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All the Single Ladies: Unmarried Women and the Rise of an Independent Nation

Page 38

by Traister, Rebecca

33. Gardner, Page, “How Unmarried Women Can Change the World,” Role Reboot, August 18, 2015,

  34. Babbin, Jed, “Fluke the Welfare Queen,” The American Spectator, March 12, 2012, Via Joan Walsh, What’s the Matter With White People.

  35. Sawhill, Isabel V., “Beyond Marriage,” New York Times, September 13, 2014.

  36. Wakeman, Jessica, “Bad Advice? Or Worst Advice? Mitt Romney Urges 3012 College Grads to Get Married, Have Kids,” The Frisky, May 1, 2013,

  37. Last, Jonathan V., “America’s Baby Bust,” The Wall Street Journal, February 12, 2013.

  38. Carmon, Irin, “Pregnancy is Patriotic!”, February 21, 2013,

  Chapter Two: Single Women Have Often Made History

  1. “That it please your Majesty . . .” Hadfield, Andrew, The Cambridge Companion to Spenser, 191; “I have long since . . .” Glenn, Cheryl, Rhetoric Retold, 162; “one mistress and no master . . .” Oxford Dictionary of Political Quotations, 2012; “If I am to disclose to you . . .” Traub, Valerie, The Renaissance of Lesbianism in Early Modern England, 128.

  2. Bennett and Froide, Singlewomen in the European Past, 6–7

  3. Nellie Bly interview with Susan B. Anthony, The World, February 2, 1896,

  4. Gordon, Ann D., The Selected Papers of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony, 316.

  5. Norton, Mary Beth, Founding Mothers and Fathers, 39–40; 41.

  6. Baxandall, Rosalyn and Linda Gordon, America’s Working Women, 17.

  7. Kessler-Harris, Alice, Out to Work, 11.

  8. Cott, Nancy, Bonds of Womanhood, 27.

  9. Chambers-Schiller, Liberty: A Better Husband, 11.

  10. Dubler, Ariela, “In the Shadow of Marriage: Single Women and the Legal Construction of the Family and the State,” The Yale Law Journal, May 1, 2003,

  11. Cott, Bonds of Womanhood, 22.

  12. Moran, Rachel F., “How Second Wave Feminism Forgot the Single Woman,” Hofstra Law Review, vol. 33, issue 1, article 5, 2004.

  13. Norton, Liberty’s Daughters, 299.

  14. Chambers-Schiller, Liberty, A Better Husband, 1.

  15. Goodbeer, Richard, Sexual Revolution in Early America, 200.

  16. Foster, Till Death or Distance Do Us Part, 37. Foster’s book also included the reference to Harriet Ann Jacobs’ Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, 1861.

  17. Hanger, Kimberly S., “The Fortunes of Women in America: Spanish New Orleans’s Free Women of African Descent and Their Relations With Slave Women,” in Discovering the Women in Slavery, 153–178.

  18. Hanger, Kimberly S., “Free Black Women in Colonial New Orleans,” in The Devil’s Lane, 226.

  19. The Young Lady’s Book: A Manual of Elegant Recreations, Exercises and Pursuits. London: Vizetelly, Branston and Co, 1829, 28.

  20. Welter, Barbara, “The Cult of True Womanhood: 1820–1860,” American Quarterly, Volume 18, Issue 2, Part 1, Summer 1966.

  21. Collins, America’s Women, 92.

  22. Chambers-Schiller, Liberty, A Better Husband, 41.

  23. Burnap, George Washington, The Sphere And Duties of Woman: A Course of Lectures, Baltimore: John Murphy, 1848, 121–122. Via Chambers-Schiller, Liberty, a Better Husband.

  24. Chambers-Schiller, Liberty, A Better Husband, 54.

  25. Ibid., 10.

  26. Goldstein, Dana, “The Chicago Strike and the History of American Teachers,” Dana Goldstein, September 12, 2012,

  27. Goldstein, “The Woman Upstairs and the Pedagogy of Love,”

  28. Betsey “A Letter About Old Maids,” The Lowell Offering, October 1840, 4–5.

  29. Olson, Lynne, Freedom’s Daughters: The Unsung Heroines of the Civil Rights Movement 1830–1970, New York: Scribner, 2001. Via excerpt, The New York Times,

  30. Israel, Bachelor Girl, 33; Encyclopedia of African American History, 1619–1895, Paul Finkelman, ed. 332.

  31. Governor’s Address on “the emigration of young women to the West,” March 29, 1865, Via Collins, America’s Women.

  32. Vapnek, Lara, Breadwinners, 19–20.

  33. Chambers-Schiller, Liberty. A Better History, 7–8.

  34. “The Stakeholder: A quarterly publication of the Cherokee Strip Regional Heritage Center,” Winter, 2008.

