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The Gentile Witness Book II Elijah

Page 13

by Samuel David

  “How are you going to convince Johnson?”

  “That’s my problem, not yours. To coin a famous line, ‘it’s an offer he can’t refuse,’ sort of. So, Stevenson, what is your answer?”

  “Well, who is going to be President, may I ask?”

  “Well, who is next on the ascension list, Stevenson?”


  “Yes, Cain.”

  “He is too young and inexperienced, Aafre; I mean why him?”

  “Because I said so, now what is your answer?”

  “Yes, but, Aafre, how are we going to do this?”

  Knowing that he had Stevenson where he wanted him, Aafre reached over to the coffee table and picked up a folder. Handing it to Stevenson, he said, “What I want you to do, Stevenson is take this document and sign it. What this document says is that you and the Vice President have been hiding hush money in an offshore account since you became President. It also states that you feel guilty and are resigning. You will also be calling on Johnson to do the same. The good news is Cain will pardon the both of you, as Gerald Ford did Nixon.”

  “That’s a lie, Aafre.”

  “Maybe so, Stevenson, but here is the good news; the money in yours and Johnson’s accounts are offshore and non-traceable in the Bahamas, all one billion of it; and here are the two account numbers.”

  Aafre reached over, picked up another sheet of paper, and handed it to Stevenson. As the President looked at the numbers, Aafre said,

  “And, Stevenson, you and Johnson can keep it and live it up anywhere in the world you wish.”

  Aafre leaned toward him again so he could smell his foul stench as he said, “Now, you can either sign this or I will release the details to the press and you can be impeached. Or…maybe someone psycho will be so crazy they might get through your secret service protection. It’s your call.”

  “When do you want us to resign, as you call it?”

  “After the meetings, not today, because it would be too disruptive; maybe Monday or Tuesday. I will let you know when. In the meantime, you will act normal and run your office as usual.”

  Stevenson could not help thinking that this man had him in a corner. He could and probably would kill him. He had become a liability.

  “So you know that if for any reason you decide to go against this agreement a bit later, there is a trail on this money that could result in an arrest warrant for you. Now by not cooperating with me, instead of spending the money and enjoying yourself, you may end up in a jail cell. Do you understand me, Stevenson?”

  For the first time in his life, Stevenson knew that he had no way to win in this situation. I looked down at the floor and said to Aafre, “Give me a pen, please.”

  Chapter 30

  8:00 AM Friday, Center City, Kansas City, Missouri – Aafre Waldger’s Suites

  After Stevenson left, Aafre turned the television back on to watch The Network. He needed an update on the day’s news. As he poured some coffee, he heard the newscaster announcing that the Pope had died. He turned and sat down, watching the live feed from the Vatican. He reached for his secure cell phone and called Cardinal Richital’s cell.

  “Hello, is this Cardinal Richital?”


  “This is Aafre. I am sure you have heard the news.”

  “Yes, Aafre, we have. Praterus and I are in the process of making arrangements to return to the Vatican, as we speak.”

  “That’s good, Cardinal Richital; but may I offer a suggestion?”

  “What would that be?”

  “Please take my personal jet. It will get you there much sooner and I can make arrangements for it to be ready almost immediately.”

  “Thank you, Aafre. That is very kind of you.”

  “No problem. I will attend to it immediately. I was wondering, now that the Pope has died, how long before the election of the new Pope?”

  “Well, usually within 12 to 15 days after the funeral and internment.”

  “Is there any way at all, Cardinal Richital, that with your influence you may be able to expedite this process?”

  “Well, maybe a day or two, but the Cardinals need to be assembled from all over the world and then there is the funeral of course, which takes several days. But I would say no more than three weeks, if not less.”

  “Please try to make it sooner than later. Things are moving forward and on schedule and I am concerned about you being able to deliver as we have discussed.”

  “Aafre, I will deliver. I promise you. As we discussed, the new Pope will be the last Pope prophesied by Malachi and he will be our Champion. Praterus is ready and will be elected.”

  “Thank you, Cardinal. I am sure you are correct. Now let me arrange to get you to the Vatican City as soon as possible. Please call me when you arrive and keep me updated.”

  “I definitely will, and thank you for your help. We do appreciate it.”

  “No, I appreciate your help, Cardinal, for we need to get these Witnesses in check before they cause too much harm to us. I can only do so much for now. In the media, we are still battling Bear News’ ratings for The Network is still lagging, but that will change. Once the new Pope is elected and becomes our new Champion, we will start a major campaign to offset those two.”

  “I understand, Aafre, it will be done as we discussed before. When he appears on the balcony, we will make sure that his appearance includes a statement that these two are frauds. That will carry a lot of weight, especially when he starts doing miracles. Unlike the other popes, this one is young, full of energy, and one of ours.”

  “Thank you. I am sure you will have the issues under control. Now, Cardinal, no more slip-ups like last night with the staffs. So do we understand each other?”

  “Yes, Aafre.”

