Book Read Free

The Gentile Witness Book II Elijah

Page 32

by Samuel David

  The text page changed.

  What Can I Do…?

  Invite your relatives and friends from affected areas to share your home.

  Do not drive if not necessary.

  Use public transportation.

  Conserve electricity.

  “Thirdly, I ask that you stop the hysteria that is sweeping across the country and the world. For whatever reason, these so-called Witnesses have managed to win an extraordinary amount of money. Using this money, they have purchased advertising, TV network exposure, and huge charismatic events, nationally. They have taken natural occurrences such as weather and earthquakes and reversed them to make people feel that they are the punishment of some god or other; and they are succeeding. Many are…how I can say it…claiming the world is about to end and other religiously-related themes, which are all false.”

  The text changed again:

  What Can I Do...?

  Invite your relatives and friends from affected areas to share your home.

  Do not drive if not necessary.

  Use public transportation.

  Conserve electricity.

  Stop the religious hysteria. It is false doctrine.

  “Realize that these men, and yes, they are just men, have no power but are controlling your mind by creating fear. They have no other powers. I ask that you take what they say with a grain of salt for they, once again, have little or no power, with the exception of causing mass hysteria.”

  Cain again went down the list, one at a time, reading each line.

  “Now on to the negative side of things that we need to do in order to protect our citizens in the affected areas; this includes all states bordering the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. Portions of all these states will be placed under martial law. It will remain in effect until which time it is deemed safe to return and rebuild. The areas affected will be as follows. For now, it is set at approximately one-hundred and fifty miles inland on the East and Gulf coasts. This may include the areas affected by the Ohio, Missouri, and Mississippi rivers. These areas may be included in this order depending on the path of the storms up the Ohio and Missouri Valleys.”

  “In order to facilitate this order as Commander in Chief, I hereby call into service the National Guard and all state side soldiers of all branches. As of right now, all service personnel, reserve and active, are to report to their bases immediately and no later than 09:00:00 tomorrow morning.”

  “In addition, all airlines are to remain on the ground. All domestic and foreign flights will be cancelled. The entire airline industry will be placed under temporary the temporary control of the federal government as of 16:00:00 this evening, Central Standard Time. All licensed pilots are now conscripted and under military command, temporarily. The reason for this action is that we need to move all the displaced people in the affected areas to safer areas of the country. This order will include all rail and bus services. We need your cooperation. We have to have your cooperation. All transportation will be controlled by the military until this crisis is over. All foreign flights to and from the US will be suspended. I have notified our allies and all other countries flying to and from the United States of this temporary order.”

  “I have also directed the Chief of Staff of the military to immediately start drafting registered young men and women for inscription into the military.”

  He paused. Not a drop of sweat was on his forehead. He seemed incredibly in control of his mannerisms and his speech.

  Cain then started speaking again.

  “Now, in regards to martial law in these areas we have outlined. I want all of America to know there will not be a Katrina here. There will be absolutely no gang activities, no looting, no raping, no pillaging, or anything else criminal. I have instructed the military, which will be handling all security for the affected areas, to have a zero tolerance policy for those crimes and the people I just mentioned. What this means is as follows. All person or persons will submit to arrest if they are found in an affected area, after evacuation orders have been issued. No one, I repeat, no one will be allowed in any area that has been evacuated. Failure to submit to removal will be cause for use of force to remove this person or persons from the area. These persons will then be transported to a detention center where they will be detained indefinitely.”

  He paused for a moment, took a sip of water, then continued.

  “Any citizen who displays arms will be shot by military personnel with instructions to kill, not maim. These are tough actions and tough words, for tough times. However, the ninety-eight percent of law-abiding Americans and business owners need not fear for their possessions while absent from their property during this crisis. I am letting the other two percent – the thugs, gangs, and criminally minded individuals – know there is no due process under martial law, period. Therefore, for instance, loot a Wal-Mart and you can and will be detained and or shot. Rob a house, same result. Zero tolerance.”

  “No Miranda.”

  “No trial.”

  “No Habeas Corpus.”

  “If you are in this group of thugs then take your chances if you wish. I assure you, that decision, you will regret.”

  “All colleges are to suspend summer classes immediately and send your students home. We need your facilities to house and feed the families that have displaced. Your facilities will be under federal control until the crisis has ended.”

  “We have contacted all the professional sports associations and for now, all games are suspended.”

  “Next, all networks are being notified that the federal government has priority over their programming schedules. All broadcasters will make any time slots deemed necessary available for government reports and or public instructions. This includes local affiliates, cable, and anyone holding a license to broadcast on radio, satellite, or television.”

  “We are also shutting down all pipelines going to affected areas having refineries. These refineries are to be shut down completely. We do not need environmental issues along with all the other problems.”

