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Delicate Promises

Page 13

by Kelly Elliott

  Miles took in Heather’s state as Kenny Adams walked up and handed Miles a beer. Kenny and Miles had been good friends in high school, and Kenny was now one of the sheriffs in our county.

  Kenny pointed to Heather, and then to the guy, and said, “You’re drunk, and who is this?”

  Heather laughed. “This is Roger. No, wait, Robert?”

  The guy laughed. “Roger.”

  “Yes! Roger and I are leaving,” Heather told all of us. I couldn’t help but notice how Kenny’s eyes grew large, but it wasn’t with surprise. It was anger.

  “The hell you are. Heather, do you even know this guy?” Kenny asked.

  “She knows me, dude. Are you her boyfriend or something?”

  “No, but I’m not sure that that will prevent me from intervening,” Kenny replied. Miles took a step closer, as if preparing to back up his old friend. The two of them should have scared this Roger guy away. Miles and Kenny were built. Roger here? Not so much.

  “I think you need to mind your own business,” Roger spat. Apparently, he didn’t get the picture.

  “Oh, hell,” I mumbled, reaching for Heather.

  That didn’t sit well with Miles. He reached for the guy’s shirt while I got Heather away from Roger. Then he got right in his face and laid down the law.

  “Dude, I saw you last night walking into the hotel with another woman. If you think for one second we’re gonna let you do the same to our friend, you are signing your own death certificate.”

  Heat swept over my body, and it wasn’t from anger for once. I was turned on beyond belief. Miles standing up for Heather and watching over her had my lady bits throbbing.

  Yes, yes. Settle down. I know you’ve been brought back to life this month… Cool your tits, will ya?

  I closed my eyes and mumbled under my breath. “I’m talking to my vagina.”

  “What?” Miles asked, looking at me with a befuddled expression.

  “Nothing,” I said. This was the Miles I knew. The guy who cared about his friends, who would fight to the death to keep them safe. Who loved so fiercely that even he didn’t recognize it at times.

  The guy let out a nervous chuckle as he backed off. “Dude, listen, I was just looking to have a good time, and she said she was up for it.”

  Kenny pulled out his badge and showed it to Roger. “She’s drunk. You always take advantage of inebriated women?”

  “No! I mean, I’m just gonna go find my friend and call it a night.”

  “What? No!” Heather cried out.

  I looked at her. She was drunk. Very drunk. Frowning, I turned to the guy she had been hanging out with. “What did you give her? She was fine twenty minutes ago.”

  “Give her? I didn’t give her shit. She’s been tossing back shots like they’re candy. I’m not into that kind of shit.”

  “Get the fuck out before I put my fist into your face,” Miles said, giving the guy a push. He stumbled until he got his balance, then shook his head and walked away.

  Heather called out, but I grabbed her arm. “Heather, honey, you are way too drunk.”

  “Why did you let her get this wasted?” Miles said while Kenny put his arm around Heather and started for the exit. I found my purse and Heather’s and followed him.

  “Excuse me, but I’m not her mother or her babysitter and don’t necessarily keep tabs on her.”

  “So you were going to let her leave with that guy this drunk.”

  “No! I would have seen how drunk she was and stopped her.”

  He huffed. “Seems to me you had the same thing in mind, Kynslee.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “A good fuck. Isn’t that what you wanted from your friend…Steve. Obviously easy to remember since it’s also your father’s name?”

  The moment we stepped into the parking lot, I grabbed his arm. “Who do you think you are, Miles? You walk into this bar and act like we need protecting from you. Well, let me just fill you in on something. I’ve been taking care of myself just fine all these years while you’ve been gone.”

  Kenny cleared his throat and said, “Kynslee.”

  “Not know, Kenny!” I shouted.

  Focusing on Miles, I went on. “I don’t need you to protect me! I don’t want you to.”

  He went to say something before he clenched his jaw tight.

  Kenny cleared his throat, trying to change the subject. “Do you want her in your car or my truck?”

  I stared at Miles. He wasn’t even going to argue with me. When nothing came out of my mouth, Kenny sighed. “I’ll put her in my truck and you can follow me to her place. Do you have a key to get in?”

  Holding up Heather’s clutch, I said, “Again, we’ve made it without you for this long. Put her in my car and I’ll take her home. I don’t need your help, Kenny, just like I don’t need Miles’s help.”

  Kenny glanced from me to Miles. When Miles made no effort to do or say anything, Kenny brought Heather to my car. Once she was inside and buckled in, she passed out cold. Miles shut the door and turned to me.

  “I didn’t want her getting hurt, Kyns. If I overstepped, I’m sorry. I know I haven’t been in either of your lives, but that doesn’t mean I don’t care about you…both.”

  A lump formed in my throat, and I spoke without thinking. “Everything was fine until you came back, Miles. Things were way less complicated.”

  Miles rubbed the back of his neck, and I saw the hurt on his face.

  “Okay, then. Be careful driving home, Kynslee.”

  Miles headed across the parking lot to his truck.

  Kenny leaned down. “Let me know when y’all get back to your place, okay?”’

  I nodded but kept my eyes on Miles. “Sure thing, Kenny.”

