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Page 3

by Sean Michael

  His hand pushed into Bean's briefs as his tongue fucked that hot mouth. No reason not to take the edge off.

  "Fuck, yes!" Bean bucked, pushing up into his hand.

  He chuckled, hand moving faster, not teasing a bit. "That's right. Come on, honey. I got you."

  "You so do." Bean danced on his lap, eyes meeting his. The green was intense, full of need.

  "Gonna fuck you through the mattress, make you feel so good."

  "Please." Bean's mouth closed against his again.

  He rubbed the ball of his thumb over the slit of Bean's cock, spreading the wetness around. Bean's hands landed on his shoulders, fingers digging in as Bean cried out.

  Poor hungry man. He focused on the kisses, focused on demanding Bean's orgasm. He could feel the tension building in Bean's body, the bucking without rhythm, only need. Clay slipped his other hand around, pushed it in the back of Bean's jeans and tapped that hidden little hole.

  "Clay!" Bean cried out, his eyes going wide as heat spread up over Clay's hand.

  "Mmm." Better. Much fucking better.

  Bean panted, nodded, and leaned against him. "Yeah. God."

  He kept his hand moving, smoothing the spunk into Bean's prick. "Now you can relax a little. Eat."

  "What about you?" Bean's hands slid down over his chest.

  He spread his legs, making an offer. "I could use some assistance."

  "You like blow jobs?" Bean's fingers worked at the button on his jeans.

  "Is there a man on earth who doesn't?"

  Bean laughed, those green eyes sparkling, shining at him. Then the man wriggled down between his legs.

  He let Bean open him up, fish his heavy, thick prick out. He was hard, the tip swollen and wet from getting Bean off. Bean's moan was heady, gratifying. Then the man began to work, tongue flicking out to taste the head and then the glans. Clay leaned back, letting Bean explore. He didn't need to push; he wasn't desperate, just horny.

  Bean took his sweet time, exploring Clay thoroughly before taking the head between his lips and sucking. Clay let his hips roll up, push nice and easy into Bean's lips, spread them a little. Opening wider, Bean took him in. The suction increased slowly, Bean's tongue slapping at his cock.

  "That's it. Harder, honey." He liked to feel it, liked a fierce suction.

  The suction immediately got harder, Bean's head slowly moving up and down on his cock. He could see the tight lips sliding on his flesh, leaving it wet and shiny as Bean pulled up.

  "Fuck, yeah. That's it. You've got a good mouth, honey. Don't stop."

  Bean hummed, an almost peaceful look on his face. Soft touches stroked over Clay's thighs, his stomach. The man knew how to use that mouth, how to make Clay hot, about to fly.

  Bobbing faster, Bean sped the pace, licking eagerly at him. He let his head fall back and he just humped, fucking Bean's mouth. Bean let him, taking him deep, then pulling back so he couldn't get in very far, and then lowering back down so his thrusts hit the back of Bean's throat.

  "Fuck..." Oh, shit, yes.

  Bean hummed or something and the sound vibrated around his cock. He bucked up, thrusting good and hard as he fought to get to the finish line. One of Bean's hands pushed into his jeans, finding his balls.

  That was all he needed; he shot hard, filling Bean's lips. Bean swallowed him down, only a little escaping from the corner of Bean's mouth.

  Clay stroked one hand through Bean's hair, petting. "Good."

  Bean licked his lips. "It sure was." He leaned down and took a long, slow kiss. Man tasted good.

  Bean moaned into his mouth. "That was amazing."

  "That was round one."

  Bean's slow smile was beautiful. "So when do we start round two?"

  "Soon as the food's gone."

  "I just had a great appetizer."

  He grinned. "Just wait until we get to dessert."

  Chapter Four

  Bake escorted the pretty twins to his brand-new red Mustang. Finally, he had someone to show off in the car. In fact, he'd been waiting on these two for a year. He opened the passenger door for them. "My chariot."

  The two pretty birds oohed and aahed over his car, Darius making sure Devin got the front seat, got settled. God, they were the sexiest things he'd ever seen. Maybe the neediest, too.

  He jumped into the driver's seat. "Ready?"

  Devin nodded. "It's a beautiful car, honestly."

  "Thanks, baby." He reached out and squeezed Devin's knee, then started the car and pulled out.

  "Are you a mechanic?"

  He chuckled. "No, not really. I'm a landscaper. Trees, grass, flowers, and shit."

  Devin grinned and clapped. "I'm a florist. I know, typical, huh? But I like it."

  "Hey, that's awesome." He glanced in the rear-view mirror at Darius. "What about you?"

  "I work at a restaurant."

  "He's a pastry chef. He's sort of brilliant, and one day he's going to own a place of his own!"

  "Oh-ho. I might have to actually invest in groceries if there's going to be somebody who can cook in the house."

  "Oh, Dare is like magic."

  Darius reached up, whapped his brother. "Dork."

  "Well, you are. I love your risotto."

