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The Alpha's Virgin Possession

Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  When she turned with her old pack, their thoughts were always hurtful, which was why she’d always tried to run away from them.

  “You’re so beautiful. I should have known your wolf would be a dark red color.”

  Clara took off away from him.

  “You’re red all over, baby.”

  “Stop it and run.”

  “Whatever my lady wishes.”

  He ran beside her. The fresh air, along with the scent of the surrounding woodland, was heady. Her body was different, no longer innocent. The freedom to run without fear of what others said made the whole experience amazing.

  “This is your life, Clara.”

  “I know.”

  He nudged her with his snout. “No, this is your life. The freedom to run when you wish. I’ll be with you every step of the way.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “Stay with me, willingly, and I’ll give you everything your heart desires.”

  Clara cut off all hope. With them both in their wolf forms Nick would be able to hear her feelings of hope when it came to their relationship.

  “Okay, I promise, I won’t leave or run away.”

  She’d give them a chance.

  Chapter Eleven

  Nick leaned back in his office chair smiling. Another week had passed since he’d claimed Clara’s virginity. Every morning he woke her up either licking her pussy or fucking her. She never complained, giving him everything he required. When he got home at night, he was met with a warm, naked, welcoming female and a good meal. He’d also stopped trapping her within the house. When he left the doors and windows open he’d spent the day at the office panicking in case she left him.

  Clara had surprised him with lunch at the office. Since then, he loved waiting for her to visit him. Today, he was too fucking horny. The following week was the full moon, and he was in the mood to fuck. Most of his thoughts were focused on the ability to fuck. His cock was in a constant state of hardness even when she wasn’t around. Clara didn’t help. She was as bad as he was when it came to sex.

  There were a few times he woke up to find her sucking him off. The woman was insatiable, and he was more than happy to let her experiment on him. He caught her watching the porn channel as well. If he reaped the rewards, he really didn’t care.

  Checking the time, he saw she’d be arriving in ten minutes. Buzzing his personal assistant he ordered her to keep Clara waiting but to let him know she arrived.

  He returned his attention to the computer screen, reading through the latest email of a company he bought. Work was not interesting to him at all, but he forced himself to get through it. Clara turned up within ten minutes, and he scented her need for him as well. Licking his lips, he waited a few minutes before going to his door.

  She sat in one of the waiting chairs. Her smile was a thing of beauty when she turned it toward him.

  Nodding at his personal assistant he led Clara into his office. Closing and locking the door, he put the basket of food on the floor and pinned her against it.

  “You took too fucking long,” he said, sliding a hand underneath the yellow summer dress she wore. He found her naked flesh, no panties to stop his search.

  “Please, Nick, I need you.”

  Waiting was not on his agenda. His cock was threatening to burst from his trousers. Lifting her up, he steadied her ass with a hand holding her there. “Undo my pants and pull my cock out.”

  He kept hold of her as she started to work free his trousers. Her hands were shaking, but she got him out.

  Taking over, he pushed her hands out of the way and ordered her to hold up her dress. Nick found her wet heat, fit the tip of his cock to her pussy, and glided in easily. She groaned, and he covered her mouth to stop her from making too much noise. His personal assistant wasn’t a wolf, but he did work with men who’d be able to hear her.

  Stepping to the right, he pulled out of her heat to slam back inside. They were no longer against the door, and the wall would muffle the sounds of her pleasured cries.

  She licked his palm. He kept her mouth covered as he fucked her tight pussy. No matter how many times he took her, she always seemed tighter than ever before.

  “Pull your tits out for me to see.”

  Her arousal was driving him wild. There was no control over his response to her. She took all of his cock.

  Every ripple had him panting for more.

  “So fucking tight and wet,” he said, pounding away.

  She held onto his shoulders, growing closer to her own orgasm.

  “Touch yourself, stroke your clit, baby. Let me feel you come all over my dick.”

  He felt her fingers stroking between them. When he got home tonight he would make her finger her sweet pussy on the coffee table while he watched. The night was all their own after dinner. Nick wanted to try some other things with her.

  The instant her cunt tightened around him, Nick found his own release exploding within her. His scent filled her along with his cum. Any male wolf would know she belonged to another male.

  When he was finished pouring his seed into her waiting body he helped her to her feet.

  His seed escaped, and he grabbed some tissues from his desk to clean most of the mess away. She stayed still as he attended to her.

  “How is your day?” he asked.

  Clara laughed. “Shouldn’t you have asked me that before you screwed me against the door?”

  Nick laughed. He loved hearing the sound of her happiness. “I screwed you against the wall, not the door. I imagine I’d have embarrassed us all. I don’t want to test the strength of the door.”

  “I can see that.” She took a seat opposite his desk with her lunch basket in her lap. “I went shopping with the card you left me.”

  “Where did you go?” he asked.

  He had also given her the codes to buy books online. Yesterday he found a three figure bill from her purchase of books alone. Nick wasn’t going to complain. Many women wouldn’t have been satisfied unless they were given jewelry.