  35. Chambers-Schiller, Liberty, A Better Husband, 2–3.

  36. “Transcript of the Morrill Act,” 1862,; Linda Eisenmann, Historical Dictionary of Women’s Education in the United States, 275. Via Chambers-Schiller, 191.

  37. Peischl, Bridget Smith,“The History of Mississippi University for Women,” Mississippi History Now, March, 2012,

  38. Chambers-Schiller, Liberty, A Better Husband, 176.

  39. Ibid.

  40. “Myra Bradwell v. State of Illinois,” 1873.

  41. Gould, Stephen Jay, Mismeasure of Man, 135–137. Also via Chambers-Schiller.

  42. Gould, Stephen Jay, Mismeasure of Man, 135–137.

  43. Chambers-Schiller, Liberty a Better Husband, 192.

  44. Ibid.

  45. Ibid., 196.

  46. Cott, Bonds of Womanhood, 7.

  47. Peiss, Kathy, Cheap Amusements, 34.

  48. Goldstein, Dana, “The Chicago Strike and the History of American Teachers’ Unions,” Dana Goldstein, September, 12, 2012,

  49. Giddings, Paula, When and Where I Enter.

  50. Peiss, Cheap Amusements, 57–58.

  51. Ibid.

  52. Coontz, A Strange Stirring, 41.

  53. Coontz, Marriage: A History, 200.

  54. “Before the Mother’s Conference,” A Compilation of the Messages and Speeches of Theodore Roosevelt, 576.

  55. Lovett, Laura, Conceiving the Future, 91–92.

  56. I first found reference to this in Coontz, Marriage a History, 201, though some discrepancy about Sumner’s date of death led me to Bruce Curtis, “Wlliam Graham Sumner on the Family, Women and Sex” in Victorians Abed, 101.

  57. Hamlin, Kimberly A., “Bathing Suits and Backlash: The First Miss America Pageants, 1921–1927,” in There She is, Miss America, 28.

  58. Coontz, A Strange Stirring, 45.

  59. May, Elaine Tyler, Homeward Bound, 95.

  60. Ibid, 101.

  61. Heidel, Don, “Coeds: Is It Too Late? Manless Juniors Said Old Maids,” The Florida Flambeau, February 22, 1957. Via Gail Collins, When Everything Changed.

  62. Collins, When Everything Changed, 38.

  63. Coontz, Stephanie, “Marriage: Saying I Don’t,” Los Angeles Times, January 19, 2012.

  64. Friedan, Betty, The Feminine Mystique.

  65. Episode One, Makers: Women Who Make America, PBS, February 26, 2013.

  66. Davis, Kingsley, Contemporary Marriage, The Russell Sage Foundation, 1985.

  67. Elliott, Diana B., Kristy Krivickas, Matthew W. Brault,
Rose M. Kreider, “Historical MArriage Trends from 1890–2010: A Focus on Race Difference,” SEHD Working Paper Number 2012-12, 12–13.

  68. Margo, Robert A. “Explaining Black-White Wage Convergence, 1940–1950,” Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Vol. 48, No. 3, April 1995, 470–481,

  69. Katznelson, Ira, When Affirmative Action Was White: An Untold History of Racial Inequality in Twentieth Century America, New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 2005. Via Ta-Nehesi Coates, “A Religion of Colorblind Policy,”, May 30, 2013.

