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Charlene Hartnady - Stolen by the Alpha Wolf 3# (Determined Theft)

Page 12

by Unknown

  Becky’s eyes snapped to her and the human walked over. “Oh, honey.” Her voice was calm and soothing. “Breathe through it.” She began to breathe in and out. Stephany mimicked the female, finding that it helped. The tension subsided and Stephany slumped back against the pillows.

  “Get out.” Becky’s voice had taken on a hard no-nonsense edge and to Stephany’s surprise, all the vampire males filed out. All except for Ross that is.

  “Becky. I’m sorry this has happened, please know that I—”

  “Save it.” Becky held up a hand. Without acknowledging the male any further, she walked to a nearby basin and began to wash her hands with a red liquid from a pump container.

  Ross kept his eyes trained on her back for a few beats, he scrubbed a hand over his face before sighing heavily. His eyes turned to Stephany. “I wish you luck with the birthing.” The male inclined his head and walked out.

  Becky pulled on some rubber gloves and walked to the side of the bed. “I don’t want you to listen to anything those bastards are spouting. Do you hear me?” Her eyes burned with intensity. “You are on my watch now and I plan on delivering a healthy baby.”

  “I want that too.” Another contraction hit and they both breathed through it. It seemed to take a bit longer to subside this time. “By the gods, that hurts.” Stephany had never considered herself a weakling before, but right now she wasn’t sure that she could go through this without support.

  “That’s why they call it labor, honey. Let’s check your cervix. Please remove the sweats.” She quickly removed the soaked pants. It wouldn’t be long before the next contraction hit. They seemed to be coming every few minutes.

  “Open up for me please.”

  She did as Becky asked and spread her legs. By now, she was used to the intrusion and didn’t tense up as badly. The whole thing was over quickly. “You’re three centimeters already. The gel did its job.” The female removed the gloves, tossing them into the trash. “Don’t be fooled though. We have many hours ahead of us yet. I’m here for you.”

  It was as if her body had heard the female, because the now all too familiar tensing of her muscles started in her belly region indicating a pending contraction. Her eyes must’ve widened or something because Becky grabbed her hand and they both breathed together until it passed.

  Once it was over, Becky started to move away. Stephany grabbed her hand. “Thank you.”

  The female smiled. “What are friends for?”

  Stephany felt her eyes fill with tears, and as hard as she tried, she couldn’t make herself stop. Hot tears cascaded down her cheeks.

  “Oh, honey.” Becky squeezed her hand. “We’ll get through this.”

  “I’m so scared. What will happen to Ward?” She sniffed, wiping her eyes.

  “Let’s get you through this and then we’ll worry about Ward.” She sighed. “He’ll be very worried about you. He’s a really good guy. He loves you big time.”

  “I know.” Her tears came faster. “I never got to tell him that I love him too.”

  “He knows. It’s easy to see. The two of you are a match made in freaking heaven.” The human gave her a wistful smile.

  “Not really, we’re complete opposites. A vampire and a wolf are hardly a match. Besides, I’m technically mated to Lance.”

  Becky shrugged. “That whole Lance thing is bullshit. I’ve seen the way you and Ward look at each other. The love you feel for one another is almost tangible. It’s rare and beautiful. Once this baby comes, I’m going to give Brant a major piece of my mind.”

  Stephany felt her eyes widen and her mouth gape. “Why would you do that?”

  “Because he seems to have lost his.” She shook her head angrily.

  “But, don’t you need your mind? Wouldn’t giving a piece of yours away harm you?”

  Becky giggled. “You vamps are hilarious. No, silly.” She grinned broadly. “Giving him a piece of my mind means that I’m going to tell him exactly what I think of him and let me tell you”—Becky put her hands on her hips—“he won’t like it one bit.”

  The pains started up again, but Stephany ignored them. “Please”—she bit out through clenched teeth—“you have to try and save this child. If all hope is lost…” Her voice sounded strained, laced with the intense pain. It felt like she was being torn apart.

