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Page 12

by Sean Michael

  "It's done." Devin came in, snuggling in next to Dare. "Two days, no working."

  "I haven't been doing it long."

  Dev snorted. "Five years."

  "Fucking hell!" Bake shook his head. That was insane. "You're heading for a collapse, boy."

  "No. I'll make it." Dare's eyes wouldn't even open.

  He kissed one eyelid. "Sleep. We'll wake you in time to play." Like maybe tomorrow evening.

  "'Kay. Sorry."

  Dev shook his head, chewed his bottom lip. "He looks so tired."

  "That's because he is. We'll make sure he sleeps, though, okay? He'll sleep and eat and play and then he can go back to work feeling better." He gave Dev a sympathetic look. "No more letting him take shifts for you, though."

  "I don't try to. I just... I get so tired."

  "How come?" These two needed to see a fucking doctor.

  Devin shrugged. "I've been to see doctors, shrinks. I'm not sad. I'm not crazy."

  "How long has it been going on?"

  "Since we moved from Dallas. Six years ago?"

  "Allergies?" Shit, the two of them needed to take better care of themselves, of each other.

  "Allergies can't make you tired; they make you sneeze."

  "So that means you haven't been tested? Because they can, too. Food allergies can affect your body, leave you tired and shit." Bake's mom had been allergic to dairy. Not enough to make her break out or throw up or anything, but enough that it put a strain on her body, made her tired all the time, forgetful, out of it.

  "No. No, I haven't. I mean, I don't have hives or anything." Devin pushed into his arms, hands exploring him. "Last night was hard. I wanted to stop you."

  He returned the touches -- both boys were so sensual, one of the things they had in common. "I'm glad you didn't. Dare needs things that you don't. You have to trust me to know what he needs, and most of all you have to trust him to use his safeword if he's being pushed too hard."

  "I know. I just... It's scary." Dev kissed his collarbone.

  "You did well yesterday, though. It should get easier every time, yeah?"

  "I hope so. You smell good, Sir." Those lovely eyes smiled up at him. "Can I suck you, please?"

  "Absofuckinglutely." He wasn't going to say no to that. "You're into that, huh? Having a cock in that pretty mouth of yours?" Beautiful, oral boy.

  "I do. I love how it feels, knowing somebody like that."

  "I can't imagine anyone turning you down." He stroked his thumb across Dev's lips and then took a kiss.

  "I don't ask many people." Dev smiled at him, lips parting eagerly for him.

  "I'm glad you asked me, sweet boy." He tasted Dev's mouth, tongue sweeping through it before ending the kiss. His prick was hard and eager, ready to be sucked.

  Dev slipped down, lips on his belly, heading south.

  He groaned, sliding a hand through Dev's hair. "Pretty boy."

  Dev smiled at him, the gentle sub blossoming at the praise. They were both starved for care, attention, and they both were eager, sensual lovers. He'd bet it was the twin thing that had kept them alone with each other instead of snapped up by someone. Of course, he'd been trying for a year before he got his chance.

  They were all here now, though. Here and he was keeping them. Both.

  He wrapped one hand around Dare's wrist, the other staying in Dev's hair, stroking and loving on the man. Dev's lips were soft, hungry, the pressure perfect around his cock. "Don't stop, sweet boy. Don't stop. Don't stop."

  Those warm, happy eyes smiled up at him, Dev's head beginning to bob. He tried to hold those eyes, but it felt so damn good. His hips started moving, pushing up between Dev's lips.

  He watched as his prick spread them, coming out slick and wet. "So fucking pretty." He fucking loved how Dev blushed, fluttered. "Gonna come for you, sweet boy. Gonna come in your mouth."

  The suction increased, Dev's moans vibrating his cock. He jerked a few times, pushing his cock deep before coming hard. Dev took him in, sucked him dry, hands sliding up and down his thighs.

  He petted Dev's hair, groaning happily. "Good, Dev. God."

  That tongue cleaned him, adored him. The look on the lean face was happy, relaxed. Bean kept the connection there, making sure he continued to touch Dev, to let the man know he was right there with him.

  He'd fallen in lust with these two the first time he'd seen them, and the past year had only grown that lust. Now that he had them in his bed, though? Now he knew he was probably in big time trouble.

  Chapter Eleven

  Dare was still asleep. Not moving. Not shifting. Sleeping. Like a dead person. It was fucking creepy. Dev reached out, intending to just... jostle him a little bit.

  A low growl sounded and Bake's hand grabbed his, pulled it back. "Let him sleep, boy."

  Dev blinked up. "He's just sleeping."

  "Yes. And he needs that sleep. No waking him."

  "But..." He didn't like this -- Dare sleeping so long.

  "But what?" Bake frowned. "Your brother is exhausted. So exhausted that he let us call him in sick for two days so he could catch up with his sleep. What but is there?"

  Dev pulled away, stung. "He never sleeps like this!" Never. Something was wrong.

  "He never gets a chance to, does he?"

