait it out, I can try to break her water again...”

  He shook his head. “It won’t work. I just wish there was more that I could do.”

  Becky briefly touched his arm. “You are doing great. Keep up the words of encouragement. Be there for her.” The female smiled. “I shouldn’t be saying this because I prefer to stick to facts, but I am quietly confident that Stephany will go into labor soon. That she will be able to give birth to this baby.”

  Ward expelled a breath that he didn’t know he was holding. “I hope you are right. I will go back to my female now.”

  “You have my cell phone number, call me immediately if anything changes.” Her eyes stayed locked with his.

  “I will.”

  She nodded once. “I’ll be back soon.”

  Keys jingled in her right hand as she left the room.

  With the backpack still in his hand, Ward crept back into the room. Stephany lay beneath the blanket just as he had left her. The human was right, his female would be hungry when she woke up, she didn’t seem to want much blood anymore. The thought of blood had his mouth watering, he tramped down on the need. Concentrating instead on the needs of the group. Although he and his males could go without food for extended periods, it would be best if they kept their strength at optimum levels. Just in case.

  Yet, if the vampires knew where they were, they would surely have attacked by now. It was better to be safe than sorry in the end though.

  There was a screeching of tires.

  “Vampires!” Tyler shouted from the front of the building. A loud crash sounded, followed by glass breaking. Ward froze for a micro second. Ice filled his veins just as adrenaline surged. He was out of the room before he knew that he had moved.

  The breaking glass was Tyler, who had launched himself through the front window wanting to get inside before the vampires no doubt. It was important that they show a united front. Already the mild cuts and abrasions, that marred his skin, were healing but his clothes hung in shredded rags. Although his stance was tense and ready, his face was clear of any emotion. “Four SUVs just pulled up.”

  Rushe arrived a moment later, fists clenched, eyes filled with rage. “The only entrance to your female’s room is through this door, we have no other choice but to stand our ground.”

  “Agreed,” Tyler growled.

  The door in question opened behind them. “What’s going on?”

  Ward turned, Stephany’s eyes were wide, both hands securely on her belly. “Your coven is here.” He ushered her back inside the room. “No matter what, I want you to stay in this room. They are here for me and I don’t want you getting hurt in the crossfire.”

  “No, I—”

  How the hell did he make her listen? The kings might be upset with Stephany, but they wouldn’t knowingly harm her. Yet, he knew how easy it would be for her to get hurt during a clash. “Please. Do as I say.”

  “Try and talk with them. I’m sure Brant would—”

  “Do you truly believe that he is here to talk? I don’t understand how the hell they found us. Your friend…”

  Her eyes narrowed. “No…don’t say it. Becky would never.”

  He nodded once. Ward also struggled to believe that the human would do such a thing. There had to be another answer.

  Ward brushed his knuckles across her cheeks and closed the door between them. Her panic stricken face left him feeling ill.

  Tyler rummaged through one of the packs that he and Rushe had carried in, he pulled out an array of weapons. “The bastards are here,” Tyler growled. His voice becoming deeper as his canines distended at the same time as his claws. The male handed each of them a short sword and a knife. The silver blades glinted in the early morning light. Although shifters preferred hand to hand combat, their opponents would be heavily armed. The tight confines of the room would make using long swords and sabres difficult. Which would be more in their favor than the bloodsuckers’. He pushed the knife into the back of his jeans, ready in case he needed it.

  Vampire males streamed in through the broken window just as the door was bashed in. Chairs were flung to the side. There were easily four or five males to each of their one. Their only saving grace was that the space was too small to accommodate all of the bastard vampires at once. In the middle of the throng, surrounded by his royal guard, Brant stepped forward. His cold, hard eyes bore into Ward. His face was set in disapproval. Ward scanned the crowd, there was no sign of the male that believed himself to be Stephany’s mate. The tension inside him eased just a little.

  It was eerie how, aside from shuffling feet, the room was filled with silence.

  “I spoke with the human female,” Brant’s voice boomed. “Stephany is still with child.” The male shook his head, his eyes flashed with what looked like pain for a fraction of a second. “I hope you know that she is going to die and that her blood will be on your hands.”

  “Stop!” Anger bubbled up inside him. “You have no idea what you are talking about. Basing your beliefs on half-truths and presumed facts. The human had better be okay.”

  He snorted. “She is quite fine.”

  “My female needs her.”

  Brant took a small step forward. “Stephany is doomed. She needs a Sentinal to wish her a safe journey to the next life, not a healer.”

  Ward growled. “You have no right to make such a statement.”

  “I have seen vampire females die on the birthing bed. Do not speak to me of truths and facts. I know what the outcome will be, but I’m not here to argue with you wolf.” Brant narrowed his eyes. “I’m here to take you in. You are guilty of breaching my territory twice and for taking a member of my coven without royal permission.”

