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A Thief In The Night

Page 24

by K. Sterling

  “There’s nothing to start, Quinn. If you consider all our options, you, living with me, is clearly inevitable. I’m not going to live with you,” Roman rumbled and Quinn shut his eyes and counted until he felt calmer.

  “Do you want me to get ready?” He asked nicely. “If you don’t let me go, I’m keeping my He-Man t-shirt and jeans or you’re going out by yourself.”

  “I’m leaving here in five minutes,” Roman warned. “I miss you, Quinn,” he said then ended the call.

  “What do I do, Jayce?” Quinn cried as he turned and tossed his phone at the bed then braced his hands on the door frame and leaned into the closet. He stared blindly for a moment as he thought through all the questions he needed to ask him. Is this moving too fast? Am I really in love with Roman or is this like Stockholm syndrome and I’m still really confused? Are you ok with this? Should I live with Roman? What do I do with this house? Should I keep it in case it doesn’t work with Roman? How could it possibly work with Roman? Can you see me with someone like Roman? Where the fuck did you leave the key for the lock on the storage room? “I need your help,” he whispered then shook his head and reached for a tux and hung it on his door. “I can’t wait for him or let him ruin this for me,” he decided as he carefully pulled his t-shirt over his head. He was ready to go, he just needed to change, as long as he didn’t screw up his hair. He quickly stripped out of his jeans and sneakers and was nearly ready when his buzzer rang. “I don’t have time,” he complained quietly and grabbed a bow tie as he snuck out of his room and into the hall. He carefully went to the door and pressed his eye against the hole. Jenna chewed on her lip then her cheeks puffed out as she rocked impatiently. “This doesn’t look good,” he muttered as he opened the door. “Hey!” He said cheerfully and she looked dazed before her lips pulled tight.

  “You really know how to rub it in!” She declared then pushed against his chest. “I need to ask you for a favor,” she said as she shoved and Quinn humored her and stepped aside.

  “I wish you would have called first, Roman’s going to be here soon and we’re already running late,” he said as he shut the door and she snorted as she craned her neck and checked out his flat.

  “If the two of you ever need an accomplice, I clean up pretty well,” she said then waved at him. “Where are you off to, 007?” She asked and Quinn rolled his eyes as he held up the tie.

  “Hardly. I can’t even figure this out. Roman has to do it for me,” he admitted. “We’re going to some party at an art collector’s or something. Just to be seen,” he said and she waved her hands.

  “Give it here!” She said as she snatched it from him. “My father’s a tailor and I used to help in the shop after school,” she said as she grabbed his lapel and pulled so he’d tilt forward. She rose on her toes so she could work and Quinn examined the ceiling. She was wearing a very soft pink sweater and the collar was cut wide and low and clung to the tops of her breasts. He could probably see straight down to her navel if he looked.

  “You said you needed a favor?” He asked and she hummed as she leaned back and inspected her work. She gave the bow a quick tug then nodded.

  “So perfect!” She said as she stepped back and her head fell to the side as she admired him. She sighed dreamily then focused. “I was wondering if you’d help me contact Mr. Darius.” She clasped her hands behind her as she batted her lashes and Quinn’s head pulled back.

  “God, no. Why?” He asked as he went to his room for his phone.

  “You did see him, didn’t you?” Jenna asked as she followed and Quinn threw her a horrified look as he hurried to the bed. Her eyes widened suggestively and she looked slightly predatory.

  “Darius?” Quinn asked slowly. He shook his head then bent and grabbed his phone. “There is no way,” he stated and there was a lot of crazy in her eyes as she glared back at him.

  “That’s not your decision, is it?” She said threateningly as she raised her finger and prowled toward him. “You can’t get jealous and you can’t tell me who I get to start over with.”

  “I swear, I’m not jealous!” Quinn said and her lips pulled tight. He hissed as he held his hands up soothingly. “Darius is a really great man and I would trust him with my life but he is…” He stepped closer and grabbed her shoulders. “He is literally one of the most dangerous men in London!” He whispered loudly as he fought the urge to shake her. “Easily in the top five,” he added.

  “He would never hurt me,” Jenna said and Quinn nodded.