  70. Sugrue, Tom, Sweet Land of Liberty: The Forgotten Struggle for Civil Rights in the North, Via Ta Nehesi here:

  71. Sugrue, Sweet Land of Liberty, 200–201.

  Chapter Three: The Sex of the Cities

  1. Wile, Rob, “This Southern City has the Most Single Person Households in America,” Business Insider, April 26, 2012.

  2. Klinenberg, Eric, Going Solo.

  3. Venugopal, Arun, “New York Leads in Never Married Women,”, September 22, 2011,

  4. Nanos, Janelle, “Single By Choice,” Boston Magazine, January 2012. “The median age . . .” from same story, supported by Population Reference Bureau charts drawing on five-year American Community Survey, 2009–2013,

  5. Bennett and Froide, Singlewomen of the European Past, 2–3.

  6. Kowaleski, Maryanne, in Bennett and Froide’s Singlewomen of the European Past, 53–54.

  7. Stansell, Christine, City of Women, 13–14.

  8. Israel, Bachelor Girl, 58.

  9. McDougald, Elise Johnson, “The Double Task: The Struggle of Negro Women for Sex and Race Emancipation,” Survey 53, March 1, 1925, 689–691. Via Giddings, When and Where I Enter.

  10. Peiss, Cheap Amusements, 13.

  11. Nellie Bly interview with Susan B. Anthony, The World, February 2, 1896,

  12. Peiss, Cheap Amusements, 58.

  13. Israel, Bachelor Girl, 106.

  14. Kaufman, Gena, “Where the Single Men Are,” Glamour, June 5, 2013,

  15. “The Woman with the Flying Hair,” Swarthmore College Bulletin, February 1991,

  16. Israel, Bachelor Girl, 112.

  17. Stansell, City of Women, 255.

  18. Stansell, City of Women, 84.

  19. Meyerowitz, Joanne, Women Adrift, 80.

  20. Chambers-Schiller, Liberty, a Better Husband, 72.

  21. Ibid., 74.

  22. “between a third and a half . . .” Moran, “How Second Wave Feminism Forgot Single Women.” “Each member . . .” from Katherine Snyder, “A Paradise of Bachelors: Remodeling Domesticity and Masculinity in the Turn of the Century New York Bachelor Apartment,” 23 Prospects: An Annual of American Cultural Studies, 1998, quoted in Moran.

  23. Gray, Christopher, “For Career Women, A Hassle-Free Haven,” New York Times, June 28, 2012.

  24. Israel, Bachelor Girl, 4.

  25. Dvorak, Petula, “A City Divided and Increasingly Unaffordable,” The Washington Post, April 3, 2014.

  26. Wax, Emily, “Home Squeezed Home: Living in a 200 Square Foot Space,” The Washington Post, November 27, 2012.

  27. Thompson, Lynn, “Critics of Micro-Apartments Calling for a Moratorium,” Seattle Times, April 23, 2013.

  28. North, Anna, “What the Single Ladies Have Wanted for More Than A Century,” The New York Times, April 24, 2015,

  29. Stansell, City of Women, 72.

  30. Meyerowitz, Women Adrift, 115.

  31. Stansell, City of Women, 221.

  32. Lovett, Laura, Conceiving the Future, 88.

  33. “A Deadly Encounter” Dateline, NBC, January 20, 2007,

  34. Nussbaum, Emily, “Difficult Women,” The New Yorker, July 29, 2013.

  Chapter Four: Dangerous as Lucifer Matches

  1. Angier, Natalie, “The Changing American Family,” New York Times, November 26, 2013,

  2. Smith-Rosenberg, Carroll, Disorderly Conduct. 61–62.

  3. Bennett and Froide, Singlewomen in the European Past, 85.

  4. Smith-Rosenberg, Disorderly Conduct, 60.

  5. Ibid., 71–75.

  6. Norton, Mary Beth, Founding Mothers and Fathers, 354.

  7. Lincoln, Abraham, “Dear Speed, Springfield, Ills., Feby 13. 1842,” Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln,;view=fulltext, via Jennie Rothenberg Gritz, “But Were they Gay? The Mystery of Same-Sex Love in the 19th Century,” The, September 7, 2012.

  8. Gritz, “But Were They Gay?” The

  9. Willard, Frances, The Autobiography of an American Woman, 642.

  10. Chevigny, Bell Gale, Margaret Fuller the Woman and the Myth 113.

  11. Coontz, Marriage, A History, 205–206.

  12. All letters cited were written between August and October 1854, from Margaret Smith, ed., The Letters of Charlotte Brontë: Volume Three 1852–1855.

