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The Alpha's Virgin Possession

Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  “Don’t!” She shouted the word, glaring at him. “They may have come into your office at lunchtime, but they’re not here. Do not push me away.”

  “They could take you away from me. Do you really think I can handle making love to you knowing they’re going to take you from me? It’s killing me.”

  She shoved him hard, slapping his chest. “You selfish bastard.” The anger on her face was clear. “Do you think I wanted this? For so long I was the fucking fat wolf of the pack. No one wanted me. I was humiliated on my eighteenth. No one wanted to be with me.” She slapped a palm to her own chest. “Then just as suddenly I’m sold to a man I do not know, an outlawed man accused of murder, and I fall in love with him. You awaken my fucking body like it was your own.”

  He saw the pain in her eyes as they mirrored his own.

  “I really thought I was happy to never have to worry about falling in love or being with a man. I gave you my virginity, Nick. I’ve given you a part of me. I don’t care what happens to my family. They were never here with me. You were, and I will make sure they all know how I feel. I can live without a pack, but I can never live without you.”

  Unable to deny himself the pleasure of touching her, he gripped her neck, tugging her close. She wrapped her arms around him, holding him tightly. For many minutes they simply held onto each other, gaining comfort. He inhaled her sweet scent mixed with his own.

  “I love you,” she said. “Don’t stop fighting. I won’t.”

  Her hands ran up and down his chest. Nick watched her movements without pushing her away. Their future was in her hands when the alphas came to take her away.

  “I love you, too, baby.” He kissed her head. Staying still he waited for her to release the buttons of his shirt. She pushed the fabric from his shoulders. “This is all for you. You’re the one in charge.”

  “Are you sure you trust me?” she asked, raising a brow.

  He unbuckled his belt as she sank to her knees. Neither of them said another word as she peeled his trousers down his thigh, taking his boxer briefs with them.

  His cock sprang free. The vein was thick along the side pulsing blood to his shaft. The tip already leaked his pre-cum. She gripped the base of his shaft, working from root to tip then back again.

  Holding himself still, he watched her open her lips and take him in deep. Her tongue circled the tip, taking his cum from him.

  It took every ounce of restraint not to force his cock all the way into her mouth. Clara set the pace, sucking on the tip then taking him an inch at a time. He stroked her hair, sinking his fingers into the length for something to hold on to.

  Her gaze travelled up his body. When their gazes met she went down on him, taking him all the way until he hit the back of her throat. She sucked tightly, making him gasp. Up she went, circling the head before sliding down.

  Over and over she sucked, licked and nibbled on his shaft. With her free hand, she fingered his balls. Nick closed his eyes grunting at the pleasure.

  She moaned with his cock in her mouth, and the vibration sent another wave of pleasure inside him.

  “No, I can’t wait.” Tugging her mouth off him with the grip on her hair, he threw the contents of his desk to the floor. Nick was crazed, not wanting to wait to get upstairs to claim her pussy. He placed her on the hard surface, gripping her hips as he guided his dick to her cunt. Clara gripped the edge of the desk.

  “I love you,” he said, feeling impassioned. Tonight, tomorrow, however long he had before the collective of alphas tried to take her away, he was going to fuck her, make love to her and prove to Clara with his actions how much he loved her.

  “I love you, too.”

  Sliding his dick through her creamy cunt, he found her entrance and slammed in deep. Clara cried out, scoring his back as he took her over the edge. He was mindless with pleasure and with need.

  Her pussy rippled around his shaft, gripping him tighter than any fist. Pulling out, he slammed back inside, going deeper. Clara’s tits bounced with the jerk of her hips as he plunged deep into her.

  “So fucking tight and sweet. I’m going to spend the rest of my life fucking you. Making love to you.”

  Nick didn’t let up in his strokes. When she tightened around him, he made her finger her sweet pussy. Each stroke over her swollen clit sent her pussy squeezing him.