  “Of course he wouldn’t. But he does hurt a lot of people. He’s a very scary man,” he said and she smiled and it was giddy.

  “I know! I was just seconds from being brutally raped and murdered and this man appeared and said ‘Darius is looking for her.’ And that was it! The last man shit himself, he couldn’t get away from me fast enough.”

  “Holy shit,” Quinn said as he turned her and led her into the hall. “You need to get as far away from me and Roman as you can until this is over and definitely forget about Darius,” he begged as he steered her. She locked her legs and pushed back with her toes but he gripped her upper arms tightly and lifted her as he rushed to the door. He juggled her as he opened it and deposited her on the landing then turned and locked his door as she spit and spluttered with rage.

  “I’ll find a way to contact him without your help,” she threatened and he shook his head quickly then wrapped his arm around her shoulders as he guided her down the steps.

  “You can’t contact Darius. I don’t even know how to contact Darius. Do not contact Darius,” Quinn said as he pushed her through the door and practically cried in relief as Roman’s car stopped at the curb. “And there’s my ride! Please stay out of trouble, I’ll check on you in a few days or next week,” he promised then looked around. “How did you get here?”

  “My sister’s car,” Jenna said as she crossed her arms over her chest. She looked too calm and he didn’t like the way her foot tapped.

  “Please go home and wait until I tell you everything’s safe before you come looking for me again,” he asked as he backed away from her and she snorted loudly as she turned on her heel and stomped to the BMW.

  “I wouldn’t count on it,” she said and Quinn groaned as he opened his door and ducked into the seat next to Roman.

  “Women,” he complained wearily as he shut the door then watched to make sure she got in and started the car before he turned and buckled his belt.

  “I wouldn’t know,” Roman murmured as he checked his watch.

  “You don’t want to know,” Quinn sighed as he let his head fall back and squeezed his temples.

  Chapter 22

  “He’s a bit of a disappointment, as a nurse,” Roman muttered to himself as he checked his watch and strolled down the stairs. He felt perfect. He was much more rested and energetic than usual but he missed his morning ride. Roman sensed Quinn testing his blood and giving him his insulin but he was alone when he woke up. Roman reached the bottom of the stairs and slowed when he heard Quinn’s voice then dashed across the foyer. He rested his shoulder against the dining room door and he became alert at Grigore’s low mumble.

  “I’ve been with Mr. Carlisle for twelve years. That’s a very good job with the handle on that, sir. The maids don’t always get the handles as shiny as I’d like, so I do the silver myself,” Grigore said. Roman smelled silver polish and he felt a soft tickle in his chest as he pictured Quinn with a rag, helping Grigore. He fit so well, he belonged with their little family.

  “How long have you had feelings for Mr. Bishop?” Quinn asked gently and Roman’s lips pulled into an O and his eyes grew very wide as his neck stretched and he held his breath.

  “I’m sorry, I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Grigore said and there was the sound of items being packed or moved.

  “It’s ok, Grigore. You’re not going to get in trouble and nobody’s going to judge you. I just thought you might want to talk about it. I know w
hat it’s like to have feelings for someone and be too scared to tell them,” Quinn said encouragingly.

  “I could never tell him,” Grigore said. “You can’t say anything to him!” He pleaded and Roman felt the air move and turned as Mr. Bishop stepped behind him. Roman held his hands up and his eyes ordered Mr. Bishop to stay still and quiet. Mr. Bishop was confused as he looked around Roman and he pushed him back, so he stayed out of sight.

  “I’d never say anything to him. Or Roman, if you don’t want me to but he knows,” Quinn said and there was a choking sound from Grigore. “It’s fine! The only one who doesn’t know is Mr. Bishop, I think,” Quinn said and Mr. Bishop became concerned but his eyes dropped to the marble tile as he listened. “You should tell him.”

  “I will never tell him. Mr. Carlisle and Mr. Bishop are all I have. I would have starved to death if Mr. Carlisle hadn’t taken me in. Because of him I have respect and responsibilities, I could never do anything to jeopardize that. And Mr. Bishop…” His voice became fragile and thin and Roman could hear him tremble. “He’s such a good man. Most people don’t see it but he’s smart and kind and he makes me feel safe and I forget I’m a monster when we’re together,” Grigore explained. Roman watched Mr. Bishop but for once, he was unreadable as he continued to stare at the floor. Roman’s heart raced and his stomach twisted into a knot as he searched for any clue, any hint that Mr. Bishop was pleased or offended. He prayed Grigore wouldn’t get his heart broken.

