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The Gentile Witness Book II Elijah

Page 34

by Samuel David

  “I am sure that many out there are saying absolutely not! We understand this. No one wants to give up what they have. Nevertheless, we need to work together in this direction. Maybe a country here and there will want to move to another sphere. All of these things can and will be worked out. But before we all decide that this is too difficult of a task to accomplish, let me remind you of this.”

  He paused, catching his breath. Then starting slowly, getting increasingly louder until he was almost shouting, he said, “If we do not unite, if we do not prepare, I can promise you that the invasion from out there,” pointing to the roof of the theatre, “by the same visitors we have had before, will result in a thousand years of slavery. All of you will be enslaved or destroyed. Then all we have in this world will be lost.”

  He stopped and scanned the audience stopping to look at certain individuals whom David knew thought he was either crazy or power hungry. He purposely singled them out with his eyes stopping to make eye contact with them. He continued, “We now need to adjourn this meeting. As you have heard this morning, American airspace is being taken over temporarily to help evacuate its citizens from affected areas. Therefore, most of you will need to make your arrangements immediately to return to your homes. Each of you will be contacted within a few days. I know some of you will be having your own meetings and I want you to keep in mind always; we are in this together.”

  Aafre then stepped from the podium and the meeting ended.

  Chapter 77

  8:30 PM Saturday somewhere near the Israeli-Syrian Border in the Golan Heights

  The truck halted, awakening Enoch. He had dozed off. It was hot out and he was sweaty. Veronica was already getting out and helping Stevenson’s wife out of the truck.

  He looked around at his surroundings. It was dusk or a bit past for the light was fading. He could still make out the background, which seemed to be in the middle of nowhere. All he could see was desert and mountains made up of boulders and towering heights. There was a shepherd and his dog with some grazing sheep about a mile or so down the slope. Other than that, there was absolutely nothing.

  They seemed to be in a canyon of some sort. He looked over at Veronica who was pulling out suitcases and other items with the help of whom Enoch assumed was one of the drivers of the truck. “So where are we, Veronica?” he asked. “Are we camping out?”

  She stopped what she was doing to respond, “We are sort of north in what Israelis call the ‘Masada of the North’ in the Golan Heights area. It has a rich history of sustaining Jews during the Roman Siege, which ended in 70 AD or CE. Nine thousand Jews jumped to their deaths about fifty miles south of where we are right now.”

  She smiled, probably guessing what his next comment would be, but she said it instead, “No Enoch, we’re not here to jump to our deaths.”

  She then pointed to an area between several large rocks and said, “We will be going in there. Once we pass those boulders, some things will start to make sense to you. So…Enoch, grab some of this stuff for we need to get this truck hidden soon. U.S. satellites will be passing near this area and we don’t need any attention.”

  He grabbed a box from the truck and following after Veronica and the driver.

  As they passed through the rocks, they came into a small area surrounded by even more boulders. There was a small cave to the left. She walked up to it and ducked in; the others followed. Enoch had to duck too, for the narrow opening was a slit, less than five feet by about two feet.

  Once inside, they made several turns until they stepped out into a large room with smooth walls. Veronica put down the suitcase she was carrying and Enoch followed suit. She walked over to speak to one of the guards who then went to a wall, reached behind an outcropping of rock and pulled on something that Enoch could not see. As he backed away, the rock wall beside Enoch started to move. He jumped out of the way, as it opened towards him. He stared at the moving rock as he heard the hydraulics working in the background, knowing that this wall of rock had to weigh several tons.

  The sounds ended as the rock wall stopped moving. A strangely dressed person came out to greet Veronica from the other side. He was dressed almost like a Roman soldier from about two hundred BC. He had long hair tied off with a headband, a full beard, black eyes, and was about six four, if not taller. He was a large person.

  Veronica told them all to follow her and they entered the room that had been opened after the wall moved. It was well lit and Enoch could see that it the walls were polished rock and smooth as sheetrock.

  Within a few minutes, the other person who had come with the driver, along with two others, brought the rest of the boxes and suitcases into the room. Once they had set those down the ‘Roman’ walked over and punched in some numbers, and the rock wall started to close.

  “Is this the Israeli Cheyenne Mountain?” Enoch asked Veronica.

  She did not answer. He followed her gaze and found himself looking into Elijah’s smiling face, as he said, “No, this was built in 900 BC by Jeroboam. It was built in secret during his twenty-two year reign of Northern Israel. This particular structure was started, but never finished, by Solomon during his reign. Prior to building this structure, Jeroboam was the superintendent over King Solomon’s tribesmen, while still a young man under his rule. They built the fortress, Mello in Jerusalem and other public works. Obviously, this facility has been modernized since then. This place has been used at one time or another by…,” he paused for a moment then continued, “well, persons that would surprise you.”

  He smiled at Enoch then said, “Oh, by the way, Enoch,” as he looked over at the former President and his wife “also you President Stevenson, and your lovely wife, welcome to the refuge.” He smiled as he said, “Follow me; I will give you the grand tour.”

