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A Thief In The Night

Page 23

by K. Sterling

  He protected his heart ruthlessly because family was as vital to an Olinescu as his heart. Roman understood why his father left his family and he honored and respected his father’s sacrifice by becoming what his parents struggled to accomplish. But Roman saw what turning his back on his family cost his father. He believed the poverty and pain was a lesson his father had to learn every day and he refused to suffer the same fate. He could only give his heart to someone who could love and deserve his family.

  It wasn’t just a matter of finding a man who would accept and fit in with Roman’s family and lifestyle. Once someone had Roman’s heart, that person belonged to his family. He would be under Darius’ protection, welcomed into bunică’s home and expected to turn up with everyone else on Sundays. Roman protected his family as hard as he protected his heart and he would only share them with someone who was worthy. None of the men before were ever worthy but he knew Quinn would fit because he truly laughed, gave selflessly and was willing to trade every shred of his soul to save his brother.

  He wasn’t sure when he gave Quinn his heart but he knew it would be safe with him. It was just a matter of keeping Quinn safe. Roman did his best to distract Quinn and keep a close eye on him but he wanted him closer as the end drew near. Darlington would strike first and Roman was afraid Quinn would be his target. It was a tremendous gamble, he’d exposed himself and Quinn to God and everyone with a set of eyes to make Darlington furious and keep him distracted so he’d make mistakes. It was working brilliantly but Roman accidentally raised the stakes by playing with the only thing that mattered to him. So far, it was Roman’s only misstep but it could cost him everything if he made one more wrong move. But he knew this was the move he was meant to make now.

  Roman drifted quietly through Quinn’s living room and into the hall. The flat was silent except for the soft huff of Quinn’s breath but Roman heard thunder as his heart crashed in his chest and the ground shook as his body trembled. It wasn’t fear. He knew he could pull it all off and he knew he could have Quinn. His blood raced and his nerves fizzed wildly because he found the one person worth stealing and he was ready to claim him. He always felt a rush as he eased open a case or turned the dial on a lock, just before he slipped a painting from its frame or pried a diamond out of its setting. He lived for the adrenaline, it was the only high that didn’t dull or impair his senses and he found it in the moment before he stole a treasure. He felt it as his hand pressed against the door and pushed it open but it was so much more intense, it was deafening as his body vibrated with anticipation and need. Quinn was everything. He was the greatest rush and the most exquisite treasure Roman had ever encountered and he held his heart.

  Quinn was stretched on his back and the sheets were twisted around his legs as the moon spilled through the window. His chest rose and fell steadily and Roman was mesmerized by the faint throb of Quinn’s heartbeat as he quietly slipped out of his clothes. He raised the sheet and sniffed as his eyes went to the bedside table but he couldn’t smell sex and everything looked a little too tidy. Quinn’s hair wasn’t that disturbed and he didn’t look like he’d raised a sweat and the sheets were still a touch crisp. He waited. Roman wasn’t sure if he could as he settled over Quinn and buried his face in the corner of his neck and sucked as he bit. There was a warm, drowsy groan as Quinn’s hands pushed into Roman’s hair and slid around his body.

  “I thought you said it would take hours,” Quinn sighed as he undulated beneath Roman and he laughed hoarsely as his need became excruciating.

  “I made an amendment to one of our rules. We’re not allowed to ride in a car but we never agreed we couldn’t ride on a car. Or the top of a train or a bus,” Roman said then gasped as Quinn reached between them and stroked their erections together. “Can we please be done with this?” He begged as he rubbed his face in Quinn’s hair and he felt him stiffen in his arms.

  “Done?” His voice broke and trembled and Roman kissed him quickly.

  “Not us,” he said and Quinn relaxed. How could he think we’d ever be done? Roman was going to have to swallow his pride and grow a pair. “Can we be done with this place? I’m tired of this part,” he explained and Quinn was more than tense in his arms. He pushed Roman off him and slid to the edge and sat up as he threw his legs over.

  “You mean my independence and finally having some kind of control over my life?” He said as his head dropped and he cradled it in his hands. Roman was very confused. What was it about this shabby old house?