  “I went of my own free will.” His female spoke from behind him. Her hand touched the small of his back as she stepped forward.

  “Then you are a fool.” Brant snapped, his eyes flashing from Stephany’s face to her distended belly. A look of regret crossed his face briefly before the hard mask of indifference fell back into place.

bsp; Ward growled, low and deep. His chest vibrated from the severity of it. He only just managed to keep himself from rushing forward. He longed to punch the male. To feel his nose crunch or his jaw snap beneath his fist.

  Brant smiled. “No need for that wolf. You are greatly outnumbered. Come willingly or face the consequences.”

  Ward clenched his teeth, his hands were already tight fists, white knuckled on the hilt of his sword. “My female will go into labor any moment now. I refuse to leave her side. Once the child has been born, then I will come willingly.”

  The male shook his head, looking disgusted. “You can be thankful that I am sparing you the agony of watching her die.”

  Stephany whimpered and Ward felt his resolve snap. “Fuck you! My female will birth a healthy pup.”

  Instead of answering, Brant nodded to the male that flanked his left, keeping his eyes firmly on Ward.

  The male nodded back. “Get them. The Alpha is to be brought in alive!” he shouted, sword hoisted in the air.

  Panic seized him, his female was still behind him and in the line of fire. “Get into the room.” He turned his head back slightly, not taking his eyes off the advancing males. Using his free hand to give her a light push, he prayed that she would do as he asked so that he could concentrate on fighting the males off. His fear lessoned when he heard the door slam closed behind him.

  The wail of a siren grew steadily closer, making the advancing mob freeze.

  “It’s the human peacekeepers. I’ll take care of it,” a deep voice came from outside. It sounded very much like the other bastard king, Zane, but he didn’t have much time to dwell on it because the males began to advance once more.

  “We’ve got this.” Rushe broadened his stance.

  “Totally,” Came Tyler’s answering growl.

  Ward pulled the knife that had been sticking out of the back of his jeans. “We should surrender.” He knew there was little chance that they would survive the coming battle. The vampire king may have told his males to spare Ward, but he had made no such allowances for his pack mates.

  “You should listen to your Alpha,” Brant smirked.

  “Like fuck!” spat Rushe. “My alpha should be here for the birth of his heir.” The male threw his head back and roared, the violent sound had all of the males directly in front of them taking a step back. The crazy bastard launched himself into the astonished vampires with his sword slashing. Both he and Tyler stepped in next to Rushe, careful to stay clear of his blade and razor sharp claws. When Rushe went into berserker mode, he lost some of his ability to think rationally and would just as soon harm one of his own by accident.


  Stephany stayed on the other side of the door. So tempted to go back out there. Surely she could do something. The sound of clashing steel and blood curdling screams kept her where she was though. She had more to think of than just herself.

  There were too many. It was just a matter of time before the wolves were overrun. She’d heard Ward offer to give themselves up. That was just like him to think of the other two males and not just himself.

  Was Brant right?

  Would she die trying to birth this child? She’d always known that there was a chance that she would. Right now she was petrified of what Brant would do to Ward, especially if she did die. The king blamed Ward. Madness. Was she not old enough and wise enough to make such decisions for herself?

  The fighting dragged on, seconds becoming minutes, the minutes very soon surpassing an hour. Eventually the clanging grew softer. The screams fewer.

  “Nooo!” Ward screamed.

  There was a god awful roar followed by a loud thud. A blood freezing battle cry made her cringe. It came from just outside the door so she suspected it was one of the shifters.

  “Fuckers!” Ward screamed. Although he had cursed many times during the battle, this time he sounded desperate.

  There were several loud thuds and an enraged growl. The fighting noises stopped.

  “Fuck you! Let me go!” Ward snarled.

  It was over. The wolves had put up a brave fight, but they had lost in the end. Stephany cracked open the door by an inch. She gasped, taking in the carnage. The floor was coated in splattered blood. Fallen vampire males were being dragged away by other guards. A male lay moaning at her feet, his hand clutched to his bleeding chest. Both Tyler and Rushe were hoisted away. Their bodies broken and bleeding. When her eyes landed on a struggling Ward, she felt her throat tighten.

  “To the dungeon!” Brant barked.

  “Please,” Ward’s chest heaved as he spoke. A gash on his arm bled profusely. His face was crusted in blood and gore, which she suspected was not his own. “I need to stay with my female.” His eyes locked with hers. They were feral and desperate.

  Her chest tightened. “Let him go,” she pleaded.

