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Lust Is Calling (Demon Lust Series Book 1)

Page 6

by Brandi Bell

  Luckily, Kannon grabbed the map as Zadkiel started looking up names and places from Dad's list and putting the pins in the map, the rest of the guys just gawked like fish with their mouths wide open.

  “Guys, this is a group effort. Are you going to join us or sit here looking pretty all day?” Again, my mouth gets the better of me; I just told them all I thought they were pretty. Cue the internal facepalm.

  Finally, the rest of them give me a break and start to help. Pretty soon we are like a well-oiled machine. Zadkiel looks up a name and says a place. Holdon puts a pin in the map, Maddox elbows Graden to wake up for Kannon to growl the name, date, and time to him. Dayson writes down what he says before he falls asleep again. Tanas is flirting mercilessly with me, and I’m overseeing it all. Every now and then, something goes out of sequence and messes the whole thing up; ending with me usually in proverbial stitches trying not to laugh at all the guys serious expressions.

  Five pizzas and three hours later, we know very little more than we did when we started. We definitely know Graden snores, Kannon has little patience, Tanas needs new pick up lines, and I’m officially in ‘like’ with all of these incredible guys. I’m so screwed.

  “There’s no pattern,” Kannon growls throwing his hands up in the air.

  “There has to be; we just aren’t seeing it. Nothing is random,” I reply, feeling his frustration.

  “Did we factor in what sin they are?” Maddox asks, looking at the dots.

  “No, we didn’t,” I cover my face. I didn’t even think about that.

  “Let’s take a break, and I’ll go get color coded pins, and we’ll start over,” Tanas offers since he didn’t really do anything the first time.

  Everyone groans; it took us so long to do it the first time, but we are just going to go by sin, so hopefully, it will be faster. Tanas leaves and the rest of us get up and stretch. I get caught staring at Kannon mid-stretch while his shirt lifts up. I can feel my face heating, so I turn around really fast, but I hear him chuckling under his breath.

  My phone rings, and it’s Meghan, so I send it straight to voicemail. I don’t have the energy to deal with her shit right now. My text alert goes off right after.

  Meghan: I’m at the door.

  Me: Now’s not a good time, we’re working.

  Meghan: I can’t believe you’re with him again!

  She opens the door and comes in her mouth open like she was going to yell, but she’s frozen.

  “Where is he?” she asks, looking around.

  “Who, Tanas?” I ask confused for a second.

  “Of course Tanas,” she rolls her eyes.

  “He went to go get push pins for our mission,” I reply, rolling my eyes back.

  “You really are working? I thought you just said that to make me go away,” she pouts, sticking her lower lip way out.

  “Stop making a scene; why did you come over?” I ask, trying to speed this conversation up.

  “I wanted to return your shirt and apologize,” she snarks, then shoves the shirt in my chest and walks back out the door.

  “That wasn’t much of an apology,” Maddox points out.

  “Never is with her,” I sigh, missing the friends we were when we were younger.


  Tanas returns with the push pins, and the guys are still making jokes at Meghan’s expense. I don’t think she even realizes how much of an ass she made of herself in front of them.

  “Oh man, Tanas, you missed your wannabe girlfriend making a scene,” Holdon laughs, holding his sides.

  “She’s so jealous of our Clio it isn’t even funny,” Zadkiel says, smiling as well.

  Our Clio? What does that mean? I start overthinking everything they’ve said, looking over every conversation I ever had with any of them.

  Well as much as I would love to dwell on this internal development, we have a job to do. Tanas has the push pins ready, so we get back to business.

  It only takes about an hour of plotting push pins around the map before we have an established pattern. The saboteur is cycling through the sins. He or she is also limiting it to specific regions for specific sins. According to their pattern, pride should be the next sin they target.

  “I guess it’s my turn to go out with Tanas on a mission. Let’s go tell Daddy what we’ve found,” I sigh, not really wanting to go see him yet.

  We get up, and I try to stretch a kink out of my neck. Dayson comes up and starts rubbing it, which feels glorious. I lean back into him as his hands work the kink totally out. I may or may not have moaned.

  “You, kind sir, have magic fingers. The way they are dancing over all the stress and ugh yeah, right there, that's the spot.” Okay, even I admit that sounded wrong but he really does have magic hands. All the tension has been worked out of my neck and shoulders.

  “That’s what I like to hear,” Dayson replies his voice low and gravelly, causing my insides to clench.

  “Oy, quit flirting and let’s get going,” Holdon growls, his eyes holding the hint of jealousy, effectively ruining the mood.

  Dayson rips himself away from me, shame evident on his face. What was that all about? I wonder. I mentally shrug my shoulders and follow the guys out of the house, on our way to my father's office.

  Once we arrive, we are seated in the reception area again. I’m so tired of this room; the boring white walls make me feel trapped in purgatory. I snort laugh at my little joke, gaining puzzled looks from the guys. I just shrug my shoulders, my face feeling hot.

  My father finally opens the door and ushers us in, looking disheveled like I’ve never seen him.

  “Tell me you have a plan,” he orders, looking defeated in a way I’ve never seen.