  “You would be safer and infinitely more comfortable,” he argued as he scooted closer and tried to kiss his shoulder but Quinn pulled away.

  “I don’t need a bigger, fancier house to be comfortable and there’s nothing wrong with this neighborhood, I’m perfectly safe,” he said and Roman’s eyes went to the window. He was so wrong.

  “But I could have you with me at Carlton House and we wouldn’t have to drive back and forth so you could change or check for messages. Think of the time we’d save. It gets tedious, all the waiting,” Roman said and Quinn swore as he jumped to his feet.

  “I thought we were past this, Roman!” He cried. “I don’t want to be kept, I’m not your toy. I thought we were building something that resembled a real relationship,” he said and Roman hissed as he crawled after him.

  “I’m so sorry!” He said as he stood on his knees and reached for Quinn. He hesitated before stepping closer cautiously. “It’s tedious because I want to be with you all the time. I don’t like being places if you’re not there but it’s worse when I’m at home. I want to open a door and be able to see you when I miss your smile or the sound of your voice. I want you all the time and it would be so much easier if I could pull you into my bed whenever I feel the need. I get impatient because I feel incomplete and there’s no light when you’re not in the room,” Roman explained tenderly as he pulled Quinn close and wound his arms around him.

  “You could ask Grigore to turn them on,” Quinn said shakily as he sank against him and Roman shook his head.

  “It’s not the same and it isn’t just about keeping you safe or close,” he admitted and gave his nerves a moment to flair then settle. This part was a bit intimidating. If he bared his soul to Quinn and he was told it was too soon or too much because of Jayce… “I can’t love more than one person, Quinn. Once I do that, my heart won’t allow me to stop or love anyone else. That’s why I had to wait for the right person. I know you think I don’t want to be trapped or chained to one person but I do. I want to be chained and tangled in you and make you my life. I want my home to be our home and our future to be the same. I love you and I need you, I’m ready to give myself to you and protect you with my life,” he said softly as their lips touched.

  “Fine. Why didn’t you start with that?” Quinn asked. It was shredded and thick with tears. Roman pulled Quinn with him and they rolled and wrapped around each other.

  “I thought you knew and you were just very attached to your flat,” Roman admitted and there was a watery laugh.

  “You should try the shower. I’m not attached to this place, I’m attached to my pride,” Quinn said then sighed as he kissed him. “But I don’t know what to do with this until we find Jayce.” He pressed his forehead to Roman’s and breathed him in. “I didn’t think you’d want a family and it scared me because I do. I want a big family and a house full of kids. I didn’t have that growing up. It was just me and Jayce it was lonely, even when he was there. I think that’s why Darius wanted me to go home with you. He wanted to show me who you really are and let me see your heart so I understood. I love you and I’m ready to live for us now but I can’t turn my back on Jayce. I still have to help him,” Quinn said and Roman used his hands to feel what he couldn’t hear in his words and see in his face. Darius said he took the news well. Roman wasn’t surprised, he suspected Jayce’s debt became so high, he had to work to repay it. Getting lost or dying as a drug mule was the most likely scenario, in Roman’s mind. But he didn’t
feel the tightness and panic in Quinn as he talked about Jayce, he felt calmer and warm. Maybe he’s starting to doubt. Maybe he’s ready to let go.

  “Why does he still deserve your help? How much of your life do you have to sacrifice and put on hold for him?” Roman asked carefully and Quinn pushed him back and his head tilted as he searched Roman’s eyes.

  “I think you of all people should understand,” he scolded gently and Roman flinched and he twisted his neck as he became tense and sick.

  “What do you mean?” He asked weakly. There was no way Quinn could know. Nobody would tell him.

  “He has an illness. When do you stop helping someone with an illness?” Quinn said and Roman’s head pulled back.

  “Are you talking about my diabetes?” He asked in disbelief. “It’s not the same,” he argued quickly but he knew it was pure denial. Quinn’s lips twisted as he winced.

  “Ask Mr. Bishop if he’s worried less than I have or how much him and Grigore enjoy giving you IVs, once you’re too dehydrated, in between your seizures,” he suggested and Roman sank back onto his heels. “I’ve fought as hard to get him into rehab and cleaned up as everyone’s fought to get you to eat and watch your blood. You should probably cut me a little slack and judge Jayce a little less,” he said and Roman was stunned as he nodded.