  Elijah found a keypad and typed in a code, and a door in the center wall opened. He walked through it and they followed. As they walked down the hall or tunnel Enoch noticed that it was hewn out of pure rock which was almost as smooth as marble. He also noticed that despite the heat outside, the temperature inside here was cool.

  As if reading his mind, Elijah said, “The earth inside caves is always cooler than outside, and year round, maintains a temperature of about 68 degrees.”

  He continued on, “No one knows this facility exists in the world, including the Israelis. This tunnel and many more lead to areas that can handle about thirty-thousand people, livestock, and storage areas for food and equipment. It can also house about four-hundred horses and their necessary equipment like saddles and food for them. The last time it was at capacity was during the Babylonian exile. Somewhere around twenty thousand plus Jews lived here starting in 597 BCE until around 539 when the exiled Jews returned to Israel and then began to build the second Temple. A few were left to maintain it and keep it a secret. It was used again in 66 AD through about 135 AD. This was during the Roman dispersion and the period when the Temple was destroyed. Eventually, most left here and went to countries in Europe and some to Northern Africa during what is called the Diaspora. But once again, it was maintained and modernized as needed over time.”

  “You will notice that the ground slopes down. This main hallway goes about one hundred meters, which is about the same as a football field. It continues for five layers and at the bottom, we are about a hundred meters below the surface from the flat area you arrived in. It’s carved into the solid rock below the mountain that was in front of you.”

  Stevenson asked, “Elijah, how come no one has ever found it?”

  “The Levites as you know were the blessed tribe of Moses but Aaron’s ancestors became the high priests. However, the Levites were musicians, gatekeepers, watchers, temple officials, judges, and artisans. They were placed here from the beginning for they could be trusted. Since then, they have maintained it and it has been here almost three thousand years. They are God’s servants from birth until death; so they have kept this a secret at any cost and with God’s
blessing to do so.”

  He then stopped and turned right which brought them into a very large room with an estimate of twenty-five-hundred square feet. The walls were of solid rock. It was painted or stained, a slight crème color. The ceiling was lit, it appeared, from hidden recess lights. There were various couches, chairs, tables, electric lamps, and a long table that seem to be able to seat between twenty and thirty at one time. A large bowl of fruits was in the center. To the right was what looked like a bar, which held wine and other drinks. On the other wall was a sixty-inch high definition Samsung television.

  Elijah, waiting for everyone to gawk at the room, eventually said to Stevenson, “Welcome home, this is yours for now.”

  He then went to a door along another wall and opened it. They all walked over and looked in. It was a bedroom with a king sized bed, dresser and closet. When they had walked in, he opened another door and flipped on a switch. As the light came on they could see that there was a bathroom with a combination shower and tub, a double sink, a mirror, and running water.”

  “This is too much Elijah. I mean, we don’t need this much,” Stevenson said.

  “Yes you do, for you are going to be busy. This is a sanctuary for you and your wife. You are a leader and you will have many people to lead here soon. This you will be grateful to have for meetings and to take care of your business. We will discuss all that later. For now, please follow me, for I have more to show you.”

  They followed him out of the room back to the hallway. He turned left and the ground started sloping down more sharply than before. At the bottom, he opened a door. When they had walked in, everyone’s mouth dropped.

  It was a very large well-lit room and it was covered with monitors and computers, wall to wall. There were about twenty to thirty persons in front of the monitors. They had stopped to look at Elijah and his group as they walked in, but then returned to whatever they were doing after their curiosity had been satisfied.

  “What is this?” Enoch asked.

  Elijah laughed as he replied, “Enoch, what do you think it is. You worked in the computer industry as a mortal, didn’t you?”

  “Yes, but this stuff, here?”

  Elijah laughed and said, “OK I get it. You think that we don’t need this stuff for God is all seeing and hearing?”

  “Well yes, I guess so, yes, that is what I thought. Is this how He does it?”

  “First off, God is not here. Secondly, this is our communications and information room. It allows us to monitor what is occurring in the world. It monitors the internet, government, and military communications along with other uses. Also Enoch, it will not be long before Waldger and his one world government will censor communications worldwide and this will be the control center to broadcast the truth, even after you and I are gone.”

  “How does it work?” Enoch asked.

  “Basically, it uses a type of internet access using a satellite.”

  “Couldn’t they just shut down this satellite you are using?”

  “Not this one, Enoch.”

  “Why not?”

  It doesn’t orbit the earth. It orbits another heavenly body.”


  “Later, Enoch. I will explain it later.”

  With that, one of the people working in the room stood up walked over to Elijah and handed him a note. Elijah read it then said to Enoch, “It appears that Bear Broadcasting is trying to reach you. Follow me.”

  The technician walked over to a monitor using a high tech keyboard that Enoch had never seen before for it was just a hologram in 3D. He typed in some commands and the Bear News broadcast came up on the monitor. The Levite typed in some commands and the broadcast rewound. Then Enoch heard Mary Ann say, “We have not heard from either Enoch or Elijah in quite a while. If you are hearing this, Enoch, let us know how you are doing when you can. In other news…” The monitor image froze.

  Elijah said, “It appears that John may be having a problem. We can use the telephone in the conference room which is next to this one.”

