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Rhett (Signature Sweethearts)

Page 11

by Kelsie Rae

  “T?” I suggest.

  “That’s a letter, not a nickname.”

  I roll my eyes. “All right then. Let’s keep looking.”

  We go back and forth on a dozen names before I finally suggest a winner.

  “What about . . . Harry?”

  Rhett looks at me like I must be crazy. Our faces are about a foot from each other’s as both of us lean against the wall with our butts planted on the hallway floor. We’re both uncomfortable but are having too much fun to call it a day and go our separate ways.

  “That’s almost as bad as Bob,” he answers, mentioning his childhood Yorkie and silently petitioning me for a rebuttal.

  “And that’s exactly why it’s perfect. It’s so unoriginal that it’s original. You get to keep the boring dog name thing you’ve had going since childhood, and . . . are you ready for the kicker?” I ask as I bounce my brows up and down in over-exaggerated enthusiasm.

  “Go for it.” He smirks, enjoying my crazy antics.

  “It was his hair that brought you two together! Eh? Eh?” I’m so pleased with myself that I give Rhett a playful nudge on the shoulder, bumping him unexpectedly. By my expression, you’d think I just cured world hunger, and his reaction doesn’t disappoint.

  He roars with laughter, scaring the crap out of poor old Harry, who had fallen asleep in our laps around name suggestion number 102.

  I join in, giggling my heart out and trying not to acknowledge that this is the most fun I’ve had in . . . ever.

  It just so happens to be with my next-door neighbor, who I have a completely platonic relationship with. Not a big deal, right?

  Chapter 14


  It’s Friday evening, and my stomach is grumbling. There’s only so many éclairs that a girl can eat before needing something that isn’t packed full of sugar and carbs.

  I slide my key into my mailbox and am sorting through the mail when I sense a familiar presence behind me.

  Goosebumps race across my exposed skin before I even get a chance to look over my shoulder.

  When I glance in his direction, his warm eyes collide with my own, making me want to melt into a puddle at his feet.

  “Hey, you,” I greet him, trying to contain the excitement that wants to bubble out of me from being in the same room as him.

  “Hey,” Rhett replies warmly as he opens up the mailbox next to mine.

  I continue sorting through my mail, sneakily giving him the side-eye. I’m not quite ready to escape to my lonely apartment.

  “How’s Harry?”

  “I think he’s good? I hope so, anyway. I just got home from work, so I’ll probably take him for a walk.”

  I nod while clutching my mail to my chest.

  “That’s nice,” I reply as he continues to sort his mail.

  I should go now . . . this is getting awkward.

  My stomach takes the opportunity to embarrass me further by growling loudly. Pretty sure it sounds like I swallowed a bear.

  Well that’s just lovely.

  Rhett looks up with a wicked smirk plastered on his face but doesn’t comment.

  “I, uh . . . I should probably get going. Have fun on your walk, though.” I’ve taken a few hurried steps toward the elevator when his smooth voice stops me.

  “Wanna come? Maybe grab a bite to eat on our walk? I think they have some good food trucks in the park today.”

  I pause in my escape. I really want to go with him, but I don’t want to come across as desperate. Well, any more desperate than I usually am.

  Slowly, I turn on my heel to face him again. He looks tired. His eyes seem a little dull, and his hair looks like he’s been running his fingers through it all day. “You sure?” I ask as I fidget with the mail in my hands. “I wouldn’t want to intrude.”

  He smiles broadly before his long legs eat up the distance between us, bringing us nearly chest to chest. “Indie.” My name rolls off his tongue in the most delicious way possible. “Will you go on a walk with me? And eat some street food? And help me work off some tension from work?”

  I snort at his thinly veiled innuendo. “I’d love to take a walk and eat some street food. The tension, however, you’ll have to get out of your system on your own.”

  He shakes his head while grinning from ear to ear. “No deal.”

  I throw my head back, laughing, loving our banter and feeling carefree for the first time since we last saw each other. I don’t know how he does it, but he has a way of making me feel . . . free.

