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Page 4

by Sean Michael

"Yeah? And is Darius good at letting you speak for yourself?"

  Devin's head tilted. "Oh, yes. I have to say that I'm more likely to speak for him. He gets puffy for me." He got a quick grin. "I'm the chatty one."

  "Puffy." He chuckled. "I might be in touch with that."

  "Mmm. Puffiness."

  "Bean is my baby brother -- my baby twin brother. I know you know how that goes."

  "I do. Dare tries to protect me, but I'd kill anyone that broke his heart."

  "I'm not going to break your hearts, either of you. I may break you both down, though. Turn you inside out."

  "That sounds a little scary."

  "You play, though, right? I mean, I've seen you do scenes with some badass tops."

  "I do. I play hard." Dev's chin lifted. "No one's broken me down, though. Dare won't let you."

  "You don't want to find out what's really inside you? You don't want to be free?"

  Those beautiful eyes flashed. "God, yes."

  "Good. I just want to know that I can push, that if we do this, I'm getting you both all in. I'm not good at holding back when I go after something. You safeword, and I stop. Immediately. I play safe. But I'm gonna push. It's just who I am." He met the pretty eyes; he was serious about this.

  "I understand. I like to play. So does Dare. We'll figure it out."

  "Sounds good." Bake grinned and aimed a nod at Darius. "So does he always conk out after sex?"

  Dev reached out, petted Darius' jaw. "These days, yes. He's so tired he can't bear it."

  "We'll have to see what we can do about that. And are you always this chatty?"

  "Yes. Yes, I love to talk to people." Eager, happy man. Those fingers never stopped petting him, exploring him.

  Chuckling, he took a soft kiss, his own fingers gentle on the right side of Devin's face, where the bruises were.

  Devin moaned softly, cock sliding on his thigh. Darius frowned, reached out, patted his twin. "Shh, Devvy. You're okay."

  Bake's chuckles turned to laughter. "Of course he is; I've got him, which you know is okay, or you wouldn't be asleep."

  Darius' eyes popped open, bloodshot and exhausted. They stared at him for a long second, then closed again.

  "That's right, pretty boy. You sleep."

  Devin nodded, face worried.

  "Hey, Dev, relax. You're not the only one looking out for him anymore, okay?"

  "No? You just met us. You... you think you'll want us again?"

  "Dev, honey, I've been hunting your asses since last year. I know I'll want you again."

  That smile made his heart melt. "Cool."

  He licked at Dev's lips and then took the sweet mouth, his fingers squeezing around one pert buttock.

  Dev moaned, hips arching back into his touch.

  "You needing again, sweet boy?" He was more than willing to give Dev a little extra attention.

  "Please. Please, I ache."

  "We can't have that." He wrapped his hands around Devin's head and kissed the boy thoroughly. The sweet twin moaned, licking at his lips. He rubbed their legs together, sliding one of his between Devin's. Devin groaned and pressed down against him.

  He kneaded the full buttocks, squeezing them, holding them in his palms. Devin arched for him, pushed back into the touch. He found one pretty nipple -- the ringed one -- and played with the flesh, then the metal.

  "Mmm." Dev smiled, relaxed back, and let him play.

  He nibbled at Dev's jaw as he tugged and twisted and teased the pierced nipple. Dev hummed and wiggled, but there wasn't a huge response. He'd bet anything Darius had incredibly sensitive nipples.

  Exploring further, he stroked his fingers lightly over Dev's skin, moving toward the closest pit. One of the most fun things about a new lover was exploring their body, finding the hot spots, the not so hot ones, the places that drove them wild. Bake had two bodies to explore; he was a lucky, lucky man. Dev started chuckling as he got closer to the soft, dark hairs under the lean arm. Grinning, Bake swept his touch down, following Dev's ribs.

  "Tickles..." Devin's chuckles became laughter.

  He rolled them away from Darius, tickling in earnest now. Dev tried to muffle the laughter against his throat, shoulders shaking. Laughing himself, he slid his fingers to Dev's middle, less tickling now and more searching again for sweet spots. There was one right above Dev's hip, the spot marked by a tiny hickey. He rubbed the little mark, feeling the increased heat just there. That earned him a small cry, bucking hips.

  "Nice." He slid his hand to the other side to see if it was just as sensitive. Almost. Not quite, but there was sensitivity there. Bending, he flicked his tongue across the mark on the right side, his fingers playing with Dev's stomach.

  "That... Dare bites me there. It... it's so hot."

  "I hope he doesn't mind sharing." He scraped his teeth over Dev's skin.

  "Oh!" Dev reached down for his head, hips moving quickly.

  He loved the reaction, so he did it again.

  "Sir. Bake. I. Oh, wow."

  "A very hot spot, I see." He looked up at Dev, grinning.

  "Yeah. Yeah, Dare says he wants a tattoo there." Dev's eyes twinkled. "But then no one could touch it while it healed."

  "And that would be a shame." He stroked his fingers across the spot, his tongue flicking out to touch the tip of Dev's cock.

  "Y...yes. Yes."