  He pouted, whacked Bake on the arm. "He wants to work hard."

  Bake grabbed his hands and drew them up over his head, holding both his wrists in one big hand. "He still needs to take care of himself. He needs someone to make him stop now and then and do exactly that."

  Dev's heart started beating a little faster, his eyes on his hands in Bake's. "Let me go."

  "Oh, I don't think so, sweet boy. You need a distraction in the worst way."

  "I..." He couldn't quite breathe.

  "Yes, you." Bake leaned in and licked a line from the corner of his mouth to his ear. A rough cheek rubbed against his jaw.

  "L...let me..." He didn't like stuff like Dare did, but...

  Bake's hand continued to hold him; Bake's lips continued to touch him. Warm and soft, they nuzzled and explored his neck, his shoulder.

  "Oh..." He lifted his chin and offered Bake more.

  Bake took it, lips closing over skin and gentle suction pulling up his blood. He could feel the marks as Bake made them. His worry about Dare floated away, his focus on Bake, on that mouth. Everything was soft and gentle, with the occasional sharper nip. But every hurt was soothed away by Bake's tongue. He started swaying, moving toward Bake, rubbing against him.

  "You're such a sensuous boy."

  "Do you like it?"

  "I love it. It makes you fascinating and infinitely interesting."

  Oh. Fascinating. He loved feeling like he was fascinating.

  Bake smiled and nibbled on his lower lip. The man's free hand was exploring his spine, fingers working slowly over it. Bake spent hours touching him, caressing him, letting him feel. It was like he was being fed one sensation after another. Bake walked him out of the bedroom, slowly, carefully leading him away from his sleeping twin.

  "Have you ever been laid out over a kitchen table?"

  "I don't think so, no."

  "You will be after today. I'm going to lay you out and make you a feast."

  "A feast? Me?" He chuckled, still moving. He wasn't really... feast-y.

  "I'm going to eat you all up."

  "Like the big, bad wolf?"

  Bake grinned. "Only with less teeth."

  "I love your smile." It was so confident, so sure, and every day he stayed here with Bake, he felt stronger.

  "Thank you, boy. I'm growing fond of yours as well. Yeah, that one right there."

  Devin stepped closer, stopping them as he brought their lips together. Groaning, Bake opened up and deepened the kiss. His arms were stretched back, arching him into Bake's body. He could feel the heat of Bake's cock against his belly, hot, hard, velvet. It seemed like Bake wanted both of them, liked them, was hungry for them. Both.

  "Sweet, se
xy boy," murmured Bake, backing him up into the kitchen. It was bright and full of light.

  "Are you hungry?" He could make toast, eggs.

  "Yes. For you." Bake cleared the kitchen table with a single sweep of his arms.

  "Bake!" He couldn't help his laughter. The man was crazy.

  "Trust me -- you didn't want the salt shaker digging into your ass."

  That made the laughter worse, and he nodded, giggles pouring from him. Bake was grinning to beat the band, and the man carefully bent him back over the table. The edge dug into his butt, so he lifted his legs. Making a pleased noise, Bake wrapped Dev's legs around Bake's waist.

  "Mmm... You're so warm." He pressed down, his balls cradled against Bake's abs.

  "And you're pale and soft and so pretty." Bake's hands began to run over his skin, touching him all over again, heating him back up.

  The table started warming under his back, his body relaxing, stretching out under the attention. Bake's lips wrapped around his right nipple, the suction good, tongue playing with the little piercing.

  "Mmm..." He stretched farther, wiggling a little bit.

  Bake's teeth nipped at his flesh, stilling him, and then the suction started up again. His breath started speeding, just the littlest bit.

  "Sexy boy." Bake placed a trail of wet kisses all the way over to his other nipple.

  "Your mouth..." He'd never met anyone this hungry, not even Dare.

  "Your body," countered Bake, teeth teasing the tip of his nipple, the little bit of flesh so hard and aching.

  His breath huffed out of him. "I don't think I like that." His nipple ached.

  Bake's hand captured his cock. "This says different."

  "I... I... I'm not like Dare."

  "Sweet boy, it's just a little sting -- nothing wrong with liking that, and I have no plans to put you in clamps or anything like that."

  "Oh." He nodded, offered Bake a smile. It was something, for someone to understand that they were different.

  Bake smiled down at him. "You don't want me to hit you, and Dare wants me to hit him, huh? You gotta let me give you each what you want, need." The tip of Bake's tongue flicked back and forth across the tip of his nipple.

  "Yes... And we want to, too." They weren't mean, him or Dare.

  "I know. We've had a lovely start."

  "We have." He reached up, fingers sliding over Bake's shoulders.

  Bake turned his head and kissed Dev's hand. Oh. Oh, so sweet. He couldn't help his smile. Then Bake nibbled, but not hard, just enough to make him laugh.

  "Tease." He stroked Bake's face, petted him.

  Bake nuzzled into his touch, murmuring softly. He felt so loved, so safe. Warm. Happy.