  “That’s it, baby. I’ll give you my cum as soon as you give me yours.”

  “I love you, Nick.”

  “I know, baby. Give me what I need.”

  She stroked her nub, and seconds later she climaxed. Even as she was caressing her clit, Nick fucked her hard. The desk moved under the force of his thrusts. He didn’t care. Finding his release was all he cared about. Plunging inside her, Nick stared into her eyes. She was so fucking beautiful. He’d die a happy man being inside her.

  The stirrings started, and he plundered her tight heat spilling his cum into her waiting pussy. She took every drop, moaning as he held her tightly.

  No one was taking her away from him. Nick would kill every last one of them if they even thought to take her from him.


  Later that night, Clara padded back to the bedroom. She had brushed her teeth and washed her face. The whole of the night had been spent with Nick inside her. Clara’s pussy was sore, but she didn’t care. The feel of Nick’s hard cock inside her was more than worth it.

  “Your breath smelled fine to me.”

  She rolled her eyes and climbed on the bed beside him. Before brushing her teeth she’d been sucking his cock until he came, swallowing down every drop.

  “I wanted to brush my teeth.”

  He reached out, tucking strands of hair behind her ear. “You’re going to be the death of me.”

  Glancing down at his stiffening cock, she chuckled. “No, you’re going to be the death of me. I’ve not even made it to the kitchen yet without you pouncing on me.”

  Nick caressed her ass, sliding his palm over her cheeks. “What can I say? You shouldn’t be so fucking tempting.”

  He moved over her, trapping her legs together as he kissed and nibbled on her ass. She cried out as his teeth sank into her flesh. Moaning, she held onto the blanket as pleasure consumed her thoughts. Her cream leaked out, coating her clit.

  The scent of their combined releases surrounded them.

  “I could spend all day worshipping this ass,” he said, slapping her cheek. She squealed at the slight pain then groaned at the pleasure. His fingers slid between her thighs, stroking her clit. The instant contact to her clit had her jerking up.

  “Shh, baby. I’m going to make you feel so good.” Two fingers plunged inside her pussy working her up into a frenzy.

  “Please, Nick, fuck me.” She was not above begging him to take her.

  “I thought you didn’t want me to fuck you anymore tonight?” he asked, teasing her.

  “You better not leave me like this.”

  “I have no intention of leaving you wanting, but I think it’s time to give your pussy a rest.” Nick moved his fingers from between her thighs up to her ass. She tensed as he pressed against the tight puckered hole of her anus. “Relax, baby. I’m never going to hurt you.”

  Clara whimpered as he pressed his wet fingers to her ass.

  “Relax, baby.”

  She slowly tried to relax her body for his penetration. His free hand caressed over her ass cheek then up her back soothing her.

  “Give me what I want, and I’ll make it feel fucking amazing.”

  Gripping the pillow, Clara took several breaths, relaxing her body for his invasion. Closing her eyes she allowed her body to feel rather than over-think what he was doing.

  “Good girl. You’re going to love me inside your ass. It gives you just that bite of pain you need to make it entirely pleasurable.” He talked to her constantly as he pressed one finger into her ass. The bite of pain exploded within her. The pain soon turned to pleasure as he pumped his single finger in and out of her ass also tweaking
her clit.

  The combination of pleasure and pain had her thrusting back on his hand.

  “Please, Nick,” she said, not knowing what she was begging for.

  “I’m going to give you a second finger. Lift up to me,” he said.

  She went to her knees opening up for him.

  “You want my cock in your hot little ass?” he asked.


  Nick added a second finger, spreading her wider. He added more of their combined release to moisten her hole. Every single touch pushed her closer to the edge of her orgasm.

  Moments later, he moved behind her, replacing his fingers with the tip of his large wide cock.

  She whimpered as Nick caressed her back.

  “You’re going to love this, Clara. Trust me.”

  Not only did she trust him, she was in love with him. She knew deep in her heart Nick wouldn’t do anything to harm her.