  “Now for the good news, for I am sure many of you are saying this guy is turning the United States into Orwell’s 1984. No, we are not. As I have said before, this issue is short term. Once these disasters are over, we can and will rebuild. In the meantime, we need to protect our citizens and their property.”

  He put on a big smile then said, “I have been assured by our allies and other countries of their unconditional aid to the United States. They are combining resources to give America three trillion dollars. In addition, they will provide one trillion in aid for Northern Africa, and Southeast Asia. This means we have the capital to restore whatever is destroyed. All will be repaired and these cities will be better than before.”

  “I have also instructed Government Contractors like Halliburton, KBR, and Flour, for examples to assist in housing, feeding, and waste disposal. They have all agreed to help, and as we speak, are setting up temporary housing and facility management for displaced persons on closed military bases.”

  Someone walked into view and handed Cain a piece of paper. He paused to read it. Putting it down on the desk, he said, “This note was from our energy department. It seems they are projecting that the electrical grid in New York, which also includes parts of Canada and Ohio, cannot withstand the projected weather system without damage. In a precautionary action the grid will be shut down one day before the last hurricane is to land in New York.”

  “So America, you can see that we are working for you. The world is working for you, to protect your family and your assets. As we said before we can rebuild, but we cannot replace you.”

  “I would also like to address the Iran-Israeli problem and the destruction of the Temple Mount. We have spoken to Israel’s neighbors in the Mid-East and all South-East Asia countries. It is generally agreed by all that Israel should be allowed to rebuild their Temple on the destroyed Mount. We are in hopes this will be a step towards a
lasting peace in the Middle East. The damage is done and what was there is no longer there. Therefore, the United States and all the other members of the security council of the UN agree with this, and a resolution will be passed by sometime Monday.”

  “One last thought; and this in goes out to those two so-called Witnesses. However, you knew of these disasters and how or whomever you are working for, realize that we will seek answers. When we have evidence of your intent to disrupt not only the United States but also the governments of the world, we will come after you, if you do not cease your charade. You only cause hysteria and you need to stop. Right now we have no charges against you but soon we will, I promise.”

  “Now to all Americans, we can do this. We can weather this for when we stand together we are strong; the strongest nation there ever was on the earth.”

  “And to our allies, let us thank you in advance for your commitment to our country.”

  “Thank you for your time, and God Bless America.”

  The cameras cut and then Cain stood. His father Jordan walked over and said, “Great speech. You may well have diffused these Witnesses for a while.”

  “I am motivated,” Cain replied.

  “And what is this motivation you have?”

  Cain looked at his father then with a grimace said, “I tried to do as they asked from me in the beginning and the result was scorn from the Council and what these people now call their God. I have a score to settle. It was my offering that was rejected, not yours. Now it’s time to avenge that action and we have the power to do so!”

  Jordan looked at Cain, beaming, and said, “It’s your game now, Cain, it’s your game.”

  Chapter 72

  10:35 AM Saturday Bear News Special Morning Broadcast from Kansas City Missouri

  Cain’s speech was over and Geraldo and Mary Ann were doing the commentary on Cain. They were explaining with the journalist efficiency of who, what, when, where, and why about him. This exercise was usually done on any new president after an inauguration.

  The analysts were going over the speech, tearing it apart, which was their job. Normally, they would be broadcasting a speech from an opposite party in response to Cain’s speech; but due to the closing of Washington and the temporary recess of Congress, no one came forward to do one. John thought that strange.

  Overall, as far as political charisma went, this person had it. John wanted to believe every word he said, for it all made sense. He even made sense about the calamities they were facing; but then he knew he had left out one important part. Enoch predicted them, and that no one on earth could do.

  If it were not for that, John would have been all in, for it was probably the best speech he had ever heard. Even putting people in college dorms were a stroke of genius. Taking over the airline industry to help with the evacuations was brilliant.

  However, he knew that the president had another motive in securing these people. He just did not know exactly what it was; but they would find out. That they would do.


  He turned his head to face Don, who said, “Great speech, want to tear it apart?”

  Don handed him a stack of papers, “Read this stuff, then let’s see what we can do with it.”

  “Anything good here, Don?”

  “We’ll start with the airlines. They have to evacuate twenty-five million people. That would take approximately ninety-two days and they do not have that much time. You can start there. For example, on a good day LaGuardia can handle one thousand flights. At two hundred and fifty people per flight, that is only two hundred and fifty thousand a day. There are twenty-three million people in New York alone. Therefore, it would take ninety-two days just to evacuate New York. Get it?”

  “You’re right; and let me add the logistics of transportation to the airport and the other millions in population in and around New York that need to be evacuated. Even if you add Newark and Kennedy airports, which handle half that each, and you still have a logistics problem. Divide that time into three and you still need thirty plus days.”

  “Yes, we do have a problem and a major one. In other words, some will get out but that will be less than thirty percent. Now no one can fly out, even people who have the money. They have to wait for the government to say ok. In addition, is he keeping people from leaving the country maybe especially the Jews? Get my point?”