  He rubbed his cheek against Dev's cock, nuzzling it like a cat as he continued to tease the sweet spot. Dev's cock began to leak, the scent strong, heady. Bake took a taste, groaning happily. His own prick had grown hard again, so he rose up, sliding them together.

  "Do you like to fuck?"

  "I do. A lot." He grinned at Dev. "Is that an invitation?"

  The sweet boy nodded. "It's been a while. Me and Dare -- we don't do that together."

  "No?" He gave Dev a quick kiss. "Then I can help you out, babe."

  "Oh, excellent. Such a helpful guy."

  Bake laughed. "I'm no saint. You're a hot number I've been lusting after for a long time."

  "Uh-huh. An angel," Dev teased, laughing softly.

  "That's me. The angel of fucking."

  He could listen to Devin laugh for a long time.

  Bake reached up to his side table, pulling out the lube. Dev's lips brushed over his ribs, his chest. Groaning, he pushed his nipple toward Dev's mouth. Those hungry lips wrapped around his flesh, the tug sudden, sharp, fierce.

  He jerked against Dev, groaning and nodding. "Yeah, babe. Fuck."

  Dev nodded, teeth sharp on his nipple. He groaned; they might not be pierced, but they were pretty fucking sensitive.

  "You like that." Dev bit again, teeth tugging at his skin.

  "I do." He scraped his finger against that spot on Dev's hip, wanting to give as good as he was getting. Dev's teeth stung his nipple. "Fuck!" He jerked, finger pushing hard into Dev's hip.

  Dev arched, hips bucking up against him. "Now. Now. Please."

  "Need to get you ready," he murmured, opening the slick.

  Darius slept like the dead, curled around a pillow. Bake pressed the fingers of one hand into Dev; with the fingers of his other hand, he stroked Dare's cheek. Pretty twins. Lovely boys. He was going to make them his.

  He turned back to Devin, smiling at the man as he worked the tight heat around his fingers open. Dev smiled back, focused and easy, watching him.

  "How do you like it?"

  "Feels good."

  "Yeah, you do." He pushed his fingers in deep, looking for Dev's happy spot.

  "Please..." Dev helped, shifting in tiny increments until he gasped.

  "Yeah, that's it." Bake laughed again and started banging his fingertips against that spot.

  Dev nodded, moaned deep. "Yes."

  "That's gonna be my cock in a minute."


  "I swear to God, sweet boy. Gonna fuck you good and hard." He pegged Dev's gland again. "Give you what you need."

  "Oh. Oh, please." He watched Dev arch, the long bo
dy bowing beautifully.

  He grabbed a condom, slipping it on as he settled between Dev's legs. Dev grabbed his knees, tugged and spread. He did love it when a sub meant it when they said they liked being fucked. He rubbed the tip of his cock against that sweet little hole. That had Dev arching, pushing up against his prick.

  "Needy boy. So sexy." He pushed in, slow and steady.

  "Yeah. Yeah, I... Oh, God. You fill me up."

  "Uh-huh. And you're good and tight." So fucking good and tight.

  "Move. Move, please."

  "You got it, baby." He started to pull out, moving slowly, letting Dev feel every inch.

  "Oh..." The look on Devin's face was pure bliss.

  He kept moving, kept watching that pretty face. Devin's hips rolled up, the motion easy, happy. He reached for Devin's cock, wrapping it in one fist and letting the motions from his hips push the heat along his palm.

  "Oh. Oh. Please." Dev jerked, groaning softly, hips pumping up toward his touch, then slamming down onto his cock.

  "Yeah." It was good, being with someone who loved fucking as much as he did. His hips moved with happy abandon..

  "More. More." Dev looked overjoyed, so happy.

  "I've got what you want, Dev." He did, in spades, and he was intent on giving it to Dev until the beautiful man gave it up.

  "Yes." That laughter filled Dev up and bubbled out.

  His laughter met Dev's and they fucked and laughed together, pleasure and joy mixing, becoming one. They found a solid rhythm, then everything started moving, faster and faster.

  "That's it, baby." Fuck, it was great.

  "Uh-huh. Close. Close."

  "Anything, Dev. Come on."

  Devin jerked, driving harder, cock swelling.

  "That's it." He rubbed his thumb across the tip of Devin's cock.

  Heat sprayed over his fingers, wet and thick and smelling of sex.

  "Yeah." He grunted the word out and nodded, hips working hard to bring himself off now that Dev had come.

  Dev's body gripped his, working his prick.

  "Fuck!" Bake jerked a few more times and came hard.

  Dev moaned, drawing him down into a soft, lazy kiss. The man's lips were soft and warm and a little bit wet, and Dev tasted of heat and man and good sex. He patted Dev's hip, a little warning that he'd be coming out. If it wasn't for the condom, he'd have stayed in.

  Dev nodded, body relaxing for him, letting him ease out. He groaned in disappointment as that tight heat let him go.

  Then he got rid of the condom and settled between the two boys. "This okay?"

  "Mmmhmm." Devin cuddled against him, cheek on his shoulder. "I have to work in the morning, but Dare doesn't."