  "You'll have to cook for me, Darius. Let me judge for myself."

  "I can do that, sure. I have Mondays off."

  "Cool." He headed for home, knowing they'd have it to themselves. Even if Bean's plans with Clay fell through, he'd be quiet when he got home.

  The lights were off, the house quiet when he pulled into the garage.

  "Come on. Come see my bed. Come see how we fit."

  The boys slipped out together, watched him. They were stunning together, little and sharp, lean and dark. He let them in. The place wasn't a pig sty, but it wasn't spotless, either. Real people lived here.

  "Living room, kitchen to the right there. There's a work-out room in the basement. And the bedrooms are down this hall here."

  "It's big."

  He wasn't sure which one had spoken.

  "It was my parents'." He led them right into his room, the huge bed taking up the bulk of the space.

  "What are you into?" That was Darius. For sure. He was the headstrong one, the talker, the leader of the two. The caretaker.

  Bake hadn't been blowing smoke up their asses when he'd said he would be able to tell them apart.

  "All sorts of stuff. Spanking, whipping, pushing boundaries." He turned to Devin as he continued, "Bondage, focused lovemaking, plugs, cock rings. I'm not into permanent damage or humiliation."

  Devin reached for Darius' hand and Darius took it. "You want to play, Devvy?"

  Devin nodded. "It's a little unnerving, being with someone new."

  Darius chuckled. "I'm right here. I've got you."

  "You've had a hard day, so I was thinking something nice and easy tonight. Darius has already had his spanking; we could make love." He reached out and stroked Devin's lips. "You could suck me."

  Devin's lips parted, sweet and hungry. "I like to do that, way more than Dare."

  "Yeah? What else do you like, sweet boy?" It was a good description for Devin, while the other twin was more spicy. He flicked his eyes to Darius; so alike, they were still quite different. He knew all about that.

  Devin smiled. "I like touching. I like ropes a lot. Dare doesn't, though. Dare gets mad and screams. Me, I love being held still and close."

  Bake chuckled. "Touching and stillness. It suits you." He turned to Dare. "And you, my spicy one? Stillness upsets you. What do you like? Aside from pushing as hard as you can?" Binding would make an excellent punishment for Dare, and he had a hunch Dare would be the one needing punishment more often.

  "I like fucking. I like to fight everything. I have to do it."

  Two men who knew themselves. Bake approved. And two sides of a coin; he'd never get bored with these two. He started to strip. "Undress each other for me."

  Darius turned to Devin with a smile, leaning in to k
iss his twin thoroughly as the button-down shirt was opened. Groaning, Bake made short work of his own clothes so he could settle on the bed, back propped up by his pillows as he watched. The boys obviously enjoyed each other, but they weren't so focused that he felt forgotten. They both made sure that he got to see, got a show.

  He hummed happily, his hand sliding down over his chest. He tweaked both nipples and then aimed for his cock. Each boy had a nipple pierced, both were shaved clean and half-erect. He wrapped his hand around his own prick, more than half-hard already, and began to stroke lazily. He let a moan out so the boys knew he was watching, knew he liked what he saw.

  Darius ended up behind Devin, one hand wrapped around his brother's cock, pretty eyes focused on Bake.

  He shook his head. "I said undress, not fool around." Not that it wasn't a great show, but he wanted Devin's mouth and Darius' touches.

  "We're undressed." Darius winked at him, smiled. The look wasn't vicious or even pushing, more playful and eager.

  "And very nicely so at that." He jerked his head. "Come on into bed. I want Devin's mouth and your hands."

  They pounced on him suddenly with much laughter and warm skin. Two mouths were on his chest, two hands on his cock.

  He tilted Devin's head, bending to take a kiss from the sweet mouth. Devin was all submission -- open and soft, sweet and yielding. He swept his tongue through Devin's mouth, tasting and licking his way through the warmth and welcome. Devin moaned and pressed closer, even as a hot, hungry mouth wrapped around his cock.

  He blinked. He hadn't expected to have Darius' mouth on his cock. The man was sucking him like a dream, though, and he didn't complain, just spread his legs wider. The mouth around his cock was demanding, hungry, the suction fierce.

  "Save some for Devin."

  Those warm eyes sparkled for him. "I'll go rescue him. He must like you. He doesn't do that much."

  "I'm not complaining, sweet boy, but I thought you wanted it, too." His voice had gone all rough with need. It felt fucking amazing.

  "I love it. I love the feel of a cock in my mouth."

  "Slut." Darius teased, fingers tickling Devin.

  "Am not!"


  Bake laughed. "And whose mouth was it around my cock? Hmm?" He stroked one cheek and then the other.

  "That would be my slut brother," Devin chuckled. "My baby slut brother."

  One of Bake's eyebrows went up. "You're older? I'd pegged you as the second twin."

  "Everybody does, but it's not true. I'm forty-five seconds older." At his look, Devin shrugged. "C-section."

  "Forty-five seconds behind and trying to catch up ever since, hmm?" He stroked both their cheeks again. "You can both have my cock," he offered.

