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Taken by Her Mate

Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  Brendan looked feral, crazed, and had his eyes trained solely on her. A bow was slung across his back, and arrows were attached to his hip. He looked like some kind of wild man with a day’s worth of growth on his face.

  “Get out of the fucking car, Addie.” His voice was pitched low and filled with enough hatred she could taste it in the air, Addie found herself rooted to the spot.

  “If you don’t get out of the fucking car on your own, I’ll be forced to retrieve you myself.” He took a step forward. “And believe me when I say you don’t want to add that to the already long list of things I plan to do to you.”

  Brendan’s voice was dangerously low, and there was a crazed look in his eye. Whatever the hell had changed in him it had snapped the tenuous hold on sanity he once had. Her cell phone had fallen out of her hand when her window broke, and she didn’t dare reach down and grab it.

  “Please, Brendan, don’t hurt me.” Addie prayed that all of this was being recorded on Jackson’s voicemail.

  Brendan’s chuckle was low, deep, and sinister. “Oh Addie, baby, by the time I’m through with you the only thing you’re going to be able to say is my name.” He took another step close and bent down so his face was close to hers. “Now get. The. Fuck. Out.” He tore the door from the car, metal bending as it finally lay cockeyed to the side. Brendan’s muscles strained beneath his dirty shirt. Had he been living in the woods since he left the pack? His unkempt appearance would suggest it.

  The fact his wolf was so close to the surface, stinking the air around them with its musky odor of violence and hatred, had fear taking precedence inside of her. The flight or fight instinct was strong within her, but at the moment she knew she had to play along if she had any hope of getting out of this alive.

  Running would only anger him, and there was no doubt in Addie’s mind that he would catch her. Fighting Brendan was out of the question. She certainly wasn’t strong enough to take him on. Once she was out of the car he gripped her arm in a bruising hold and tugged her to him. His other hand took hold of her jaw and tilted her head back. The pain he inflicted had tears forming in her eyes, but what was her breaking point was when he slammed his mouth on hers, as if he was staking his claim on her.

  “Did you really think running from me would work?”

  Addie turned her head from his lips and swallowed the bile down that was rising up her throat.

  “Did you actually think I’d let you go, especially to Shaun?” Brendan’s laugh was maniacal, and she shivered as it held onto her like an icy hand.

  “You’re mine, Addie, mine to do with what I desire. You were mine before you were even born.” With his hand still tightly around her arm, he pulled her forward. Addie stumbled several times, trying to keep up with Brendan’s long, angry strides.

  They walked for over twenty minutes, going deeper and deeper into the woods. Addie knew the woods surrounding her home like the back of her hand, but he was taking her closer to the basin, a deep gorge-like area at the bottom of the mountain. It was just outside of Northern Mountain territory.

  Once they reached gorge he led her deeper still. A small, bare cabin sat nestled against the side of the mountain, camouflaged with sticks and leaves. If he hadn’t led her right to it she would have never seen it. The air was moist from the waterfall that fell just on the other side of the mountain and misted water across her face thanks to the downward path of the wind.

  How will they find me when the water and wind are washing my scent away?

  Brendan pushed her into the tiny cabin, and she fell to the ground. Her knees landed on the wooden floor hard, and she winced. Before she could push herself up Brendan’s boot connected with her abdomen, and she skidded across the floor to land against the wall. Vision blurry from her tears, she stared at the sadistic look of pleasure Brendan gave her.

  “I’m going to have so much fun with you, Addie, and there isn’t anyone that is going to stop me.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Shaun listened to both packs as they tried to take over his life. He saw the pride on his father’s face but he didn’t feel any of it. They were all talking about his fight with Brendan and how amazing Shaun would be as the leader of both packs. Alfred had already given up his position in the Northern Mountains pack. His own father was stepping down as alpha. Edward thought it was time for him to lead the two packs. Shaun didn’t feel ready to rule one pack, let alone two. When he’d been fighting, part of him had hoped he would be able to take Addie away and run.

