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Page 11

by Sean Michael

  "There are a lot of things that are small and powerful."

  "There are. Take a couple of deep breaths and I'll start, warm all your skin."

  He took two deep breaths, anticipation making him tremble.

  Bake laid the first strike across his breastbone, the tails of the little flogger stinging, but only a little. The second one let him take a deep, deep breath, relax a bit more. Bake kept the strikes fairly light, moving them all over his body. More than anything, they were sensitizing his skin from his hands, wrapped around the headboard, down to his toes. His nipples and his groin were left alone.

  Dare's eyes closed and he let himself just feel for a little while, tingle. Slowly, almost imperceptibly, the strikes became harder, the strikes to his hips and his belly stinging. His breath came faster, random little gasps.

  "Lovely," murmured Bake, voice low, rough.

  The next strike landed one of the little strands of leather across his right nipple, making the piercing jerk. His eyes flew open and he arched, hands opening and closing around the bars. Bake moaned for him, and the next hit flicked across his other nipple, then another quickly after it. His body twisted, arms trying to protect his sensitive titties.

  Bake growled. "This is what you need."

  He couldn't answer, couldn't quite breathe. Bake's lips wrapped around his unadorned nipple, hot and wet, tongue flicking, soothing the sting.

  "Oh. Oh." His eyes closed and he let himself relax.

  Bake let his nipple go, flicked the piercing in the other one, and then wrapped hot lips around it, too.

  He took a shaky breath, chest working like they were bellows.

  "How long since someone's really pushed you, boy?" The words were accompanied by more gentle strikes with the little flogger across his chest, moving down to his stomach.

  He shook his head. Devvy would safeword. He knew it. Devvy always did.

  Growling a little, Bake flicked the tails, very gently, over his cock. Dare moaned low, body shuddering with sensation.

  "Spread your thighs for me." The words came with another swat of tails over his cock, a little harder this time, enough to sting.

  He spread, even though his lizard brain was insisting that it was a terrible idea.

  "Good boy." Bake's hand wrapped around his cock and stroked a few times. Then the man moved the flogger, swung it back and forth between his inner thighs. The tails stung and trailed, some hitting harder, some more softly.

  His balls drew up, and his belly felt like a rock. "Oh. Oh." The next brush of leather landed on his balls, on the skin behind them. Not hard, but fuck, right there. "Fuck..."

  He heard Devvy gasp, shift on the bed.

  "Remember what I said," Bake growled, meeting his eyes. "This is for you."

  He nodded, tears forming in his eyes. "I didn't safeword. I don't. He does. I need, so much."

  Bake nodded. "And I'll give you what I need." Bake turned to his twin. "Is this too much for you to watch? I could carry you into Bean's room, let you stay there while we do this."

  Dare didn't look at Dev. He wouldn't.

  "No, please don't make me go. I'd worry about him."

  "Then you need to be quiet." Bake wasn't looking at Dev either, was looking into his eyes. "No safewording for Dare."


  Dare never looked away from Bake. "Please Master. Please."

  "Yes, Dare, I'll give you what you need." Bake finally broke eye contact to look over at his twin. "And I mean it, Dev. You do not safeword because you think Dare should. He isn't you, his tolerances are different. I took care of you yesterday and today, now let me do the same for your brother without interruption. Don't be selfish."

  "I love him. I'm trying, so hard."

  "Try harder than you've ever tried before." With that, Bake turned back to him. "Now. Where were we?"

  He found Bake a smile. "You were driving me crazy and I was flying."

  "Oh, yes. Let's get back there, shall we?" Bake leaned in, giving him a hard, breath-stealing kiss. It was like that was the man's signal he was about to get started.

  Dare's body understood that, though, responded eagerly and totally, his focus on Bake's will.

  "Such a good, needy boy." Bake licked his lips and backed away enough to started to flick the little flogger across his thighs. The tops first, and then the insides of them, from knees to hips.

  His toes curled, his heart pounding hard.

  "Spread wider." Bake's voice was barely more than a growl. He gulped in air, his legs spreading the tiniest bit wider. "Wider." The word came with a hard swat that just barely breezed by his balls.

  "Fuck!" He tried to make his legs move, forcing them a little farther apart. They felt heavy, frozen.

  The flick came again.

  "I'm trying." He fought to catch his breath.

  Warm hands slid over his thighs, Bake massaging the main muscle and then slipping to rub his inner thighs. "You just need to relax enough to let the muscles work."

  The touch made him moan and nod, his legs easing apart with the help.

  "Mmm... there you go. That's perfect." Bake's fingers continued to touch and massage; his inner thighs, his balls, and the skin behind them all got worked over by hand.

  "Sir." He could relax again, breathe, the intensity easing.

  "I've got you, Dare. You put your faith in me and let me take you where you need to go."

  Those warm, strong fingers disappeared and Bake swatted him with the flogger again, warming the insides of his thighs, making them sting and then sting a little harder. He breathed through it this time, breathing in time with the blows.

