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Taken by Her Mate

Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  “Goodbye, Brendan.” Shaun wrapped his hands around the man’s neck and twisted. In the surrounding trees birds took off in flight. The sound of their flight covered up the noise of Brendan’s neck snapping.

  Brendan was on his knees, and in slow motion the rest of his body crashed to the ground. Jackson, Edward, and Alfred crashed through the clearing. They stared at Brendan’s body and then at Shaun.

  Falling to his knees, Shaun felt light-headed. His arms burned and as he looked down, ink flooded his arms. The design of the true alpha made its mark on his body. The symbol on his back pulsed. There was a legend that spoke of the mark of the alpha appearing on a few chosen men. Over the years the mark disappeared, and the alpha was chosen as the strongest in the pack. His father had spoken about the tattoo showing the acceptance of him being a true alpha of both packs. He was the first wolf to be chosen in centuries, but Shaun didn’t feel better about that. This was a calling he couldn’t deny. The future of their packs rested on his shoulders, and all he wanted was Addie. Shaun let out a roar and accepted his position of the alpha. He stared at the men. Shaun got to his feet as Addie’s cry came from the broken window.

  He turned back to the men. Jackson came forward. There were new markings on Jackson’s arms showing his rank within the pack.

  “Go to her. We’ve got this. Go to her.”

  Alfred collapsed on his knees beside his son. Shaun didn’t feel anything for the other man as he looked. Staring up at the broken window, he decided to go back through the front door.

  Addie’s whimpers scared the hell out of him. What did Brendan do to her before he got to her?

  Chapter Thirteen

  Addie had not known the depravity that lay within Brendan until this very moment. He stepped outside after torturing her for what seemed like hours. The shallow cuts on her body were far more painful from the idea that Brendan had taken some sadistic pleasure in torturing her. Although he hadn’t raped her, the promise of such horror had been clear in his face.

  The barren bed beneath her had her thinking of all the degraded things he no doubt planned on doing to her, of the things he had said he was going to do to her. There was no doubt in her mind that Shaun would come for her. Addie just prayed it was sooner than later, because Addie didn’t think she would be able to survive if Brendan took her against her will.

  She tugged on her remaining restraints and winced as the chains dug into her already abused flesh. The urge to cover her nudity was strong, but survival outweighed her need for modesty. Addie closed her eyes and felt the tears track out of the corner of her eyes. Images of Brendan holding up the knife, taunting her with what his intentions were, played over and over inside her mind.

  Tiny, shallow cuts covered her arms, legs, and torso. The look of pleasure in Brendan’s eyes when he brought the blade to her flesh would be a sight she would never be able to purge. She was weak, too weak to try to shift, especially from the blood loss. Even if she was able to shift and heal herself, she knew Brendan was close, could smell his excitement and need to cause more destruction.

  Blood and tears caused her vision to blur, and she blinked furiously. The scent and image of Shaun invaded her, and she cried harder. “Shaun, help me.” Addie cried out at the unfairness of it all. She would die in this shitty, dirty little cabin, with the image of Brendan the last thing she saw.

  This was her fault. If she had just spoken up sooner, told someone of her fear about Brendan, none of this would have happened. But the pack had old values and beliefs. Even if they had seen the abuse they wouldn’t have done anything to go against the alpha. That much was clear when they stood by and watched as Brendan hurt her. Things needed to change in their pack, big changes for the better. She tugged on the chain that still bound her wrist and ankles. The scent of Shaun continued to invade her senses, and her heart thundered. He was close, so close that she feared maybe it was all a figment of her imagination.

  Snapping twigs sounded as someone came barreling toward the cabin. Her senses were on high alert, and her mouth went dry as Shaun stepped into the cabin. Addie blinked, knowing this couldn’t be real.

  Everything else faded around as Shaun came closer. She couldn’t hear, couldn’t see anything else aside from her mate. Words left her, but she couldn’t hear them, didn’t comprehend them. There was so much pain in Shaun’s gaze, so much heartache and rage as he snapped one of her bonds.

