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The Fallen One

Page 36

by Lexy Wolfe

  "Yes," Seeker agreed. Seeing the look in Nolyn's eyes, he did not try to take Star from him, putting a hand to the mage's elbow to keep his balance


  < —- * —- >

  The air was warmed by several oil lamps and a small brazier in Nolyn's private suite. He gently put her on his bed, wrapping her in the blankets before leaning down to kiss her brow. He took the sheathed double-blade dagger and rested it beside her. Seeker stared, dropping to sit on the floor in shock. "She is… I do not… understand."

  Nolyn kicked off his boots and socks, pulling a chair by the bed and proceeding to begin rubbing his feet warm again. "What don't you understand? That she is a Githalin?" He looked up at Seeker. "Don't you think she is a good enough Su'alin?"

  "It has nothing to do with how good she is. Kiya is the greatest, most powerful Su'alin in our remembered histories." Confusion tinged Seeker's scowl. "Githalin are Swordanzen. They have always been Swordanzen."

  "Are you sure that Githalin are or have only ever been Swordanzen?" was the mage's simple response.

  The Swordanzen scowled, baring his teeth angrily. "How dare you question—!"

  "How dare you not question?" Nolyn snapped back. "You are a Swordanzen, disciple of the Path of the Sword. You are a protector of your people's culture and your land!" He stood, nose to nose with the darker man. Marcus and Kelafy walked in just then, skidding to a stop when they saw the two men on the edge of a physical altercation. "Don't you ever just wonder why things are the way they are?"

  Seeker shoved Nolyn roughly. "We know why! Your kind ripped the life from our land! Everything changed to survive what was left!" Nolyn blocked Seeker's fist, ducking a second blow. "We would have been reduced to the animals your 'civilized' kind see us as if not for our god's edicts that saved us."

  With a snarl, Nolyn landed a punch to Seeker's jaw. The surprised Desanti staggered back a step, rubbing his jaw as he eyed the mage. "Not all of us look down on you! Stop casting us all in the same mold!" Shaking with anger, the Forentan spat with frustration and anger. "The damned Great War happened because some of my people assumed they understood yours. They believed the lies that you meant to destroy us and thought the only way to survive was to destroy you first!

  "Now you are going to turn around and assume all of us are the same as those fools?!" He started to backhand the Desanti, Seeker catching Nolyn's wrist, but not trying to hit back. "My apprentice," he seethed, "wondered what happened to the Trisari and you called a Totani to give him an answer because you thought our goddess punished Her voice for asking. You have the power to call a divine servant. Why have you not asked any what a Githalin is?"

  "A Githalin is a Swordanzen," Seeker stated in a flat voice, though not without a hint of uncertainty. "They are the best of those who walk the Path of the Sword."

  Nolyn shook his head. "No, they are not, Swordanzen Seeker. They may have only been Swordanzen in recent memory, but a Githalin is simply someone with a bond to a Totani. Nothing more than that." The two men backed down from each other, the tension and hostility easing. "I followed Kiya… Star… when she left. I watched her call Citali as Marcus described you calling Anibu."

  "Call Citali? But why? He dwells across the blade." He frowned, crossing his arms. "She has always been able to seek him out while spiritwalking."

  "Because she was afraid," Nolyn replied, waving Kelafy in with the tray of hot tea and food. The woman remained silent as she poured several cups. "Because she cannot see, she was afraid she would accidentally cross the blade and be lost to us."

  Seeker looked away with a pained expression. He turned back when Marcus approached with a heavy mug. He gratefully accepted it, wrapping his hands around its warmth. "I had not thought of the implications of what Anibu had done to her. I knew it troubled her more than she showed. The other Swordanzen… they have been oblivious to the reason for her pain."

  "She hid it well," Nolyn stated in a gentler tone, taking the mug from Kelafy. "And you protected her well from the scrutiny and possible criticism of others." He blew the hot liquid, taking a sip. "Seeing Citali. Hearing his words to Kiya… It is more profound than I have words for. I do not know what reasons a Totani will choose their Githalin. Anymore than I know why our great mother chooses her own mortal servants. She did not ask Ash Avarian to be Illaini, or Zoe to be her Voice. I think Star believes as you that a Githalin is a Swordanzen. He did not ask if she wanted to be Githalin." He looked at Star, touching her cheek with the back of his fingers. "She asked what he wanted of her so she could serve him again. He asked… what she wanted."