  Leading one or two packs was not something he wanted. The tattoos that were appearing on his body were telling a different story. No matter how much he wasn’t ready in his mind, the fates were telling his body something else. Regardless of the mystical tattoos, Shaun didn’t want to lead any pack. All he ever wanted was Addie and to take her away from all the politics of the packs. Together they could leave, start a family, and leave everything else behind. The responsibilities of the pack terrified him. He didn’t know how to handle every situation that would come his way.

  Still, even though he wanted to leave, the tattoos pulsed, reminding him that he had little to no choice in the matter.

  “Son?” Edward asked.

  He shook the hand off his shoulder. “I don’t want this. I don’t want any of this. All I ever wanted was Addie. I fought for the right to claim her. I’m waiting for our mating, and then that’s the end of it. You shouldn’t be stepping down. Dad, you can rule both packs. You’re a great alpha.”

  Murmurs erupted around the room. Jackson cleared his throat gaining all of their attention. “I’m afraid it doesn’t work like that, Shaun. The fates have decided you’re the true alpha. Merging the two packs must have been destined, and even though you’re afraid, you’re the right man to lead the two packs.”

  Turning to Jackson he waited for the other man to elaborate.

  “You gave the two packs proof that you’ve got what it takes to lead. You’ve already talked about me being your second.”

  “I don’t think I can handle the responsibility, Jackson. I just want to move forward and start a life with Addie.” All he wanted was Addie. He didn’t want to control two packs or be responsible.

  “Can I talk to Shaun alone?” Jackson asked the crowd.

  All of his father’s guests left the room leaving him and Jackson alone. The other man’s shoulders were slumped, and all the fight left him.

  “What’s going on?”

  “The Northern Mountain pack is without a leader. Alfred quit, and Brendan left the pack. This could cause chaos for our pack, and you know what could happen to a non-ruled pack. You’ve already got what it takes to be the leader, Shaun.”

  Shaun knew. Any were in the area that senses no leader could take the pack over without a fight. Once they showed their power, the pack had no choice but to follow the lead.


  Running fingers through his hair, Shaun started to pace the small room. He’d sensed a change inside him from the moment he won the fight between him and Brendan. The power inside him was manifesting. His body was getting larger with every passing day. Something was different inside him.

  In one swift move Jackson tore the shirt off his back. Shaun rounded on him. “What the fuck are you doing?” Before he could control what was happening, he shoved Jackson, and the other man went crashing into the far wall. Before either could stop, the house started to shake and then stop.

  “We need to get out here,” Jackson said, getting up from the crumbled wall. They left the house just in time to see it crumble to the ground. The dust created covered them from the others. “You’re the true alpha, Shaun. Your strength, the sudden markings on your back, all indicate you’re the true alpha. There is no stopping this. If you walk away you risk killing all of us. Two packs under your control and your body is already adapting to make the change. I feel it inside myself.”

  He stared at Jackson. Shaun had woken up with the markings on his back five days ago. His body was s
tronger, and he’d broken several doors inside his home.

  His father merely smiled and then started fixing the doors after him. Now he was the one responsible for controlling two packs. What was going on?

  “It’s the truth, son,” Edward said.

  Shaun turned and looked at his father, who had just entered. “What is the truth?” He was getting confused by all of their words. There was nothing different about him. He was the same old Shaun with a few markings on his back. His body was also larger than he anticipated.

  “You wanted to change the way the packs were. Remember? You never liked the way they dealt with pack females. This is your chance to change it all.”

  He shook his head. There was no chance for this.

  “Addie already knows. We told her this morning,” Jackson said.

  Shaun paused as he stared at her brother, whose cell phone was going off constantly. The noise was starting to irritate him.

  “This was never a choice for me. The instant I did this I was doomed,” Shaun said.

