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The Gentile Witness Book II Elijah

Page 15

by Samuel David

  They were prepared. The final two of God’s long line of Prophets were here to battle Satan on earth one more time. In no more than three and a half years, they would be taken from the earth and all God’s power with them. Even the Holy Spirit would be gone. The 144,000 Jews and other Christians still alive would replace this. They would continue the gospel to the world. During this time, the powers of Satan would take over completely as they deceive people into preparing for the final losing battle.

  Fortunately, he would not be here. He would be in heaven and from there, he would watch the final destruction as Satan’s reign over earth ended. Both Satan and his deception over man would cease. Then, they would be placed in the chains of God who would remove them from the nations.

  It was just a matter of time, Enoch thought, just a matter of time.

  He decided to call Mark and see if he could get him some more vestments. He needed to travel light from now on and act like the man of God he was supposed to be. People had stereotypes in their minds and it was time that he looked more as they expected.

  He needed to shave and yet decided that he would grow a beard and let his hair grow. He knew that outward appearance was not the way to judge how ‘Godly’ a person was. Nevertheless, he felt that this was who he really was and this was what he would do. He did know that he needed to win souls for God and do battle with the Antichrist. Looking the part would help.

  He got up to telephone Mark. As he reached for the phone, it rang. He picked it up, and an unfamiliar voice said, “Enoch?”


  “This is Rolinda, President Richard Stevenson’s Secretary. I am sorry to bother you but the President has asked me to call you on his behalf.”

  “Yes, Rolinda, I know who you are. How can I help you and the President?”

  “Well, the President has decided not to attend the morning session of the meeting today, which has freed up some time for him. He would like to speak with you. Since you are in the same hotel he felt now would be a good time. If you could spare some time to spend a few minutes with him, he would very much like to meet with you.”

  Well this was strange. He thought that Stevenson was in the meeting and he wondered why he was not. His curiosity then kicked in and he immediately asked, “What time?”

  “Say now, Enoch?” she replied.

  “Sure, I guess so.”

  “Good, then come to the 24th floor. You will have to check in with secret service. They will then escort you to his quarters.”

  “Ok, Rolinda, give me a few minutes and I will be up.”

  “Thank you, Enoch. The President is waiting for you.”

  He hung up the phone. Looking in the mirror, he said aloud to himself, “Should I shave or not?” He decided not.


  Chapter 33

  9:30AM Friday Waldger meeting at Center City Convention Center, Kansas City, Missouri

  Doctor Otto Ottenberg had started his portion of the meeting with the words, “In the beginning…,” and the audience had grown very quiet. They seemed almost hypnotized. No one moved; every person was attentive.

  “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. That is what many of us learned as schoolchildren in Sunday schools and churches around the world. That is not reality. Yes, they seeded the earth with plants that produced food, and brought forth the animals and fish. They dug canals and rerouted rivers; but no, they did not create the earth. They only enhanced the earth over time, bringing from their home many new species of plants and animals.”

  “I will now give you a quick summary from research that has taken years to decipher and from writings that were written long before the Bible. This story is quite different; but what I am going to tell you is the real story. Please keep in mind that what time I spend with you today is only a summary of earth’s events. If you wish more information, I suggest you read the Sumerian Text as translated recently by scholars; as well as the Jewish Old Testament or the Pentateuch. This is the first five books of the Bible. Alternatively, you can read one of the many books I and many others have published on this subject.”

  “Here is the real story, not the story the Jews plagiarized while in Babylonian captivity. The Jewish scribes wrote the Bible in 539 BCE; give or take a few years. What I am going to read to you was written one thousand years before the Bible or 1600 BCE. It was, written in the same area of Babylon as the Jew’s Pentateuch. The real story was written by the Sumerians.”

  He paused, then, pushing his reading glasses up his nose, began to read from his papers.

  “The Jewish biblical verses dealing with the creation of the Adam are condensed renderings of more detailed Sumerian and Akkadian texts which were found inscribed on clay tablets. The role of the Elohim or God as found in Genesis is performed by the Anunnaki.”

  He put up a slide on the screen and started reading from it.

  The Creation of man by God, Jewish Account in the Bible: 600BC

  Genesis 2:7 King James Version:

  And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

  He then changed the slide and read from it.

  The Creation of Man by Prometheus, Greek 900-800 BC

  Prometheus and Epimetheus were spared imprisonment in Tartarus because they had not fought with their fellow Titans during the war with the Olympians. They were given the task of creating man. Prometheus shaped man out of mud and Athena breathed life into his clay figure.

  He now put up a new slide then read from it.

  The origins of human beings according to ancient Sumerian texts 3000-1600 BC

  In the be bound To a unity brought clay God and Man shall together So that to the end of days the flesh and the Soul

  Which in a God have ripened – That soul in a blood-kinship be bound

  He now put up an additional slide and read from it.

