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A Thief In The Night

Page 25

by K. Sterling

  “You knew it was a trap!” Quinn accused as they burst through the doors.

  “Would you have stayed in the car?” Roman asked as they spilled into another hall.

  “Nope,” Quinn panted then put up his hands as Dash and Jones aimed pistols at them.

  “I didn’t think you’d let me come in alone if I told you,” Roman whispered out of the side of his mouth and Quinn nodded.

  “Probably not,” he said as he slowly stepped away from Roman, putting space between them. “Are you Dash?” Quinn asked and the younger man with the plume of white hair cocked his head in greeting.

  “Heard you were looking for me,” he sneered and Quinn was going to make it so his face wouldn’t work like that anymore. He just needed Roman to distract Jones. He gave him a quick nod and Roman sighed.

  “You may as well take us to him,” he said as he turned and Jones laughed as he pushed his gun into Roman’s back. Quinn was ready. He slammed into Dash, knocking him to the ground then drove his fist into his ribs. Dash grunted as the gun flew from his hand and Roman elbowed Jones in the gut hard then spun around him. His hands floated swiftly across Jones’ face and there was a quick crackle as his neck snapped and he went limp as he dropped to the ground. Dash screamed as he pushed and bucked to get away. Quinn pulled his head back and swung his forehead into Dash’s nose. It crunched as Dash roared and blood rushed from his face. Quinn pulled his head back as blood spattered across his nose and eyes and Dash twisted as he kicked. He broke free and his hands and feet slipped as blood poured down his chin onto the tile. He ran through the French doors and out onto the balcony and Quinn scrambled after him. He burst through the doors just as Dash jumped over the rail. Quinn braced against the wind and the rain as he ran and looked over and Dash had landed on the conservatory roof and was getting to his feet. “They’re coming,” Roman warned as he flew over Quinn’s shoulder. He landed in a crouch on the roof below and sprang after Dash as he tried to run across the wet glass but he slipped and skidded as he fled in terror. Quinn looked back as Darlington’s giant guards raced into the hall and he prayed the fall was shorter than it looked as he jumped over the rail. He hit and groaned as pain exploded everywhere in his side but it immediately faded as he rolled. He got his feet beneath him then dropped to the stone ledge below because it was wider and flat. He ran as Darlington’s men crashed onto the balcony and sprinted as Dash ran for the end of the roof. Dash tripped and slid toward the edge and Roman dove after him. Quinn made it first and was able to brace his hip against a chimney as he reached for them. His hand locked around Roman’s wrist and his other hand caught Dash’s.

  “Please!” Dash shrieked as he dangled and Quinn’s shoulder burned as their hands slipped. He needed both hands to pull Dash but he’d have to let go of Roman. “I’ll help you find your brother!” He offered quickly and Quinn only had a split second to consider. Dash might be able to help him find Jayce. He snorted and Dash screamed as Quinn let go and grabbed Roman’s arm. He didn’t know if he’d ever find Jayce but he couldn’t lose Roman. He pulled and noticed the lack of weight and Roman’s eyes were wide and his lips were pulled in as he stared at Quinn.

  “You shouldn’t have,” he called as tenderly as he could over the storm and Quinn laughed.

  “There wasn’t any choice,” he said. He had to save Roman.

  “No, you really shouldn’t have. There’s a window on this side, I’m fine,” he replied and Quinn’s face fell.

  “Oh. So… I didn’t have to let Dash go,” he realized and decided it was better if he didn’t look at the garden below.

  “It means more to me than you’ll ever know,” Roman said as he pulled Quinn’s hand to his lips.

  “That’s very touching,” Darlington called loudly from below and Roman squeezed an eye shut as he grimaced. “My men are waiting to help you down. I suggest you stop all this nonsense and join me in my study,” he said and Quinn let go of Roman and put up his hands as they heard a pair of guns cock.

  “Whatever he says or does, don’t do anything until I tell you to,” Roman said. His eyes were severe and pleaded with Quinn’s. He nodded and Roman winked. “Trust me,” he said just loud enough for the wind to carry it to Quinn. The wind whipped at his hair and his lips curved mischievously and Quinn wasn’t scared, he knew Roman would do something and he felt a rush of anticipation.