  As they headed for the next room, Stevenson asked, “How do you power this, Elijah? It would seem getting energy in here would be a red flag.”

  “Everything is self-contained, President Stevenson. The best I can tell you now is that our power is, well, sort of out of this world technology.”

  “Oh, I guess we should just be glad it’s there?”

  “You are correct.”

  Elijah opened another door to reveal a conference room with a monitor, along with a conference table surrounded by upholstered chairs. As he walked in, Enoch saw two men sitting there with their backs to the door. When they turned towards him, he recognized Gabriel and Ariel.

  “Welcome to Eden II, Enoch,” Gabriel said, as he and Ariel stood. “And of course you also, President Stevenson. We were expecting you, as you can tell.”

  “Really?” Stevenson asked.

  “Yes, Sir, we were” Ariel replied. “You were not one of them and we can use your talents here. We will discuss why we knew you would be coming later. In the meantime, please sit down.”

  They all sat down. Elijah told them that he needed to call Bear News so Gabriel got up and opened a drawer and retrieved what looked like a space age speakerphone. It was carved in an odd shape like a couple of horns facing each other and it seemed to be made from stone. He placed it on the table and touched a corner of it and it came to life. A person’s voice came through and asked, “May I help you?”

  Gabriel motioned to Enoch and he assumed that he was to tell them what he wanted, so he said, “I need to reach John Roddenburg at Bear news.”

  “Please hold.”

  It was like the old days when they did not have direct dial and had operators instead.

  Gabriel seeing we were all fascinated with the device with a big smile on his face said; “Now you know how the Ark worked!”

  “Amazing” I said “Does it use the Internet?”

  “Sort of Enoch but I will explain later. However, let me tell you this much. Make sure and tell John there is about a 5 second delay between transmissions so to expect that.”

  “Sure, but why?”

  “The data stream has a long way to travel. Also the NSC in the U.S. could never tap or intercept it because it does not originate in normal channels.”


  The stone device started glowing and soon, Enoch heard John’s voice.


  “Yes, John. We received your message on Bear News and called as soon as we could.”

  “Who is with you?” he asked.

  Enoch looked around, not sure if he should tell who was there. Then Elijah said, “Hello John, this is Elijah. I am here with Enoch, President Stevenson, his wife and two of the associates of our ministry. I assume that something is wrong?”

  “Yes there is, Elijah.” John explained the issue with the possible shut down and that The Network was the only news outlet the government was allowing to broadcast, uncensored.

  After hearing this Elijah said to John, “We knew this would happen, John; for they don’t like you supporting us or Christianity. You are right. Eventually they will control the airwaves and media outlets, not only in America, but in the entire world. However, we have a solution, if you are willing.”

  “What would that be, Elijah?” John asked

  “Well first off, I doubt they will shut you down tomorrow but then Cain has a temper; so we are not sure when. Most likely, they will move in on you after the hurricanes. In the meantime, Enoch will threaten the Waldger group on your network. That will buy you some time; maybe a month or two maybe, but then eventually, they will stop caring about public opinion. They will then totally shut you down and probably occupy your facilities worldwide. When that happens, I need you to come here with Stevenson, along with your most trusted staff, or at least the ones that will come. With yours and Stevenson’s help we will create a new media news machine underground.”

sp; “Where would that be? I mean, Waldger can shut down all the satellite access, including ours.”

  Elijah then said, “Let my associate here address your concern.”

  “John, this is Gabriel.”

  Enoch could just imagine John almost falling off his chair.

  “This much I can tell you, if you are willing to join us, we can create a secure, twenty-four hour, seven days a week, non-traceable broadcast that can be seen on any cable network, satellite system and the internet, undetected. I know that seems impossible but you need to trust us that it can and will be done. This network will let the people know the truth of this evil one world government takeover by the Anti-Christ and the Beast. We will need you and your staff, for the world trusts you and so do we. You just have to trust us. We will provide for the needs of your family and that of your staff.”

  John didn’t answer very quickly, but then he asked, “Can I think about this?”

  “Yes and I expect you to. It is an important decision, for where we will bring you will be your home for about seven years. Whatever you have there you will have to leave behind. So take your time. You will be seeing Enoch on Friday in Mexico City and you can let him know your decision from there. Is that fair?”

  “Yes, it is…, Gabriel,” John then paused, then very slowly as if unsure of what he was asking, “I assume this is the same Gabriel who Enoch mentioned during our interviews?”

  “Yes John, the same.”

  “Wow,” he said. Enoch could picture John in his, office in shock.

  “We will talk later, and in the meantime, you will receive a video from Enoch in a couple of days that you can use,” Elijah said. “It will be taped from our studios here so you get an idea of our abilities. So watch your emails.”

  “Sure Elijah, sure. I will look for it then broadcast it.”

  “Thanks John,” Elijah said, “We knew we could count on you.”

  Enoch then said, “John, we will be back with you soon. In the meantime, keep up the good work.” After that, the line was disconnected.

  It was Gabriel who spoke first. “Let us sit and have some food. The Levites have made a special Mediterranean meal for all of you and we have a lot to discuss.”


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