  Edward shrugged. “You never asked what happened to the male during a challenge. Also, I’ve never known of two alpha sons competing for one woman. Brendan showed he didn’t deserve his woman in the way he treated her.”

  Moving away from the two men, Shaun slammed his fist against the nearest tree. The tree cracked and started to fall in the opposite direction.

  The cell phone went off again.

  Jackson continued to ignore it.

  “This is no longer a choice. I’ve got to stick this out otherwise you’ll be hurt?”

  Edward nodded.

  “But you’re the alpha. You should control your own pack.”

  His father lifted his shirt. The markings of the alpha were fading.

  The cell phone went off again.

  “You’ve got a choice, but it’s not just about you and Addie. This is about all members of the pack,” Edward said.

  “Do you really think the older members would follow me?” Shaun asked. If he was going to take over the pack then he was going to do it with the guarantee they would follow him.

  “They were the ones to demand you take over. You impressed them with your battle and also with your mercy on Brendan. No other mate would be able to resist killing the man responsible for hurting their woman. You did both.”

  Turning away from the two men Shaun paced the forest. There was nothing else he could do other than accept what the two men wanted.

  “Fine. I’ve got no choice.”

  His body was different, and there was no changing it for him. Shaun was the alpha of the two packs, and he couldn’t deny it.

  Shaun stared up at the sky and closed his eyes. The scent of the forest surrounded him. He opened up his mind and heart as each pack member filled his thoughts.

  Jackson’s cell phone went off again.

  “Take the call, Jackson,” Shaun said.

  He walked back to Jackson and Edward. Jackson flipped open the phone and frowned.

  “Addie called me. There’s a voicemail.”

  His heart raced at the thought of hearing his woman’s voice. Hearing her voice was the only thing getting him by. He missed her dreadfully. All he could think about was her wrapped in his arms. The way her body melted against his as he took her again and again, plagued his thoughts and dreams. No amount of release from his fist could compete with the beauty of her body.

  “Oh no,” Jackson said.

  “What’s the matter?” Shaun asked.

  Jackson dropped the phone and stared at Shaun. “Brendan has taken Addie. He’s hurting her.”

  Shaun picked up the phone and listened to the commotion over the voicemail. Addie’s pain-filled screams and the fear in her voice were clear, and Brendan’s wrath could also be heard.

  Rage coursed through Shaun. He let himself go to the feral rage of his beast. Brendan had hurt his mate for the last time.

  “Where could he have taken her?” Jackson said. “Addie won’t survive this. I knew I shouldn’t have let her go into town alone.”

  “It’s not your fault, Jackson.” Shaun turned away as his hackles rose. He couldn’t form any words as the rage of a wounded animal filled every part of him. His muscles expanded, and he felt the change start to take him.


  “Tell Alfred his son is dead. I showed mercy once, but he’s overstepped the line today. He will be dead.”

  Before any of the men stopped him, Shaun took off toward the forest. He stuck to the thick layer of trees. Half-way through his run he changed into a full beast. His wolf was angry, and together they made a deadly combination. They were angry and hurt at the pain being inflicted on their woman. Addie was theirs to protect and to claim.

  He promised her she’d never know pain again.

  You kept your promise. Brendan is dead.

  Shaun relished the feel of Brendan dying underneath his hands.

  He ran toward the Northern Mountains. By the time he made it to Alfred’s cottage, his father would have been in touch with the other man.

  Several of the members stepped out of the way as he rushed forward. Alfred stood in the entrance of his front door. The shame on the other man’s face couldn’t be mistaken.

  Shaun changed to human. “Where is he?”

  “I’m sorry—”

  “I don’t have time for apologies. Where is Brendan?”

  The other man swallowed. Shaun’s patience was running out. Reaching out he gripped Alfred’s neck. “Where is he?” He yelled the words in the man’s face.

  “He’s still my son.”

  “He’s a poor excuse for a fucking man, let alone a wolf. I warned him, and I warned you. Where is he?”

