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Welcome to the second book of the Gentile Witness series. If you believe Tribulation will come someday, if you believe Christ will return, then this book may well be for you. Set in a modern setting read how these two final witnesses as prophesied in the ‘Book of Revelations’approach humanity in one last attempt to save as many as possible for Christ. Read how and why America is the first to feel the wrath of God for its removal of God’s word from the people. If you believe in conspiracies then these books are also for you. The reality is the mechanisms are already in place right now today for the takeover by Lucifer and his one world Government. The headlines scream at us every day that the time is coming closer. It is just a matter of time before all the pieces are put together. In Book II Lucifer has a story to tell also. This story will deceive many and is backed up one hundred percent by scripture. Enoch and Elijah are the last barrier of complete control over the earth and its inhabitants by Lucifer and his followers. See how this story affects every government and its people in the world and how they react to this last stand for Christ. The time has come for the last two witnesses to appear on earth. Book I covers the start of Enoch’s ministry. Book II is about Elijah and Lucifer.