  "Good job. That's it." Bake's growled-out murmurs were a nice counterpoint to the sound of the little leather tails hitting his skin.

  He soaked in the praise, the pleasure and heat building inside him. Every now and then, one of the tails would hit one of his balls or the skin behind, the zing strong, undeniable, but not more than he could take. Then the tail hit his hole and he curled up, surprised, shocked.

  "Oh, I got you -- pushed you."

  He stared, panting a little. "St...startled me."

  "Mmm." Bake looked pleased, and he stroked Dare's cheek with his free hand. "Good."

  The flogger moved to his cock next, the touches not enough to sting, but he could feel the promise of it there. His breaths started to feel like sobs, the tension ratcheting up inside him, higher and higher. Two hard hits came down, one on either side of his cock, neither hitting it, just his hips.

  He cried out -- he had to, it was so big.

  "Dare..." He heard Devvy's whisper.

  "He's fine," growled Bake. "Let him be. Let him fly."

  "Please..." He arched, every inch of his skin awake.

  The next swat landed on his cock again, the leather tails dragging.

  "I. I. Master." Oh, fuck.

  "That's right." One hit landed on his belly, the other over his right nipple again.

  He twisted again, trying to get away or closer or something. Bake kept working him, flicking him from shoulders to thighs. Dare was close to losing it, pulling away, pushing closer.

  "So fucking hot, boy."

  He nodded, almost desperately. Yes. Hot. So hot. So good.

  Two fingers pushed into his ass, slick and solid, spreading him open.

  "Oh. Oh, please. Please." He bore down, riding the touch.

  "Gonna fuck you. Gonna feel the heat of your body around my cock and against me. All that blood near the surface."

  "Oh, fuck. Fuck. Master. Sir. Harder, please."

  Bake's fingers pushed deep, finding his gland and nailing it. He arched, feet scrabbling on the bed. Then Bake's fingers disappeared, the man's cock pressing against him. Dare's eyes opened wide, and he looked at Bake, wanting to know he wasn't alone.

  "Feel me." Bake held his eyes as that hard cock pushed into his body.

  "I do. I do. You're so big." So hard.

  "Filling you up good, boy." Bake did, pushing in and in.
  "Yes." He nodded, legs wrapped around Bake's body.

  Bake sank all the way in, and then began to push, to thrust into him again and again. Dare flew, body tight, and all he wanted was more. Bake gave it to him, fucking him hard and fast, hand sliding over his skin, making it sting.

  "What do you want?" How could he make Bake happy?

  "Let me make you fly." Bake growled and pushed harder, fingers working the welts he hadn't even realized the flogger had left behind.

  The words made him sob. He needed.

  Bake's mouth closed over his, tongue thrusting in time with the cock that pounded into him over and over and over. Bake's hands were on his arms, holding him down, stretching him out.

  "So fucking hot. Good." The thrusts came harder, faster, Bake driving into him, pushing him higher.

  "Yes. Yes. Good." He gasped, his cock aching. All he needed was one touch to his prick and he'd come. Bake wasn't giving it to him, though.

  "Could do this all fucking night long."

  "You... you'd get a cramp." He smiled, winked.

  Bake give him a wicked grin. "No matter what, I'll take care of you, boy."

  The words settled inside him, and he groaned, body squeezing tight.

  Moaning, Bake increased the strength of his thrusts and nodded. "Works both ways, doesn't it?"

  "Yes. Yes, I'll be good to you. We both will."

  "Already are." Bake bent, mouth wrapping around his left nipple.

  One of his hands brushed through Bake's hair, caressing the man, thanking him for the touch. Bake bit and then soothed, and then repeated it, pushing more sensation on him.

  "Master..." He started moving faster, riding Bake's cock.

  Bake's growl vibrated around his nipple. "Pushy." It didn't sound like a complaint. Or an order to stop.

  "So good." He was soaring.

  "Yeah. Good." Bake groaned and shifted, hitting his gland.

  Each thrust had him grunting, groaning.

  "I'm gonna take off the ring," Bake muttered. "Let you come."

  "Please." And also thank you.

  "I should make you beg for it." Bake gave him a wink, hand sliding down to circle his cock.

  "I can beg. I'm easy." He needed.

  "You don't need to be easy." Bake leaned in to growl in his ear. "I like a challenge."

  Then the ring popped open. "Not until I say so."

  Oh. Oh, fuck. "Yes..." He'd try.

  "Good boy." There was a wealth of satisfaction in Bake's voice.

  The thrusts picked up in strength again, Bake just going for it, pounding into him like a madman. His hands had given up the bed rails, were clinging to Bake, all Dare's focus on not shooting.

  Bake watched him, eyes not leaving his. The man was reading him, making him wait until he just couldn't-- "Come. Now."

  His abs hurt, they went so tight, and for a second, he thought he wouldn't be able to shoot, but Bake swatted his hip, cock slamming against his gland, and he did.

