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Rhett (Signature Sweethearts)

Page 12

by Kelsie Rae

  We. Kissed.

  Their looks say it all . . . Really?

  “That’s all the details we’re gonna get?” Natalie asks blandly.

  Sophie turns to her best friend and talks to her like I’m not in the room, even though I’m standing two feet to her right. “Be patient, Noogie. I’m pretty sure she’s never experienced girl talk before. We gotta take baby steps with this one.”

  Natalie nods her head in agreement. “You’re right.”

  They turn to me at the exact same time with deadly stares that would make a mob boss crack under the pressure.

  “What was it like? Where were his hands? Did he make you want to hump him like a dog in heat?” Sophie asks bluntly.

  “Sophie!” I screech as my face turns bright red. Wanna talk about embarrassment? This. Right here. Takes the cake.

  “All right, all right.” Sophie raises her hands in mock surrender. “I guess I took that a little too far.”

  I would say so!

  “But the other stuff . . .” Natalie continues, picking right back up where Sophie left off. “Give us some details! It isn’t like we’re getting any action. We gotta live vicariously through you!” She’s trying to squeeze a few details out of me, and I decide to throw them a bone by giving explicit details of every little touch. Every little feeling. Every little butterfly that swarmed through my stomach.

  After the long-winded breakdown, I admit, “It was, hands down, the best kiss I’ve ever had.” I’m glowing from the memory, and the girls sigh in unison with stars in their eyes.

  “I want that,” Natalie admits quietly before looking down at her hands. Her tone screams disappointment, and I have a hunch about who she might be thinking about.

  Sophie wraps her arms around her friend lovingly. “You’ll get it, Nat. Even if I have to hit my brother over the head with a rolling pin.”

  I burst out laughing at her threat. It wouldn’t surprise me if she actually does it, that’s for sure.

  Natalie rolls her eyes at her friend. “Sophie. I think we both need to come to the realization that your brother and I aren’t going to happen. It’s a little girl crush that I need to get over. That’s it.”

  Sophie squeezes her tightly before addressing me.

  “Enough of this sad crap. Let’s get to the fun stuff. When are you seeing Rhett again, and what are you wearing?”

  Grinning, I bring myself closer for a group hug then proceed to give them all the gory details while listening to their many suggestions.

  These girls are awesome, and I’m so glad that fate decided to bring them to my shop.

  Chapter 17


  Today was pretty damn close to perfect. It started with a cronut from the most beautiful girl I’ve ever laid eyes on. And it’s ending early, so that I can spend more time with her before bed. This isn’t an official date. It’s simply an opportunity to be with each other. She agreed to take Harry on a walk with me. Apparently, it’s becoming a nightly ritual.

  I’m heading to the elevator when Nathan stops me.

  “Hey, man! Bill’s secretary called a few minutes ago. Are you still okay going to dinner with them this weekend?”

  Bill is one of the largest investors that our company works with. He could wipe his ass with a couple of grand every time he takes a shit, and he wouldn’t even notice the loss. He also happens to be one of my main clients.

  “Them?” I ask curiously. I had completely forgotten about the dinner this weekend.

  “Yeah. He’s bringing his wife. Are you going stag, or should I plan on getting a date for the night? I don’t want either of us to be the third wheel so . . . .”

  “I’ll let you know tonight. I gotta see if she’s willing to go.”

  My comment grabs his attention. His expression is one of utter surprise. “You have someone in mind?”

  I’m about to answer when he busts up laughing. “Wait . . . don’t tell me.” He raises his hand like a police officer guiding traffic. “The girl from the bar? Your neighbor?”

  “That’s the one.”

  “Does this mean I can invite Tinker Bell?” Nathan’s unable to hide the lust in his voice.

  “Tinker Bell?” Now it’s my turn to be smug, because I know damn well he’s talking about one of the girls who works for Indie.

