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The Gentile Witness Book II Elijah

Page 17

by Samuel David

  He put a graphic on the screen then read from it.

  Genesis 6:4 New International Version (NIV) 4:

  The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.

  “What you need to read in this verse is probably an attempt by the Jewish writers to make sure that their book was accepted. For all knew of this part of the story and it appears that they needed a way to put a summary in. Therefore, as you can see, they readily admitted that the Gods, or the children of the Gods, copulated with the humans. Also, note that these people were heroes and men of renown. Therefore, if you remember the earlier verses of the heroes in Greek Mythology, which were written prior to the Sumerians like Gilgamesh. This verse covers them all it appears.”

  “Back now to the return of the Gods. The Gods or Watchers were not pleased with humanity spread throughout the world and they felt threatened. These hybrids under Lucifer and his followers were almost like themselves and had managed to not only survive, but also build cities, have commerce, and were becoming quite powerful. The only weakness they had was that most eventually died after a few hundred years. They did not possess all the correct genes of the Watchers; but they kept reproducing and the population was substantial.”

  “The Gods then had difficulty getting them to work the mines, as they had done before they had left. Lucifer and his followers were not very cooperative with the Watchers. Lucifer knew that they only wanted to destroy the humans, as he called them, and tried to negotiate with the Council for their safekeeping. Eventually a truce was worked out and the Watchers guaranteed Lucifer that if they would help them mine the minerals they needed, they would leave in peace, once they fulfilled their mission.”

  “However, in secret they in turn decided to wipe out the entire race of hybrids, or humans, by flooding the earth once they left. They assumed that the population of these hybrids would be wiped out for the floods would come quickly and there would be no place of refuge for them.”

  “Lucifer found out about their plans and hastily gathered together a group he would save from the planned extermination. In secret, he built, with the help of a selected group of people, the Ark, that is written about in the Bible. Lucifer also traveled to other mining sites on different continents to duplicate what had been done for Noah to ensure survival of at least a part of humanity. That is why you have so many accounts of the flood from different cultures.”

  The Doctor paused then said, “If you read the Jewish version of the Bible, you will find that God was upset about the Angels taking the humans as wives, of whose offspring was called the Nephilim. The Hebrew Bible confirms this story I am telling you, as well as many other ancient writings.”

  “So, as you can see, there is reason to question the motives of the Gods and there are questions as to why Lucifer was left here with his Angels or followers. What we know now is the following.”

  He put up another graphic on the screen.

  “You will see that we now have at least two instances of the Gods, or the Jewish God, trying to destroy humankind.”

  Expulsion and left to fend for themselves after the garden story

  Total destruction of humanity during the flood

  “But once again, if you look at what really happened, referring again to the graphic.”

  Lucifer saved Adam, Eve and Cain

  Lucifer saved remnants of mankind during the flood

  “What this tells us so far is that the Gods or the Watchers, depending on what you wish to call them, have one goal in mind.” The graphic changed again.


  Doctor Ottenberg allowed a few seconds to go by, letting this sink in. Many in the audience were whispering to each other. As it died down, he began again.

  “Now the next story in the Bible is the destruction and confusion of the language in the Tower of Babel. But once again, the result is the Watchers’ destruction of humanity in order for mankind to be enslaved for the needs of the Gods.”

  He paused for a moment then said, “Not to confuse you, but I interchange Gods and Watchers. For the monolithic believers it’s God. For historical references, they are not Gods but referred to as the Watchers. Also with Satan and Lucifer, there is controversy over the Lucifer label as not being Satan. However be assured Lucifer and Satan are one and the same. The Jews associate the label Lucifer with Nebuchadnezzar II or the Morning Star. You may read about this on your own for it is quite interesting. With that said, let me continue.”

  “Having fled the earth prior to the flood and not warning the people of the earth, it was assumed by the Watchers that the humans were destroyed. When they returned to earth, they once again were quite surprised to see the earth very fruitful and prosperous.”

  “They sent for Lucifer and asked for workers and again Lucifer refused them. They asked about the tower Nimrod was building and its purpose. Lucifer told them it was designed to be higher than the floodwaters so that in the event they decided to flood the earth again, there would be a refuge. He then said that similar ones were being built on various continents around the earth. Thus, some of the ancient buildings that still exist today called Ziggurats. Notable ziggurats include the Great Ziggurat of Ur, the Ziggurat of Aqar Quf, and Etemenanki in Babylon. This last one is the inspiration behind the Jewish biblical story of the Tower of Babel. There are many others worldwide.”

  He put up another slide on the screen on which pictures depicted existing and other ruins of these buildings.

  After he went through them, he said, “Now to continue our story. In retaliation, the Gods destroyed the city Nimrod had built which contained the tower. They separated the humans into groups, took them to different areas of the world. They were forced to mine the minerals until the Watchers left again. Once again, Lucifer was defeated and the humans mined the earth. He did not have their weapons to defend humanity and he was still in fear they might try to destroy them all eventually. However, finally as always, they left again.”