  “It did not look good. It was embarrassing. People will remember it for some time, I am sure. Nevertheless, as we know, if you bombard the masses with media, they forget and start to believe whatever we tell them. I will talk to you soon, Cardinal. I need to get to my meeting. Have a safe trip.”

  “Thank you, we are getting ready to leave now.”

  Aafre placed the telephone down and stayed seated. His aide asked, “Do you need anything?”

  “Yes, please make arrangements for my private jet to fly to the Vatican as soon as possible and call Cardinal Richital with the details.”

  “Yes sir, I will do so immediately.” He turned and left.

  He sat back and said to himself, Aafre, you are right on schedule! Then he laughed as he thought about how the Vice President had not been as weak as the President was. He had offered Johnson the same opportunity as Stevenson. He had flat out refused, but fortunately, he did not get the opportunity to tell Stevenson about it. Amazing what you could accomplish with the Secret Service. Their charges believed anything they said. Therefore, after his quick meeting with Johnson they had told him that there was an issue in Cheyenne and that the President said he would meet him there. Johnson had no time to call the President. He should be on the plane to Wyoming about now. Problem solved.


  Chapter 31

  9:00 AM Friday Kansas City, Missouri – Waldger meeting at Center City Convention Center

  The members of The Waldger Group were assembling in the large hall at the Convention Center in Kansas City. Overnight, several more ambassadors, and heads of state had arrived who were unable to attend the Witnesses’ sermon the night before.

  Other than Enoch and his group, all the other guests had checked out earlier. He was surprised they did not ask them to leave. Only the Waldger Group remained at the hotel.

  The crowds were still in Kansas City. They were augmented by the same people who were usually present to protest world domination and a one-world government whenever The Waldger Group held its annual meetings. The military and the police, coupled with the American Home Security forces, were currently able to keep the people at bay and a security ring surrounded the hotel.

  There had been a large breakfast buffet setup around 8:00 AM. Many of the members had come down early. Most were speaking together in groups discussing the issues at hand. There was talk about the events of the night before and Elijah’s messages to Israel and the surrounding Muslim countries. Of course, there was also a lot of talk about Brad Williams’ broadcast this morning and how the Witnesses had used trickery. However, Enoch’s predictions Enoch loomed close. In spite of Brad’s broadcast, many were saying that his accuracy so far could not be discounted. David did not think they were that stupid to believe Brad Williams anyway.

  Earlier that morning David had gone to Aafre’s suite to discuss the upcoming meeting.

  “David, from now on, you will be my personal secretary. You are being promoted,” Aafre had told him. “I will need you with me over the next few months to help me keep track of all the things we need to do. Have one of the associates take over your duties in Belgium. You will be working directly with me.”

  Therefore, in his new position, David took his place near the first chair in the meeting room on the stage and glanced around to take in the attendees of today’s meeting.

  Earlier, Aafre had told him that some guests would be from non-members. Specifically, the Russians and the Chinese…they would be here today only. Actually, only about thirty people would attend tomorrow’s meeting, whereas there were almost three hundred there today. These thirty were the Group’s true decision makers. The conference room was set up like a movie theatre. It had a large screen behind the stage, surrounded by tiered chairs that had small fold down desks on the sides. It could probably hold about four hundred people comfortably, not counting standing room.

  There was a long table on the stage off to the right where Aafre, David, and the other speakers would be sitting. To the left was a podium where the speakers would deliver their speeches.

  Audio visual and computer equipment had been set up for running PowerPoint presentations as well as closed circuit TV. The presentations by the speakers would be displayed on the large screen behind the stage.

  There were also wireless headsets for those who did not speak or understand English. Most spoke English but the sets were at the entrance covering 33 languages. David noticed that a few picked up sets.

  Aafre entered the room and moved towards the stage. As he ascended the stage, the room erupted in applause. Aafre moved to the podium.

  Much like a Hollywood production, the lights dimmed and the screen behind them lit up with the Waldger logo. The spotlight was shining on Aafre at the podium. He very calmly brought the attendees to order using hand signals.

  “Good morning, gentlemen, and ladies of The Waldger Group and also distinguished guests from Russia, China, and other countries. The list is too long to give individual welcomes to our many guests, but once again welcome. Time is of the essence. We have a lot to learn, discuss, and plan for today and the days to come.”

  Aafre paused, looking around the room, his eyes finally seemingly focusing on the Russian and Chinese ambassadors. After a few moments he continued, “World events are unfolding as we speak, so when deemed necessary, we will interrupt the program we have today and provide live feeds from The Network or Bear News, on the screen behind me.” He pointed to it from the podium. “With all that is occurring, it is very important that we keep up to date on current events as they unfold.”

  “With that said, I would like to address some housekeeping issues. Many of you are attending the Waldger Group meeting for the first time. As many of you know, our success comes from secrecy. What this means simply is that whatever is said and decided here is not for our associates, our aides or any other individuals or groups, especially the press. All cell phones, writing materials, and recording devices were taken from you at the screening stations during the check-in process. They will be given back to you after the meeting. I apologize for this, but as I said, security is paramount; and if anything I just described is found, the item will be immediately confiscated, destroyed and the person will be removed.”