  This is real. Shaun is here, and everything will be okay.

  Her happiness that maybe things would be better was short-lived when in the next instant Brendan speared Shaun through the chest. She screamed and tugged at the chains, desperate to go to him. She hadn’t even realized Brendan entered the cabin, her thoughts and feelings too focused on the possibility that everything would be okay. Shaun roared out and stood. He tore the spike out of his chest. Blood welled from the wound. Addie felt her eyes widen as the gaping wound started to knit itself together.

  The two wolves’ mouths moved, but the blood rushing through her veins filled her ears, causing everything to be drowned out, as if she were under water. The males attacked each other, but she was too focused on trying to break free. Their movements were all a blur, or maybe it was the combined flow of tears and blood that clouded her vision?

  The violent sound of glass breaking and blows being landed filled the air, and then there was nothing but silence. The fight was now outside, and Addie desperately tried in vain to escape.

  No, it can’t end this way. It can’t.

  Pulling deep down inside of her, Addie grabbed her strength, her love for Shaun, and the need to see that they made it out of this alive. There was no doubt that Shaun could defeat Brendan again, but the man that had once resided inside of Brendan was no longer there. He was deranged with the need to see Shaun hurt. Brendan ran on violent energy and revenge.

  The wolf inside of her came forward, her pain and humiliation still prevalent, but the love they both shared for Shaun overseeing it all. The change overtook her, and everything else faded into the background. Bone and muscles tore and reformed. The chains slipped easily enough from her paws, and she sagged against the mattress and panted. Exhaustion stole her as it did many times before when she changed. Her wounds healed, and relief washed through her. The sounds of violence and the scent of Shaun’s and Brendan’s blood filled the air. Then everything stilled. No birds flew above, no animals scurried about, and even the sound of the nearby rushing water dimmed into the distance. Things had changed, shifted to something momentous.

  Body ultrasensitive from the change, Addie moved off the bed just as Shaun came through the front door. His chest rose and fell from his heavy breathing. Although he wore no visible wounds, blood covered him. The scent was a mix of his and Brendan’s. Addie shifted back into her human form.

  “Shaun.” His name came as a whimper from her. His bare arms showed intricate ink winding and swirling around his tanned, muscular flesh. Addie felt her eyes widen as she took in what was a clear sign of a true born alpha. The power that surrounded him was heady, and her inner wolf paced back and forth inside of her. The need to go to him, to submit, was so strong she found herself taking a step closer.

  Shaun dropped to his knees when he was before her. Tears formed in his eyes, and Addie was struck with the love for her that poured from him.

  “Addie, baby.” His voice hitched as his eyes traveled down her naked body. There was no arousal in his gaze, but then again she could sense his turmoil and self-hatred in himself. “I should have stayed with you, should have never left your side.” When he lifted his eyes the tears had already started to make a slow, but steady fall down his cheeks. She lifted her hand and rubbed the wetness away. Shaun closed his eyes. “I can still see the marks he left on you.” Addie’s body was fully healed now, but she knew Shaun didn’t mean literally.

  “I’m okay.” She only half meant the words. Physically she might be healed, but in all honesty she didn’t know if she would ever be fully healed emotionall
y. The images of Brendan bringing the knife down and across her flesh played on repeat in her head. “Is he dead?” She closed her eyes as her own tears started to fall. When she opened them Shaun had dropped his head and breathed out.

  “Yeah, baby. No one will ever hurt you again.” He wrapped his arms around her, and she buried her face in his chest. Underneath the scent of blood was Shaun’s comforting scent. It was warm and good and brought light into her life. “I’m going to make sure everything is okay, Addie girl. I’m going to make sure you’re okay.” Addie had no doubt he spoke the truth.

  He helped her to stand and turned to grab a blanket from the bed. The intricately woven tattoo covered the majority of his back. The sign of the alpha was permanently etched into his skin and his soul. It didn’t matter what happened now, or what anyone else said. Shaun was destined to lead.