  "What did she want?" Marcus asked curiously.

  "She said she doesn't want to be alone anymore." Nolyn looked back at Seeker, his expression devoid of levity. "If the bond is like that of Illaini or our goddess's Voice, she will never be alone. Citali will always be a part of her. And she will be a part of him."

  Seeker was silent for a time, staring at Star before he looked back at Nolyn. "I was surprised. You hit hard."

  "I had to. You have a thick skull like my brother," Nolyn replied dryly. Seeker stared at him for a time before he finally smiled at the mage, inclining his head in acknowledgement.

  Chapter 70

  Star awoke with a gasp, looking around in bewilderment. When Nolyn touched her arm, she yelped and jumped back, falling onto the floor from his bed. He leaned over the side, looking at her with a mixture of concern and amusement. "It is just me. I was worried about you. You were sleeping longer than usual."

  "What happened?" she asked. "How… how did I get here? I was… I am sure was in the forest." She touched her temple. "I had such a strange dream…"

  He sat on the floor beside her, taking her hand in both of his. "It was no dream, Star il'Citali." Her eyes dilated as they widened, staring at him. "I was there. I had followed you when you left the house last night. Citali allowed me to stay."

  "But-but I am not… I am not S-Swordanzen. H-how can I…?" She went silent as he rested the sheathed two-blade dagger on her lap.

  He reached up to her right shoulder, pushing the cloth up to reveal the silhouette tattoo of a coiled, winged snake. "You are Githalin. You are Citali's Githalin." Brushing the errant tendril of hair out of her eyes, he murmured, "Seeker has been speaking with the other Swordanzen. It is something of a shock to them as well. He said until they come to accept this new path, it was best for you to stay here with me." His watched her closely, worried.

  Slowly, Star drew the dagger from its sheath, holding it up. "It has… two blades." She closed her eyes. "Two points. Two edges. It speaks to the balance Githalin are… are to protect."

  "Yes," Nolyn said in a soothing tone. "And you will protect it as fiercely as you had protected me. I know." She looked up at him, tears in her dark brown eyes. "All you need to do is open your eyes to see again."

  "I don't know… how," she whispered, leaning into his embrace.

  He held her close, stroking her hair. "Ask him."

  "Ask him? How? I can't spiritwalk unable to see—" She cried out, favoring her right shoulder as pain shot through her arm, radiating from the silhouette tattoo. Blinking, she looked up at him with wide, tawny brown eyes. "He was there, Nolyn," she whispered. "He is there. He-he is… there."

  Nolyn smiled gently, holding her as she cried. "I know, my heart," he murmured. "You will never be alone. No matter what happens."

  She looked up sharply, frowning. "What is wrong? I could sense something was not right before. I did not wish to intrude then. But now I can see…" She shifted to kneel in front of him, clasping his hands tightly. "What is wrong?"

  "Nothing you need worry about, Kiya… Star." He smiled warmly at her. "It will take some time to get used to calling you by a new name." Getting up, he went to the table. "You must be starving. Storm and Skyfire said communing with their Totani always made them hungry."

  She darted between him and the table, her hands flat against his chest, frowning at him. "What aren't you telling me? Others ma
y not be able to see. Even when I could not see, I knew your heart." She hit his chest. "I know your heart, Nolyn Lirai! You see death in your future." When he tried to move her to the side, she grabbed the front of his shirt in a fierce grip. "Tell me!"

  "It is a matter I cannot speak of to others, Star. I am sorry. My duty to Forenta demands it." Firmly removing her hands from his shirt, he put his hands on either side of the teapot, murmuring a spell until steam rose from the spout. "You need to eat. Regain your strength from last night." He looked over and could not help but smile sadly at the slight woman who glowered at him, her arms crossed. "You are beautiful when your temper is up."

  Star sighed, wrapping her arms around him in a tight embrace. "I will always be Kiya for you, Nolyn Lirai." He held her close, eyes closed.

