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Lust Is Calling (Demon Lust Series Book 1)

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by Brandi Bell

  “All you have to do is exude just enough lust that he'll covet his neighbor's car. It helps that he's washing it right now out in the yard. Once the lust hits him, he'll see the car, and it will be the focus of his obsession. I'll add just enough envy that it will push him toward the car.” His hazel eyes twinkled with mischief.

  I have a bad feeling about this but trust Holdon. As we look at our mark, I exude just a little lust. I look over to Holdon who nods his head and mouths the word, “more” to me as he throws the envy at our unsuspecting victim. So, I do what he says and exude more lust. I can feel it fall from my fingers into the ground and travel to the man across the street.

  We both watch in fascination as our mark gets out of his car, looks over to the neighbor's yard, and starts to walk to the house. His eyes remain on the car with the water and soap dripping from it's cherry red body.

  The man walks all the way up to the man washing the car, and my eyes about pop out of my head as he kisses the old man for all he's worth. Holdon looks over at me with a huge grin on his face. “You did that, how did you do that? You amaze me, Buttercup.”

  “I was trying to get him to lust after the car,” I grumble, feeling stupid for missing my mark.

  “You did so much better! You just made two straight men make out,” Holdon exclaims, his eyes full of pride. “Not even Dayson could have pulled that one off.”

  “Too bad it wasn’t intentional,” I sigh, wishing I had better control of my powers.

  “You just started. When I started, I could barely make someone jealous, you have so much potential, you just can’t see it yet, Buttercup. Let’s go home,” he puts his arm around my shoulders trying to comfort me.

  We walk this way back to the portal spot where I knock four times, and Graden lets us back through.


  After the disaster of a mission, we have to report back to my father. I hope I can play it off like I was aiming for the men the entire time. It just depends on how Holdon speaks. My father most likely will want to hear the story from him instead of me anyways.

  Just before we approach the office building, Holdon stops. “How do you want to play this off to your dad? Do you want to make it sound like it was intentional on your part?”

  I hug him. I’m so grateful he thinks about me. “That would be very helpful. My father demands perfection from me,” I reply, the headache from being on Earth just starting to dissipate.

  “I gathered that with how fast he’s pushing you out on missions. It doesn’t help that he’s pairing you up with us so soon,” Holdon gives me a guilty look like he’s keeping a secret.

  I decide to let it pass. If he wanted me to know, he would tell me on his own. We end up waiting in the reception area; it looks like my father was having a meeting. I wondered with whom? My question is answered shortly when the other six princes exit the office. I stand as soon as I see them exiting the door, to stay sitting would be a great disrespect, and I see Holdon do the same.

  “Come in,” my father growls, obviously irritated by what happened in his meeting.

  I do as he says, though I want to ask what happened, I know better. I sit in the chair across from his desk and wait until he speaks to us.

  “Give me good news,” he says, looking at Holdon.

  “Your daughter is fabulous!” Holdon exclaims, animatedly. “We were going to have a man lust after another man’s car, but she took it a step farther and had two straight men making out on the street in plain view of the entire neighborhood.”

  “Excellent,” my father smiles. “I knew you would be great, but you are surpassing my own expectations.”

  “Thank you,” I smile back, revelling in my father’s praise.

  “I’ve called a meeting of the rest of your group; they will be here soon so just wait here. Cliona, you can stay too. You’re doing so well, I’m going to include you in this,” he explains, then walks out of the office.

  “I wonder what this is all about?” I ask aloud, but really talking to myself.

  “I guess we’ll find out.”

  A few minutes later, my father and the rest of the guys walk into the office. Once everyone is settled, we wait patiently for Daddy to start talking.

  “It has come to our attention that someone is interfering with missions and causing them to fail. We’ve decided since you’re the best of our best you are going to investigate who is doing it and stop them. I’m still going to have you take Cliona on missions while this is happening. Do you understand?” he asks, looking around the room.

  “How are they interfering? Don’t the demons who are failing see?” Zadkiel asks his brow furrowed.

