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The Alpha's Virgin Possession

Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  Nick needed more. Walking toward the stairs at the far side of the pool he laid her on the cool ground.

  In two easy tugs he removed the swimsuit from her body. He admired every curve, loving the feel of her against his palm.

  “I will never regret owning you, Clara. I want you more than my next breath.”

  “Please, don’t stop, Nick.” She arched up as he sucked her nipple into his mouth. He tweaked the other nipple, watching her scream. Clara always responded to him when he caused just a slight edge of pain.

  He worked his boxer briefs down and fisted his rock hard cock. The need built to a fever pitch inside him. Kissing down her body, he felt her stomach quiver beneath his touch.

  When he got to her pussy he discovered she was blisteringly hot with copious amounts of cum getting her nice and slick for his cock.

  Nick inhaled the musky scent of her cum before moving down to tongue her juicy slit. “Fuck, baby, you’re so fucking ready for my cock.”

  Sliding his tongue down her pussy, he flicked her clit feeling her shake at the slightest touch. She was so fucking sensitive.

  “Please, Nick, I need you.”

  “Are you sure, baby?” He was more than ready to fuck her, but he hoped she was ready to take him.

  Once he started he wasn’t going to stop.


  “Yes, I’m sure. Totally sure.” Clara couldn’t deny her need for him. She’d never been with a man before, and she trusted Nick to be her first. The last week had been a nightmare. Nick refusing to talk to her had left her feeling like she was back at home. After one day of feeling like a person who mattered, his lack of attention hurt more than ever. He was nothing like her family. The way he made her feel was more than she ever thought was possible.

  Years of her family making her feel like a runt with her excess weight and ugliness had really dented her confidence.

  He gripped her thighs, opening her wide. His tongue slid up and down her slit, smashing against her clit. The pleasure of his mouth was more than she could stand. There was nothing for her to hold onto. The ground beneath her was slick from the water of the pool. Closing her eyes, she thrust up to meet him feeling the first stirrings of her orgasm.

  Nick held her down with a hand on her stomach. He kept her in place as he tormented her body. His talented tongue kept her at the edge of bliss but didn’t allow her to tumble over. Crying out in frustration she didn’t know what to do to make him give her an orgasm.

  He reared up over her, breaking complete contact.

  She stared into his eyes seeing the dark brown depths had changed to a light amber. His wolf was close to the surface. The heat radiating off him filled her with so much need.

  “Please, Nick.”

  “I’m going to fuck you now, and when I’m done you’re never going to think of another man.” His words were strange considering he was the only man she ever wanted.

  Glancing down, she saw him grip his arousal, rubbing the tip through her slit. He hit her clit, and she cried out at the explosion of pleasure.

  “This is going to hurt, but I can’t stop. Fuck, I can smell how horny you are. You need my cock.” He fit the tip of his cock against her entrance. Already she felt him stretching her. The feeling wasn’t entirely unpleasant either.

  She kept begging him, wanting to feel his length within her.

  His hands returned to her hips, holding her in place as with one hard thrust, he seated himself deep within her core. Clara screamed at the abrupt pain gripping her.

  “Hold onto me, Clara. This pain can’t be helped.”

  Tears filled her eyes, but she didn’t struggle away from him. Clara did as he instructed, holding onto him as he held her in place. There was nowhere else for her to go other than in his arms. She needed him. The pain didn’t last long and was soon overridden with intense pleasure.

  The feel of his cock pulsing inside her gave her more pleasure than she ever imagined.

  “Do you feel what you do to me?” he asked, pushing strands of errant hair out of the way. Nick kissed her lips, wiping away the tears that spilled out of her eyes. “You’re so beautiful. You will never see what I do.” He bit into her bottom lip, making her moan. Arching up against him, she felt his cock slide deeper within her core. “Your cunt is so slick and gripping me like a fucking fist.”

  His words turned her on.