  “We’ve found a pattern, and they should hit in Texas on a pride demon next,” I reply, standing up straight and meeting his eyes confidently.

  “Good, go with Tanas then, but only observe. Throwing lust in might make our culprit think twice about interfering,” he replies, some of his normal arrogance coming back. “Dismissed, but Cliona, hang back.”

  Once the guys leave the office, Daddy says, “There are rumors flying about these missions that are being ruined now and some of them say one of the guys is doing this. I don’t believe it, but you can never be too careful.”

  “I can’t believe that!” I exclaim, my eyebrows pulling high on my forehead as my eyes open wide.

  “I don’t want to, but here is some truth serum. Sneak it to each of them and ask them tonight after your mission. Once you and Tanas are alone, let him know you are going to be following a lesser pride demon. Here are the details, now go,” he hands me a vial and a piece of paper.

  I shove them in my pocket before exiting the door where the guys are waiting. My stomach growls making everyone laugh. It’s been a while since we ate pizza.

  “Tanas and I need to get going, can we meet for drinks again afterwards?” I ask, feeling guilty already for what Daddy wants me to do.

  “Sounds good,” Dayson says as we leave the office building.

  Tanas and I break off from the group heading to the portal. Once we’re alone I stop, needing to explain our new mission.

  “Daddy said I had to keep this between me and you, I hope you understand I can’t cross him. We aren’t going on our own mission, we are following this guy,” I explain, handing him the piece of paper.

  “We’re in luck, that’s him right there,” Tanas says pointing to a demon walking to the portal. “It’s strange he changed the mission last minute.”

  “He’s being paranoid, but he doesn’t want to rule out anyone,” I shrug my shoulders.

  We slip into our glamours. Tanas is beautiful as a human, with wavy reddish brown hair that I itch to run my fingers through. Mismatched eyes surprise me, one brown and one a crystal blue. To know he wanted to be this unique makes my heart swell. He has a strong jaw line and a Roman nose making him one of the most handsome humans I’ve ever seen.

  What is it with these guys and their at
tractive demon forms and glamours? It's just way too much for a girl to handle some days.

  We hurry to discreetly follow our mark. When we get to the portal, I notice Graden isn't there which makes red flags go off in my head. My little sloth demon couldn't be behind all the sabotage though, right? Then I remember Graden was in the meeting with us, and he’s too lazy.

  After telling the demon there that we are going to Texas, we step through and luckily find our mark again fast. This is the most boring mission I’ve been on yet. I would rather be creating my own chaos than watching this bumbling fool attempt to cause his own. After watching him for an hour, I realize I'm not getting anywhere following this imbecile.

  “I don't think whoever is sabotaging these missions is going to show up, and this guy doesn't know what he's doing anyway. He is seriously giving me a headache watching him. I think we should go back. I need to talk with all of you anyway.”

  “What about?” Tanas asks, giving me a strange look.

  “Wait until we are all together,” I reply, not wanting to show my hand too soon.

  I've decided I'm going to tell the guys about my father's suspicion and see if they will willingly take the truth serum to satisfy my curiosity.

  After another half an hour, we return to our bar where the rest of the guys are waiting. I say our bar because we always seem to end up coming here to this table in the back after each mission. I laugh at the thought of developing habits already this early in our friendship.

  After Tanas and I sit down, I look around at all the faces that have started to mean so much to me. They have helped me so much in becoming the demon I am. I clear my throat to let the others know there's something that I really need to tell them.

  After I finally have everyone's attention, I take a deep breath and bare my soul. “My father pulled me aside this morning before we went on our mission and informed me that the rest of the princes think that it's one of you that is sabotaging all the missions. He asked me to give you all truth serum to find out if it was one of you. I could have done this in a sneaky way that none of you would have been aware of, but with the relationship we have, I trust the seven of you much more than I probably should. I want to be honest with you in the hopes you will be honest with me in turn. I would like you all to take the serum so I can ask you all and can truthfully tell my father that it's not any of you.” I look at each of the guys in turn to try and gauge their feelings. What I see I can't explain. Instead of looks of anger that I was expecting, I see looks of awe and faith. Who knew these guys trusted me so much already.

  “Thank you for trusting us. It’s a hard thing to do in our society. We don’t let people in easy. Of course, I’ll take the serum,” Zadkiel speaks up first.

  “I will too,” Dayson volunteers.

  The rest murmur their agreement, and I walk around and put a drop of serum in each of their drinks, and they chug them down. I’m amazed by how awesome they all are.

  I give the serum a minute to kick in then I ask, “Are you sabotaging the missions?”

  “The only mission I tried to sabotage was your first one,” Dayson admits, then covers his mouth with his hands, not expecting to admit that aloud.

  “No,” comes out of everyone else's mouths.

  “Good, now I don’t know how long this serum will last, but hopefully we can avoid embarrassing topics,” I giggle, thinking of the things I could make them admit.

  “Oh crap,” Tanas says looking over my shoulder.

  I turn around and see Meghan walking up; just what we don’t need. I’m just glad I’m not on truth serum too.

  “What are you guys up to; let me guess you're talking about missions that's all you ever seem to do, yet you always seem to be together.” Her voice dripping with sarcasm.