  "You need the alarm on, honey?"

  "No. I'll wake up on my own." He got a sweet, slow kiss. "Thank you."

  "You're welcome. Hopefully it's the start of a beautiful relationship." He could get behind that, as well as the twins.

  Dev nodded. "Yes, Bake. I hope so."

  "Me, too."

  He snuggled Dev up close, and patted the sleeping Dare.

  He was hoping hard.

  Chapter Five

  Bean ate happily, his whole body thrumming and awake and eager. He was halfway in love with Clay already. The man had an amazing touch. Had blown Bean's fucking mind with just his hand. He ate the last fry and licked the salt from his fingers.

  Clay was drinking his shake, legs spread and sprawled, body relaxed. The man was like an embarrassment of riches. Bean's eyes kept roaming over him, had been all through their burgers and fries. He might have moaned.

  "You like what you see?" Clay leaned back, flexed, and the lean belly shifted for him.

  "Guh." Fuck him raw, had that noise really come from him? Could he possibly be drooling? "I do."

  "Good. Wanna go fuck? I want your ass in the worst way."

  "Yes, please." He so very much did. Clay's straightforwardness was refreshing, cool.

  Clay stood up, gathered the trash and dumped it, then made sure the doors were locked. "Bedroom's at the end of the hall."

  "Cool." He gave Clay another long, admiring look and then sauntered down the hall.

  "Yeah." Huge hands landed on his ass, squeezing his buns good and firmly. He slowed down so he could push back into that touch. Clay was really tactile, and he was getting off on it. "Mmm. Very nice." Those fingers squeezed again.

  He leaned back into Clay. He hadn't met a lot of men who were tall enough to support him all the way. Clay was.

  Clay's hands slid around to his hips and held on. "Nice ass."

  "I'm glad you like it. I think you should inspect it closely -- make sure you really do like it." He was flirting like crazy and it felt good.

  "Oh, I'll inspect it. You have my word."

  "Excellent." He leaned harder against Clay, letting the man lead him the rest of the way to his bedroom.

  Clay's fingers traced his hips, curled over his cock.

  "Fuck." He jerked, rubbed into those touches. When they finally got naked, he was just going to die.

  "That's the plan."

  His laughter was just a bit shaky, skipping a beat as his breath stopped from another touch. He sort of glanced around as Clay took him into the bedroom, but mostly he was looking to the bed. That made it easy, because the bed was huge, wide, and the most prominent thing in the room.

  "I like your bed." He looked up, met Clay's eyes. "A lot."

  "Good. Get naked and let's test it out." Clay stripped his shirt off.

  Bean licked his lips, admiring Clay's strength, the little pink nipples. The jeans came next, that amazing prick pushing out to say hi. Bean groaned, his belly going tight. He took a half breath, reaching out.

  "Uh-uh. Naked. Come on, babe. Skin."

  "Huh? Oh. Yeah." He grinned and shook his head to clear it. "You distracted me." Clay made him stupid, a little.

  "More." Clay's hand wrapped around his cock, showing off.

  He nodded and grabbed the bottom of his T-shirt, pulling it off quickly so he didn't miss a second.

  "Mmm. Pretty. More." Clay was close to just grunts and clicks.

  Bean's hands were almost shaking as he undid his top button and pulled down the zipper. Clay sat on the edge of the bed, eyes watching every move he made. He couldn't remember the last time he'd been the center of someone's attention like this. It was heady, arousing; his cock was harder than nails.

  "Jeans, now. It's time to get busy."

  "Uh-huh. God, you are amazing." He tugged his jeans down, toeing off his shoes before pushing them right off.

  One big hand reached out, stroked his cock once from base to tip. Shuddering, he groaned and pushed toward Clay. He wanted more.

  Clay tugged and twisted and they landed on the mattress facing each other, skin slapping together. He pressed close, head tilting as he went in for a kiss. They fit together damn well, Clay's length an easy match for his. Their cocks slid and rubbed, so hot and good.

  "I want to fuck you, want to watch you ride me."

  "Yes. Yes, please. Anything." Fuck, he wanted that, wanted to feel Clay's fat prick inside him.

  "Everything. We're gonna fuck so good."

  He nodded, pressing up into another kiss as his hands roamed over Clay's work-hard muscles. Clay didn't tease at all; those hands mapped him, dragged over his body like they needed to learn every inch. Moaning and groaning, he rocked into each touch, his prick gliding along Clay's skin as he did.

  Clay wrapped his fingers around his nutsac, tugging just a little. He spread his legs, his breath catching.

  "Mmm. You like that?"

  "Yes." He hissed the word out, hands wrapping around Clay's shoulders. "Amazing hands. Amazing."

  "You should feel my prick."

  "Bring it on, stud."

  Clay's laughter made him grin, and then the big body rolled against him as Clay reached for a drawer. He got a full body rub as lube and rubbers were pulled out. He arched up, rubbing back, wanting to drive Clay
wild for him.

  "Mmm. Good. That's good." The heavy thighs parted, giving him more friction.


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