  “I’m ready,” he said then carefully turned and made his way back along the ledge.

  “I wouldn’t look down,” Roman warned from behind him. “Unless you’d like to send Dash your regards,” he added and Quinn looked down, to his left. Dash was sprawled on the stones below. His body was backwards and his eyes were wide and his face was frozen in his last scream.

  “Oh, that’s awful,” Quinn said blandly and Roman hummed in agreement. Darlington’s guards weren’t gentle as they pulled them onto the balcony then shoved them down the hallway. They stepped over Jones’ twisted corpse and were forced through the gallery and into the hall.

  “Remember,” Roman said under his breath as they were led into Darlington’s study. He was at his desk, reclining in his seat and waiting for them. They were thrown in front of him and Roman shook his head in exasperation as he tugged at his coat.

  “I’m glad you could make it,” Darlington said and his face was warm as it held Roman’s.

  “You went through all the trouble,” Roman said and Darlington ducked his head then sighed happily at him.

  “I thought you’d come in from over there,” he said as he pointed in the direction of Jones’ body. “I didn’t think you’d go through the front door,” he admitted and Roman shrugged.

  “Why climb the side of a house if you can just walk in through a door?”

  “I was hoping you’d come alone but you had to bring him,” Darlington said as he gave Quinn a disgusted look. There was a generous amount of bitterness in his expression and Quinn was surprised. He didn’t think he’d made much of an impression. “Why couldn’t you let it go?” Darlington asked and Quinn’s eyes tightened as he watched Roman. His lip curled and his eyes flashed.

  “You think I didn’t let it go? You’re still alive,” he said and Darlington sighed dramatically as he sat back in his seat and tapped his fingertips together.

  “God, how I’ve missed you, Roman. I hoped we’d find our way back together,” he said and Quinn’s head snapped toward Roman.

  “Him?” He laughed in shock. “He’s the only man in London I didn’t think you’d fuck,” he said and Roman threw up a hand and made a bored, weary sound.

  “It was so long ago and it’s not something I’m proud of,” he muttered and Darlington stretched his neck and his gaze hardened as it swept over Quinn again before it swung back to Roman. That made a lot more sense.

  “I wouldn’t have bothered with any of this, if I had you,” Darlington said then sighed as he leaned and rested his chin on his palm. His face softened as he stared at Roman dreamily and the back of Quinn’s throat burned and his stomach churned as he remembered the way Darlington watched him in the Master Bedroom. “This was just about the money and something to keep me busy. I never got over you.”

  “God, can you get on with it. You didn’t care about me,” Roman said and Darlington gasped as he stood and went around to him.

  “He hasn’t forgiven me but I always thought he was the one,” he said and Quinn’s eyes widened as he glanced at Roman. ‘He’s young, flawless, shameless, fearless and ruthless. Darlington grooms someone like Dash to be his right-hand man.’ Roman was all those things. He wasn’t just describing Dash that night.

  “One of many,” Roman said dismissively. Darlington clicked his teeth as he reached for Roman’s face.

  “Don’t,” Quinn warned as Roman leaned back and grabbed Darlington’s wrist. He flung it away from him and Darlington clutched his chest dramatically then slowly circled Roman.

  “There’s no one quite like him, is there?” Darlington asked an
d Quinn shrugged but his eyes followed Darlington closely. He was ready to break his fingers if he touched Roman again.

  “I don’t know, he’s got a cousin and they have the same tailor,” he said but Darlington wasn’t listening to him.

  “He’s so quick and so clever and you never know what he’ll do next,” he said and Quinn’s hatred was overwhelming as Darlington stopped behind Roman and breathed him in. “Everything he does is so good. He’s relentless, isn’t he?” He asked as he glanced at Quinn and slid him a wink. Quinn couldn’t see straight as the need to smash his fist through Darlington’s face raged and made him dizzy. “You held back in the Master Bedroom but you were still breathtaking. No one fucks like you, Roman. You broke my heart,” he complained and Roman snorted dryly.

