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Page 5

by Sean Michael

  Running his hands down to Clay's ass, he held on tight, pulling the man closer.

  "Don't you come, now. I want in."

  "You took care of me earlier. I can wait." Especially when he wanted the same thing.

  "Good." That was a satisfied sound.

  "Come on, then, Clay. Make me scream."

  Clay grunted softly, then rolled over on his back, handed him the lube. "Get yourself ready?"

  "Oh, fuck." He squeezed the tube in his hand, licking his lips.

  "Indeed." Clay's fingers trailed over his body, the touch light.

  His hands were shaking the tiniest bit as he popped the cap on the lube.

  "Easy. Easy. We got time."

  "I want you badly." He knew he could admit it to Clay -- the man wouldn't use it against him, or at least not in a bad way.

  "This doesn't have to be a one-off. We've got time." Clay's fingers surrounded his balls, tugged so gently.

  "I know. I'm just eager." He laughed a little shakily and put his mouth on Clay's to make himself shut up.

  Clay's kiss let him know he wasn't alone, though. That tongue pushed into his mouth, fucking his lips over and over. He lost himself in the kisses for awhile, until his cock began dripping.

  Then he sat back and slicked up his fingers. Clay took the lube from him, starting gloving up that gorgeous cock. He watched Clay's fingers on the big prick as he pushed his own into his ass. He didn't finesse it -- it wasn't his own fingers he wanted.

  "Fuck, you're a firecracker. Don't take too long. I need in."

  He popped his fingers out. "I'm ready."

  "Me, too." That heavy cock was stroked once, shown off.

  He licked his lips. "Gonna feel so good inside me."

  "Gonna feel so good around me."

  Laughing, he straddled Clay's hips. "In. Around. It's all good."

  "Hell, yeah." Clay's hand landed on his hips, helped him move into place.

  He reached back and wrapped his hand around Clay's cock, got the head right where it needed to go. "Okay."

  Clay pushed up, easy as pie, just barely breaching his entrance. His back arched, his whole body going tight in anticipation, in need. "Oh fuck." He had to find a breath.

  "Uh-huh." One of Clay's hands slid along his belly.

  His muscles tightened more beneath the touch and then fluttered and loosened, making him groan, making him rock back and take more in.

  "Tight. Fuck." Clay held on, hands not forcing him, just letting him balance.

  "Been awhile." Too long. But he was getting some now, wasn't he? Groaning again, he rocked back, taking more in.

  "As slow as you need it. I've got you."

  "I want it all night long, Clay."

  Those pretty eyes met his, sure and strong. "It's a deal."

  Somehow, he believed the man.

  He kept rocking, kept taking a little bit more of that thick cock each time he pushed back. God, he felt full; it was awesome. Clay's hands kept moving, distracting him, helping him relax. He was soon moving into the touches, impaling himself more and more as he followed those amazing hands. Clay filled him up; hell, he thought he could feel Clay's cock in his throat when he swallowed. It took time, but eventually he had Clay all the way inside him and he started to ride.

  "Jesus, babe. You feel good." Clay started to push up, fill him.

  "I do." He so fucking did.

  Clay kept the rhythm steady, sure, pushing up into him repeatedly. Bean rode the thrusts, brought his body down to meet each one as he watched Clay's face.

  "There you go. There you go. Fucking ride me."

  "Uh-huh." He did, hips starting to roll. He could feel every drag of Clay's cock inside him.

  Clay kept him moving, kept him jerking down, then sliding up. He finally dropped his hands to Clay's chest, using the leverage to ride harder, faster.

  "Mmm. There. That's right. Come on."

  "Touch me," he begged. He wanted that hand around his prick, he wanted to be filled and surrounded by Clay.

  Clay didn't answer; the man just jacked him fast and hard. Crying out, he moved between hand and ass, the sensations building so quickly that he was soon flying.

  "So fucking hot..." Clay grunted, thumb pushing over the tip of his cock.

  "Fuck!" He jerked, squeezing tight around Clay's cock as he came.

  "There you go. There you go." Clay touched him through his orgasm, fingers driving him mad.

  He shuddered and shivered, the pleasure chasing itself up and down his spine.

  "Good man. Good man." He could hear Clay gritting his teeth. Bean started squeezing his ass around Clay's cock again and again. "Oh. Oh, fuck." Those hands went tight.

  "Yeah, come on, stud. Give it to me."

  Clay started slamming into him, fucking him hard.

  "Oh, fuck!" He met Clay's thrusts, squeezing hard, making it as good as he could.

  "Yes. Yes. Oh, babe..." Clay looked so fucking hot. So hot.

  He was going to stay fucking hard if Clay didn't come soon.

  "You wanna try for a three-fer?"

  He laughed and nodded. "I sure as fuck do."

  "Excellent." Those hips kept moving, punching into him.

  Fuck, Clay was magnificent, and Bean could already feel his body beginning to tighten again. He let the sensations roll over him.

  "How come I didn't get to meet you before today, pretty boy?"