  Staying still, she cried out as the head of him pushed past the tight ring of muscles, opening up her ass for his cock. His hands went to her hips, holding her in place. She laid her head flat on the bed, trying to focus on anything else but the pleasure along with the pain of his claiming.

  Nick was a pro when it came to his cock. He knew what to do and how to draw the most pleasure out of her body.

  In the bedroom alone he reminded her of many of the heroes she read about in the books she loved so much.

  “I’m in, baby. Can you take more of me?” he asked.


  The pain didn’t take long to turn into mind-blowing pleasure. Slowly, he worked the rest of his cock inside her. She whimpered at how much he filled her.

  With his cock in her ass she felt every pulse and jerk of his shaft. There was nothing to escape from. The last inch he slammed inside her, going as deep as he could.

  She cried out, gripping the blanket tighter.

  “This is where the real fun begins,” he said, running his hands up and down her body.

  “It can get better?”

  “Much better.” He worked her ass taking his time with each thrust.

  Clara soon started to thrust onto his cock. There was no longer any pain, only mind-blowing ecstasy. She didn’t want him to stop. Her body was on fire for his cock. The need built with every second.

  “You love my cock in your ass?” he asked.

  “Yes.” No other words were needed. Their grunts echoed around the room along with the sound of flesh hitting flesh.

  “Please, Nick.”

  “Do you need to come?”


  “Then play with your pussy. Let me feel you come, baby.”

  She stroked her clit, whimpering at the merest touch. Three strokes over her nub had her screaming out her release.

  “Fuck, that’s it. Come all over my cock.”

  He fucked her hard, and Clara loved it. When he grunted she felt the pulse of his cock along with the heat of his cum. The sensation was entirely different from having him in her pussy.

  “I think you’ve killed me,” he said, slumping over her body with his cock still inside her.

  “This is all you.” She smiled loving his touch.

  “I know. Come on, baby. It’s time for you to have a bath.”

  Nick carried her into the bathroom. For the remainder of the night he took care of her, washing her body and providing her with every care possible.

  Lying in his arms early the next morning after only an hour of sleep, Clara wondered if he was trying to get her out of his system. The collective of alphas could take her away, but she knew she wouldn’t let it happen. Nick was the love of her life, and she wasn’t going to let anyone take him away from her.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Three days later Nick was staring at his computer screen. Clara was at home after a marathon of sex. She was probably happy with the reprieve. His nerves were totally fried at what their future was going to be. Whatever happened was up to her.

  He tried to focus on his work rather than on what his woman was going to do. The last three days he’d held back claiming her. The mating heat had been between them during most of their fuck fest, but he held it back. Nick didn’t want them to blame the mating or him for Clara staying with him.

  In the space of one month he’d found his woman, hurt her, taken her, fallen in love with her, and was now on the verge of losing her. His parents were not lying when they said wolves moved fast, refusing to waste a single moment of life.

  Leaning back, he turned his chair to look over city life. When he was first outlawed he hated the city, but then he had come to love it. The hustle and bustle of activity stopped him from thinking about the pain of everything he lost. Looking over the city he couldn’t stop feeling the pain of what he faced later today.

  The door of his office opening forced him to turn. He saw Charles, one of the leaders of the collective of alphas.

  “Have you gone to see her yet?” Nick asked. When he woke up this morning he felt today was the day they’d come for her.

  “No, we’re getting ready to go and see her. The other alphas are waiting for me downstairs.” Charles closed the door, striding forward to take a seat in front of him.

  “Why have you come to see me?” Nick shuffled some files, trying to keep himself busy. This man had never terrified him in all the years of being an alpha for a pack. Now, he felt real fear. The power Charles had made Nick sick to his stomach.

  “I wanted to come and see you. I’m sure you’re aware we’re stopping the auctioning and selling of females wolves?”