  “And you tried to rape me and get me addicted to heroin before I burned your house down. I think we’re even,” Roman said and Quinn rocked back on his heels and smiled at the guards by the door. He didn’t know if he could break Darlington’s neck before they got to him but he didn’t particularly care. “Relax,” Roman said softly and Quinn pulled a face as he shook his head.

  “I apologized for that and I’ve regretted it just about every day of my life since you left,” Darlington insisted as he went back to his desk and opened the top drawer. “But you’ve gone and poked around in things that don’t concern you,” he scolded as he reached in and removed a pistol. Roman made a bored and impatient sound then waved dismissively.

  “You’re not going to kill me,” he said and Darlington winced as he came around the desk and sat on the edge.

  “I don’t know if I have a choice now. People are talking and asking questions and I can’t have this getting back to me. He’s going to go to the police and you’re not going to be happy with me after I’ve killed him,” he explained as he set the gun on the desk and crossed his arms over his chest. Roman chuckled as he dropped his head and pinched the bridge of his nose.

  “This is truly the stupidest thing you could possibly do,” he said and raised his hand until it was next to his ear then snapped his fingers. Roman braced and leaned away as a huge hole was blown into the wall where the door used to be. His hand locked around Quinn’s arm as he was thrown to his right and chunks of plaster, wallpaper and insulation sprayed them as Darlington was knocked off his feet and his large guards were hurled across the room. “This way!” Roman declared cheerfully as he pulled Quinn with him and they stumbled through the hole.

  “What did you do?” Quinn asked as they ran down the hallway then rushed down the stairs.

  “Just some handy little explosives I like to keep on me in case I’m in a hurry to get into something,” Roman explained as the butler skidded into the foyer.

  “Stop! What’s happened?” He demanded as he tried to corral them but Roman pushed him aside easily.

  “Or out of something,” he added as he spun and tapped his brow in salute then grabbed the door.

  “Roman!” Darlington roared as he ran into the gallery and pointed his gun from the top of the stairs.

  “Let’s go, Quinn,” Roman said as he grabbed the back of Quinn’s coat and yanked him through the door and pushed him at the sidewalk. They dove and there was a loud bang and a puff of splinters as the door slammed behind them.

  “Holy shit!” Quinn said as he ducked and Roman laughed as he skipped backwards.

  “I’ve been waiting for an excuse to make a really explosive exit,” Roman said as he started to jog and waved for Quinn to follow.

  “Handy explosives?” Quinn asked as he looked behind him but everything was quiet.

  “He won’t call the police,” Roman said as they stopped under a light and he shook out his hair then dusted off his shoulder and sleeve. “They’re very tiny but very powerful. It was imperative you stayed calm and exactly where I needed you,” he explained and Quinn gave him a flat look.

  “Obviously. And they’re designed to explode when you snap your fingers?”

  “Magic,” Roman offered and held up his hand enigmatically.

  “Come on,” Quinn said impatiently and Roman sighed as he rested his shoulder against the lamp post and crossed his ankles.

  “Can’t I have my secrets?” He complained and Quinn raised a brow and his lips pulled tight as he waited. “Fine. I had a remote in the other hand. It’s very tiny,” he grumbled then muttered something under his breath petulantly.

  “That’s still pretty cool,” Quinn offered and Roman pouted.

  “Not as cool as magic,” he said then looked to the corner as a black van stopped at the sign. Quinn waited for it to pull away but it idled.

  “I think we should keep walking,” Quinn said and Roman pushed away from the light post.

  “Do you think so?” He asked warily and Quinn nodded.

  “It couldn’t hurt,” he said then pointed with his chin as he turned. Roman pushed his hands into his pockets and walked fast to keep up with him.

  “What do you want to do if they follow us?” Roman whispered then hissed as the van pulled away from the sign and turned after them.

  “Give it a minute. They might pass us by. Maybe they’re lost,” Quinn said as he scanned for anything they could use. He was hoping for a section of pipe, a loose brick or a bottle but they were in the wrong part of town, everything was tidy and silent as the van crawled behind them.