  Chapter 71

  Eptina drew her cloak about herself closer as she walked outside. The burly man leaning against the tree near the door straightened. "I like these Desanti, Edai Magus. The only dancing around they do is when they're fighting. Straight to the point." He grunted as he crossed his arms. "Could use more of that here."

  "They are still savages, Woodsman Ursin," Eptina reminded him patiently. "And they intend to return to their lands before long."

  "Huh. Too bad. Would love to see them facing a greater bear." The man grinned wolfishishly. "Bet they would have one eating out of the palm of their hands." Eptina arched an eyebrow at him. "What? You're the one that called them savages. We are obviously too civilized for the creatures of this land. Well. You are. I've managed it myself a few times. Playful sorts, greater bears. Love to wrestle."

  The woman rolled her eyes. "You are a very odd man, Woodsman Ursin Farover." She paused, spotting Star staring up at the sun through the denuded branches nearby. "I will be returning to Quoesia in Edai Magus Nolyn Lirai's company. Without my retinue of Dyndrai servants."

  Ursin blinked at her in surprise. "I see. What do you need me to do?"

  She took out a small scrollcase, handing it to him. "Please go on ahead to let Master Bethal know we will be arriving. We are planning on departing tomorrow morning. If we do not arrive as expected, take this to the Se'edai Magus and warn the Lirai to be on their guard." The man lowered a grizzled brow at her words. She put a hand on his arm. "I am trusting in your discretion, Ursin. My worry may be for nothing."

  He snorted. "As twisted as the insides of highborn society are? Sounds too simple, if you ask me." He took the scrollcase, tucking it inside his vest. "Watch your back, Edai Magus. I can't promise I can track you down before trouble reaches you."

  "Don't worry about me," Eptina replied, her voice quiet. "Just make sure that Estania endures. That is all I ask." The man grunted in acknowledgement, heading to the stables to retrieve his donkey and heading away from the grounds.

  After a time of watching her and steeling her nerve, the Forentan woman approached the slight Desanti woman, stopping a few paces away. The Forentan woman took a deep breath. "Edai Magus Nolyn says you are called Star il'Citali now, Su'alin?"

  "Yes, Edai Magus Eptina Dyndrai. I am called Githalin Su'alin Star il'Citali now." She did not turn, simply looking over her shoulder. "What do you want?"

  Eptina did not reply immediately, gritting her teeth. More accustomed to Forentan dithering, she was unused to Desanti bluntness. She took a deep breath and swallowed her pride. "I wish to ask for your help, Githalin Su'alin."

  Star schooled her expression of surprise before turning to regard Eptina. "My help? Aren't I too uncivilized for you, Edai Magus?"

  "If you want a blunt answer, yes." Eptina squared her shoulders with pride. "You are too uncivilized for me. But I am not important. My people are, and it seems that something about your savageness can do what we mages cannot."

  Star narrowed her eyes. "What do you mean? What could you not do with your magic?"

  "Whatever it was you did to save Edai Magus Nolyn Lirai from the nightmares that plagued him," the Forentan woman replied. "We have been able to do nothing for the other victims—"

  "Other… victims?" Star took a step forward. "How many others have been afflicted?"

  "That still live?" Eptina asked, bitterness heavy in her voice. "Perhaps thirty that I know of. My father has been… 'helping' them." She hugged herself. "More like he is hiding them away to keep others from knowing the truth about the monster of Andar. I am sure he is responsible for setting it free."

  Star lifted her veil, her eyes glittering true gold in the light. "You have seen this monster? And had not suffered the nightmares?"

  The sudden intensity of Star's attention startled Eptina, the Forentan woman going pale and taking a half step back with one hand over her heart. "Yes. The Avarian mages had erected a barrier to keep people out of Andar after the disaster that claimed the lives of all but Illaini Magus Ash Avarian when he was a child. When… someone, I do not know who with certainty… punctured it, we discovered that something had also been kept inside." She closed her eyes at the remembered horror. "I will never forget what it looked like. It looked like a man who might have been beautiful, but it was filthy and twisted. It had massive bird's wings that were tattered. It killed so many… ripped the throat of my horse… I—"

  "It has a physical form as dinnais and preys as su'dinnais?" Star cried out, putting her hand to her right shoulder. Eptina took several steps back at the terrible look on Star's face when she looked up. Star called out imperatively in Swordanzen. When the Swordanzen came at a run with weapons drawn, Eptina turned and fled back to the house, running into Nolyn as he was stepping out.

