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The Gentile Witness Book II Elijah

Page 39

by Samuel David

  “Did you or did you not place the power in my hands?”

  “Yes, I did; just as they put the power in Jesus Christ’s hands. I have done the same…his son, my son. Nevertheless, Cain, I now know why their book calls you an anti-Christ. Let us see, Christ was born of a virgin without sex; your mother was a virgin but created with sex. Let’s see, Christ is God’s son and you are my son. He was good and you are evil. What else, oh, he was crucified, and rose from the dead. You will be shot in the head, not crucified, and Praterus will raise you. Also one more thing, his son was obedient to his father and you are the opposite which is a trait I wished you did not have.”

  “Funny Jordan, really funny. Regardless of your opinion, let me do it my way. Moreover, if I remember correctly, God let Jesus do it his way. No disrespect, but your way so far has never worked and has resulted in nothing but failure.”

  “Well, I guess like God,” he said it by drawing out the word God so that it sounded like ‘gaahd’, “put all his apples in Jesus Christ’s basket, I will then do the same. However, I can promise you that your action today will backfire, and very soon. Nevertheless, your game, your moves, so be it. I will not interfere. ”

  “That would be a good idea, Jordan. Cain then turned to Jamal. “Do we know where John Roddenburg is?”

  “Yes, he, his producer and his family are traveling south on I-35, which is the way Enoch and Veronica went.”

  “So I assume they are headed for the Mexican border, most likely?”

  “Yes, that would be a correct assessment.”

  “Good, I have an idea. Monitor them and then let us have a greeting party for them after they pass the border. Use some of the Mexican Drug Cartel people, preferably ones with no fear. Let us see if we can cause some carnage. I would prefer John Roddenburg out of our hair. That Jew is a problem.”

  Jordan interrupted again, “If they are with Enoch they better bring an army.”

  “Why?” Cain asked.

  “Well, like most of the angels and prophets, as you know, they carry a mighty big sword. Remember Cain, they are called Holy Warriors in the Books. That is for a reason. They should and will be feared, especially Enoch. And…let me remind you, at Center City, you feared him.”

  “What are you saying, Jordan?”

  “They will all die, and I don’t mean Enoch or John.”

  “Jamal,” Cain said.


  “Do it

  Chapter 100

  6:00 PM Monday The Evening News with Brad Williams from The Network in New York City

  “From New York City at The Network News studios, your host and award winning anchor, Brad Williams,” the announcer stated.

  “Good evening, America, and also the world. You may notice if you have your television set on another channel, that you are receiving our evening broadcast on that channel as well. This includes all affiliates nationwide. There is nothing wrong with your TV or cable system. This is in cooperation with the governmental rules for broadcasting during national emergencies. This system is designed so that our citizens are given not only the news but also receive emergency instructions from FEMA and other governmental agencies. The system was designed to keep you informed and safe.”

  “This broadcast will be rebroadcast hourly till a new broadcast scheduled at our regular times begins airing. As of tomorrow, regular programming will continue such as evening TV shows, movie channels, and so on. Until further notice, Channel 4 on all networks will rebroadcast the news and weather, nationwide twenty-four hours a day. This will be the nation’s only news channel till further notice.”

  “On my left, Catherine Kwan and on my right, Nancy Arms, my co-anchors, will be assisting me in providing twenty-four hour news updates during this crisis. Now, before we start with the current headlines there are some very important messages for those in the pathway of these hurricanes. Yes, they will occur, but they are no worse than hurricanes we have had in the past.”

  “In the areas between Lake Charles, Louisiana and Tallahassee, Florida, from the coast of the Gulf and north up to 150 miles, there will be government-mandated evacuations. This is in preparation for hurricane Bosner. You are to stay in your homes starting at noon tomorrow and do not drive out of the affected area. There is no place for autos in the temporary shelters being set up.”

  Catherine then began, as the screen split, and lines of text appeared on the screen as she spoke.

  “Each person will bring along the following:

  7 Days of clothing

  Everything must fit in one carry-on suitcase per person, including children, not exceeding these dimensions

  21" x 13.5" x 8.5"

  No dressy clothing. Suggested for men and women, jeans, socks, underwear and polo shirts or loose fitting blouses

  One jacket or sweater

  One pair of hard-soled shoes and one pair of tennis shoes. No sandals

  Soap and shampoo will be provided at the shelters.

  Deodorant and one razor which has to be disposable for both men and women

  One bottle of after-shave for men and one bottle of perfume for women.

  Make up, lipstick, eyeliner, etc. will be prohibited

  Medications and a copy of the prescription

  No iPads, iPods, laptops or cell phones.

  No weapons, including pocketknives, guns, etc.

  One carton of cigarettes or one vapor system

  No alcohol

  One carrier per infant or toddler

  Diapers, and things of that nature will be provided

  Pets must be in a carrier or pen. Food for them will be provided

  You can print or view this information on a new web site at

  As the split screen was removed, Nancy Arms said, “In these affected areas as described, all medical personnel are to report to their assigned hospital units by 12:00 midnight today Eastern Standard Time. This includes nurses, doctors, interns, specialists, psychiatrists, or any supporting medical resources other than food service, cleaning crews, etc.