  Egyptian account of the creation of man Old Kingdom 2780-2250 BCE

  Men and women were first formed from the tears that fell from the Eye of Khepera, or the Sun-God, upon his body; The men and women, and all the other living creatures that were made at that time by Nebertcher or Khepera, reproduced their species, each in his own way, and thus the earth became filled with their descendants as we see at the present time.

  He added one more slide then read from it.

  Muslim’s account of creation of man 700 AD Qur’an

  We created man from sounding clay, from mud molded into shape..." (15:26). And, "He began the creation of man from clay, and made his progeny from a quintessence of fluid" (32:7-8). Thus, human beings have a fundamental attachment to the earth.

  “So,” Doctor Ottenberg said, “As you see, there is a common thread in each account of the creation of man. Fortunately, for us, the various scholars recorded each of these accounts of creation during their time. These accounts have been passed on to us through the ages. These writings go from the Egyptians, then the Sumerians the Greeks, and finally the Jews. In more modern times there have been the Muslims, and yes, even the Mormons.”

  “The facts point to one thing; each account we have states that we were created by design, by visitors to earth in their image. The most detailed descriptions we have are the Sumerians and their accounts of the world’s humanity and the explanation of the Gods or Watchers.”

  Referring back to the screen with the summaries on creation, Doctor Ottenberg said, “Take note that each religion seems to have borrowed from the other then added or took what they needed for their own purposes. They are all correct in syntax. However, there is only one civilization that recorded the actual details and reason for our creation.”

  He put another slide on the screen.

  The earliest record of the Sumerian creation was found on a single fragmentary tablet excavated in Nippur, which is in Iraq near Baghdad. They call it the Eridu Genesis. Written in the Sumerian language and dated to around
1600 BC during the first Babylonian dynasty.

  Another Sumerian creation myth from around this date is called the Barton Cylinder dating around 3000 BC.

  After the Doctor read the information on the screen, he went on to say, “It is generally accepted that the Jewish Bible and its stories were adapted from these tablets. These include many of the stories in Genesis and the other four books of the Pentateuch or first five books of the Bible. According to legend, the Jew’s patriarch, ‘Moses,’ wrote the books, which were referred to as the law. However, the truth of the matter is that the oral traditions that were handed down from generation to generation, were not recorded by Jewish scholars until the captivity of the Jews by the Babylonians in 529 BC. Moses was long gone by then.”

  “We have no doubt they wrote these books. It is well documented that three Jewish authors wrote the Bible in a blended story. They copied a lot of the history from the Sumerian stories but changed certain sections to match their ‘Oral traditions;’ which is all they had prior to the Babylonian captivity.”

  “Here is the story they should have written.”

  “The Anunnaki came to Earth some 400 to 450,000 years ago from somewhere out there,” Doctor Ottenberg pointed upwards. “They came here in search of gold and other minerals. Now, before you say the Bible does not say that, let me put up another scripture for you.”

  Genesis Chapter 2: 10-12 King James Version

  A river watering the garden flowed from Eden; from there it was separated into four headwaters. 11 The name of the first is the Pishon; it winds through the entire land of Havilah, where there is gold. 12 (The gold of that land is good; aromatic resin and onyx are also there.

  “As you can see, gold and other precious gems were the goal of these early travelers to earth!”

  He paused for a few moments to let the audience soak up the information on the screen. Then he said, “I will now continue the summary. During their stay here, the personnel they had brought were becoming weary from obtaining their objectives and they needed additional help. The idea was presented to their council that maybe they could use the earth’s natural inhabitants, who in their current state, were incapable of communicating or learning. By using genetic manipulation, they could modify the tree animals or what our evolutionist call hominids to create workers. As a side note for those of you in the scientific community here today, you are aware that in the 21st century, we now possess this technology and ability today. This was approximately 250,000 years ago, giving or taking a few millenniums.”

  There was a lot of nodding of heads in the audience, David noticed. Many of them were not creationists, but leaned more towards evolution. The Doctor continued.

  “This brings up an interesting point of contention. Therefore, if you think about the discussion of Darwin and his theory of ‘Natural Selection,’ it appears that the Bible thumpers or creationists and the evolutionists were both correct. On earth, humanity needed a jump-start and Elohim, God, or the Anunnaki, depending on what you want to call them, did so. It is recorded in not only this text but also the Bible and other historical writings. Therefore, there is absolutely no doubt that we were created in their image. Using a modern scientific explanation we were created using some of the Gods’ DNA.”

  As Doctor Ottenberg took a sip of water there were some mumblings in the audience as the leaders quietly expressed their comments to one another.