  Rhett presses the front of his body against mine as he leans around me and pushes the elevator button. His scruff brushes against the side of my face when he whispers, “Did you know that you’re beautiful when you laugh? You should do it more often.”

  I nibble my inner cheek, unsure what to say when the elevator dings behind me, breaking the spell he’s cast.

  I clear my throat before entering the small box that will take us to our floor. Rhett follows.

  “So, uh . . . I’ll meet you in ten minutes?” I ask awkwardly.

  He chuckles softly before agreeing. “See you in ten.”

  I rush to my bathroom, freshening up and brushing my teeth before changing into an off-white blouse that isn’t covered in cocoa powder from a lost battle between me and the KitchenAid.

  I slip on a pair of flats then head to the front door to find Rhett and Harry hanging out in the hallway.

  Harry’s long pink tongue lolls out to the side of his mouth, and his nose is raised in the air. As soon as he sees me, his long tail starts wagging anxiously. I drop to my knees to greet him properly.

  “Hey, big guy! How are you?” Harry licks my cheek playfully, and I pull away laughing.

  “That good, huh? I’m glad your owner’s been taking care of you. I hope he’s giving you lots of extra bacon because you’re such a good boy. Yes, you are!”

  Rhett chuckles before offering his hand and helping me up.

  “Come on, you two. You’re starting to make me jealous. Where’s my greeting?”

  I turn toward him and stand on my tippy toes, playfully scratching the scruff on his strong jaw while using my syrupy sweet voice. “And how are you, big boy? Did you have a good day? I bet you did. Yes, you did!”

  He shakes his head while looking down at me. His eyes shine with affection, making my heart thump against my ribs.

  Gently, he places his hand on top of my own that’s still cupping his chiseled jaw, the intimacy overpowering my earlier playfulness.

  His voice drips with sincerity as he says, “Actually, I had a shit day. But it just got a lot better.”

  My smile slips a little as my gaze slides down to his lips. My thumb is mere centimeters from brushing across them, and I find myself dying to know if they’re as soft as they look.

  Harry uses the opportunity to tug on the leash, snapping me out of my daydream in an instant.

  I drop my hand to my side. “I’m glad I could make it a little brighter then.”

  He doesn’t move a muscle, so I add, “Should we get going?”

  He continues to stare at me, turning my insides into a small pile of goo. “Yeah, sunshine. Let’s get you some dinner.”

  And with that, we head out for a walk in the park and some yummy street food.

  Chapter 15


  It’s official. I won the lottery. I didn’t buy a ticket or anything, but it’s the only conclusion I can come to. I have the most gorgeous girl, both inside and out, I’ve ever met hanging on my arm. She laughs at the dumb shit that comes out of my mouth and looks at me like I hung the moon.

  I want her.

  So damn much.

  We’ve recently finished some Thai noodles with curry chicken. She’s sipping an ice-cold lemonade, soaking up the ambiance while I’m soaking up her presence.

  We’re sitting on the cool grass with Harry lounging beside me and snoring softly as the sun sets above us, casting the sky in an orange glow.

  “Thank you fo
r today,” she whispers. “I haven’t had this much fun in a long time.”

  “Neither have I. Can I ask you something?”

  She nods, taking another sip of her drink.

  “Do you think people regret the things they don’t do but wish they had, or do you think they regret the things they do but wish they hadn’t?”

  Her face scrunches slightly. I watch with rapt attention as she considers my question. “I think we shouldn’t live our lives with regret of either kind. Living is living, isn’t it? For better or worse, as long as you’re alive, shouldn’t you be happy and learn from your life experiences?”

  “Well, would ya look at that? You really are always right,” I tease. She blushes in response but doesn’t add anything else.

  As a businessman, I’m known for looking for opportunities and taking them without hesitation. I know that if I don’t, they’ll pass me by.

  And as I look down at Indie, with her rosy cheeks and sun-kissed skin, I consider her sage advice for about two seconds before closing the space between us. My fingers dig into her hair. They tangle in the loose strands that have fallen from her messy bun as I crash my mouth to hers.