  Brant rolled his eyes, brushing his hand down the front of his leather jerkin as if to remove some non-existent dirt. He shook his head. “I will stay with you, Stephany.” He turned to face a still struggling Ward. “Your female will not die alone. Your punishment wolf will be to sit in a cell alone until it is done.”

  “No!” Stephany screamed.

  “Bastard.” Ward spat, elbowing one of the males in the chest who briefly let him go. Just as Stephany thought that he might break free, two more males took the fallen one’s place and quickly secured Ward. There were more vampire males in this room right now than at the castle on any given day. The wolves hadn’t stood a chance.

  “Fear not wolf. I will let you say your goodbyes to both your female and your child, but only once they are dead. You will then have time to mourn over their cold stiff bodies. I’ll show you first-hand what your selfishness has caused.”

  Stephany clutched her stomach, her heart raced a mile a minute. Was what he said true? It would kill Ward if it was.

  The Alpha put his head back and roared. The sound filled with more agony and pain than any of the noises the males had made during the battle.

  “Once I am satisfied that you have suffered enough, you will have your head cleaved from your shoulders. Take him away.” Brant’s eyes flashed to the closest male.

  It was her turn to give an agonized shriek. She couldn’t do this without Ward. She would somehow have to convince Brant to let him go. Maybe the baby wouldn’t come just yet. Maybe she still had time.

  Stephany tried to run to Brant, but hands grabbed her from either side. “No, female.” She barely registered Griffin’s concerned eyes or the fact that the male held her with care.

  Ward growled and snarled, still fighting his captors.

  Pain overtook her. “Ward!” she screamed.

  His eyes flashed to hers just as she felt something pop inside her. Water gushed, wetting the sweats that she had pulled on earlier. There was no time to contemplate the situation, because a heavy onslaught of pain had her falling. It was only the male at her sides that kept her upright.

  Ward’s eyes turned panicked, he fought so much harder against the mob that surrounded him now, and for a few seconds he was lost from view. “She needs the healer,” he snarled. The mob surged. When she caught sight of him again, his face was covered in fresh blood, his eyes blazed. “You can do this.” He shouted as his eyes locked with hers. “Stay posit—” An elbow connected with his face as the group strode away.

  “Ward!” She cried as more fluid gushed.

  Like it or not, this baby was coming. Brant strode towards her. “Let go of the female and fetch the healer.” He addressed Griffin, taking the male’s place at her side.

  She tried to remove herself from her king’s grasp, but another painful contraction tore through her. Stephany grit her teeth. “Let go of me,” she finally managed to grind out.

  Brant ignored her, helping her back to the bed instead. Although she felt like pulling her arm away from him and punching him, she didn’t have much of a choice. It wouldn’t be long before the next pain hit, so she allowed him to help her onto the bed instead. “I c
an’t believe that you would do this to me after all these years.”

  “I never thought I would see you like this, Steph. You have disappointed me.” Before she could reply, he turned to the other male. “We need a clean-up team. I want fifteen males surrounding the perimeter.”

  “You need to keep me informed,” Zane said as he strode in. He grimaced as his eyes landed on Stephany. “I don’t know why you don’t just let the wolf stay. He should be here to witness his handy work first hand.”

  “I have made my decision,” Brant said almost under his breath.

  Zane snorted. “Our female will not be pleased.”

  Brant looked sheepish for the briefest second before his whole stance hardened up. “She’ll just have to deal. How is Lance holding up?”

  “He’s pissed that he’s been made to stay at the castle.” Zane narrowed his eyes. “If he knows what is good for him though, he will respect my decision and stay out of this. The male is too emotional about the situation and I would say the same for you.”

  Brant took a deep breath, looking like he was getting ready to argue when the door flew open.

  “Get the fuck out of my medical practice!” Becky shouted as she walked in. Her eyes were narrowed, her face a mask of rage. “Why you vampires seem to think that you rule the freaking world is beyond me.”

  “Human,” Brant inclined his head. “Stephany’s birthing pains have started. You will make her passing as comfortable as possible.”

  “To think I thought you were hot.” She threw Brant a scorching look that would have had a lessor male cringing. “What you are is a damned idiot. Get the fuck out!” Her hands flew to her hips.

  “I would like to request to stay.” Ross clasped his hands in front of him. Stephany only just noticed him in the room.

  “Request declined,” Zane growled. “Your little petition has been shredded. There will be no rutting human females”—he paused taking a deep breath—“ever.”

  “Happy fucking days!!” Becky said. “It would be the best for the human population anyway. You lot are a bunch of arrogant sons of bitches—” it seemed like Becky would quite happily have gone on and on, but the next contraction seized Stephany. She clutched her stomach, which had become rock hard. Although she tried to keep quiet, a moan managed to escape.


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