  “You’re right. I’ve been a man child,” he whispered. Quinn looked stunned too, he was expecting more of a fight.

  “While you’re in a cooperative mood, can you get rid of Mr. Briggs?” He asked and Roman pushed off the bed.

  “Get rid of him? Why?” He asked and Quinn gasped as he pulled him back down.

  “Jesus. Not like that. Can you tell him he’s not needed here anymore or let me deal with him, if he’s affordable,” he said and Roman pushed out a loud breath as he relaxed.

  “I thought he did something to upset you. Though it would be very unlikely,” he added and Quinn shook his head.

  “I’ve never even seen him,” he said and Roman bit his lip sheepishly as he used his knees to part Quinn’s thighs and settled between them.

  “That was by design but he’s a very lovely old man,” he confided and Quinn swatted his shoulder.

  “I don’t want you paying my bills. I’m responsible for this house,” he said firmly and Roman grinned.

  “I’m not paying Mr. Briggs,” he said and Quinn raised a brow dubiously.

  “Why would I lie about that, of all things?” Roman asked as his fingers danced along Quinn’s thigh. “He’s bunică’s neighbor. His family moved in around the same time as Darius’ and they’ve always taken good care of bunică. Mr. Briggs has a granddaughter in America who became deeply ill with cancer and he took a mortgage on his home to help pay her medical expenses. Then he was made redundant after the plant he’d worked in most of his life shut. Bunică was heartsick when Mr. Briggs and his wife nearly lost their home so she told Darius. He was happy to help Mr. Briggs. He bought his house and gave it to him free and clear. Mr. Briggs is a decent man with a decent amount of pride and self-respect so he does what he can to repay Darius. He can’t do it with money so he repairs anything he can find at bunică’s and handles any repairs Darius needs. He means well but he can be a bit persistent so Darius thought he’d loan you Mr. Briggs and kill two birds with one stone. You’re not killing yourself trying to keep up around here, Mr. Briggs is happy and busy and Darius has a little peace. Now, if you’d like to tell Darius you’d rather Mr. Briggs didn’t…”

  “Mr. Briggs can stay,” Quinn decided. “I don’t want to give Darius any reason to eat my eyelashes,” he said and Roman hummed absently as he used his chin to nudge Quinn’s jaw so he could tease his ear.

  “He’ll eat a lot more than your eyelashes,” he said.

  “Why?” Quinn whimpered and Roman chuckled as he sucked.

  “There was this man once, he got one of our cousins pregnant, while he was engaged to one of our other cousins,” he said then shook his head.

  “Why?” Quinn whimpered again.

  “I have no idea. I can’t imagine anyone being that stupid,” Roman laughed and Quinn pushed against his shoulders.

  “No. Why is he like that?” He asked and Roman shrugged.

  “He takes his responsibilities as head of our family very seriously. And you’ve seen how many female cousins we have, he couldn’t let that go. Do you know how many of my cousins are single mothers?” He asked and Quinn’s eyes were huge and glazed as he stared at him. “Between mine and Darius’ generation and their daughters, we have fifty-one female cousins and all are old enough to have children. Two are single mothers. The first, I already mentioned, and the other chose to adopt but Darius did have some strong words for a young lesbian and it was very close,” he said and Quinn looked a bit broken and wasn’t blinking. “Say what you want about Darius, he’s not a misogynist or a bigot.”

  “No,” Quinn said flatly.

  “There was a misunderstanding with the girls. Our cousin was devastated but she did technically step out first and Darius can’t stomach that,” Roman said and a long snorting giggle spilled from Quinn.

  “He can’t stomach cheating?” He laughed and Roman was appalled.

  “If you can betray your family and your heart, you’ll stab anyone in the back and you’ll bite the hand that feeds you. You have no limit and there’s no low,” he explained.

  “That’s all that matters with you two,” Quinn whispered as he searched Roman’s eyes.