  “I should have taken your virginity in a bed, but I couldn’t wait any longer. I needed to be inside you.”

  “Shut up and kiss me.” She pressed a finger to his lips wanting him to stop. His cock was no longer hurting her but tormenting her. “Please, fuck me, Nick.”

  She’d read so many words of love and begging for sex in her books, never expecting to use them herself. Nick had made it all possible. Clara was so grateful to him for buying her. The very thought of why she was grateful made her want to laugh. No woman should be grateful for being bought.

  “As my lady wishes.” He took her lips before drawing out of her body. She whimpered, not wanting him to leave her at all. “Trust me, baby. I’m going to make you scream before the end.”

  Smiling, Clara more than trusted his ability to do as he said.

  He drew all the way out of her until only the tip remained. “Look at us, Clara.”

  Glancing down, she saw the length of his cock with her cream along with a small tinge of blood on his cock. Heat flamed in her cheeks at the obvious evidence of arousal. “I’m going to fill you with my cum, Clara, and no man will ever touch you. I’m going to rub my scent into your fucking skin.”

  “Yes,” she said, moaning.

  Nick slammed in deep, hitting her cervix. The pain had her jerking off the floor. He merely caught her, pulling out and doing the same again. He fucked her hard, making each thrust hurt but also drove her closer toward her orgasm.

  “Hold onto me.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, and he turned their positions so she was sitting on his lap. His cock was in as deep as it could go from this new angle. “I want to hold you and watch you come apart in my arms.”

  Acting on instinct, she kissed his lips. His fingers tightened in her hair, pulling her head back to expose her neck.

  “There is so much I’m going to do to you,” he said. His gaze fell to her breasts. “I’m going to bring you nothing but pleasure, Clara. Every step you take, you’re going to be so sore and remember everything I do to you.” He leaned down, taking one of her nipples into his mouth. “I’m going to fill your body with my cum and surround you with my scent.”

  He circled her nipples with his tongue then bit into them.

  “You’re driving me crazy,” she said, gasping. He touched her clit, and her muscles tightened around his cock. His length felt bigger than ever before.

  “Do you want me to let you come?” he asked.


  She wouldn’t last if he didn’t let her come.

  Chapter Ten

  Nick stroked Clara’s swollen clit. She was so fucking wild in his arms. The sight of her virgin blood on his cock had set off something primal inside his head. He wanted to surround her in his scent. For the rest of his life he would be pumping his seed deep into her body. He hadn’t used a condom as it wasn’t her time to conceive but also because he wanted her naked heat around his cock.

  Every stroke over her clit had her cunt tightening around him like a fist. Her pussy was pure heaven. He’d never known such a tight pussy in all of his life. The moment he hit her cervix, he’d scented her pain along with the pleasure. She was so right for him.

  His teeth started to elongate ready to mate with her. Dropping his head to her neck, licking the pulse that pounded against his tongue, Nick knew she wasn’t ready to be mated to him. If he tried to mate her, she’d panic. The knowledge sent his teeth back until they were his human teeth once again.

  Pinching her clit he thrust inside her, going deeper inside. She rode his cock as the pleasure took over. Clara panted for brea
th, and each sound coming out of her was of a moan. Her whole body was aflame and flushed.

  “Please, Nick, please.” Her begging pulled at him.

  Pounding inside her Nick stroked her clit at the same time. Her body was shaking, and her cum surrounded his cock.

  His own release was seconds away, but he wasn’t going to come until she had.

  “Come for me, Clara. Give me your cum.”

  She screamed as her orgasm struck her hard. He fucked her hard, not quite so hard due to the angle, but hard enough to draw her pleasure out even more.

  Nick held her tightly as he fucked to his own release. Grunting, he held her in place with an arm around her waist and another in her hair. She didn’t try to shove away from him but held him tightly. They were both sweating as he pumped his cum into her waiting cunt.

  “Fuck, baby, you’re going to wear me out,” he said, resting his head against hers.