  "Gonna have you for breakfast, and then I'll feed you."

  "Anything. I just want to be with you."

  Bake smiled down at him. "Thank you, Dev."

  Bake just made him want to wriggle. Bending, Bake took Dev's mouth, began thrusting his tongue in and out. That was what he wanted -- the kisses, the heat, the happiness and passion. He just wanted Dare to wake up and have it, too.

  Bake broke the kiss and pressed two fingers against his lips. "Suck for me, boy."

  He nodded, lips taking the digits easily, pulling the fingers.

  "I'm going to have to go back to my room for a glove." He nodded, tongue flicking the thick fingers.

  Bake pushed two fingers deep, and then slid them away and moved them to his hole. He spread wide and tilted his hips up, making the offer. All three fingers pushed in slowly, stretching him wide.

  "O...oh..." His eyes rolled and his hands scrabbled on the table. Big. So big.

  "So tight, boy. Gonna feel so good around my cock."

  Dev panted hard, his ass squeezing in the same rhythm. Fuck, he wanted. Needed.

  "We should all get tested. Then I could do you without the condom."

  "You want to? With us? Like, only us?"

  "Yeah. Only you and only Dare. It probably feels fast, but I've been hunting the pair of you for over a year."

  "So long?"

  "Yeah. And I'm not used to being overlooked, sweet boy." Bake's fingers pushed deep, hitting his gland.

  "Bake!" His head bumped against the table hard enough he saw stars. Those fingers hit his gland again, sending sparks up through his body. "Please... please, I want you." It was so big.

  "Let me go get the condom." Bake's fingers slipped out of him and the man kissed him hard. "I'll be right back."

  "Uh-huh." He started stroking his cock, keeping it hard.

  Bake pointed at him. "No coming."

  "'Kay." He kept jacking.

  Chuckling, Bake headed down the hall.

  Dev kept his hand moving, nice and steady and slow like he liked it.

  Bake's moan warned him the man had come back. Leaning against the kitchen counter, Bake watched him. "Such a sexy boy."

  "I want you, bad."

  "Me, too." Bake held up the little condom package and a half-used tube of lube. "Got everything we need now."

  Dev nodded. "Dare still sleeping?"

  "Yep. Sleeping the sleep of the exhausted. He's fine, okay? He needs that more than to be fucked right now." Bake moved closer, opening the condom package and smoothing the latex over his hard, thick prick.

  Dev just needed to be fucked, really. He'd slept plenty. Bake's fingers pushed back into him, slick this time. His hole jerked, tightened a little, sliding on Bake's touch.

  "Love how tight you are."

  "You fill me up."

  "Yeah, just wait until it's my cock." Bake's fingers popped out of him, the hot, blunt end of his cock pressing against Dev's hole.

  "I. I. Uh-huh." He pressed down, rocking himself onto that cock.

  "Fuck, yeah. That's it, Dev. Take what you want." Bake moved in a little more, but other than that let him fuck himself up on the cock.

  He licked his lips, panting, hips rolling as he took Bake in.

  "Fuck. You're tight and hot and it's so fucking good."

  "I like how... how you talk, how you say things." God, he was a dork.

  Bake grinned down at him, though, looking pleased at the words. A quick nudge of his hips and Bake's cock pressed deeper. He shifted until the long cock pegged his gland, made him gasp.

  "God, just look at you -- fucking yourself on my cock."

  Oh, God. Oh, God. He moved faster. Harder.

  "That's it." Bake's hands went under his ass, encouraged his movements. "Fucking A." Dev thought it was much more 'fucking him.' Then one of Bake's hands wrapped around his cock, again letting his own movements jack himself.

  "Bake..." He could feel that from his balls to his toes.

  "Come on, beautiful boy, don't stop now."

  "No. No, I won't stop. I won't..." So good. It felt so good.

  "Good." Bake thrust as he pushed down onto the hard cock, and it hit his gland, hard.

  His eyes flew open, his heart pounding. "Fuck!" The obscenity just pushed out of him.

  "We found the magic spot, huh?"

  "Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Please." Again.

  "Let's keep hitting it, then." Bake smiled down at him, hips snapping to meet each of his movements.

  "You... You're really good at that."

  "It takes two, boy. You're good at it yourself." Bake's voice had this growl to it; he'd heard it the last time they'd fucked.

  "Three." They were three.

  Grinning, Bake nodded and banged his gland again. His shoulders rolled up off the table. One of Bake's hands landed on his back and kept him curled up. Bake brought their mouths together, adding a kiss to the mix. Oh. Oh, he was going to shoot. He felt it all over his body, all through him.

  "Need to come, boy?" Bake's hand had stopped stroking his cock and was instead just holding him tight.

  His groaned filled the air. "Oh, fuck..."

  Bake laughed, the sound happy, and husky as hell. "Is that a yes?" He had a feeling he wasn't going to be given permission to come until he'd answered t
o Bake's satisfaction.


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