  Brad came back on then, “This same procedure will be followed starting on the East Coast next Monday, with Southern Florida, the Keys, then working up to New York, as the weather dictates.”

  “As all of you know, the government will be utilizing the entire commercial fleet of airlines in America, the rail system, and bus system,” Nancy added. “The way this will work is a military officer will arrive at your door. You need to be ready to go, so make sure your suitcases are by the door. If you are not ready, you will have to leave without your belongings.”

  Catherine then said, “Also, in the affected areas just mentioned, all utilities will be turned off completely. This includes gas, electricity, cell phone towers, and cable systems. The reason for this is a combination of safety and protection of the systems from the storm. It will make recovery quicker and resettlement more effective. The assumption is that everyone will return to their homes and businesses, two maybe three days after the hurricanes subsides.”

  Brad then said, “Now in weather news, it appears that hurricane Alex did not meet expectations and has been downgraded to a category II storm as it approached landfall this morning. It is assumed that residents may be able to start returning as soon as this Friday or Saturday.”

  “In other news,” Nancy said, “the Attorney General, in concert with the Secret Service, has convened a Federal Grand Jury to hear evidence in the threatening of President Cain in Kansas City by Enoch. We will have more on that later.”

  “In Israel, as was suggested by the United Nations, Israel and workers were busy on the Temple Mount in what appears as preparation for the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple,” Catherine reported. “Background news feed from Israel showed Elijah talking on the Mount with other workers but with no sound. As President Cain and also the Security Council of the United Nations proclaimed, this will be a turning point to finally achieving p
eace in the Middle East.”

  Brad then said, "There is a lot more news coming, please stay tuned.”

  The screen went blank and the Emergency Broadcast Logo came on.


  Chapter 101

  2:00 AM Tuesday Across the border in Mexico

  They had met up at the rest stop by the Oklahoma Texas Border Enoch had told John about. They transferred John, Don and his family to the RV and left the rented SUV there. They locked the keys in the car. They would call the rental car company later to come pick it up.

  It was raining hard as they crossed in Nuevo Laredo around 1:15 AM and had just passed through Anahuac Mexico, on Highway 1. They would be rendezvousing with an Eden II aircraft there. The area was mostly desert and not well populated. It made a transfer easier than in a populated area.

  Veronica sitting in the front passenger seat was concentrating on the side view mirror. She turned to Enoch and said, “Since we crossed the border three vehicles have been following us and they don’t seem to mind that we know.”

  He stood up from the couch he had been sitting on and kneeled behind the passenger seat to look into the rear view mirror. There were three SUV’s, which looked like Chevrolet Suburban’s following them.

  He stood up and asked the driver how much further to the rendezvous point. He checked his hand held GPS unit before replying, “About ten minutes.”

  “I assume that we are to have some unwanted trouble here. I need to change and I assume, Veronica that you always come prepared for issues like this?” Enoch said,

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Well, so have I. Now I need to change. But for now, lift the bed and move the children and Don’s wife under it.”

  Enoch then turned to Don, “There is a video camera here in the storage area that we were going to use to film some of the sermons along the way. I assume you will know how to use it?”

  “Yes, I am sure I can.”

  “Good, for once we stop and I walk out to meet our guests please start filming what occurs from inside the RV and do not come out.”

  “Yes sir” he said, as he went to retrieve the camera.

  “Anything I can do?” John asked.

  “Yes there is, John. Do not say a word and do not do anything stupid when we encounter these people that are following us. Now John, I need to change.”

  Enoch took his suitcase from the storage area and went into the RV’s bathroom. Once inside the cramped space, he placed the bag in the shower, and opened it. He changed from his disguise into his real clothing. From the bottom of the suitcase, he lifted out a wooden box. He opened the box and under his robe strapped on the harness, which it contained. Inside the harness was his sickle sword. It was about eighteen inches long and was curved like the letter ‘S’ elongated. The other weapon in the harness was a Scimitar, about thirty inches long and curved with the widest point being about two and a half inches.

  All of this fit comfortably hidden under his robe.

  Enoch felt the RV begin to slow and as in any battle that involves God’s work, he kneeled and prayed for strength. Finally, he rose and walked out into the RV’s living room.

  He saw that Don had the camera ready as the RV pulled off the road onto a dirt path. The driver stopped, shut off the engine, and announced, “We are here.”

  The vehicles tailing them also stopped, and they could hear their doors opening and closing. “I will go out first, Veronica second, and you John, third,” Enoch instructed. He turned to Don and repeated, “You just film and do not come out of this RV.”

  Enoch then turned on the outside lights to the RV. He held the button for the electronic stairs to extend. Once they extended he opened the door and walked out into the desert night. He walked about fifteen paces followed by Veronica and then John.