  Shaun wrapped the blanket around her, but before she could take a step he had her in his arms and was striding outside. The sun was bright, and she closed her eyes and buried her head in the crook of Shaun’s neck. His hold on her tightened.

  “My Addie.” He kissed the top of her head, and she allowed herself to smile for the first time since everything had happened.

  When she opened her eyes again it was to see Brendan’s lifeless body strewn across the forest floor. Blood covered him, and she took note that his neck was at an odd angle. Jackson and Alfred were off to the side, and she saw how Jackson had to restrain Alfred from going to his fallen son. When her brother lifted his gaze to hers there was so much pain reflected in his eyes. Addie smiled, hoping the small gesture would relieve some of her brother’s torrential emotions.

  “Don’t look, baby.” She knew Shaun was just trying to protect her from the ugliness that surrounded them, but how could she ignore the reality of their lives? He turned away and started striding through the forest. It didn’t matter where they were going, because Addie knew as long as she had Shaun by her side things would be okay. Their lives might have hiccups and the world may seem off-kilter at times, but the love they had for each other surpassed all the bad that came up against them.

  “I’ll always watch over you, Addie.” She lifted her head and looked into his dark, loving eyes. “You’re my life, and I’ll spend the rest of my life protecting you and proving that I’m worthy of your love.”

  Addie didn’t doubt a word her mate spoke.


  Shaun stroked Addie’s hair away from her face. A smile played along her lips, which made him smile in return. He loved her like this, in his arms and waiting for his touch. There was nothing he wouldn’t do for her. She ran her hands up and down his arms. Her touch made his body tighten for more of her.

  “I love this,” she said.

  Her eyes opened for him to see real happiness in her depths. Three weeks had passed since he’d taken over as alpha. After he killed Brendan their ceremony had taken place the next day. Once their mating was completed, Shaun became recognized as the alpha of the two packs. They were still thinking of a name. He’d started some changes. The females were allowed to mate whom they wanted and also to train alongside the men.

  He made sure to include all of his people in the changes, and that included work. Some of the members wished to go to college. Shaun intended to set up a fund in order for them to get educated. He refused to hold anyone back from their dream. His leadership brought a new-found freedom to the people.

  They may be in the twenty-first century, but the pack had been living as if was a couple of hundred years before. No more. He was making the necessary changes, and he relished everyone’s feedback.

  Addie sat up in his arms. Her fingers traced over the designs alongside his arms. There was no removing the marks. “My true alpha. Did they hurt?” she asked.

  He pulled the strap of her shirt down her arm. “Did this?” The symbol binding Addie as his true life-mate decorated her right arm. He kissed the symbol and watched as she shivered. Her body responded to him in the most delightful of ways.

  “No. I felt it get hot, but then it seemed to die down. I don’t know.” She tucked her hair behind her ear. “Maybe I’m just weird,” she said.

  Shaun took her lips, pressing his tongue inside her mouth. Addie moaned, her hand cupping his cheek. She was his queen, and the pack accepted her as such.

  He broke the kiss. “I’m surprised you’ve been allowed to come and spend some time with me,” Addie said. “Jackson has been working your ass.”

  Chuckling, Shaun pressed a strawberry to her lips. “Jackson’s more interested in going to town. I don’t rate on his list of things to do.”

  She took a bite of the berry. He watched as she swallowed the ripe fruit, remembering the way she took his cock deep into her mouth. Shaun couldn’t get enough of her. All he thought about was being with her. His love for her hadn’t died at all.

  “You’re really good for this pack.”

  “Good, because I’m not going anywhere.” He pressed a hand to her stomach. “I’m hoping to start a family with my woman.”

  She gasped seconds before climbing into his lap. Shaun chuckled as she started to unbuckle the belt of his jeans.

  “Then why don’t we get started?”

  The End

  Other Books by Sam Crescent:

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