  “The creators settled into an area most commonly known as the Middle East or Southeast Asia. As all of us know this is the cradle of civilization as we know it. From there, the experiment of creation continued. Over time, there were thousands upon thousands of them. Like their tree relatives, they drank water from the ditch and ate of the fruits of the trees, which was plentiful at the time. The average height of these men varied from three and a half to 4 feet tall. There were two reasons why the early creations were so short. Scientifically, it was a lack of nutrition. The second reason was they were genetically engineered to work in small spaces under the earth and were kept that way for a long period. The Watchers or Gods were six foot and taller. But I will cover the size part later, for it is very relevant to the story.”

  “They were unmercifully driven to work the mines under the earth and build cities and other facilities for the Gods or the Watchers. Therefore, in time, the Watchers’ work ended and the humans now did all the work and served their masters. This was the original intent and goal for creating these hybrids.”

  “In the process of this creation and through several generations of workers, the new prototype utilizing refined DNA from the Watchers or Gods was created. The ultimate being, or the Adam, was now a reality. Unlike the workers, the Adam clearly resembled most of the creators’ traits. Other than a limited lifespan and color of skin, Adam was almost a carbon copy. This creation was more acceptable than the hybrids which worked the mines.”

  “Adam was coveted and protected in their earth base called Eden. They loved this creation of the Adam and allowed him to roam the compound or as the Bible states, ‘the garden,’ at will. They taught him speech and conversation. They also allowed him to name the animals in the garden. Also at this time, Adam referred to his masters as his God.”

  “The scientists then decided that Adam needed a mate and used some of Adam’s DNA to create the woman, or what was called the Eve. She was as beautiful as, or even more beautiful, than the female Gods were. In a very short time, many of the Gods or Watchers lusted after her. They then asked that more be made for them to take as mates for there were no available women of their kind here on earth.”

  “Therefore, here comes the Jewish condensed story of Adam and Eve in the Jewish Bible. As I move forward, keep in mind their story as described in Genesis.”

  He put up another slide.

  Genesis 2:17 New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)

  17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall die.”

  “This lust for mates as a result of the Eve caused concern among some of the leaders of the Watchers. They argued amongst themselves as to whether or not to destroy the Adam and the Eve to eliminate the problem. Making more was out of the question. If they were allowed to mate with them, the ‘Watchers would no longer be a pure race. Then the workers would be like the Gods. Sound familiar?”

  He put up another slide.

  Genesis 3: 22 King James Version

  22 And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever:

  After he read it aloud, he repeated, “Man has become one of us. Therefore, as you can see, even though the story by the Jews is a bit sugarcoated it is the same story. Let me explain why. During this time, many of the Watchers, led by the all-powerful Lucifer or Satan, second in command on earth, petitioned the council to allow them to create Eves for them to take as mates. The Council needed to put an end to the petitions by the Watchers for Eves as mates. So they decided, in lieu of destroying both Adam and Eve, to make it a crime to take Eve as a mate. Therefore, Adam and Eve were told that if they were to have sexual relations, they would die. It was the only thing they were not allowed in the garden.”

  “There was still disagreement among the Watchers about the Adam and the Eve. Lucifer continued to argue with the Council that Adam and Eve were created in their likeness and that they should be allowed to procreate. Then there would be enough for them to take Eves as mates, for they were quite beautiful.”

  “The Council responded with an adamant ‘No’ again! They repeated the warning that if Adam and Eve were to mate, they would be destroyed and there would be no direct offspring.”

  “However, the more Lucifer thought about it, the more he wanted the Eves to be able to mate with the Watchers that did not have women. Therefore, he formulated a plan that might force the Council to reconsider. He went among his friends
and discussed the plan with them. Lucifer explained that there was a technical issue and that was they could not kill one another under any circumstances. They could be imprisoned for a time or even punished. However, they could not be destroyed like the Adam. If one of them were to seduce Eve and impregnate her, then she, like them, would be protected from destruction. At least while she was pregnant the child in turn would also be protected.”

  “Now once again, keep in mind that there was also a problem for the Adam and the Eve. They did not carry the gene that the Watchers had which kept the body from aging. This will be important later in my story.”

  “They agreed that Lucifer should be the one to go, for the council would be less likely to punish him because of his status of being second in command. If some other were to go then they would surely be punished. Therefore, Lucifer went to the garden and found Eve alone. He seduced her by convincing her that she would not die. She, in turn, had Adam partake, convincing him that she had had relations with Lucifer, and she did not die. Therefore, Eve seduced Adam. After having relations with her, Adam realized that Lucifer might want to take her from him. In jealousy, he realized it was her beauty, which attracted Lucifer. He hid her beauty by making her clothing. Alternatively, as the Bible says, woven leaves. To keep her from lusting after him he clothed his lower body. That way, in Adam’s mind, Lucifer would no longer be tempted nor would Eve.”


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