  “You will make it. I don’t want to hear such negativity. You—”

  “Becky…” It came out in a low growl that made the female’s eyes widen. “If I am dying… I want you to try and save this child. Find a silver blade.”

  Becky shook her head, blond curls flying. Stephany gripped her hand tighter, forcing her to listen. “Yes. Listen to me. Cut him out. He’ll be sick from the poison…probably won’t make it, but you have to try.” She was panting, pain rolling through her in fierce waves.

  Becky took a deep breath. Her blue eyes were locked with Stephany’s. When the female finally nodded, something inside her calmed.

  “Now, enough of that kind of talk. There is no reason why you can’t birth him.”

  “I think he is too big…” She looked down at her swollen belly. It looked even larger against her narrow hips. Possibly larger than it had been even this morning. “But I will try and I will pray.” If not for herself, then for this child and for the male that carried her heart.

  Chapter 10

  Twelve hours later…

  Sweat beaded her brow. The contractions came one after the other with barely any time to catch her breath. Becky put a straw to her lips. “Drink.”

  Her mouth felt dry and her lips were cracked, but she had barely taken one sip when the pains started up again. “Nooo,” she cried, exhaustion settling into her limbs. A feeling of hopelessness overtook her.

  Ever since the sun had gone down, any type of positive emotion she possessed had fled with it. “Breathe.” Becky grabbed her hand and squeezed.

  “No.” She fought against the pain, against her own body. “I want this to be over.”

  “Sorry to have to rain on your pity party,” Becky said, her eyes bearing into her. “But this isn’t over yet. You’re nearly there. You should start to get the urge to push soon.”

  She hadn’t even noticed Brant enter or felt his presence at the head of her bed. “This is the most agonizing part, human.”

  “Get out.” Becky didn’t take her eyes off of Stephany. “Don’t listen to him.”

  “Once the baby is stuck, it can drag on for hours. It hurts me to see you this way, Stephany. I had come to offer you an easier way out, but now that I am here I realize that I would be unable to deliver the death blow.” He shook his head, his eyes were filled with sadness.

  “Get the fuck out, you crazy asshole. Stephany’s labor is progressing well. It’s text fucking book, now leave before I’m forced to kick your vampire ass.”

  If not for another wave of intense pain, Stephany would’ve been horrified to see Becky give Brant a shove. “It won’t be long now before this baby is born and I won’t have you coming in here and scaring the living bejesus out of her.” Another shove, and this time Brant allowed himself to be moved. “I won’t freaking have it.”

  “Please, Brant.” Stephany panted. “I need Ward.” She growled long and deep as the pain become almost unbearable. “Please,” she managed to say as it began to subside.

  Brant’s eyes hardened up. “You know what? I agree with you. That male should be here to witness your death. It’s not enough to have him look upon your cold dead body. I want him to watch you take your last breath. To see the havoc that he has caused.”

  “You bastard.” Becky slapped the king across his face with a loud resounding crack. Brant didn’t so much as flinch. She lifted her hand a second time, but the king caught it in mid-flight.

  “Don’t test me, human,” he said through clenched teeth. The male pulled out his cell phone and dialed. With an irritated snort, he turned and strode from the room. Stephany heard Brant give the orders to have Ward sent over to the cl

  “Don’t listen to that type of talk.”

  Her gaze was drawn back to Becky.

  “You are doing just fine.” The female moved between her legs, checking her progress again. “You are nine centimeters. You will start to feel the need to push soon.”

  “I do feel more pressure down there. Like the baby is pushing on my opening.”

  “Good. That means the little one is moving into the birthing canal. It won’t be long, you’re doing great.” Becky gave Stephany an exhausted smile.

  Before Stephany could return the smile, pain rolled through her again, building with each panted breath. She grit her teeth. In reality, a contraction lasted a minute but it felt like forever. Though the two minutes between contractions seemed to go by in a heartbeat.