  “No one has been seen, but whoever it is, is strong enough to cancel out their powers,” Daddy says, his face growing dark.

  “We got this Daddy; we won’t let you down,” I jump in before he loses it.

  “That’s what I want to hear; you’re dismissed,” he replies, effectively shutting down any further questioning.

  “We’ve got to quit meeting like this,” Tanas says once we get outside, giving me a drop dead gorgeous smile.

  I feel my cheeks warm and know I'm blushing. What is it about these guys that I end up blushing just from a few comments?

  “Should we all meet together and discuss what we are going to do with the added investigation on top of our individual missions. I for one, am starting to feel overwhelmed. Is this normal when you start out to feel this way?” I ask, my voice shaking with the emotions that are overwhelming.

  “Oh, Honey, no one else has ever had as much thrown at them as you have. Of course you are overwhelmed!” Kannon exclaims, his gruff voice unusually sweet.

  “It must be bad if you’re being nice to me, Big Guy,” I reply, unsure of his sudden change in demeanor.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” he growls, his voice returning to it’s usual gruffness.

  “There’s the Big Guy I’ve met before,” I giggle, the banter distracting me from my worries.

  “Let’s go get a drink and talk this over. We need a plan,” Maddox suggests, grinning at me. What’s with these demons and drinking? If you can’t beat them join them, I guess.

  I feel guilty that I’m going to the bar without Meghan again, so I send her quick text letting her know I’m going out with the guys again but it’s a work thing so I can’t invite her.

  We walk to the bar from there and order drinks, and I sit back and listen to them discuss strategy. They come up with an idea to get a list of incidents from the princes and draw a map with times to see if there’s a pattern. Sounds like a solid plan to me.

  The waitress finally arrives to take our drink orders, and I order the same fruity drink I got last time, this time determined to finish it slowly and enjoy my night. I promise myself I’m not going to run away this time.

  I hear a throat clearing and see Meghan standing behind me, and my face pales.

  “I told you it was a work thing, and I couldn’t invite you,” I hiss at her, pissed she showed up. I get even madder when I see her wearing my purple corset.

  “Aren’t you going to introduce me to your friends? I’m Meghan, her supposed BFF, by the way,” she says, her voice dripping with venom.

  “Zadkiel, Maddox, Tanas, Kannon, Dayson, Holdon, and Graden,” I say pointing to each guy, irritation present in my voice. “Let’s talk outside.”

  I get up, and she follows me out. No sooner than we are out of ear shot, she starts, “I can't believe you. I thought we were friends. How could you do this to me? After I told you about my first time, you told me you had my back. That I would get the demon I wanted. Yet here you are having drinks with him, and you didn't invite me again. Have you been seeing him this entire time?” She isn't letting me answer and getting mad because I'm not answering.

  “How was I supposed to know that; you never told me what he looked like or what his name was, hell I still don't know which one it was. How can I set you up with my co-worker when I'm working? Dad would ha
ve my ass for playing instead of doing what he wants me to. Now who was it?” Okay, now I'm starting to get a little pissed off at her presuming I'm going to drop everything and give her what she wants.

  “Tanas, who else could it be?” Like he's hotter than the rest of his friends. I don't tell her that though. I'm just about done with this conversation. It's not worth my time.

  “Look, I need to get back in there and talk about our mission. Once we are done talking shop, you are more than welcome to come to the table since Father didn't include you, but until then, I would appreciate it if you can let us get business taken care of before you act like a spoiled brat not getting her way.” I'm trying to be nice and not ruin our friendship but she's making it very hard.

  She takes a deep breath and looks at me hard. “Fine, but once you are done, you will do what we talked about right. I'm even wearing my sexiest outfit.” I scoff at that.

  “Yeah, my shirt.” I'm trying so hard to be nice.

  “True, but it's on my body, making it sexy as hell. Now hurry up and finish work so I can get my Tanas.”