  “I went to the supermarket, looked at the meat and hated the sight and smell before finding a local butcher. I’ve struck a deal with him for organic meat. We’ll be eating a lot better before you know it.” She placed some vegetable slaw, chicken, and potato salad onto his desk. Nick loved her cooking and wasn’t going to complain.

  Dean had also tasted her food and hated him for getting her raw talent.

  “I’ve also baked a chocolate cake to keep you going until the end of the day.”

  He stared at the beauty before him.

  “What else did you do, or is that it, food shopping?”

  “I like food shopping. I cut some roses out of the garden for the table. I thought the house was looking a little bland and decided to add a splash of color.” She did him a plate then herself one.

  Nick kept his gaze on her. She was so sweet. Thinking about his need to claim her, he opened his mouth about to talk when a knock sounded on his door. His personal assistant would have buzzed him if it had been her.

  Irritated that he’d been interrupted before he began, he got to his feet toward the door. He unlocked and opened it, seeing Dean looking concerned. “What is it?” Nick asked.

  Dean looked into the room seeing Clara. “You need to get rid of her.”

  “What? Why?”

  “The collective of alphas are here. Mark has been arrested along with many of the men selling women for money. Shit is about to hit the fan.”

  Clara was already cleaning away their lunch. Cursing, he watched her pack everything as the men of the collective alphas walked off the elevator. He counted five men. They were not all there. In fact, he saw at least one missing. Riley was the name, the one who had forced the issue of Nick’s outlawed status.

  “Too late.”

  “Dean, I see you’ve already informed Nick of our visit.”

  Nick recognized the man who spoke as Charles, one of the oldest men of the group. He didn’t look a day ov
er forty, but Nick knew he was close to seventy years of age.

  “What warning? Dean was arranging to come to my house for dinner tonight. Clara’s an amazing cook, and he is always looking for an excuse to visit.” He gave Dean a pointed look, entering the office. Clara stood by his desk with a smile plastered to her face.

  The five men entered his office as Dean took a seat.

  “I’ll see you at home tonight. I’ll do my famous chicken curry,” Clara said. She was nervous. Reaching out, he held her face, slamming his lips down on hers. Nick kissed the life out of her smelling her arousal when he was finished

  “Baby, everything about you is famous.”

  “Who is this?” Charles asked.

  “I’m his girlfriend. It’s a pleasure to have met you all.”

  Clara made her excuses. Charles wasn’t having any of it. “You’re a female wolf who hasn’t been outlawed. Why are you with Nick?”

  She turned her gaze to his before looking back at the large man. He watched her tug her arm out of his hold.

  “I’m in love with him. You have no right to insult him in his own building. Even the collective of alphas are not above showing respect.” She turned back to him.

  He saw the truth in her eyes. In front a room full of men who could take her away she’d told him she loved him.

  “I’ll see you tonight with only Dean?” she asked.

  “You will, baby.”

  She left without another backward glance. Shit, he should have told her how he felt. Feeling like a bastard, he pushed it aside and concentrated on why the collective of alphas were in his office.


  Great, Nick was probably laughing at her right now. Clara walked down the street swinging her basket from side to side. She’d made a complete fool of herself admitting her feelings. The moment Charles touched her, she’d sensed his power. There was a reason why the collective of alphas were needed. They were far stronger than all wolves.

  She walked through the city park basking in the sunlight. Her body was still alive from their harsh fucking in his office.

  Running fingers through her hair, she took one last look around the city before going home. The large house no longer looked dominating. Every day that passed she added a little touch of her own. Letting herself inside, she went straight to the kitchen to put the slaw and potato salad in the fridge. She’d not been kidding about the curry. The chicken was marinating in the fridge in plenty of spices.

  Once everything was put away, she took a shower leaving her dress in the bedroom to make her way downstairs to the pool. For the next hour she tried to collect her thoughts as she took a long swim. Why was the collection of alpha in the offices?

  Dean’s words had been muffled. What did they want with Nick?

  She’d seen the tension in Nick’s whole body. Being honest in the room had been essential.

  When she could put it off no longer, she went back to wash the pool from her body, changed into another summer dress, then went into the kitchen. She started making her curry, humming as the process soothed her.

  Clara tensed when she heard the door open. Dean and Nick talking invaded her calmness.

  Seconds later Nick entered the room. He looked tired, worn out.

  “Did you mean what you said in my office?”

  She dropped her head, not wanting to meet his gaze.

  “Don’t do that,” he said. “Look at me and tell me the truth.”

  “Yes, I meant every word I said. I’ve fallen in love with you. I tried not to, and it’s insane. I’ve not known you all that long, but I know how I feel and I love you.” She pressed a hand to her lips, wishing the ground would open up and stop her from talking.

  “For fuck’s sake, Nick, go to her and tell her how you feel,” Dean said. He was leaning against the doorframe watching them. She’d been so concerned about Nick she hadn’t heard him enter.

  “Get out of here. Go to the dining room or something, but give us some much needed privacy,” Nick said, glaring at his friend.