  "Yes! Yes! Yes!" Bake kept banging against it, and then he froze, filling the condom.

  Dare groaned, breath wheezing from him. Bake slipped out, dealt with the condom, and then lay between him and Dev, tugging him close. He curled in, sobbing softly, suddenly so tired he couldn't breathe.

  "It's okay, Dare. I have you."

  He nodded, clinging, trusting in Bake's strength.

  "Relax, rest, sleep."

  "Mmmhmm. Thank you, Sir."

  "It was my pleasure." Bake kissed his forehead, and then shifted slightly, tugging Devvy into his other side.

  "Now both you of you go to sleep."

  He reached out, found Dev's fingers and held on.


  He could do that.

  Chapter Ten

  Bake woke up in the middle of a twin sandwich.

  At some point in the night he'd undone Devvy's bindings and pulled the covers up over them, so he was warm, almost too warm, with two lithe bodies draped all over him, their hands on each other. It was sexy as hell.

  He yawned, got his hands up over his head in a stretch, and hoped he didn't wake Dev and Dare up. Dare and Dev both stretched with him, lean bodies moving in concert. Fuck, he could get used to this, he really could.

  Dare's eyes looked bruised, the man was so tired. Clearly, Dare needed a keeper. Bake was definitely applying for that position.

  Dev's eyes popped open, looked at Dare, at him. "He's late for work." The words were a tiny whisper.

  "No fucking way."

  "We need to wake him up." Dev sighed. "He goes in at five, usually."

  "But what time does he have to be there?" It was five-thirty. Dare needed another ten hours of sleep, easy.

  "Six. He's on the clock from six to six."

  "Christ on a crutch. I can get him to work for six." He turned and kissed Dare's forehead. "Come on, Cinderella. Time to get back to the grindstone."

  Dare's eyes popped open, bloodshot and exhausted. "Fuck. Fuck. Okay. Okay."

  The man stumbled from the bed, banging into the wall hard, before making the bathroom door. "Dev. Call me a fucking cab. You working today?"

  "I have off 'til tomorrow. They never give me enough hours."

  "Call. Clay's dropped a junker off for me at the restaurant, so I have a ride."

  Bake heard the sound of water, saw Dare slap himself awake. He growled and got up, headed for the shower and Dare. "I'll drive you."

  "You don't have to. I'm good." Dare looked like a dead man; the bags under those eyes were big enough for a family on a twelve-day trip.

  "Hey, who's the top here, huh? I'll drive you."

  "'Kay." Dare washed quickly, then slipped out, muttering "ten more days" under his breath.

  "That's when you get a break, huh?" That was just fucking wrong. The man only had one day off a week to start with, and he was pulling shifts for everyone else on that one day.

  "Uh-huh." Those poor eyes. He realized, suddenly, that Dare hadn't eaten. Not last night. Not this morning.

  Bean had some of those protein bars in one of the cupboards, so he'd make sure the man had something to eat. "Something's gonna give, Dare, and it's going to be you if you're not careful."

  "I'll be okay. Take care of Dev, huh?"

  Devin was up, now, frowning over Dare, shaking out the man's clean uniform. "I don't need taking care of. I'm feeling better every day. You work too hard."

  "What happens if you phone in sick?" Bake asked, about ready to knock the man out and drag him back to bed.

  "I don't know. I don't call in."

  "You could, Dare. He could." Dev was almost vibrating. "You look awful."

  "He's right, you do. You're calling in today."

  "I don't call in." Dare was beginning to shiver, so exhausted he couldn't hold his head up.

  "I could do it for you." Dev pushed right up in Dare's arms. "I'm scared, Dare. You're so tired. You're not all here, and there are flames and knives in a kitchen."

  "Call in or have Dev call in. Either way, you're staying here, letting the two of us pamper you." Bake put on his most serious face. "That's an order."

  Dare stared at him, tears gathering. "Really?"

  "Absolutely." He caught Dare as his knees buckled, soft sobs sounding.

  "I'll call. I'll tell them two days, Bake? Please?" Devin's voice was worried, on the verge of strident.

  "Yeah. Do it." He hauled Dare into his arms, carrying the man back into the bedroom.

  "I'm sorry. I'm just..." Dare gasped for air.

  "Exhausted. Running on fumes. About to get two days of love and food and sleep." He took Dare to the bed, hands sliding over the man's body. "I told you you needed a keeper." He tested Dare's limbs, carefully tracing and feeling up every inch.

  "Mmmhmm." The tears were slowing, Dare relaxing for him. "I don't call in sick."

  "You need to start. Especially if you're working ten, fourteen days in a row. That's not right."

  "It's a tough field."

  "I know
about working hard, Dare. I've built my landscaping business from the ground up. Me and Bean, anyway. Even at the start, we had Mondays off." You couldn't work every day for months on end. Not without burning out. "How long have you been working like this? Months? Years?"


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