  For some reason, her calling Tanas hers just didn't sit well with me, but for now, I'm going to let it go. Knowing damn well, I'm not going to do anything to help her get Tanas. I won't stand in the way, but I sure as hell am not helping her.


  I walk back to the guys with Meghan hot on my heels ignoring my request. I sit in my spot between Dayson and Zadkiel trying to ignore her presence. “So who is next to go on a mission with me, and what are we going to do about what my father was talking about?” I am rewarded with silence. I look around at each of the guys and notice they all are glaring at Meghan who unceremoniously plops down in the chair next to Tanas.

  “They obviously don't want to talk shop, Chica.” Meghan purrs, looking longingly toward Tanas.

  “Not in front of Clio’s friend anyways,” Kannon growls, shooting her a dirty look.

  The table grows awkward, so I try to think of something to say, “Any of you had any funny missions?”

  “There was this one time that we went to a high school to start a fight in the lunchroom; it ended up in a food fight because Zadkiel put too much gluttony in it,” Tanas boasts, laughing at his own story.

  “It wasn’t my fault; Kannon didn’t come along for the anger aspect,” Zadkiel mutters under his breath.

  “I bet you have the best envy missions. Leviathan won’t even let me go on missions yet. I don’t know why Clio’s dad trusts her; she just messes up all the time anyways,” Meghan tries to throw me under the bus.

  I roll my eyes and open my mouth to speak, but Holdon beats me to it, “Our friend Clio is probably one of the strongest lust demons there is. It isn’t her fault you're not strong enough to stand going earthside yet.”

  “Uh, Tanas, tell your friend not to talk to me like that,” Meghan whines, looking expectedly at Tanas.

  “He can talk however he wants,” Tanas grunts, trying to scoot away from her.

  Meghan looks at me and mouths, “Use your lust.”

  I just shrug and mouth back, “I’ll just mess it up.”

  “Meghan, as much as we enjoy meeting Clio’s friend, if we don’t get this mission hashed out, the princes will have our heads. I don’t think Tanas would be as handsome without a head, do you?” Maddox jumps in, trying to save his friend.

  “Oh, well, I’ll get going then. Call me when you’re done, Clio,” she replies, shooting daggers at my head with her eyes.

  “Of course, love you BFF,” I say my voice sickeningly sweet.

  She stomps off obviously put out. I sigh, knowing I’m going to have an earful from her later. Once she makes her way out of the door, the guys all break out laughing, even Kannon.

  “Do us a favor, Lovely, never invite her along intentionally,” Tanas says, holding his sides from laughing so hard.

  “I wasn’t trying to invite her along this time,” I grumble under my breath before downing my drink.

  “Clio can you ask your dad for a list of names and places when you get home?” Zadkiel asks, looking at me expectantly.

  “I should probably head that way. Can we meet tomorrow to discuss what to do once I get the list?” I ask hoping the answer is yes.

  “Of course, you should also give us your number so we can get ahold of you,” Dayson says, his voice dripping with lust.

  I get my phone out, and he takes it from my hands and starts putting everyone’s numbers in it.

  It takes them a few minutes, but soon, I have my phone back and I'm heading toward the door. I didn't realize exactly how tired I was until now. I walk the few minutes to the house and open the front door. “Mom, are you awake?” I yell from the door.

  “I am now; I'll meet you in the kitchen.” She yells back. Oops, I didn't mean to wake her up. Oh well, I need my mom.

  When I make it through the house and into the kitchen, Mom is sitting at the breakfast bar with two glasses of milk ready. She pushes one my way. “What's got you all worked up, baby girl?”

  “Ugh, Father pulled me and the guys into a huge mission, so when we were trying to discuss the details, Meghan has to interrupt and demand I help her get with one of my guys. She was even wearing my clothes while she was flirting with him right in front of me. I normally don't get jealous, but it got me upset. I ended up blowing up at her, and then, she still demanded that I help her. I'm just so mad, and we still didn't even get to talk about the mission. I need to get the list of names from Father first before we know what we are doing.” I take a quick drink from my milk. How did Mom know this is what I truly needed?