  “Tell him where Brendan is,” a woman said, coming out of the clearing. The scent of Brendan surrounded her. Shaun saw the bruises on the woman’s face. She was a blonde and one of the Northern Mountain pack. The woman was also under the age of eighteen, a mere child in Shaun’s eyes. The abuse of her person was clear to see.

  “You see the animal you created. Brendan is going to die.”

  Alfred didn’t say another word.

  “There is an abandoned cottage several miles east of here. It’s covered and wouldn’t be seen. You should scent the mixture of several women, although it might be hard with the water in the air masking the scent. Brendan takes his women there to abuse. It’s far enough away so no one can hear,” the woman said.

  “My son is no abuser. You all go there because you want him,” Alfred said. “I’ve seen the way you hang off him. He tells me this himself.”

  Shaun saw the conflict in the older man’s gaze. Alfred really didn’t know about the extent of his son’s abuse.

  “My son would never harm a woman.” It was clear the man was in denial, stupid, or covering for his son’s behavior. Hell, he was probably a combination of all three.

  “What about Addie? What’s your excuse for her?” Shaun asked.

  The older man’s shoulders slumped. “I didn’t know.” His voice sounded broken, as if he’d lost something. “I didn’t know.” Alfred appeared broken, but just as quickly he changed.

  Alfred threw Shaun off with surprising strength and went for the woman. Shaun was faster, and he caught Alfred by the neck and held him still.

  Jackson came through the clearing. Shaun quickly told him what went on and then handed him Alfred.

  “Can you handle him?” Shaun asked.

  “Yeah,” Jackson said.

  Shaun charged towards the cottage and changed back to wolf form. His senses were always better in wolf form. He followed the woman’s directions clearly. When the scent of multiple women invaded his senses, Shaun stopped.

  The mist of the falls surrounded him, camouflaging the subtle scent of pain and degradation. Shaun might not have even noticed the scents of horror if he hadn’t been specifically been searching for it.

  Turning his head he saw the cottage through the roof camouflage. The sound he heard chilled the bloo
d in his veins.

  “Shaun, help me.” Addie’s voice was broken. Her voice was filled with sadness and despair. He paused and then padded toward the door. The scent of Addie’s blood was the strongest he followed. The door was open to the cottage. Either Brendan was careless or had left for a second. He walked into the cottage and then up the stairs. Addie was chained to the bed. Cuts from a knife marked her naked body.

  Without a thought Shaun turned back to human and went to the bed.

  “Is it you?” she asked.

  “Baby, I’m so sorry.”

  “No, it’s a trick. You can’t be here. He’ll kill you.”

  Shaun reached out to snap the chain around her wrist. Pain struck his chest, and he roared out. He looked down to see a spike pushed through his chest. Addie screamed. The pain started to dull. Standing up, Shaun turned and pulled the spike out of his chest. The ability to heal was strong even in his human form. The power of the alpha was part of him. There was no hiding from his position.

  Brendan’s eyes widened as Shaun’s wound healed.

  “No, it can’t be.”

  “I’ve warned you multiple times over the years, Brendan.” Shaun charged at the male. They crashed out of the upper window. The scent of so many women’s pain clawed at Shaun. Brendan was evil, and there was no saving someone so evil and destructive. Shaun no longer wanted to help the other male. He wanted to kill the man. They landed on the ground below by shards of glass.

  Pushing Brendan off his body, Shaun got to his feet. Brendan charged at him. Shaun was faster. The blood of the true alpha ran through his veins. He dodged all of Brendan’s hits. When he launched at Brendan, Shaun didn’t hold anything back. There was no need. Addie’s screams over the years were at the forefront of his mind. He lashed out without holding anything back. Blood spurted out of Brendan’s nose. Shaun kept landing blows.

  When he stopped Brendan laughed at him. “Your woman has got the sweetest cunt.”


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