  Dean held his hands up. “I’m just trying to help a friend out. Don’t let him get away with shit, Clara.” He winked at her before leaving.

  “Blasted man doesn’t know when to stay out of other people’s business.”

  “He cares about you.” She picked up her wooden spoon to start stirring the sauce.

  “The first night you were here I sneaked into your room,” he said, taking her completely by surprise.


  “I saw you taking a shower. I left you my shirt, but when you were asleep I came back. We slept together that night. I held you in my arms leaving you before you woke.”

  “Your scent wasn’t only on the shirt?”

  “No, I was there all night.”

  “Why are you sharing all this with me?” she asked.

  “You have a right to know. I shouldn’t have kept you in the dark, but I did. The first day I took you, I was ready to mate with you, but I held myself back out of fear. I didn’t want you to be afraid of me. I’ve wanted to mate with you for a while now, Clara.” He held his hand up stopping her from talking when she would have. “I don’t just want to mate with you because you’re the only available female wolf to me. I love you, Clara.”

  His words lifted her spirits.

  “Why are you telling me this?” she asked.

  “I need you to know how I feel. I love you. It has nothing to do with the money I spent on you. I’d pay your parents again, over and over, to make sure I got you. You’re amazing.” He stopped, taking a step closer to her.

  “Pussy.” She heard Dean calling out the name.

  Nick shot the door a glare but didn’t back down.

  “In the next couple of days you’re going to get a visit from the collective of alphas.”

  She jerked back, worried. “What? Why?”

  “They’re hunting men and women who sell females to be used. Your father has been caught, and he’s exposed me.”

  Clara reached out, pressing a hand to his chest. “What are they going to do?”

  “Your father and your family are being punished by the collective. They can’t do anything to me as I’m outlawed already. I’m not bound by pack law, but your family broke the law. They’re coming to see you, and it will be up to you what you want to do.”

  “What do you mean?”

  He cupped her cheek, holding her close. “If you wish to leave to join your pack, you may do so. They’ll take care of you giving you a home.”

  “Do you want me to go?” Only a minute ago he’d been telling her how much he loved her, and now he was telling her this. Clara felt torn in two on what to think.

  Nick held her face, staring into her eyes. She saw the pain in his dark brown depths. “No, I don’t want you to go, but I don’t want you to feel forced to stay here. I love you, Clara. I want to mate with you. This is a choice you’re going to have to make.” He kissed her lips, pulling away. “The curry smells amazing. I need to run,” he said, turning toward the door.

  Unable to stop him, she watched him tear his clothes off and change within the next second.

  “He’s scared,” Dean said, bringing her attention back into the room.

  “Scared? Scared of what?” She was confused, and she hated the feeling.

  “Nick is outlawed, and he bought you. I know you didn’t have the best start in this relationship.” Dean leaned over the kitchen counter. “If the collective choose to, they can take you away.”

  “What? Why?”

  “You’re a female who has been taken by an outlawed male. They could override your decision to stay with him. Their argument is accusing you of suffering with Stockholm syndrome.”

  “They’re insane. I don’t suffer with anything.” She ran fingers through her hair, panicking. For the first time in her life, she was in love, and it could all be torn away from her.

  “Do you care about what happens to your family?”

  “No, I couldn’t give a shi
t about what happens to them. They were not my family. They spent their whole life making me aware of how awful I was to their reputation.” She let Dean see her anger.

  “Look, you prove to the collective of your feelings about your family and your love for Nick and you can win. They wouldn’t be able to take you away, but you also need to make a choice,” Dean said.

  “Choice, what choice?”

  “If you ever want to be part of a pack again or not. Nick will never be held in their grip. He possesses the dangerous mark whereas you do not. Another pack will accept you with open arms.”

  Dean raised a brow, opening his hands.

  Clara went back to her curry, hearing the pain of Nick’s howl in the distance.

  Chapter Twelve

  Nick saw his friend out trying his best to ignore the sympathy in his eyes. Whatever happened was up to Clara. He wouldn’t try to influence her decision. If the alphas found her suffering from some syndrome or another, he’d lose her either way. How had a simple business transaction turned into something so painful? He was in love with her. The thought of losing her left a giant hole inside his chest.

  Clawing out his heart wouldn’t be half as painful even if he would be dead. Clara was upstairs in their bedroom. She rarely spoke over dinner leaving him and Dean to talk business. He was tired of business and the incessant need to earn money. What was the point of earning money when he had no one to share it with?

  Staring at his reflection in the mirror Nick let out a breath feeling the weight of the world on his shoulders. He’d been a good alpha, and he hoped to be a good mate.


  He turned to see the love of his life standing in the doorway. She wore a sheer white negligee that covered her body without really hiding her curves. He saw the hardness of her nipples pressing against the fabric along with the thatch of red curls between her thighs.

  “I thought you’d gone to bed.”

  “I’m not going to bed without you.” She took a step into the room.

  Nick didn’t move and watched her get closer, her hips moving seductively with every step she took.

  She pressed her palms onto his chest. Taking hold of her hands, he tried to push her away.


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