  “The people of the earth prospered under Lucifer after the Watchers left. Great cities were built and civilizations sprang up in Egypt, Assyria, Mesopotamia, and other parts of the world, even the Americas.”

  “Another major story of the Bible is the founding of the Jewish people and the story of Abraham and his covenant. The council was growing tired of negotiating with Lucifer every time they came back to mine the earth. They came up with the idea of making another race of people. This race would not come under Lucifer’s protection and would give the Watchers a ready source of labor. I will explain this in detail later on in the story.”

  “They chose Abram later called Abraham from UR, a Sumerian city. They promised him his own kingdom and lied to him that ‘his’ seed would become a great nation. They also offered him the protection of the Gods, and eventually, everlasting life. The only catch was that they had to mine for them and store it until their return.”

  “Abraham’s wife, Sarah, however, did not conceive with Abraham. Prior to learning of his selection by the Watchers, Sarah had agreed that Abraham should have a son with her slave, Hagar, since he wanted an heir. This act is chronicled in the Bible. His name was Ishmael. But I am getting ahead of myself again.”

  “Later, they made a bargain with Abraham that he would have a son with his wife Sarah as the beginning of the great nation he would be the father of. Sarah would then become pregnant by the Watchers, using the same techniques as placing an embryo into a woman, which we can ourselves do today. Sarah then delivered a son to her husband Abraham. They named him Isaac. This was a new race of people.”

  “Abraham did as he was told and went to the land of Canaan. There he and his son established a great nation, now known as Israel, home of the Jews. They became the Watchers’ workforce on earth. They believed the promises, just as Adam did thousands of years prior.”

  “When Lu
cifer heard of this, he once again petitioned the Council. He claimed that creating a new race of people was not in the best interest of the world. The Council told him that since they were not asking for his workers he should stop his protests.”

  “During this same time, Lucifer had built a large city called Sodom and Gomorrah. To teach him a lesson the Council decided that it could accomplish two things at once. First, do Abraham a favor by saving his brother Lot, with whom Lucifer was friends. Lot and his family would be rescued by the Angels or the Gods from the city before it was completely destroyed. This would also strengthen their hold over Abraham, showing their power over Lucifer.”

  A new graphic was put up again. It showed the different times the Watchers had caused destruction on the earth:

  Expulsion and left to fend for themselves after the garden story

  Total destruction of humanity during the flood

  Total destruction of Nimrod’s City

  The total destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding areas

  “After the destruction of his city, Lucifer decided it best to ignore this new race of people and let the Watchers do as they chose with them.”

  “Now, to give you an idea of this man, Abraham, and his wife. There is a story about how they came about having property and riches. We refer to Genesis Chapter 12: 11-20. The versed appeared on the screen and the Dr. read from it.


  Genesis Chapter 12: 11-20

  And it came to pass, when he was come near to enter into Egypt, that he said unto Sarai his wife, Behold now, I know that thou art a fair woman to look upon: Therefore it shall come to pass, when the Egyptians shall see thee, that they shall say, This is his wife: and they will kill me, but they will save thee alive.

  Say, I pray thee, thou art my sister: that it may be well with me for thy sake; and my soul shall live because of thee. And it came to pass, that, when Abram was come into Egypt, the Egyptians beheld the woman that she was very fair.

  The princes also of Pharaoh saw her, and commended her before Pharaoh: and the woman was taken into Pharaoh's house. And he entreated Abram well for her sake: and he had sheep, and oxen, and he asses, and menservants, and maidservants, and she asses, and camels.

  And the Lord plagued Pharaoh and his house with great plagues because of Sarai Abram's wife, and Pharaoh called Abram, and said, What is this that thou hast done unto me? Why didst thou not tell me that she was thy wife?

  Why saidst thou, She is my sister? so I might have taken her to me to wife: now therefore behold thy wife, take her, and go thy way. And Pharaoh commanded his men concerning him: and they sent him away, and his wife, and all that he had.

  “The summary of this story in the Bible is that Abraham and Sarah lied to the Pharaoh by saying that she was his sister. Pharaoh then brought her into the palace for two years as one of his concubines. The way the pharaoh found out the truth was that he could not understand why everyone in his court had become gravely ill. The reason they were ill was as a result of a curse. The reason for the curse he was told, was because he was consorting with a married woman in Sarah. Then he found out the real reason was that Abraham’s benefactor or God had made his court ill. Therefore, he made a deal to end the curse and paid Abraham a lot of hush money and property to keep quiet about it. Abraham had his stake in life and then established with the proceeds, Israel.”

  He took a sip of water, smiled, then after a short moment, Doctor Ottenberg continued.

  “The Bible then tells of the story of Joseph being sold as a slave by his brothers and finding favor with the Pharaoh and eventually becoming powerful. Now, during the famine in Israel, Joseph had his family move to Egypt. Eventually, the entire Jewish nation had moved to Egypt, for their land was now barren during the famine. Using Joseph was planned by Lucifer to get the Jews away from the Watchers. His hope was that when the Watchers returned, he could use the Jews as a bargaining chip.”

  “When the Watchers returned, they found that the Jews were residing in Egypt as slaves for the country. They then sent their agent Moses to Egypt to secure the release of their workers.”