  “You’re not a monster,” Quinn stated firmly.

  “I am but I don’t feel like one when I’m here and Mr. Carlisle and Mr. Bishop treat me like I’m a man. I don’t want to do anything that will change that.” Grigore was adamant and Roman frowned toward the dining room. He didn’t know what was going to happen between Grigore and Mr. Bishop but he’d have to see what he could do to make Grigore feel better about himself.

  “What if he feels the same?” Quinn argued softly.

  “No. Even if Mr. Bishop could love someone like me… Not with this face,” Grigore said. “He would never want someone with a face like this.” He made a sound that was meant to signal the end of the discussion and Roman slid a cautious glance at Mr. Bishop but he’d yet to move. His chest rose and fell as if he was running but his eyes were still locked and unblinking.

  “I think you should tell him and give him a chance,” Quinn said.

  “Never. Being in the same house and near him is enough. I would have nothing, if I tell him and he’s disgusted and never speaks to me again,” Grigore said and suddenly Mr. Bishop was moving. He stepped around Roman and he looked slightly furious as he pushed open the door and flicked on the chandelier, filling the dining room with light. Quinn and Grigore both gasped as Mr. Bishop hurried around the table. Grigore turned his face away from everyone and his eyes dropped as he made himself small and hid from the light. Roman crossed his fingers and silently prayed as he watched from the door. Quinn quickly backed out of the room as Mr. Bishop reached for Grigore’s shoulders and turned him. “I’m so sorry, Mr. Bishop! I didn’t know you were there!” Grigore swore and he sounded so distraught as he gasped for breath and tried not to cry.

  “Stop,” Mr. Bishop ordered him as his hands cradled Grigore’s face. He touched the scar and Grigore flinched and tried to pull away but Mr. Bishop wouldn’t let him go. He traced it tenderly but he wasn’t tentative or delicate. Grigore’s cheek pulled with Mr. Bishop’s thumb as their eyes fused. “You are beautiful to me,” he said as his head lowered and Roman turned Quinn quickly so Mr. Bishop and Grigore could have a bit of privacy. Roman’s hand tightened around Quinn’s and squeezed as a soft moan drifted from Grigore.

  “I think it would be fun if we found our own breakfast this morning,” Roman mused as he pulled on Quinn’s hand and cocked his head toward the kitchen.

  “That does sound like fun. We should get lost for a few hours,” he agreed and they left Grigore and Mr. Bishop to work things out.

  Chapter 23

  “Are you sure this isn’t the night for this white coat?” Quinn teased. Roman made an irritated sound as he paced in the middle of Quinn’s bedroom.

  “Are you planning to serve drinks later?” He murmured as he tapped swiftly. “Just put on a black coat and come on,” he added and Quinn craned his neck to try and see what he was reading and typing. He was acting weird. Weirder than usual.

  “We’re going to dinner later so the white coat…” Quinn paused when Roman nodded.

  “Perfect, Quinn. That will be perfect,” he said absently and Quinn frowned as he grabbed a black coat and pulled it on.

  “What is it?” He asked but Roman didn’t hear him. He was staring at his phone. “Is something wrong?” Quinn asked as he touched his arm and Roman’s lips pulled into a wide smile.

  “Nothing’s wrong,” he said and he stared at Quinn hard then shook his head and smiled again. “Change of plans, let’s go now!” He insisted then grabbed Quinn by the shoulders and turned him.

  “What’s going on?” Quinn asked as Roman pushed him through the door and into the hall and the living room.

  “Can I tell you in the car? I’m still trying to decide,” he said and Quinn frowned as he reached for the door then tripped into the hall as Roman shut the door behind him. He locked it and hustled Quinn through the foyer and out, onto the pavement.

  “You’re trying to decide what’s going on?” Quinn asked. Mr. Bishop was waiting and exchanged a long, loaded look with Roman.