  “Me? This was all your fault.” She rested against his shoulder.

  Stroking her red hair, he felt each spasm of her pussy around him.

  “I’m not a virgin anymore.” She spoke the words in a sigh. Nick tensed. He’d tried to make it good for her through the pain.

  “Do you regret being with me?”

  “No.” She pulled back. Her eyes were a sparkling green, and her face was a lovely rosy red. “It was the best feeling in the world.” She kissed his lips, smiling. “Can we go again?”

  “Soon.” He picked her up looking at the pool. No, he wasn’t going to wash in the pool. Nick carried her out of the pool, through the gym then out to the main hall before taking her upstairs to his room.

  “Where are we going?” she asked, pressing her head against his.

  “We’re going to have a bath with some soothing salts to help with any soreness you may be feeling.”

  “Then can we fuck?”

  The word sounded odd coming from her lips. Chuckling, he kicked open his bedroom door, carrying her over the threshold. “Have you ever said that word before?”

  “Not really. I’ve read about it plenty.” He placed her on her feet before setting about getting her into the bath.

  He scented her virgin blood, and the urge to take care of her struck him hard.

  Once the bath was filled with the soothing bath salts, he ordered her to rest.

  “Where are you going?” she asked, grabbing his hand stopping him from leaving.

  “I’ve got to get you something to help.” He kissed her hand, sinking his fingers into her hair. “I’m not going anywhere. Tomorrow morning you’ll thank me for my attention.”

  Stroking her cheek, he left the room walking back to the kitchen. He set some milk into a saucepan. Nick worked his kitchen while he was still naked. After sex clothing would have itched his skin. Opening a window he let the cool air into the room.

  The smells of the fresh grass, the air and trees called to his wolf. The urge to leave the house and take a run of victory was strong. He forced the need down. Not only had he gotten Clara into his bed before the allotted time, he’d also found his mate.

  Nick was sure she was his mate. The women he’d been with before had never inspired the mating bite within him.

  Adding a splash of vanilla he gave it a whisk before adding the best chocolate he could find. Carrying hot chocolate, fruit, and cream, he went back upstairs to find her lying back resting.

  “You’re back?”

  “I was tempted to go for a run, but I thought you might like to come with me.” He climbed into the bathtub, putting the drinks on the floor along with the bowls of fruit and cream.

  Once he was comfortable, he grabbed her cup and handed it to her.

  “Is this supposed to help?” she asked.

  “Nothing medicinal about it. I thought chocolate was the cures for all ills for women.”

  Clara chuckled. “Nah, it doesn’t help at all, but the thought is perfect all on its own.”

  He watched her sipping at the liquid. Her plump lips were bruised from his kisses.

  Reaching down, he grabbed a strawberry and dipped the ripe fruit into the cream. “Open up,” he said, pressing the tip to her lips. Some of the cream dripped onto her breast. Clara bit into the fruit, and he finished it off.

  “So juicy.”

  He leaned forward licking off the droplet of cream. “I agree, however, I know something else that is juicy.” Nick raised a brow so she knew what he was talking about.

  For the next twenty minutes he fed her fruit and cream as they finished off their hot chocolates. The bath water was cold by the time they were finished.

  Nick climbed out first, grabbing a towel to wrap around her. Lifting Clara into his arms he carried her through to his bedroom.

  “Am I going to my own room?” she asked.

  “Not a chance.” He couldn’t resist her any longer. Sinking his fingers into her wet red hair, he tugged her close. “You’re not going anywhere. This is your room from now on.”


  Nick’s possessive attitude turned her on. The way he gripped her hair had Clara melting. She would have sunk to his feet begging for him to take her if he hadn’t taken control. With his free hand, he gripped her waist holding her close.

  In one quick move he spun her around so she faced away from him. His hands gripped her stomach, running up and down her body. “Your curves are so fucking addictive.” Down his hands went gripping her thighs then up to cup her breasts. “I love your tits. You’ve got to know how amazing you are, Clara. Any man would feel special having you in their lives or in their bed. No one is going to know what it’s like being inside you.”