  "Maybe you weren't ready," he teased.

  "Maybe not. Maybe I was in the Army overseas." Clay's words were rougher now.

  "Uh-huh. Good thing I waited for you, huh?"

  "Fuck, yeah." Clay rocked up, rubbing his sweet spot.

  Bean groaned, the pleasure rushing through him. God, he felt like he was going to fly forever.

  "There. Right there." Clay's shoulders left the mattress, body moving faster.

  "Yes! Yes!" He repeated the word over and over again as Clay spread him wide. His knees slipped on the sheets, his hands sliding on Clay's skin. They were both slick with sweat, the smell of sex filling the air.

  "Soon." Clay's hands wrapped around his cock, pumping hard.

  "Fuck!" He could go with soon. Even if it was number three. Clay was a keeper.

  He moved wildly, chasing the orgasm and then catching it suddenly. Clay grunted, head slamming back, throat working. He squeezed down tight on Clay's cock as he came, his shout filling the room. Clay moaned, face slack as he came, driving into him. Bean's only complaint was that he couldn't feel Clay's spunk filling him up.

  Clay leaned back onto the mattress, hands sliding down his thighs. Bean smiled, feeling amazing as he followed, resting against Clay's chest.

  "Mmm. Good." The man sounded satisfied as hell.

  Bean smiled and kissed the skin under his cheek. "Yeah."

  "Stay the night?"

  "Yes." He didn't hesitate for an instant.

  "Good." Neither did Clay.


  Clay stretched, curled his toes, and inhaled. Mmm. He'd slept in. It was… what? Seven a.m.? Maybe seven fifteen?

  He sniffed. Sniffed again. Dude. Bacon. Man, he knew the kids wouldn't be up. Well, Dev and Dare wouldn't be cooking.

  Clay sat up.

  Tall and skinny, Bean slid into the room, wearing nothing more than a pair of briefs and a smile. "Oh, you're up. Cool."

  "Hey, babe. Smelled the bacon." He reached out, hooked out hand around Bean's waist, and dragged him in.

  Bean tumbled happily onto him, body too thin to drop down hard. "Ah, bacon, the magic alarm clock. It's in the oven, keeping warm."

  "Mmm. Cool. That means there's time for a nice morning fuck, hmm?"

  "Oh, shit yes." Bean gave him a happy grin and brought their mouths together.

  He rolled over on top of Bean, settling them together nice and hard. Bean's arms wrapped around his shoulders, the man giving it up to him just like that.

  "Mmm. Morning." He grabbed one long leg, hooked it over his hip.

  Bean's heel dug int
o his ass, a low groan pushing between his lips. "Best way ever to start it."

  "Yeah." He took Bean's mouth, tongue fucking the soft, pretty lips.

  Bean was an enthusiastic lover, hips bucking, pushing up to meet his. He wanted in again, but he knew Bean might be sore, so he let his hand drag down Bean's back, just to touch. Bean whimpered for him, pushing eagerly into his touch. He could see the pleasure in Bean's eyes, the need. How could no one have snapped this man up yet?

  "Mmm." He let one finger press into Bean, not harsh, just touching. Gasping for him, Bean spread his legs, offering him everything. "Not sore?" He pushed deeper, searching for Bean's gland.

  "Can feel you but-- Oh!" Bean jerked, first away and then onto his finger.

  "But?" He pushed again, finding that spot and stroking hard.

  Bean cried out again, tongue coming out to lick his lips. "G...good."

  "Yes. Yeah, babe. Good." Cute little son of a bitch.

  "More." Cute and demanding.

  "You got it." One finger became two.

  Bean's eyes rolled back in his head, his mouth opening on a soft, needy moan. Jesus, that was hot. Fine.

  "Gonna do me again?"

  "If you think you're up to it."

  "Yeah. I wanna feel you all day long."

  "I can arrange that." He reached for lube, rubber.

  "Somehow I knew you could." Bean's hands slid across his chest and over his shoulders, the pretty green eyes nothing but admiring.

  "There's nothing like being balls deep in a wanting man."

  "Unless it's having a hard cock balls deep inside." Bean grinned, legs spreading even wider for him.

  "Slut." He grinned down, stole a hard, happy kiss. Bean didn't deny it. He gloved himself up, shifted into place. "Ready?"

  "Fuck yes." Bean grabbed his knees, rolling up his hips and offering that little hole to him.

  Clay chuckled and lined up, pushed in, his toes curling with the pleasure. Bean's body squeezed tight around him, pulled him in.

  "Fuck, yeah." He pushed in deep, hips stilling, letting Bean feel him.

  As soon as he was seated, Bean's legs slid around his sides, ankles locking together behind his back. He rubbed, rocking his hips in tiny little circles.

  "God." Bean clung to him, panting.

  He kept hitting that little button, over and over and over. Bean bucked and jerked beneath him, little sounds coming out of him. Clay grinned, focusing on staying right where he was. Fuck, this was fun. A sheen of sweat made Bean's skin shine, and the man's pretty eyes began to glaze over.