  He shrugs. “I dunno. What would you call her? She’s little. Blonde. Sassy as hell.” He’s smiling like an idiot by the time he finishes his description. Dude’s in a hell of a lot of trouble. Nathan’s a womanizing manwhore, but I’ve never seen him smitten before.

  Maybe I’m seeing things.

  “Ironically enough, I thought the same thing.” He grins at my approval. “Wait until after tonight to invite her, though. I want to make sure Indie’s available. If she’s not then I don’t want to be the third wheel, and I’m not going to invite someone else.”

  The elevator doors slide open, and I step inside before Nathan can throw any more comments my way.

  I change out of my suit and into a pair of black joggers, a gray T-shirt, and running shoes. Since I don’t have Indie’s number, I grab Harry’s harness and leash before heading across the hallway.

  Knocking, I’m anxious as I wait for her to answer.

  The door glides open slowly to reveal a flushed Indie. A hot pink sports bra peeks out from beneath her white tank top. She’s also wearing black yoga pants that fit her like a glove.

  Damn, she looks good.

  “Ready to go?” she asks, her gaze bouncing around the hallway instead of looking at the guy standing two feet in front of her. Me.

  I smirk. She rolls her eyes.

  “Nervous, sunshine?”

  “Oh, shut up. I haven’t been on a real date in a freaking decade, okay? Not that this even classifies as a date, but . . . I guess that was kind of a dumb question, huh? Obviously, you’d be ready since you came to pick me up.” Her cheeks heat before she grabs her keys from her kitchen counter then locks the door behind her.

  I remain quiet while silently laughing at her rambling.

  She ignores me. “And hello to you too, Harry!” She drops to her knees so she can rub his ears affectionately.

  When she peeks up at me from her crouched position, the sight is almost more than I can bear.

  “How have you two been acclimating?” She’s completely oblivious to the effect she has on me while in her compromising position.

  I clear my throat and subtly cross my hands in front of my joggers. “We’re doing well. Should we get going?”

  “Oh. Um . . . yeah.” She pushes off the ground and stands, our chests almost touching. Somehow, during her little hello to Harry, I managed to unwittingly pin her between me and the door. When she stood, she had no place to go.

  With our close proximity, the air crackles around us as if it senses the anticipation building. Her front brushes against mine as her breathing picks up.

  I can’t contain the full-on smile as I look down at her.

  “You okay there, sunshine? You seem a little winded.”

  She clears her throat before sweeping a few strands of hair behind her ear.

  “Nope. Feeling just fine.”

  Indie pushes past me and starts walking down the hall, her hips swaying as she completely dismisses me.

  I’m transfixed by the gorgeous view in front of me until Harry yanks on the leash, begging to follow his new best friend.

  While the sight is spectacular, it’s Indie’s shining personality that has me hooked.

  “Wait up!” I call as my legs eat up the distance to the elevator.

  She pushes the button before leaning casually against the adjacent wall. Her deep blue eyes stay locked on me as I lean casually against the wall across from her, mirroring her position.

  “Shall we?” I ask as the doors slide open before motioning to the tiny space with flair.

  “Why thank you, kind sir.”

  We spend the evening getting to know those things about each other that make us
tick. Learning each other’s likes and dislikes. Our pasts. Our hopes and dreams. I’ve never cared about a woman enough to know the little details, but I find every word that slips past her delectable lips fascinating.

  We’ve just finished our walk and are heading back to the apartment when I turn to her, asking, “Hey, would you like to go to dinner with me this weekend? An important client of mine invited me to a business dinner with his wife, and I’d love it if you’d come.”

  She prickles at my invitation, and I have no clue what I did wrong.

  “Do you often work weekends?” Her voice is hesitant, and there’s a hint of sadness woven throughout her innocent question.

  Carefully, I entwine our fingers before pulling her hand to my mouth and placing a gentle kiss against her silky skin.