  With John behind him, he motioned for Veronica to stand to his left. The men who had been following circled around them, some pointing automatic weapons directly at them. There were eleven of them, plus a man who seemed to be their leader. To Enoch, it appeared to be good odds. He did not think he would need the staff for this. What they did not know is that in the past, men, especially prophets, learned to protect themselves against all odds.

  The one he presumed to be the leader stepped forward towards Enoch. When he was about three feet in front of the Prophet he said, “Buenas tardes, Senor Jack or Enoch. Bienvenido a Mexico; it was very nice for you to come visit us.”

  When Enoch said nothing in return, the man continued in accented English, “Well, I guess you have no manners when being welcomed; but that does not matter for it is the end result that matters, hey amigo?”

  Enoch still said nothing.

  “Ok, Senor,” he said. “I understand…you don’t know why this welcoming committee is here, so I will tell you. The reason we are here is that because of you many of our customers cannot buy some of our products, especially in Texas and other border states. Like any business, we need to make money. Would you not agree, Senor Enoch?”

  Enoch said nothing.

  “Well, I have been given a great opportunity to make a great deal of money and even make friends with your country for my help.”

  Looking over at one of the other men he asked, “Jose, what did they say they would do?” he laughed then turned again to Enoch and said, “Oh, I remember. Your head, Senor, is worth five million dollars in cash, but the man behind you is worth ten million American dollars. All of it clean and nicely laundered.”

  He then looked at Veronica and said, “For her, nothing at all; a pity, for she is probably worth more than both of you.”

  He laughed.

  He then motioned to another man who came and stood beside him, “Show them the weapon we have for them.”

  He pulled a machete from his back, which Enoch saw, glistened in the moonlight. It was tempered steel and quite sharp.

  The man in charge then said, “Now, here are the rules. I know there are children and another man in there. Therefore, I will bargain with you. We like to bargain here in Mexico. It is a national pastime. Therefore, here is the deal. I get both your heads and the woman. The man, his wife and the children go free. Not a bad deal, huh amigo?”

  Finally Enoch spoke, “Senor, do you not know who I am?”

  “Oh, yes Senor. I know you are the charlatan and the magician. This is why all our guns are pointed towards you. Maybe you are like the man Houdini,” he said, as he started laughing.

  “What is your name, Senor, since you know mine?” Enoch asked.

  “Ah, it’s Miguel. I see you want to know who your executioner is.”

  “What do you do, Miguel? Who do you work for?”

  “Right now, I work for the U.S. Government, but normally, for myself.”

  “So, you are a drug dealer?”

  “No Senor, I am a businessman who sells what men want, especially what Nuestros Americanos want,” he replied as he sneered at Enoch, and then began laughing again. His entire crew then started laughing with him. That was Enoch’s cue.

  Enoch caught Veronica’s eye and blinked. While Miguel was full of himself laughing and his men with him, Enoch reached under his robe with both hands. With lightning speed, he brought up the sickle in an arc and decapitated Miguel. With the same motion with the scimitar, he turned and in one swoop did the same with the man holding the machete.

  He dropped onto the ground then rolled towards the three closest to him. What they had seen happen to Miguel had put them off guard. It was enough time. As their eyes were still on Miguel’s body Enoch swung both blades as he rolled up from the ground behind them and decapitated them both. Veronica then shot two others near him. Another of them caught her from behind with a chokehold but she flipped him over. As she did, she kept his neck in her grasp. She twisted and broke it. The six who remained started running. Veronica kneeled down held her weapon in both hands and fired four shots. Four fell to the desert floor. Two, it appeared had escaped.
  She stood and they walked over to Miguel’s body. “Your employer may now collect your soul,” Enoch said.

  Then he looked over at John and asked, “Are you alright?”

  “Yes, I am,” he replied, “Thank you. But Enoch, I didn’t know you were a warrior?”

  “There is a lot you don’t know John, but in time, you will.”

  At that moment they heard the hum as both transports landed softly onto the desert sands.

  Chapter 102

  2:30 AM Tuesday Across the border in Mexico

  Don came out of the RV filming as the transports landed. “Quit filming,” Enoch said. Don released the record button and dropped the camera to his side.

  “Enoch, what are those?” Don asked, pointing to the two transports.

  “Those are our transportation.”

  “They look like science fiction stuff, Enoch. I mean, they made hardly any sound when they landed. I never even heard them till they landed and they look well…like…well, there are no windows.”

  “In time Don, in time,” Enoch replied. “However, to satisfy your curiosities, remember the times that many pilots or astronauts and others had said there was like this thing in the sky, they chased it and it disappeared?”


  “Well these are two of those craft. There are two others.”

  “Where are the other two?”

  “Lucifer has them. Now, let’s get everyone out of the RV. We don’t want them tracking us any further than here.”

  It took about five minutes to get everyone assembled around the two transports. Don and John were in awe when the passenger compartment opened seamlessly, followed by a cargo area.

  John said, “They don’t look like flying saucers, they look more like a large computer mouse.”


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