  “I don’t think they’re going to move on,” Roman hissed then grabbed Quinn’s arm. “We should run, Mr. Bishop can’t get here in time,” he said and Quinn nodded.

  “Which way?”

  “Down that alley, we can meet up with him by the river,” Roman said then gave his arm a shove. “Go!” He said and Quinn sprinted across the street then skidded on the wet pavement as another black van sped out of the alley and stopped in front of him.

  “This doesn’t look good,” Roman said as he crashed into Quinn’s back. The side door on the van slid open and Quinn shielded Roman as a skull in a black hood with a baseball bat jumped out and rushed at them.

  “Run!” Quinn yelled as he put up his fists defensively. The skeleton swung and Quinn grunted as he caught the bat against his chest then threw his head forward to head-butt him. Quinn was spun and he swore as he was pushed and his chest slammed into the side of the van.

  “That’s enough!” Roman called and Quinn was released. He whipped around and the skeleton laughed and Quinn recognized the tattooed wrist and forearm as he pulled back his hood.

  “You’re quick and you’ve got really fast hands, Quinn,” Darius said as he pointed. “Get in, I’ll give you a lift.” He waved the bat at the van and Roman patted Quinn on the back as he gave him a gentle shake.

  “You’re wasted as a nurse,” he said then jumped through the door.

  “You really are a pair of bastards,” Quinn said as he looked inside and Roman was sitting on the floor with his knees pulled up. Darius was bent and leaning on the driver’s seat and looking over his shoulder.

  “Just a bit of fun,” Darius said as Quinn got in and shut the door. “Thought you’d need some help but it looks like we missed the excitement.”

  “You missed a hell of an exit!” Roman declared and he winked at Quinn. He sat across from Roman as the van calmly drove past Darlington’s.

  “What are we going to do now?” Quinn asked and Roman waved dismissively.

  “He’s destroying everything and preparing to run,” he said. Quinn sighed as his head fell and his heart sank as he scrubbed the back of his neck.

  “We were so close. I guess I can start calling embassies and working on visas,” he mumbled.

  “No, no, no!” Roman cried as he put his arm around Quinn and he jumped. “Sorry!” He said as he gave Quinn a squeeze. “This is perfect! I want him to dismantle everything. The faster he burns all his records and cuts all connection with everyone and everything, the better,” he said soothingly and Quinn shook his head.

  “How?” He asked and Roman hummed as
he stretched his legs and crossed them.

  “Because in about an hour Mr. Bishop is going to pick him up and we’re going to make him actually disappear. If it looks like Darlington doesn’t want to be found, people won’t suspect he’s been murdered,” he explained and Quinn’s tongue pushed against the inside of his cheek as he replayed the evening.

  “You planned this,” he realized and Roman hummed in agreement as he took Quinn’s hand in his and intertwined their fingers.

  “I didn’t plan to fall in love with you,” he said as he raised Quinn’s hand to his lips and kissed it.

  “God… Roman,” Quinn sighed as he leaned against him and hung onto his hand.

  “I needed Darlington to believe we were really investigating your brother’s disappearance. I also needed enough people to start asking questions about the missing boys and the drugs and I wanted everyone to think there was trouble between us again,” he explained as his lips brushed back and forth against Quinn’s hand and he became disoriented.

  ‘I think you’re exactly what I need, Quinn.’ He heard Roman breathe against his ear that first night in his kitchen.

  ‘Darlington’s time has come,’ Roman told him as he made Quinn try on a coat.

  ‘He’s making this easier for us,’ Darius said in his living room in the warehouse.

  ‘I’ve got a plan and you know me, if I get stuck, I’ll blow my way out’, Roman told Ranulf.

  They were in Minton’s and Roman was trying to get him out. ‘I know who their master is’.

  ‘Always beware of what men hide,’ Roman warned as he picked at his crab.

  Quinn heard Roman’s silky warning as he showed him how to test his fingers. ‘What did you think I was going to do to Darlington?’


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