  “That’s it, Quinn,” he said very slowly and firmly as he cradled his face. “Everything we’ve done and everything we do. My uncle didn’t make us compete because he wanted us to be opponents. He wanted us to learn each other’s strengths and weaknesses so we knew how to work together. We were raised to be as close as you and Jayce. I can read his thoughts and he hears mine. We swore to protect each other with our lives, if necessary. You can’t hurt one of us without answering to the other and we can’t rest until that debt is settled. That’s all that matters and that’s all this is,” he confessed and waited. It settled into Quinn’s consciousness but he wouldn’t see all of it yet. It’ll be there later. “You belong to us now. I love you and you have my heart, so Darius has to help me keep you safe. It might be a little creepy and take a little getting used to but you’ll discover he’s quite soft and sentimental under all that dark and cranky.”

  “I get it. It’s like that with me and Jayce,” Quinn said then became a bit green. “I don’t have to worry about you two getting along, I guess…”

  “If it makes you feel better, that happens more often than you think. To me, at least,” Roman confided and Quinn glared.

  “You can hold some things back,” he suggested suggestively.

  “Sorry. No more twins,” Roman promised. “Just you!” He added quickly as he blocked Quinn’s knee. “Just you, Quinn,” he begged as he found his lips. “I knew you were different the moment I saw you and I knew I’d need you that first night but I had no idea I’d need you like this.”

  “It’s time for us to have sex now,” Quinn declared and Roman groaned in agreement.

  “Please. I need you and I’m so hungry,” he pouted as he slid lower. He was starving but he wouldn’t rush. He sank into Quinn and saturated himself in the taste of his skin and his breathless pleas as he claimed everything his lips and fingertips touched. He pulled joy and lust from Quinn’s flesh and made him frantic and delirious as he tasted every groove, hollow, sweep and corner. He filled his hands with the tight globes of Quinn’s ass as he feasted until he sobbed and begged Roman to ride him. Quinn was demanding as he pushed a condom into Roman’s hand then pulled him into his body with his arms and legs. His nails clawed at his back and his heels dug into Roman’s ass as he filled him with deep, steady, relentless thrusts. Quinn screamed Roman’s name as he shattered but he couldn’t stop.

  Roman usually swam in himself and his own body during sex. He sank into the tightening of his muscles, the t
wisting of his nerves, the heat rolling through his veins and the pressure in his groin. Now, he swam in Quinn and he wanted to drown. He buried his face in his hair, his lips and his neck and bathed in his sweat, breath and tears as he rocked slow and deep. He found the same rhythm as Quinn’s heartbeat and matched it as it came faster and harder. He drowned in the current of pleasure that spilled from Quinn and made Roman harder and his nerves burn brighter. Quinn clung to him and chanted his name and Roman let go. He wallowed in the bliss as he lapped up the sweat that rolled down Quinn’s neck and gathered in the notch of his collarbone and between his pecs. When his release finally crashed upon him, Roman slipped from Quinn’s tight heat and ripped off the condom. His cum spilled onto Quinn’s stomach and chest in thick ribbons and Roman gathered them with his tongue as he licked him clean.

  “Fuck, never stop needing me, Roman,” Quinn moaned as he pulled Roman’s lips to his for a sated, exhausted kiss.

  “Never,” he sighed as his consciousness was washed away in the tide and he was pulled under.

  Chapter 21

  “Why can’t I wear the white jacket?” Quinn asked as he held it up and Roman sighed.

  “We aren’t going to a dinner. Do you want to look like a clown?” He replied and Quinn smiled mischievously.

  “What if I paired it with the trousers for the navy suit I’ll never wear and those hideous loafers?” He asked and the line went silent. Quinn was just about to hang up.

  “You’d look like the captain of a cruise ship and those are Berluti alligator loafers, you swine. They cost nearly £9,000 pounds. Put on one of your basic black tuxedos and be ready to go. We wouldn’t be running late if you moved your things here,” Roman said pointedly and Quinn’s fingers dug into his cheek as he silently screamed.

  “Don’t start with that again! We wouldn’t be running late if you could keep your hands to yourself,” he complained. Sort of. He loved Roman’s hands and he didn’t care if they were late.


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