  Darius drew Devin down, and the twins kissed over the tip of his cock, tongues fighting for a second before Darius took control of the kiss, his prick trapped between.

  "Fuck!" His hips jerked a little, pushing against their mouths.

  Darius wrapped one hand around Devin's head and, from the cry around his cock, one around Devin's prick.

  "No coming, boys. I have a few plans." Only a million and one.

  Two sets of the prettiest eyes he'd ever seen looked up at him. He gave them his best wolfish grin. Hey, he hadn't said no touching each other, just no coming.

  Devin's mouth dropped over his cock, taking it in. God, he felt that deep in his balls. His toes curled and he reached down to touch them both. Where Darius' mouth had been fierce, Devin's was pure heaven, heat and pleasure and softness. Bake's eyelids drooped, but he made his eyes stay partly open so he could see, so he could watch them.

  Darius was touching him, but the hungry mouth was on Devin's neck. He didn't complain -- he wanted to see them together. As long as they didn't make each other come. He could feel Devin moaning around his cock, the sound starting to get a bit desperate.

  "Darius. Stop. Come up here."

  Devin groaned in protest, and Darius looked up at him, the expression sweet and confused.

  "I want your touch and your kisses. And you're going to make Devin come if you keep touching him instead of me."

  Darius climbed up his body, lean and heated against him, cock hard as a brand. He groaned and took the man's mouth. Not sweet at all, this kiss threatened to set him on fire, made him twist and push deeper into Devin's mouth.

  He sucked on Darius' tongue, pulling hard. Darius cried out, tried to take control of the kiss. He put his hand behind Darius' head and tilted it, not letting Darius take over. So much heat, so much need, and Darius was feeding it to him.

  His hips jerked, pushing his cock into Devin's mouth as he fucked Darius' with his tongue. Those pretty eyes were fastened on him, watching him. He looked right back, taking both mouths.

  Bake was going to keep them. He was keeping them and making them his. "Mine." He growled the word into Darius' mouth, his hips snapping now.

  "Maybe." Tease.

  "No, both of you. Mine." He bit at Darius' lower lip.

  Devin swallowed hard around his cock and Darius bucked, moaning. "M...m...maybe."

  "No! Mine!" He called it out, slamming against Darius one last time as he came.

  Devin moaned, one hand reaching down for his brother.

  "Come up here, sweet boy. Let me jack you off together."

  Within seconds he had a double armful of boy, needy and hot. He wrapped his hands around their cocks, testing the weight and size of them. "Kiss me, boys."

  Hard, ready -- they pushed against him, surrounding him with sweet-smelling, heated male. Their tongues played in his mouth and each other's and he joined in the hard, needy kisses. Those hands were everywhere, touching him, touching each other. He pulled with hard, quick strokes, working on getting them off.

  One of them cried out, the other one groaned, but both arched, bodies reaching for him.

  "Come on. Let me smell you."

  Heat sprayed against him, first from Devin, then Darius came a couple of strokes later.

  He breathed in deeply, rubbing the come into their skin. "You smell so good."

  Sweet boys. Sweet, cuddly boys.

  Darius nuzzled his jaw, Devin offered him a kiss.

  "Let's sleep, boys. Today's been a very long day, and tomorrow we can start out fresh."

  "I..." Darius frowned, but Devin smiled, shook his head.

  "You're off tomorrow, love."

  "Oh." Darius blinked and crashed, sound asleep in mere seconds.

  Devin's chuckle rang out. "He works too hard."

  "We'll have to see what we can do about that, hmm?"

  Dev nodded, kissed the corner of his mouth.

  "I'll tell you a secret. I'm very glad you boys crashed that truck."

  "Are you? We were so bored, and Clay was being so snotty."

  "You won't be bored with me, boy."

  "Boy?" Dev looked up at him, licked his lips. "Oh, Dare is going to growl at that."

  "So let him growl."

  Dev nodded. "You, too."

  "You like that?" He growled deep in his chest for Dev.

  Dev moaned, rubbing against him. "I do."

  "Oh, you are a sweet one." He took Dev's mouth, tongue slipping in.

  Dev opened again, wrapping around him, still so needy. He slid his hand down along Dev's spine and cupped the sweet ass.

  "What do you like to be called?" Dev's tongue traced his lips.

  "Sir during scenes, Sir or Bake at other times."

  "What do you consider a scene?"

  "Oh, good question. Because it's not going to be every time we have sex -- although I should warn you, I'm a bossy lover even if I'm not playing master."

  "So is Dare, sometimes. Although it's more like... tense."

  "Tense? That doesn't sound right for love-making."

  Devin shrugged, looked uncomfortable. "He's a good lover. He's just really strung out."

  "I'll have to see what I can do to change that, hmm?" He ran a hand along Devin's spine. "I like how
protective you are of each other, but you'll need to speak for yourselves with me. I need to know what's coming from each of you."

  "I'm pretty good at that."


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