  “Yes, I’m aware of it. Dean keeps me in the know of wolf business.”

  “I know. I’m the one who tells him what to say,” Charles said.

  Nick stayed silent for several minutes hoping the man would end his misery.

  “Why are you here?” he asked, when the other man made no move to say why he’d come back to see him.

  “I’m disgusted with myself. From what I’ve learned many women have been sold behind the collective’s back, by one of us. It makes us all feel old when one of our own can pull the wool over our eyes.” Charles let out a sigh. “Your woman is one of the women who was sold, right?”

  Taking in a breath, Nick locked his fingers together resting his hands on the desk. “I wanted a female wolf to fuck. I was made aware of being able to purchase a woman. I paid over a million dollars for Clara. She was the runt, an outcast of her pack. Her mother and father, along with all of her family, treated her appallingly.”

  “You used her for sex?” Charles asked.

  “When I first bought her it started out as sex. I didn’t want or need anything else.”

  “Something changed?”

  Nick paused, thinking about the change of his feelings over the last few weeks. “Yes, everything changed. I no longer wanted to just fuck Clara. She came to mean something to me. The first night in my home I held her while she slept. Holding her gives me as much pleasure as watching her read.” Nick stopped, remembering her lying on the sofa in his office reading as he worked. “She’s beautiful inside and out. Her family didn’t deserve her.”

  “And you do?”

  He looked at Charles, weighing up his answer.

  “No, I don’t deserve her. She’s better than I ever will be. I’ve never been a good man. I thought I was a good alpha at one point, but I wasn’t. If I was a good alpha, I wouldn’t have been outlawed. Clara makes me a better man, and I know I’m going to spend the rest of my life showing her how much I love her.”

  Charles stayed quiet for a long time.

  “The decision to outlaw you was taken out of my hands. I didn’t disagree with what you did. The fact I sat at the same table with that man, ate with him, shared my life with him sickens me. I saw the damage he did. You were outlawed because one of us was determined to see you out of the way. Riley has a lot to answer for. He was the cause for the sale of women. He wanted you outlawed so everyone would tell your story rather than realize what he wa
s doing. He made us believe we were doing the right thing, and for that, I’m totally sorry.” Charles stood. “You were one of the best alphas we’ve ever known. Our biggest regret is outlawing you.”

  “Riley did this?” Nick asked, understanding why the other collective alpha hadn’t made an appearance.

  “Yes. We found out what he was doing, and we’re stopping him. I know words are not enough, but I am sorry for not going with my gut and leaving you as an alpha.”

  Nick was thankful for the words even though they were unnecessary.

  “If you were given the option of having a pack would you take it?” Charles asked.

  “No, I don’t want the responsibility. The only person I want is Clara.”

  “Speaking of the wonderful woman, I better go and join the rest of the collective to interview her.”

  Nick watched the other man walk toward the door. “Wait,” he said, halting him. Charles turned. “When you’re with her take your time. She doesn’t trust people easily, and I’d hate for you to upset her.”

  “I will take every effort to calm her.”

  Charles left, and Nick slumped back into his seat. There, his life was going to be over if they decided Clara didn’t know her own mind. Closing his eyes, he listened to his employees walking into the building. He hated them all for their happy easy lives.

  Getting on with work he kept looking at his phone waiting for it to ring. It didn’t ring at all.

  Around lunchtime he tensed as Dean entered the office. The somber look on his face didn’t help Nick’s nerves at all.

  “Do you know anything?” Nick asked.

  “Sorry, mate, no. I brought you the contract we agreed to. It’s time for you to look over it before you sign.” Dean placed the file on the table. “You’ve not heard anything?”

  “No. I’ve heard fuck all. This shouldn’t be allowed to happen. I feel like my life is on hold until I know what is happening.”

  “Clara’s a strong woman, Nick. She’ll convince them. I know she’s in love with you. She’s not going anywhere.”

  He smiled at his friend, not believing a word.


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