  13. Mailer, Norman, “The Mary McCarthy Case,” The New York Review of Books, October 17, 1963, in Nussbaum, Emily, “Hannah Barbaric,” The New Yorker, February 11, 2013.

  14. Episode One, Makers: Women Who Make America, PBS, February 26, 2013.

  15. Syme, Rachel, “The Broad Strokes,”, January 14, 2015,

  Chapter Five: My Solitude, My Self

  1. Ortberg, Mallory, “What the Happiest Woman in the World Looks Like,”, February 11, 2015,

  2. Kurutz, Steven, “One if the Quirkiest Number,” The New York Times, February 22, 2012.

  3. Schwartz, Benjamin E., “Selfishness as Virtue,” The American Interest, June 10, 2012,

  4. Parker-Pope, Tara, “In a Married World, Singles Struggle for Attention,” The New York Times, September 19, 2011,

  5. Bennett and Froide, Singlewomen in the European Past, 60–63.

  6. Farmer, Sharon, in Bennett and Froide, Singlewomen in the European Past, 87.

  7. Chambers-Schiller, Liberty, A Better Husband, 159.

  8. Goldstein, Dana, The Teacher Wars, 33.

  9. Walker, Ruth, “Why Wait? Single Women Want to Live in Style,” Christian Science Monitor, February 4, 1979. Via Israel, Bachelor Girl.

  10. Faludi, Susan, Backlash, 108.

  11. Gross, Jane, “Single Women: Coping With a Void,” The New York Times, April 28, 1987,

  12. Klinenberg, Eric, Going Solo, 5.

  13. Williamson, Kevin, “Five Reasons Why You’re Too Dumb to Vote,” National, September 28, 2014,

  14. DePaulo, Bella, “That Spinster Stigma Study: Others are Intrusive or they Ignore You,” Psychology Today, June 10, 2010,

  15. Maria Mitchell Papers Diary 1854–1857; Box One, Folder One. Courtesy of the Nantucket Maria Mitchell Association.

  16. Gallagher, Maggie and Linda Waite, The Case for Marriage, New York: Crown, 2002, 52.

  17. Parker-Pope, Tara, “Married Cancer Patients Live Longer,” New York Times, September 24, 2013.

  18. Gottlieb, Lori, “Marry Him! The Case for Settling for Mr. Good Enough,” The Atlantic, March 2008.

  19. Kreider, Rose M. and Renee Ellis, “Number, Timing, and Duration of Marriages and Divorces, 2009,” U.S. Census Bureay, May 2011,

  20. Israel, Bachelor Girl, 42.

  21. Goldstein, The Teacher Wars, 31.

  22. Burnap, George Washington, The Sphere And Duties of Woman: A Course of Lectures, Baltimore: John Murphy, 1848, 64. Via Chambers-Schiller, Liberty, a Better Husband.

  23. Chambers-Schiller, Liberty, a Better Husband, 50.

  24. Ibid, 55.

  25. Collins, America’s Women, 138.

  26. Rogers, Anna A., “Why American Marriages Fail,” The Atlantic Monthly, Cambridge: The Riverside Press, 1907, via Coontz, Marriage: A History.

  27. Esfahani Smith, Emily, “Science Says Lasting Relationships Come Down to Two Basic Traits,”, November 9, 2014.

  28. Barker, Eric, “These Four Things Kill Relationships,”, August 26, 2014,

  29. Klinenberg, Going Solo, 157.

  30. Cobbe, Frances Power, “Celibacy vs. Marriage,” in Criminals, Idiots, Women & Minors, Susan Hamilton, ed, 57, via Israel, Bachelor Girl.

  Chapter Six: For Richer

  1. Friedan, The Feminine Mystique, 158.

  2. Rinehart, Mary Roberts, “A Home or a Career?” Ladies Home Journal, April 1921. Via “These Working Wives: The ‘Two-Job’ Woman in Interwar Magazines,” a paper presented by Jane Marcellus in 2004.

  3. “Estimated Median Age at First Marriage, by Sex, 1890 to Present,” US Bureau of the Census, 2010.

  4. DePaulo, Singled Out, 144.

  5. Brown, Campbell, “Sexism Sneaks In Over and Open Mic,”, November 19, 2008.

  6. “On Pay Gap, Millennial Women Near Parity—For Now,” Pew Research Center, December 11, 2013,


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