  Looking into her eyes, I try to portray my sincerity. “No, sunshine. I don’t usually work weekends. My client is flying in to see a Broadway play with his wife and invited us to go with him. Afterward, we’ll go to dinner to discuss a potential investment.”

  Her poker face is firmly in place, but her hands are trembling.


  She swallows while avoiding my gaze.

  “Indie? Are you going to tell me what’s wrong?”

  She nibbles her lower lip before gaining the courage to look up at me. “Work stuff makes me nervous sometimes.”

  I tilt my head to the side, urging her to continue while trying to understand.

  “Tony worked. A lot. I guess I’m just a little gun-shy about getting involved with someone who works that same kind of schedule, you know?”

  Her comment is enough to make everything click for me, and I take a step closer, hoping my presence grounds her. “I know that your past is going to affect how you see future relationships, but I want you to know that I will always put you first. Do you understand?”

  She licks her lips before glancing up and giving me a reluctant nod. “I understand.”

  “Good.” I kiss her forehead affectionately before wrapping my arm around her shoulders and guiding her to her apartment. “What if we go on a date––just you and me––on Friday, and then Saturday will be for work?”

  My question brings back a bit of the spark in her eyes. “Trying to butter me up, Rhett?”

  My mouth twitches in amusement. “Maybe.”

  Indie giggles and leans into my shoulder with Harry padding alongside us. “I think you might have a deal then. But I’m gonna want to see a little more effort on your buttering skills, mister.”

  Laughter consumes me from her sassiness. “Will do, sunshine.”

  When we make it to her door, I remember to ask another question that’s been bugging me for weeks. “You know what would help with my ability to butter you up?”

  “No, what?”

  “Your phone number. I think it’s a little weird that I know where you live and that you loathe lima beans. Yet, I don’t have your number.”

  Indie tsks. “So needy . . . you should work on that too, Rhett. Just sayin’.” She pulls out her cell phone, and we exchange numbers while smiling like idiots the entire time.

  “Sweet dreams, sunshine,” I say after slipping my phone back into my pocket.

  “Night, Batman.”

  I hesitate for about three seconds before making my move. Slowly, I move forward and into the tiny personal bubble surrounding her. Pretty sure a snail could beat me in a race with how gradually I lean forward. Each movement is effortless yet deliberate. The air is weighted around us, pressing us closer and closer.

  My eyes pin her in place as my hand lazily drags against the exposed skin on her arm. Indie shivers from my innocent touch. Her gaze bounces between my crooked smile and my penetrating stare.

  I’ve seen this look on women before.

  She’s a goner. I could get away with murder right now, and she’d just offer to be my alibi.

  Damn. I really like this girl.

  Finally, I lean forward to connect my lips with hers, putting us both out of our misery.

  I start innocent, barely opening my mouth before linking with hers like two pieces of a puzzle. A perfect match. Somehow, I knew that’d be the case. The last time we kissed, we were so hungry for each other that we didn’t take our time to really experience the moment, so I keep this one innocent.

  This time, I’m taking things at the ideal pace while committing every detail to memory.

  Her lips are soft. Warm. The perfect texture, and I know I could get lost in them, along with her eyes. Together, they’re a lethal combination.

  I’m about to pull away and leave her wanting when she surprises me.

  She slips her tongue between my lips, turning the tables and making me feel like the prey for the first time in my life. My heart rate picks up as she wraps her arms around my waist and brings me closer, plastering her curvy body to the front of mine from head to toe.

  When her teeth nip my bottom lip, I groan.

  If she keeps this up, I won’t be responsible for my actions. But I think that might be exactly what she wants.

  With the willpower of a saint, I pull away and attempt to catch my breath. “I’m trying to take things slow, sunshine, but you’re not making it easy.” My voice sounds like I just gargled a cup of broken glass.

  She smirks knowingly. “Oops.”

  This woman.

  I chuckle before calling her out on her little scheme. “Were you trying to take things further, sunshine?”

  She shrugs one shoulder, acting coy. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  Indie turns around to unlock her door, acting like she’s completely oblivious to the effect she has on me.