  The pressure increased. Stephany felt the first tremors in her hands, and before long her whole body shook, like she had caught a chill or something. She was about to ask Becky about it when the female arrived at her side. “It’s normal to sometimes shiver like that. You’re in what we call the transition phase of the labor. Your womb has opened and the baby is slowly moving down, ready to be pushed out.”

  Stephany tried hard not to think on Brant’s cruel words. It wouldn’t help her to dwell on them. She had to keep doing as Ward had asked and stay positive. This baby would be born. He had to be.


  Ward was sure that Brant had changed his mind about waiting until Stephany birthed the child to execute him. When the guards had dragged him from his cell, he was sure it was because his life was over. That he would never get to see his son born. Never look into his mate’s beautiful eyes again or to kiss her sweet lips.

  His surprise was paramount though when they threw him into the back of a waiting SUV, pulling him out when they arrived at the clinic.

  “Is my female alright?” He growled. Fear like nothing he had ever experienced before turned his skin cold and his breathing ragged.

  The males didn’t answer him, but rather continued to pull him in the direction of the entrance. Was this it? Had Stephany died? Were his worst fears about to be realized? Panic seized him and he elbowed the guard on his right. The male grunted, staggering away and releasing his grip. With his arm free, he punched the remaining guard square in the jaw. The first male had regained his footing, but thankfully the second fell giving him the gap he needed.

  Ward sprinted to the clinic, leaping through the still broken window. An astonished Brant and royal guard were in the waiting area. Their jaws dropped and their eyes widened in unison. Several males brandished brooms and mops. One of the males dropped the bag of trash he was carrying.

  Ward heard Stephany growl and the anxiety in him eased. She made a hard, low noise that ended on a deep groan. He flung the door open, slamming it behind him. His female held onto the edges of the bed. Her knuckles were white, her head was flung back. Her legs were open. Her hands linked around the back of her thighs so that she could pull them up and keep them in place. Becky knelt at the foot of the bed, peering between Stephany’s legs.

  “Your perineum is bulging.” Becky looked excited.

  “Is that good or bad?” He blurted, unable to help himself. At this point Stephany had slumped back onto the inclined section of the bed panting heavily. When she turned her head, he noticed that her eyes were bloodshot. Her face was flushed and dripping with perspiration. Her lips looked dry. “Ward,” her voice cracked. He kissed her forehead and took her hand in his.

  “So glad you could join us,” the human said. He glanced in her direction and she threw him a quick smile. “A bulging perineum is good. The baby should start crowning soon.”

  She must have seen his look of confusion because she added. “The top of the baby’s head will start to show soon.”

  “I hope you are right healer.” Brant strode into the room. “This is normally where things go wrong. The child will become stuck. You will need to cut the baby from the womb. Do not wait too long or Stephany will die.” The male pulled a silver blade from a sheath at his ankle, placing it on the desk.

  “My female will birth this child.” Ward stated simply, praying to all the gods that it was true.

  “No,” Stephany croaked. “You’ll kill him if you use that knife.” She began to pant, her face contorting with pain. “Don’t…do it”—she looked from Ward to Becky and back again, panic causing her face to pale. Her panting increased, turning into a strained moan—“please.”

  “No one is killing anyone or dying. Not on my watch. You get out.” Becky gestured to Brant before moving between Stephany’s legs once more. His female pulled her legs up. “That’s it. Now push.”

  Crunching her body as much as her swollen belly would allow, Stephany pushed. She drew in a deep breath and pushed again. She growled, snarled, panted and gripped his hand so tight that he was sure bones would break.

  When the contraction was finally over, she sagged against him, panting hard. “Did they hurt you?” Stephany asked.

  “I’m fine. Don’t worry about me, sweetheart.” He brushed the wet strands of hair from her face, humbled by how this truly amazing female could be so concerned for him at this moment.

  “She’s asking because you look like shit,” Becky said. “It won’t be long now, honey.”

  He ran a hand over his face and through his hair, looking down at himself for the first time. His hair was stuck to his scalp. His shirt was torn and caked with blood and gore. His pants were not much better. “I’m fine. Most of it isn’t mine.”