  He moved her forward, pushing her to her knees on the bed. Over his bed was a mirror for her to see him. It wasn’t long enough to see everything he was doing. His hands stroked her back, opening her thighs to suit him.

  She felt the tip of his cock stroking through her slit before pausing at her entrance.

  “Look at me, Clara,” he said, tugging on her shoulder. She looked at him through the mirror. The moment her eyes were on him, he slammed inside her going far deeper than he had upstairs. “Fuck, you feel so good.”

  His eyes were a shade of amber once again, sparkling as they looked at her. The rippling of her body should have unnerved her, but the presence of his alpha wolf only turned her on more.

  “Tell me to fuck you, Clara.”

  “Fuck me, Nick,” she said.

  With his gaze on her he pounded away inside her taking her breath away. Every time she closed her eyes, he slapped her ass forcing her to look at him.

  “Don’t close your fucking eyes. I want you to watch me fuck you.”

  Biting her lip, she cried out with each slap to her ass.

  “Your ass is going to be fucking red if you don’t stop.”

  The pleasure was more than she could stand.

  “Touch your clit, Clara. Let me feel you come all over my cock.”

  Over and over he rammed inside her, hitting her cervix, which took the pleasure into a different dimension of pleasure and pain.

  “So fucking tight and perfect.”

  She touched her clit, stroking the nub. Each stroke had her gasping.

  Nick held onto her shoulders making her look at him even though she was close to coming.

  “Keep those eyes on me, baby.”

  Where he held her there would be bruises.

  “Please, Nick.”

  “Come over my cock and I’ll put an end to both of our agony.”

  Whimpering, she fingered her clit feeling every jerk and pulse of his cock within her depths. He stretched her with each pound.

  “You better get used to me inside you, baby. I’m not going anywhere. Your pussy is going to have my name all over it.”

  His words set off her climax, not to mention the addictive smell coming off his skin. Before he’d been outlawed, Nick had been an alpha. The alpha within him hadn’t disappeared at all. In fact, it looked like he’d only gotten stronger, more pow

  Clara exploded on his cock stroking her nub to completion. She felt the difference inside him. The instant she came his strokes became harder, his cock pressing against her cervix and determined to go deeper. The pain was intense along with how amazing it felt, so she didn’t know whether to scream or cry with pain.

  Nick pounded inside her until with a growl he came. His cock jerked, pulsing his cum inside her. She dropped to the bed needing her strength. Her shoulders ached from the strength of his arms.

  When his orgasm subsided, he picked her back up, pulling his cock out of her.

  “Where are we going?” she asked, wanting to curl up and sleep.

  “We’re going for a run.”

  She held onto him as he led her outside.

  Staring across his grounds, she realized no one would ever be able to see inside his home it was that large.

  “Aren’t you afraid of me running off?” she asked.

  “Are you going to run off? If you come back I can promise you everything. I can give you sex and anything your heart desires.”

  He couldn’t give her everything. There was a reason she read so many romance novels, and it wasn’t because it was what women did. She read them out of yearning. The books were her one way of getting a happy ending. In life she had come to learn it doesn’t always have a happy ending.

  “I’ll come back,” she said.

  The sex between them was brilliant. She never wanted the lust to end. Clara wondered how long the brilliant sex would last without love. She’d seen many couples within her pack mate, then regret their decisions afterward.

  Wolves were supposed to mate for life. Nick hadn’t bought her to mate with. He’d only bought her for sex, and he was getting that without any fuss.

  Stop thinking too much. Love has never entered the equation, and it shouldn’t now.

  She watched him shed his skin and become a wolf. Heat filled her core at the sight of his amazing dark amber wolf. He waited for her to become a wolf. Staring up at the sky she closed her eyes and turned into her wolf.


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