  But because she was sandwiched between my body and her apartment, the movement causes friction in all the right places. I can’t help the groan that escapes me.

  Peeking over her shoulder, Indie’s amusement is written all over her face. She looks sexy as hell. And she knows exactly what her little movement did to me.

  “Need help with something, handsome?”

  I grind into her once, hard, before stepping away and heading across the hall. She watches me unlock my door with her jaw hanging off its hinges.

  “Nope,” I reply.

  I keep the entrance to my apartment open and lean against the jamb with Harry at my heels. Patiently, I wait for her to head inside her own apartment, but she stands a few feet away, frozen.

  “Need help with something, sunshine?” I mimic as she stares at me with unrestrained lust shining from her eyes.

  She gulps. A strangled, “Nope.” is all she manages before opening her door and closing it behind her with a soft click.

  Damn. I was almost hoping she’d jump my bones. The push and pull between us is unreal. It’s like nothing I’ve ever felt before. And I want so much more.

  This weekend, I remind myself.

  I’ve got some planning to do. If she wants me to step up my game, I’m going to do exactly that.

  Chapter 18


  This week has been long. I haven’t heard from Tony again. Is it wrong that I’m okay with that?

  I came home from work on Monday to see his luggage gone and a couple weeks’ worth of clothes missing. I guess he’ll come back and pack later. I hope I won’t be home when he does.

  That’s selfish, I know. But I don’t think I can stomach the breakup all over again. He needs closure. I get that, and I’m sure he’s dying for an explanation. But how do I tell the man I’ve been with for almost half my life that I’ve never loved him the way I thought I had? That I’ve wasted his time for the past thirteen years when I should never have gone on a date with him in the first place?

  I’m getting ready for my date with Rhett when my phone rings from the bed.

  My mom’s name flashes on the screen as I debate whether I should answer.

  Reluctantly, I do.

  “Hey, Mom!” I say with faux enthusiasm.

  “Hey, sweetheart! How’s everyth
ing going?” She sounds chipper, which means she hasn’t heard about the breakup quite yet. The question is, do I tell her and get the lecture of a lifetime, or do I sweep it under the rug until a later date?

  “Umm . . .” I hedge, still debating, “Things are . . .” Damn it. “They’re good, Mom. Have you talked to Mary lately?”

  Mary is Tony’s mom, and my mom’s best friend.

  “We went to dinner with them last night. Why? Oh . . . do you have an announcement?” she squeals, hopefully. I can almost see her bouncing up and down in her tasteful bedroom before pulling out her wedding binder from the hallway closet and starting the preparations. She’s had that thing since I was fourteen.

  I pause while trying to gather my thoughts. If Mary didn’t say anything, that means Tony’s been burying his head in the sand and hasn’t told his mom yet. It’s understandable, but that doesn’t make this conversation any easier.

  Apparently, I get to be the bearer of bad news.

  “Mom, Tony and I broke up.” The words tumble from my mouth like rocks rolling down a hill. Once they start, they gain so much momentum that they can’t be stopped. “I’m really sorry, Mom. It just happened. We haven’t been happy for a really long time, and I needed to end it before we woke up at sixty and realized we had wasted our entire lives with someone we never loved. I didn’t mean to waste all his time, I just couldn’t pretend anymore. I’m so sorry.”

  By the time I finish my rambling, I notice the phone is silent. Not a peep. Hesitantly, I pull my cell from my ear to see if the call disconnected. Nope. She’s still there.

  Her silence speaks volumes.

  “Mom?” I whisper as tears build in my eyes. I sit on the edge of the mattress in utter defeat.

  I don’t care how old you are, disappointing your mom never gets easier, and I feel like a boa constrictor is wrapped around my chest, squeezing the life out of me as I wait for her reply.

  “I, uh, I don’t know what to say.” Her voice is squeaky, and I know my unexpected news is making her cry.


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