  “What about Rushe and Tyler?” Stephany asked, her eyes hooded from sheer exhaustion.

  His hackles rose. They had been thrown into the cell next to his. The same elderly female that attended to him had seen to them. Although both males would live, they were still in untold pain when Ward was dragged away. Tyler’s left arm had almost been completely severed. Rushe had taken a blow across the throat. The male had struggled to breathe, choking and gagging on his own blood for hours. Mercifully, he had been much improved by the time Ward last saw him.

  “They will live,” he said.

  Her look of relief made his heart clench. “Oh, good. I was really worried…” She grimaced clutching her stomach.

  “Okay honey. Let’s get this baby out.” The human leaned in between Stephany’s legs.

  “I’m so glad you’re here,” Stephany said between gritted teeth. The whole pushing process started up again. She strained and strained, till her face turned red and sweat dripped from her forehead.

  When it finally subsided, instead of falling back onto the bed, Stephany panted. “Help me up.” She tried to get into a squatting position on the bed. “Help me off.” His female gestured for the floor.

  He shot a questioning look at Becky who nodded. “Let’s help her.”

  Ward lifted his female and carefully helped her into position on the floor. Stephany was unsteady, so he got in behind her bracketing her body with his arms to keep her in position. “Yes,” she sighed, almost sounding content. When the next birthing pain hit, she growled loudly as she pushed.

  “I can see the baby’s head.” Becky spoke calmly, but Ward could hear the excitement in her voice. “I need you to stop pushing now.”

  “But I have to,” Stephany argued.

  “I don’t want you to tear,” Becky said. “We need to take it slow.”

  Stephany shook her head, continuing to push with all her might. “I will heal.” She grit out between pushes. “No waiting.”

  “That’s it.” Ward said, watching how Becky’s eyes lit with excitement.

  Stephany held onto his forearms, she made a growl of frustration as the contraction subsided.

  “Your baby is right there. One more good push and he will be born.”

  Stephany was leaning back against him, she nodded. “Be honest with me, is he stuck?”

  Becky shook her head, her blond hair flew about her face with the force of her denial. “He’s moving down. During that last push he almos
t made it out. It is normal for an infant to move down and pull back up. It’s fine, just as long as they keep moving down in the long run.”

  “You promise?” The fear etched in her voice made him want to hurt the vampire king for instilling such doubt in the first place.

  “I promise.” The human looked his female in the eye.

  “You will try and save him if it gets to that…”

  “Don’t.” Ward heard his voice crack with the intensity of his emotion.

  Her breathing hitched and her body began to tense in preparation of the next contraction.

  “Are you ready to hold your baby?” Becky smiled.

  Stephany nodded, a low growl beginning to build in her throat.

  “Good.” Becky looked down. “Push, honey, push.”

  Ward held onto his female, wishing so hard that he could do something more to help her through this.

  His female’s loud growl turned into a triumphant shout.

  Becky looked really busy. “Your baby’s head is out. I’m just cleaning the nasal passage and checking to ensure that the mouth is clear. There is no umbilical cord around the neck. God, he’s tiny. So freaking sweet.”

  Ward didn’t know what an umbilical cord was. It didn’t matter. All he knew was that his pup was about to be born. His female was going to be fine. Ward nuzzled into the back of her hair, inhaling her scent. “I’m so proud of you.”

  Stephany trembled in his arms. “Is he okay?” she whispered.

  “He is absolutely fine. On the next contraction we’ll free his shoulders,” Becky said.

  “Here we go.” Stephany stiffened. All it took was one big push and his pup was in Becky’s arms.

  “Oh my goodness,” the human said. “You were right.” She glanced up at Ward. “It’s a boy.” The little one squirmed. He let out a wail. Becky held one of her healer instruments against his pup’s chest for a few seconds before wrapping him in a blanket. “He’s really very small but other than that he seems completely healthy.”


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