  “I knew something like this was going to happen when she came over the other day and borrowed your favorite shirt. Especially when she heard about your missions. Everyone is talking about how the pseudo princes are all going on missions with a female that they have seemingly welcomed into their elite circle. She has always used you; it was just a matter of time before you had enough of it.” How is it I didn't know about this?

  “If they call them the pseudo princes, how does Daddy not get mad?” I ask my eyes wide, ignoring the comments about Meghan.

  “Because the princes are grooming them to take over someday,” my mom laughs, her voice tinkling with amusement.

  “Is Meghan really just using me? I thought she was my best friend,” I ask, hoping she would change her answer.

  “As far as I can see, she only thinks about herself. It’s up to you to decide if you want to put up with friendship like that.”

  Mom and I talk until our milk is gone, and I'm starting to get sleepy. Just as I'm about to go to bed Father comes into the kitchen. When did he get home?

  “Good evening Dad; Zadkiel suggested I get a list of names from you, so we can investigate while we’re on our missions. If you could get me that, I would appreciate it.” I say as professionally as possible.

  “Of course, I'll get that list and leave it on the table here in the kitchen for you in the morning.” That's about as informal as my father gets.

  “Thank you Daddy; I’m going to bed now. I’m exhausted,” I tell him, wrapping my arms around him in a bear hug.

  “Good night my little demon, sleep well,” he replies patting my back. We have small moments when my dad isn’t all work.

  I walk up the stairs to my bedroom with a lighter heart and a feeling of well-being that my mother always seems to create. As I crawl into bed, something is nagging at the back of my mind but what it was didn't matter as I drifted off to sleep.


  I rush downstairs when I get up to see how large the list is, and my eyes about pop out of my head. There is a two inch stack of paper full of missions to go through. I look for Zadkiel’s name in my phone and shoot off a quick text telling him I have the list.

  Zadkiel: What kind of pizza do you like; we’re coming over with a map.

  Me: Anything but long pig.

  Zadkiel: See you in twenty.

  Oh crap, I only have twenty minutes to
get ready. I rush back upstairs and take the fastest shower ever. I don’t know why I feel like I need to look good for all of them, but the thought of them seeing me with bed head has me shiver in dread. I get dressed and finish putting makeup on just as I hear a knock at the door.

  I rush down the stairs and answer it to find all seven guys standing there.

  “We come bearing pizza,” Maddox says, holding up five pizza boxes.

  “That’s a lot of pizza!” I exclaim, eyes wide with shock.

  “We eat a lot of food between the seven of us, and now you make eight,” Graden explains, shrugging his shoulders.

  “Come on in,” I stand aside and let them file into the house.

  Maddox follows me to the kitchen where my mom is waiting with plates.

  “I thought you could use these,” she smiles then goes to her bedroom. It’s so sweet she’s trying to give us privacy.

  “My mother is the greatest, isn't she?” I couldn't help but let the love I have for her shine through my voice.

  The guys all look at me with expressions ranging from amusement to disbelief. What the disbelief is about I have no clue.

  “Why are you looking like that?” I ask, hands on my hips.

  “Your mom is human, but seems so normal,” Tanas explains, one of the guys who was wearing a look of disbelief on his face.

  “Why wouldn’t she be normal? She’s lived here my entire life,” I question them, my face bunched in confusion.

  “I guess I was expecting something else to be honest,” Holdon says, before his stomach growls.

  “Ok, can someone hand the pepperoni pizza over here so we can try to see if we can triangulate any patterns in this demon’s behavior? Big Guy, grab the map on the counter over there and let's see the list of names and places my father left for us. Spike, you are in charge of putting a red dot on the map for each mission that failed and where it's failed. Graden, you are going to go over your records of portal use and see if there is any patterns of use around those areas other than the demon that had the mission. What are you guys waiting for? Chop, chop; it isn't going to solve itself.” Uh oh, I just realized I used some of the guys nicknames instead of real names.


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