  "There. There you go. Fucking feel me."

  "Do. Do. Clay. God." It was like once the words started, the dam was opened up and Bean couldn't stop. Swear words, his name, pleas: they all poured out of Bean.

  Clay grinned, licked the words off Bean's lips. Hot fucker.

  "Gotta. Need. Oh, please." Bean moaned, fingers digging into his shoulders.

  "Come on." He could fuck Bean to another orgasm.

  All it took was his words and Bean tightened up around him, squeezing hard as spunk shot up over their chests.

  "Mmm." His eyelids got heavy and he started moving, humping into Bean's tightness.

  "Shit, gonna keep me hard." The words were nearly sobbed, Bean clinging to him, still moving with him.

  "'S the goal." He kept moving, let his entire body focus on the rock and ride of it. Bean was like a fucking furnace around him, setting him on fire.

  "You're something else," Bean told him before bringing their mouths together, tongue sliding on his lips.

  He sure as shit was. He was having a ball.

  Bean fucked his mouth with an eager tongue, finding the same rhythm his own hips were setting. He pushed harder, driving them a little higher, needing more friction on his cock. Bean's body bore down on him, heels digging hard into his ass.

  "Fuck yes. Come on." He kept pushing, his entire fucking body on fire.

  One of Bean's hands slid between them, knuckles rubbing against his right nipple. Clay arched, so fucking close he could scream with it.

  "Fuck. Could see that look on your face all day." Bean shuddered and the walls around his cock squeezed even tighter.

  "Bean." He grunted the word, shot.

  "Oh, fuck." A little bit more spunk spread between them from Bean's cock as the man tightened even more around his cock, his orgasm going on and on.

  Oh, fuck yeah. Yeah. Just what he needed.

  Bean stayed wrapped around him, holding on and panting. "Mmm... Fuck, Clay."

  "No. Fuck Bean."

  Bean blinked, and then a grin split across his face and he half-snorted, half-laughed. Clay patted Bean's ass, then pulled out, dumped the rubber. Bean stayed on the bed, sprawled out like a tall, beanpole slut, smile on his face. Clay relaxed, hand on Bean's hip. Such a fine fuck.

  "Damn, man. You are a real stud."

  "And you make bacon. I approve."

  "Everything goes with bacon." Bean's head turned, eyes twinkling at him. "Especially studs."

  Chapter Six

  Dev woke up, stretched, then cried out as something in his chest screamed.

  "Devvy?" Dare sat up, immediately wide awake.


  Someone between them grunted and pushed up onto his elbows. "What's wrong?" Bake asked.


  "Where?" Dare demanded.

  He frowned at Dare. "Ribs."

  Bake grunted again and sat up. "From the accident, huh?" One big hand slid down his back, moving gently.

  "Uh-huh. I have to go to work."

  Bake frowned. "Wait, wait. Bean's got some stinky shit that's good on aches. We should probably wrap it, too." Then Bake's gaze swung over to Dare. "What about you? Anything making itself known this morning?"

  "I don't know." Dare was still waking up.

  "You're off, right?" Bake waited for Dare's nod before turning back to Dev. "When are you supposed to go in to work?"

  "The store opens at nine." Dev sighed.

  Bake rubbed his face. "Are you sure you're up to it, honey?"

  "I don't know." He looked at Dare. "What would you do?"

  Dare shrugged. "Go to work. You want me to go in for you? No one'd know."

  He thought about it. They needed the money, but Dare only got one day off a week...

  Bake grunted. Bake growled. "You don't have sick days you can take?"

  "I work retail, man."

  Dare kissed his nose. "I'll go in for you. You rest."

  He beamed at his twin. Dare loved him best. "You rock."

  "Yeah, lazy ass."

  "You're not hurt, Dare?" Bake's hands moved over Dare's body, square and large and solid.

  "I'll be cool." Dare's eyes closed, the barest wince hidden away. "God, your hands feel good."

  "So does your skin." Bake leaned in and kissed the side of Dare's mouth. It was the sexiest thing Dev had seen in a long time. "You have time for a quickie before I drop you off at the shop?"

  "Mmmhmm. More."

  Bake smiled at him, blew him a kiss, and then turned back to Dare, kissing his twin hard. He could see some bruises on Dare's skin, but his twin never moved away from the touch. Bake's fingers found Dare's right nipple, flicking at the piercing and then pinching the flesh. Dare moaned, legs spreading eagerly.

  "Sexy little pain-slut," muttered Bake.

  Dev could almost feel the hunger, the need in the connection between them.

  Bake pushed Dare back down onto the bed, the kiss going even harder.

  "Don't hurt him..." He barely gave the words voice. He knew Dare needed.

  One of Bake's hands reached back, slid gently across his belly. Dev shifted closer, just a little bit. He didn't know how Bake did it, but the hand on him stayed gentle, while the other worked Dare harder, giving his twin what he needed.

  He watched, trying to decide if he was getting hard watching this.

  Bake got a hold of Dare's cock, tugging it, hand flying.


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