  Nolyn caught Eptina, keeping her from the indignity of falling. He looked from the mage to the Desanti with a frown. "Are you trying to start another Great War in the heart of Forenta? What in the world did you say to them, Eptina?"

  "No! I just… I just asked for her help for those still suffering the nightmares." She glared up at him. "As you suggested I do before! When I told her there were others who suffered injuries like you had, she just… changed. When I described what I had seen myself," she began and just waved her hand towards the now extremely agitated desert folk.

  "Go inside," Nolyn ordered. "And tell Unsvet Valerian there is a complication to our plans to leave tomorrow morning." She nodded, fled without argument or concern for her dignity when Seeker and Pacer began shouting at one another, hands on the hilts of their swords looking ready to draw. Windsong and Rockspar looked ready as well, both appearing to side with Pacer.

  The argument ended when Star stepped between the men, having drawn her two-bladed dagger, her eyes nearly aglow with an inner fire. "The Path of Spirit and Sword are one when the great balance is threatened," Kiya shouted as she glared at the three others. "There is nothing to argue. Our duties are clear!"

  "This is the defilers' land," Pacer argued heatedly. "It is their responsibility! So what if they cannot protect themselves? They deserve to suffer! We are responsible only for Desantiva and His children."

  "There is nothing in the Paths laws that say the balance is only protected within Desantiva." She took a threatening step towards Pacer, holding the wicked blade menacingly. "Citali has shown me! Our suffering was caused because we were not here! Their poison would never have spread to Desantiva if we had been here to see it and remove it."

  "That was then!" Rockspar threw back. "And it was their fault we were shunned from the lands. Our reason for being here is to find the Githalin Swordanzen, then return to Desantiva where we belong." She grabbed the hilt of her sword, beginning to draw her weapon. "There is nothing else we—!"

  Star suddenly reversed her hold on the dagger and stabbed downwards, impaling Rockspar's hand as her sword was halfway drawn. The Swordanzen all took a step back, eyes wide in surprise, staring at the Su'alin. "It. Is. Now!" She pulled the dagger out, letting Rockspar grab her hand in an effort to staunch the flow of blood. "The Path of the Sword does not suffer inaction, and the Raging One does not suffer cowards. Nor will I." She pinned each of the rebellious Swordanzen with a hard
look until they looked away one by one in shame. "If you will not honor your duty to protect those who need it, regardless if they are outlanders or not, lay down your swords now and return to Desantiva so all know you failed in your sworn duty."

  Star turned her back on the three and took one step away. "Wait!" Windsong held out a hand, taking a step forward. "You believe this… thing is a danger to Desantiva? Even so far from it?" Star glared at Windsong over her shoulder, not deigning to answer. The Swordanzen lowered her eyes. "Yes. Right. Forgive me, Githalin Su'alin." She looked to the other two. "We will begin preparations to travel."

  "Githalin Su'alin Star il'Citali," Nolyn stated with level formality. He met her still fuming gaze unflinchingly. "May I speak with you a moment?" She nodded once as Seeker put his hand on her shoulder briefly before following the others inside.

  "Swordanzen Rockspar! You're bleeding!" Tobias's shout of surprise was clearly audible. "Come here, let me heal you."

  "Star," Nolyn began, attempting to soothe her.

  "Your prople's continued suffering is my fault," she stated flatly, eyes fixed on a distant point. "I did not look beyond what I saw when I fought to save you. I did not seek Citali's guidance because I thought I knew what I faced. Su'dinnais take different forms in the dreamscape. I did not look further. I did not ask you more details." She pressed her lips together, turning her face away when he moved to stand in front of her. "If only I had asked how you encountered—"

  "And if you had?" Nolyn put his hand along her chin, turning her face back to him. "You would not have been as strong as you are now. You would not have had Citali's wisdom to guide you, or his strength to bouy yours." She met his eyes. "But this is a Forentan problem, not yours. I want you and your kinsmen to stay here."


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