  “Bad publicity starts with leaks. By the time these leaks are out or in the press, they are usually incorrect and twisted. So for those of you that are guests, please understand this is a policy that never waivers and is strictly enforced.”

  Aafre then paused for effect once again. David could see that he was still making eye contact with certain guests. He finally said, “I would like to begin by simply stating the following. Once again, as in many other times in human history, our planet earth is under attack from forces beyond our solar system.”

  He then stopped for a moment, waiting for his statement to sink in. When he knew he had their full attention, he continued.

  “There are approximately six and a half billion people alive on earth today…six and a half billion people. There are more people alive and walking the earth right now than ever before…or then, maybe not. In AD1 there were only around three hundred million people walking the earth. In 1800 there were around one billion. Going back to the time before the flood, it is estimated that the world’s population was an astounding nine billion people. Keep in mind that life spans were much longer, at least according to the Hebrew Bible and other ancient writings.”

  “One scholar – not named here but you can Google it – suggests that this nine billion people is based on the average lifespan which was several hundreds of years, according to the Bible. He also noted in his paper that we did not have the diseases and the sickness we have now, and numerous children were born to each family. I would suppose if I lived say, four-hundred years, I would have many children.”

  Many in the audience laughed and so did David. Aafre smiled at his little joke.

  “So, prior to the flood, he estimates that earth’s population was close to nine billion. The point here is simple. The flood story not only about Noah but many other cultures including the Sumerian’s Gilgamesh, said it was caused by God or the Gods.”

  He then paused.

  “So if this story is true, this God to whom many attribute humanity’s existence, killed approximately nine billion people and saved only eight. Four couples.”

  David hit the page down button and the screen behind him changed to a list having the names of the survivors of the flood:

  Noah and his wife – Emzara

  Shem and his wife – Sedeqetelebab

  Ham and his wife – Ne'elatama'uk or Na'eltama'uk

  Japheth and his wife – 'Adataneses

  “Of course we do know others did survive the flood. They are referred to in the Hebrew Bible as the Gentiles. Overall, very few survived the flood. In Jewish history, the Bible only accounts for their survivors. In addition, you may note that a modern movie was released about Noah and the Ark, which was about the Jewish account of the flood. I can assure you that the characters portrayed in the story are way out of context. But it did make for a great story.”

  “The point of all of this is that now, as of a few days ago, like in the days of Noah, they are coming back. History states that when they return they destroy vast amounts of human life, cultures, and infrastructure, then leave again.”

  He stopped and bowed his head in what looked as if he was in prayer of some sort. He then raised his head, holding on to both sides of the podium as he spoke.

  “How do we know this, you may ask?”

  “Quite simple and I will explain more as I go forward for I want you to see the pattern of world history and its relationship to these assumed creators. The ones often referred to as God or Gods.”

  The slide then changed.

  Noah and the flood

  Estimated 9 Billion deaths

  Abraham and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah

  Estimated 2 - 40,000 deaths

  Moses destroying Egypt, the world’s greatest civilization to date

  12 Plagues

  500,000 first born deaths

  3,000,000 deaths from hail, diseases, plagues, e

  5 - 10,000 deaths from the drowning of the Egyptian Army

  Joshua destroying the Canaanites without a sword raised

  10 - 60,000 deaths

  Jesus Christ ultimately destroying the Roman Empire through the Catholic Church in 325 AD and forward.

  1 - 3,000,000 deaths

  And 135 other times he has killed directly

  22,000,000 deaths

  Religious wars since AD1

  200,000,000 deaths

  Aafre then went through each line individually calling out the scenario and the number; then he exclaimed, “What you see here is a pattern and that pattern is very simple to understand. This God is a mass murderer! Now as you have seen over the past few days his emissaries Enoch and Elijah have returned as the forerunners to the destruction of our civilization! Simply put gentlemen, if we are to believe the prophecies of the Bible and other writings, their God is about to go on another killing spree!”

  A new graphic came up behind Aafre detailing the death toll to date.

  California Earthquake

  83,125 deaths (Per Enoch)

  Northern Africa, Middle East Flooding

  1-2,000,000 estimated deaths

  Hurricanes (7) to hit the United States

  4-5,000,000+ estimated deaths

  Prophecy Total Estimate of 3.5 Years of the Witnesses

  1/4 to 1/2 of all humanity or 2 to 3.5 billion people will die

  Aafre then turned toward the podium and stated in a one-line sentence.

  “They are returning and they will not stop till, like in the ‘Days of Noah,’ very little flesh will be spared!”

  He stopped speaking, saying nothing, as the screen behind him went blank. The audience was silent; not a word could be heard. After a short while, he began again.

  “Those of you in this room today control most of the wealth, resources, and power on earth. You are assembled together for the very first time ever…approximately 300 of you,” his hand pointed at the group in an arc from left to right, “give or take a few. Those of us in this room need to understand that we have an opportunity, if we work together, to stop this mass murderer from annihilating off the human race.”


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