  “Yes I do. Now, they are all stranded. Even if you have the money, you cannot fly anywhere or use any transportation other than a car. Which as you know, Enoch is stranded, or maybe not. Mexico is not in America’s jurisdiction. I guess by next Friday he could make it there for his sermon in Mexico City.”

  “True, but we may have a problem getting you there. So we may have to truck you there with the equipment,” Don said as he laughed at that thought.

  John laughed too, “Yeah, I could go undercover as a trucker. However, on a serious note, millions of people need to be evacuated from the south, the east, and maybe the Ohio valley. Where are they going to put them? What Cain said sounds good on paper but IS not logistically possible for the mass of people that need to be relocated. In addition, I am concerned that even if they get them out and place them, say on bases or in tent cities, how long will they be there? They are still having problems in California let alone this massive project.”

  “Don’t know, John, but I think what we need to do is sit on this a few days and see how hurricane Alex and Bosner shake out. Then, we can find all the flaws in the program and lay it out so everyone can understand it. We can then alert the East Coast as to what the government is really doing.”

  “Sounds good, Don. Let’s get more detail if we can. Also, is your family out of New York?”

  “Yes, they actually left this morning on a flight here. We rented a house temporarily in Overland Park till we can return.”

  “Good, for I need you to worry about the show, not your family. Oh, one last thing, regarding his statement about the media being made available for their emergency broadcasts. Is that a step towards censorship?”

  “Don’t know. I guess we need to look into that. I assume we will be getting something from the FCC real soon, outlining their plans.”

  Chapter 73

  5:45 PM Saturday, Hidden Airstrip in Israel, Golan Heights

  As Veronica had promised, they switched planes in Cuba without a hitch. They landed, walked across the tarmac, then boarded a commercial type jet and took off.

  Several hours later, they landed in what appeared to be the same place Enoch had landed before. “Is this the same place?” Enoch asked.

  “No, Enoch, it just looks the same. We are further north this time.”

  As before, they all got into the back of a military style truck and took off. As they sat swaying back and forth on the dirt road, Stevenson asked, “Where are we going?”

  Veronica took up the conversation. She explained to Stevenson that for now he needed to lay low. They would be looking for him. He said he understood but asked again, where they were going. She replied, “Have you ever heard of the underground city discovered in Turkey, built around 800 BC, called Derinkuyu?

  “Yes, I remember that I studied it in college. It housed twenty to thirty thousand people correct?”

  “You are correct, Mr. President. We are headed to something similar. It is an area that has not been fully occupied for several thousands of years. It is a series of tunnels and living spaces, which were used by the early Israelis. It was last used during the Babylonian exile when many Jews hid there for several generations. Everyone but the caretakers vacated the area. For the past twenty-five hundred years, it has been hidden from view and no one knows about it but Elijah, the caretakers and I.”

  “Really!” Stevenson exclaimed. “Is it habitable? I mean it’s thousands of years old.”

  “Yes it is and it was prepared over the past few years by Elijah and me as a sanctuary. We knew we needed a safe place for people like you and many others, wh
o will be joining us over the next few years. It is fully and completely operational and well hidden. No one, absolutely no one, other than Elijah, me, and a few of our associates know where it is.”

  “Where is it located?” Enoch asked.

  “North of the Golan Heights, near the Syrian border, Enoch.”

  “Bit of a ways from central Israel, isn’t it?”

  “Best place ever. Very few stragglers go there from Israel or anywhere else.”

  “Does it have water, or electricity, communications?” Stevenson asked.

  “You may be surprised what it has, Mr. President…you will be quite surprised.”

  Veronica sat back, crossed her arms, and closed her eyes and said, “For now, why don’t we sit back and relax. We have a very long ride ahead of us; two to three hours of back roads.”

  Enoch leaned over to Veronica, “What about Mexico City, is that still on?”

  She opened her eyes and gave me the high eyebrow look from her right eye, for her last statement was to leave her alone. She turned her head to me and said, “Yes, I think so. However, you will be making a last minute appearance most likely. For now, we will weather out the storms and the political fallout. Worse case, we can reschedule it. Now Enoch, I really need some rest, and so do you.”

  He heard his cue and shut up. He then leaned back, looked at her then Stevenson, and shook his head as he thought, I guess I am just going along for the ride.

  Chapter 74

  6:45 PM Saturday Prime Minister David Ben Bernstein’s Office, Jerusalem, Israel

  They had just finished watching Cain’s speech and his building of the Temple statement had left them perplexed. This was completely out of character. They had still not heard back from Michael about the votes from the Knesset, which they needed by sundown or Elijah might well go ahead with his threat. Yona, Jacob, and Shlomo were there with the Prime Minister, and were discussing the new president, Cain.


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