  “Are you ready?” Roman asked and Mr. Bishop’s head lowered a degree as Quinn hurried around the car.

  “Everything’s ready,” Mr. Bishop said and Roman nodded and his eyes swept across the sky as he lowered into his seat and sat.

  “We couldn’t have asked for a better night,” he said as the door shut and Quinn could feel the tension and expectation radiating from Roman.

  “What’s going on?” Quinn asked and Roman’s lips pursed as he tapped a finger against them.

  “We’ve had a development,” Roman said as Mr. Bishop cut through the light Wednesday night traffic easily. The roads were slick and the sidewalks were empty as a storm rolled into the city as night fell. Lights flashed across Roman’s face through the window and it was taut and his eyes were distant as they darted and bounced wildly. His fingers tapped against his thigh and his lips counted silently. Quinn was ready to shake him when he finally turned. “I think it might be better if I handled this…errand on my own,” he said and Quinn’s brow rose.

  “Errand?” He asked and Roman’s head tilted from side to side.

  “For a man of my occupation, you might consider it an errand,” he said as the car slowed to a crawl and Roman looked past Quinn. He turned to look out his window and immediately recognized the house behind him.

  “Why are we at Darlington’s?” He asked.

  “What do you see?” Roman whispered at his ear.

  “It’s dark. Completely dark,” Quinn said and he heard Roman hum behind him.

  “He left abruptly this evening, about an hour ago and the staff left about half an hour after. Darius heard he’s headed to his country home,” he explained and Quinn shook his head.

  “No.” He stated firmly as he turned. “You’re not going in without me,” he said and Roman rubbed his arm.

  “Can I just point out that I’m a master thief, Mary, and you’re a…master nanny?” He said and Quinn’s tongue pushed against the inside of his cheek.

  “Anything else?”

  “There is the practicality. I can get in and out easier on my own and if something should go wrong, I can get out faster without you. It just makes more sense for you to stay with Mr. Bishop while I run in and check out a few rooms,” Roman stated and Quinn nodded.

  “Ok,” he said and Roman stopped then smiled.

  “Excellent! I shouldn’t be long,” he predicted then turned as Mr. Bishop got out. He leaned as the door opened then paused. “Wait,” he said as he looke
d over his shoulder. “Do you mean ‘Ok, I’ll stay here because you’re more qualified and I’ll just slow you down,’ or ‘Ok, that’s a very interesting opinion but I’m still going to do what I want to do,’?” Roman said warily and Quinn smiled.

  “What do you think?”



  “Would you just…”

  “I’m going in with you,” Quinn declared and Roman clenched his fist then shut his eyes. He really didn’t want Quinn to go with him.

  “I’m asking you to…”

  “Get out of the car,” Quinn said and Roman’s face softened as their eyes clung.

  “Just this once,” he said gently.

  “Get out of the car, Roman,” Quinn ordered and Roman’s lips pulled tight as he shook his head but he stepped out and waited for Quinn to join him.

  “Darlington’s study is on the second floor, the hall on the left of the gallery. I need to get there first and if we have time we’ll check his room, there’s a safe over the mantle,” Roman explained quickly as they opened the gate and hurried up the walkway to the front door. They ran up the porch steps and Quinn frowned as he looked around.

  “How do you know all that and why are we just going up to the front door?” He asked and Roman chuckled under his breath and opened the door.

  “Because I don’t think it matters,” he said as he waved Quinn in casually then quickly shut the door. “Go!” He said then sprinted for the stairs. Quinn dashed after him but Roman was a blur as he turned at the top of the steps. Quinn reached the top the stairs and turned the corner and Roman was at a set of double doors at the end of the hall. His hands swept over the doorframe quickly, as if he were checking for something then eased the door open and peeked inside. He snapped back and pulled it shut then pushed Quinn. “Run!” He yelled and pointed at the other end of the hall. “Those doors!” He commanded as they ran for a set of French doors. Duck!” Roman screamed and Quinn dropped his shoulders as they skidded across the gallery in their dress shoes and there was a loud bang! and the window cracked behind them as they reached the other hall. Roman grabbed Quinn and pulled him along as voices called behind them. Quinn looked back as two hulks crashed out of the study.


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