  I slip my tongue between her parted lips. She presses closer, kissing me back without a single moment of hesitation.

  It’s official. I’ve died and gone to heaven.

  If we were standing, her mouth would’ve dropped me to my knees to worship her the way she deserves.

  She tastes like sweet vanilla sugar with a hint of spice that’s all her own.

  She tastes divine.

  I pull her closer, feeling like I can’t get enough. I need more. She throws her leg over mine, straddling me. We’re completely oblivious to the world around us.

  I’ve never been one for PDA, but I can’t help myself. Her lips are velvety soft as I nibble the corner of her mouth. The tender love bites elicit a moan that escapes her parted lips. I dive in for more, tilting her head so I can devour her whole and cup her curvy ass before pulling her closer to me.

  A toddler screams in the distance, shaking me from the lust-filled haze encompassing us. The sound reminds me that we are definitely not alone.

  I squeeze her backside one more time then shift her off my lap with regret. She settles next to me, sighing in disbelief.

  Her cheeks are flushed, her lips are swollen, and her breathing is ragged as her eyes devour me. The combination snaps the last of my control. I push her onto her back, laying her down on the cool grass. I place one final kiss on her mouth, soaking up her unique flavor while praying this isn’t the last time I’m given a taste.

  Her hands roam the scruff on my cheeks before wrapping around the back of my neck and pulling me closer. So close, we’re practically glued together with her sprawled out beneath me. Her chest rubs against mine. I lean my forehead against hers.

  “It was never like this,” she admits while attempting to catch her breath. Her tone bleeds vulnerability.

  “Are you okay? Was that too fast?” I lean back and try to give her some space. “Shit. I shouldn’t have done that. You just broke up with a guy.” I tug on the roots of my hair in anger. “What the hell was I thinking?” I mutter under my breath.

  Carefully, she sits up and takes my hand that’s jerking the strands before intertwining our fingers. Like a lover. And so much more than a friend.

  “I didn’t mean it like that, Rhett. You didn’t move too fast. Tony and I were over long before you came into the picture. We were practically roommates,” she scoffs while remembering the last few years of their relationship. “What I meant was, that kiss held more feeling than my entire relationship with Tony. My heart still hurts, but not because I miss him. It’s because I regret all the time we wasted together when we could’ve been feeling this with other people.”

  She laughs. “Look at that. I guess I do regret something. But it wasn’t our kiss, I promise. I couldn’t regret a kiss like that in a million years.”

  Indie raises our tangled fingers before pressing her lips gently against the back of my hand. The intimate gesture embeds itself in my memory forever.

  “Will you go out with me again?” I ask, praying she’ll say yes.

  Her soft smile grows right before my eyes. “I thought you’d never ask.”

  Chapter 16


  I’ve only dated one guy in my entire life. I’ve also only kissed one guy in my entire life. That is, until yesterday evening at approximately eight o’clock. I’m still swooning over the heat generated from our lips touching.

  I didn’t know it could be like that. Hell, I’m twenty-eight and thought all those love stories were full of crap.

  I had no idea.

  Sophie and Natalie can smell the pheromones or something, because they’re circling me like a pair of sharks, hunting for a juicy story. Luckily, we were packed with customers needing caffeine and sugar, so I’ve been off the hook for a few solid hours.

  Things are starting to calm down though, hence the circling sharks.

  I’m busy piping some decorative icing on a cake when my phone rings. Tony’s name flashes across the screen, and my finger hovers over the answer icon for a split second. Sophie and Natalie bombard me from both sides as I silence his call. I don’t have time for him right now.

  “Okay, Indie-pie, time to fess up.” Sophie crosses her arms over her chest. She’s trying to look intimidating, yet part of me wants to offer her a cookie then pat her head and turn on the Disney channel.

  I grin at the ridiculous daydream. In all reality, she’s a Pit Bull in a Chihuahua’s body, and I know not to mess with her.