  “Once again, destruction was rampant in the world and the Watchers caused all types of destruction using plagues and outright murder. Once again, they all but destroyed the progress of humanity in less than a few months. Lucifer eventually negotiated a truce with Moses and released the Jews to him.”

  “Moses took the Jews into the wilderness where they once again mined for the Watchers. Once the Watchers’ ships were filled with minerals, they returned the Jews to Canaan. They helped them destroy the Canaanites who had taken over the land in their absence. The Jews were left to prosper until the Watchers returned again.”

  “So now you understand what they were doing for forty years in the wilderness. Please note that historians have not been able to figure out what the Jews were doing during that forty-year period. There is not one shred of evidence of their wanderings for forty years in that area described in the Bible. The reality was they were mining and building for the Watchers a long way away. As a footnote, the Jews rebelled against the Gods when they found out that they were to go back to the mines and not Canaan. Moses put down that rebellion. He told them that the Watchers had threatened to kill all of them and start a new race with him. He told them he intervened with a prayer on their behalf. Grateful for not being destroyed, the Jews obediently went to the mines. You can read it in Exodus 32:11-14 of the Bible.”

  Doctor Ottenberg put up the next graphic:

  Expulsion and left to fend for themselves after the garden story

  Total destruction of humanity during the flood

  Destruction of Nimrod’s City

  The total destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding areas

  Destruction of Egypt’s Empire

  Total destruction of the Canaanites for the worker Jewish hybrids

  “As you can see, the pattern is the same. Of course, the Jews multiplied. They keep their promise by mining and storing great quantities of minerals for when the Watchers return.”

  “The Watchers returned to earth about seven hundred and fifty years later. They returned to Eden, which is near Jerusalem. The Jews loaded their ships with the minerals of seven hundred and fifty years of mining; and of course, the Gods used the Jewish Temple as their base. You may remember the stories and legends of the vast riches of ‘Solomon’s lost mines’. They were not lost but given to the Watchers. The Gods believed that the battle with Lucifer had ended.”

  “When the Gods had left and Lucifer found out they had once again given over the earth’s resources to them, he punished the Jews severely. He did so by allowing the Babylonians to enslave them and destroy the Temple, which was the base for the Gods. He did this to stop the Jews from continuing to mine for the Watchers and to make sure it did not happen again.”

  “They were allowed to eventually return to their lands. However, only while under occupation by various countries and leaders such as Herod. This was designed to suppress them from providing minerals to the Watchers. They rebuilt their Temple in fear the Gods would destroy them when they returned, and that was the only concession they were allowed by Lucifer. However, Herod was in Lucifer’s camp. He suppressed the Jews at every turn. The Jews were kept under occupation from that time forward.”

  “Of course, the Gods returned and now the Jews were under Roman domination and they had not mined for the Watchers. The Watchers had to negotiate with Lucifer again. They went again to other parts of the world to mine and Lucifer replenished their workers there, but not in the lands controlled by Lucifer.”

  “During this trip the Watchers decided that the Jewish plan was not working well. They decided to offer the same promise to the rest of humanity in hopes that the next time they came they would revolt against Lucifer. They would be able to have many workers and not the token amount offered by Lucifer to keep peace.”

  “In order to do this they took one of Abraha
m’s direct descendants and once again impregnated one of the Jews just like Sarah. But unlike the other creations, they included the everlasting life gene.”

  “They told her that the child she was to bear would be the savior of not only the Jews but all the other humans or gentiles and defeat death. They also said that he would be a prophet then a God to the world. He was not to marry for he would be taken back with the Gods once his mission was accomplished.”

  “Now like the Jews who from Abraham received the promise of everlasting life, the child born to her would offer the same promise to the entire world of everlasting life. The point being that when the Gods returned they would then have not only the Jews fighting against Lucifer and his followers but also the rest of the world. Eventually, they felt that would end his power over the earth for the Gods held the key to everlasting life and Lucifer did not.”

  “Of course we all know the story from there. Jesus offered the same promises as the Gods had given to Adam, Abraham, and now to the rest of the world or the gentiles…which means non-believers.”

  “Lucifer once met with the Jesus in the desert away from his followers. Lucifer tried to reason with him and have him turn against the Gods by marrying one of the humans. He also offered him supreme power on earth. He told him that the hybrid race of the Jews were not happy that he was giving the promise to everyone and that they wished to destroy him.”

  “Of course, as the Bible records, he refused Lucifer’s good will. When he returned to Jerusalem, he was eventually arrested by the Sanhedrin and crucified, just as Lucifer told him he would be. However, that was the Watchers’ purpose. Then the world would have visual proof that the promise they keep offering the Jews of defeating death would now include all humanity, or once again, the gentiles.”

  “After the Watchers rescued him following the crucifixion, they had Jesus go to his followers so they could in turn give proof that he had risen from the dead. Then, from that point, Christianity was born. The old Jewish laws were abandoned and the gentiles could now receive the promise. All they had to do was as the Watchers told them. Then they would each receive the promise.”


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