  “Yes as a matter of fact we are talking about missions. We are doing our standard follow up any time anyone goes on a mission. This way everyone is aware of what's going on. Until I've succeeded in my main mission I have to stick to the guys. You know this.” I'm trying to control the anger in my voice.

  “What, can the guys not talk for themselves now? Are you that controlling that they need you to talk for them now. Tanas aren't you glad to see me?” She has a smug look on her face.

  “Actually, no I'm not glad to see you. Every time you show up, Clio ends up getting upset.” His eyes go huge as he covers his mouth.

  “Okay obviously you're under her spell, Clio quit using your lust on Tanas. Let him be free to be with me like you said you would. It's not fair.” She pouts.

  “I’m immune to any other sin. Actually, we all are. I just don’t like you,” Tanas deadpans then covers his mouth.

  “Why would you say such a thing?” she gasps, holding her chest as if he physically wounded her.

  “Clio gave us truth serum for a mission that her father put her on,” Dayson admits then slaps his forehead.

  “So what, are you all so in love with her you agreed?” she shrieks, causing a scene.

  “Yes,” the all say in tandem.

  My jaw drops open; they all just admitted to being in love with me.

  “Forget you all, I’m out of here. How could you, Clio?! I thought you were supposed to be my friend,” Meghan howls before running out of the bar.

  “I’m going to pretend that the last five minutes didn’t just happen,” I say as I finish my drink and wave the waitress down. “You guys need another drink?”

  “Yes,” they all say at the same time again. Man, this is getting weird.

  “I’m glad you know how we feel; maybe now we can get rid of the no dating Clio rule,” Maddox says, looking at me like I’m delicious.

  “The no dating Clio rule?” I ask then immediately regret it.

  “We all decided we liked you and to keep us from fighting, none of us would try to date you; instead, we would all try to be your friend. You’ve become important to us, Clio,” Zadkiel replies, giving me a look I can’t decipher.

  “This is all too much,” I say as I stand up and run out of the bar.

  My mind is running so fast that I try to out run it. I’m overwhelmed. I can’t believe they all want to date me. It makes me happy and scared at the same time. I can’t choose just one of them, and I can’t come between them. I just need to go home and think about what I’ve just learned.


  Watching Clio run out of the bar broke my heart. I thought taking the truth serum would help her, but instead, it may have destroyed the friendship we’ve built.

  “Why can’t we all date her?” Tanas asks, looking around the table. “If she was willing, I would share.”

  “She isn’t willing. She ran out on us because she found out we all like her,” Zadkiel argues.

  “I would share too, just to get to be with her. She’s special. I don’t even feel jealous, if it’s you guys,” Maddox speaks up.

  “This truth serum is dangerous,” Kannon replies. “I would share her too. How do we get her back?”

  “I’ll text her,” I offer, pulling out my phone.

  Me: Please come back.

  Clio: I don’t want to destroy your friendship.

  Me: You can’t destroy what we have, Princess.

  Clio: I could never choose.

  Me: Come back then. Maybe you wouldn’t have to.

  Clio: Not tonight, and what do you mean?

  Me: Meet us tomorrow to talk when the truth serum is gone.

  Clio: Ok, goodnight.

  “She’ll meet us tomorrow. We need to have this worked out before we present it to her,” I reply, putting my phone down.

  We sit and talk and argue but finally come up with a plan to talk to her with. We don’t want to scare her off, but she sounded receptive. I pass my phone around so everyone could read the conversation for themselves.

  The waitress brings another round of drinks while we are discussing how to talk to her. Holdon brings up a good point about meeting somewhere else since that horrid envy demon keeps showing up.

  “We need to come up with a new plan to catch whoever is disrupting the missions, but I think we should wait until Clio is with us,” Zadkiel brings up.

  “Tomorrow then,” I reply, thinking about how scared she looked when she ran out.

  The conversation dies after that, and we call it a night. I walk back to my apartment alone thinking over the conversation with Clio. I hope she’s receptive to dating us all, or at least staying our friend. I can’t lose her now that I’ve found her.


  I know I shouldn’t have ran out like that, but their confession overwhelmed me. I can’t believe they all share the same feelings that I do. I couldn’t choose, so I had to run. Maddox wants to date me, but so do the others. I run through the front door and almost run over my mom.

  “What’s wrong sweetie?” she asks, her eyes full of concern.

  “Is Daddy home?” I ask, not wanting him to overhear the conversation.

  “He’s still at the office,” she gives me a strange look.

  “Oh good! So, Daddy had me give truth serum to the guys, and they admitted they all have feelings for me,” I start, not knowing how to explain the rest.

  “Do you have feelings for more than one of them?” she asks, seeming to read my mind.

  I nod my head yes.

  “And you’re afraid you’ll split up their group?”

  I nod my head again, “I don’t think I could choose. I just ran away like a scared little girl. I guess that is what I am.”

  “It’s ok to need time to think about something like that. My advice is to follow your heart. If that means more than one person, love is love sweetie. Your dad can’t say anything, he followed his,” she hugs me, rubbing circles on my back to comfort me.


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