  “Indie-pie?” I ask, tilting my forehead in her direction while giving her the side-eye.

  “You know, ’cause you bake pies and shit.” Sophie shrugs like it’s obvious, and I’m stupid for making her spell it out for me.

  “Don’t fight her on it,” Natalie steps in. “She’ll only come up with worse nicknames. How do you think I got stuck with Noogie?”

  I snort.

  “That’s a terrible nickname,” I agree wholeheartedly.

  “I know, right? Now stop trying to change the subject. You come in here this morning glowing like the freaking sun,” Natalie starts.

  “And now you need to tell us why,” Sophie finishes for her.

  I hold up my finger. “First, you have to answer how you got the nickname Noogie, Natalie, then I’ll spill the beans.”

  “Oh, so there are beans to be spilled, eh?” Sophie bounces her eyebrows up and down. She looks quite devious.

  I roll my eyes. “Yup. But you first.”

  “Nooo . . .” Natalie groans. “It’s embarrassing!”

  “You brought it up!” Sophie interrupts. “So, Natalie’s been in love with my brother, Marcus, for forever.”

  “No I haven’t—”

  Sophie turns to Natalie. “Oh shut it. We both know it’s true. Anyway, the problem is that he’s always treated her like a little sister, and that includes the inevitable noogies.” She smirks at her best friend who’s currently hiding with her head in her hands, because if she can’t see us, we can’t see her.

  “One day, Natalie and I were hanging out in my family room and waiting for these two guys to come to pick us up. Marcus was sitting on the couch, playing Halo or something like that, when the doorbell snapped his attention from the screen.”

  Natalie whines from between her fingers. “Don’t say it. Don’t say it. I don’t think I can live through this embarrassment again!”

  Sophie barrels right past her verbal pleading. “He gets up and opens the door before Natalie or I have the chance. Then he proceeds to lecture the guys on the etiquette of dating . . . .”

  “That isn’t so bad,” I say while wondering what the big deal is. Most brothers would do the same thing, right? I mean, I don’t have a brother, but I’d assume he would if I did.

  “She isn’t finished,” Natalie mumbles from her cowered position near the counter.

��Then he proceeds to give Natalie a noogie in front of everyone to solidify his brotherly feelings toward her.” She raises her fingers to use air quotes around the term brotherly. “Not me, mind you. Only her.”

  “Gah. It was so embarrassing. He wanted to make a point that I’m like a little sister to him, and that’s all I’ll ever be.” Natalie’s shoulders slump in defeat while Sophie grins from ear to ear.

  “Don’t be dense. He was doing it so the other guys would leave you alone. He’s in love with her and doesn’t know how to get out of the big-brother zone. Ya know what I mean? So he always makes a point to be extra brotherly . . . get it? ’Cause she makes him nervous, and he doesn’t know how to act around her? It makes perfect sense!” She’s bobbing her head up and down like I’d be a fool not to agree with her.

  Natalie shoves her shoulder playfully. “Okay, that’s enough of my drama. Let’s get to the juicy stuff.”

  “Umm . . .” I stall, feeling a little uncomfortable being the center of attention on such a vulnerable subject. I mean, initially, I was all for giving them the details, but now . . . .

  “Go on,” Natalie urges me.

  I swallow audibly. “As you guys already know, Tony and I broke up.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” Sophie motions with her hands “We already established this . . . get to the good part!”

  I laugh at her playful enthusiasm. “Well . . . Rhett and I have been spending a little more time together. We went to Central Park last night, took Harry on a walk, ate yummy food, and then . . . .” The memories hit me in waves.

  His lips. His hands. His taste.

  A girl could die happy after a kiss like that.

  “And then what?” they shriek together while holding each other’s hands in anticipation. Their eyes are glued to me like I’m the most fascinating person in the world. Pretty sure a bomb could go off in the front room, and they wouldn’t even notice.

  “And then . . . we kissed.” I shrug as if it isn’t a big deal when inside, I’m screaming my little heart out.


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