  My heart raced, and I wanted to call out to Miles. To tell him I lied and that I did need him, more than he would ever know. That I’d needed him the past twelve years. Instead, I turned the car on. Glancing over to Heather, I rolled my eyes as she snored.

  I watched as Miles pulled out of the parking lot. The realization of what I had said to him caused me to start sobbing.

  Finally, I’d hurt him like he had hurt me, and I felt like shit.


  I POURED A glass of whiskey and sat down in the large, oversized chair. I’d moved into the small hunter’s cabin a few days ago when I realized I needed to have my own space or I was about to lose my sanity. I had missed my mother but living with in the farmhouse was beginning to drive me insane. After years of bunking with other Marines, sleeping in strange places, I longed for something that was mine. A space only for me.

  The small cabin Rich had built on the farm was perfect. A few years back he’d rented it out for extra income during the hunting season. Now it sat empty, so I was going to take advantage of that. It had two bedrooms on either side of the cabin, and a loft up above. It was also equipped with a large kitchen that was open to the living room, plus one bathroom. Hell, it was more than enough for me.

  Sighing, I lifted the glass and downed the drink. It burned my throat and hit my stomach. My plan was to drink until I didn’t feel the pain in my chest anymore. Until I didn’t hear her words repeating in my head.

  “Everything was fine until you came back, Miles. Things were way less complicated.”

  I reached for the whiskey and poured another glass. The knock on the door startled me and I jumped up, setting the bottle down on the small coffee table.

  Fear instantly caused my heart to race, and I hoped like hell everything was okay with Lana.

  Throwing open the door, I froze.


  Standing before me, soaking wet from the rain, was the woman who had been tormenting my thoughts and dreams the last few weeks. Hell, years, if I was being honest with myself.

  “What in the hell are you doing?” I looked past her and didn’t see her car. “Did you walk here or something?”

  “I went to the main house and your mother told me you moved into the cabin.
So I walked down here and then the rain started, then I got lost and realized this cabin was fairly new, and I’d actually never been here. I’m freezing my ass off out here.”

  Snapping out of my shock, I gently pulled her into the room. She was drenched and shaking.

  “Let me go grab you something to change into. You’re turning blue.”

  She wrapped her arms around her body and nodded. She looked so pale, and I was pretty sure I could hear her teeth chattering.

  “Christ Almighty.” I lifted her up, carrying her in my arms to my bedroom. Kynslee buried her face into my chest while her entire body trembled. A cold front had pushed through tonight, causing the temperature to drop drastically. Add the rain and wind on top of that and it was actually cold outside.

  “I’m…so…cold,” Kynslee whispered.

  “Hold on, baby. I’ll get you warm.”

  I set her down on the counter in the bathroom and turned the shower on hot.

  “Get out of your clothes and get in the shower.”

  She didn’t even argue with me. She pulled her shirt over her head, and my damn knees nearly buckled at the sight of her in a bra.

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

  “I’ll, um, get you some clothes and set them on the counter for you. Coffee or tea?”

  “T-tea, p-please.”

  I handed her a towel before stepping out of the bathroom. I searched through my drawers and found a pair of sweats from my Marine Corps days and a T-shirt. She would be swallowed up in them, but she’d be warm. Next I found a pair of wool socks. Knocking on the bathroom door, I heard her in the shower.

  “Kyns, I’m going to put this stuff right on the counter.”


  Her voice was barely a whisper. I cursed and shut the door, making my way to the kitchen to get some water on for her tea. I didn’t have any food in the house except for a loaf of sourdough bread, some cheese, and fruit my mother had given me. While the water heated in the kettle, I got a fire going in the fireplace, then made her up a plate with the bread, cheese, and fruit. I poured the hot water into the cup and put the tea bag to the side.

  I walked into the living room and found Kynslee curled up on the small sofa. Her hair was up in the same towel I had given her. She still looked cold as she held her hands in front of the fire.

  “Are you warmed up?” I asked, setting the plate down on the coffee table and handing her the hot mug and the tea bag. “I sort of remember you only like to steep your tea for like a nanosecond.”

  She laughed, but it sounded like it was an effort to do so.

  “More like forty seconds. No more, no less.”

  I rolled my eyes and sat down. Seeing her dressed in my clothes made my cock harden, and I had to sit in a way that hid my obvious arousal. She was freezing and my damn mind was going to all the ways I could warm her up if she’d only let me.

  She took a few sips of tea and ate some bread and cheese while I sat there silently watching her. Her eyes met mine, and I had to force myself to remember to breathe.

  “Want to tell me why you’re here? Is Heather okay?”

  “Heather’s fine. Passed out on her sofa. I almost left her on the damn floor but figured if it was me in that condition she would at least get me to the couch.”

  I smiled. “Probably.”

  “She’s going to be pissed, but I called Kenny and asked if he could stay with her tonight. I didn’t feel right leaving her alone.”

  I laughed and she tilted her head, giving me a small grin. “What’s so funny?”

  “You know Kenny has a massive crush on Heather, right? Always has.”

  Her eyes went round with shock. “Shut up!”

  “Nope, he’s always liked her.”

  Covering her mouth, she shook her head. “Well, maybe her vision will come true tonight after all.”

  I shrugged, not knowing what her vision had been and not caring to ask.

  “So, back to the point. Why you’re here after walking through the pouring rain and getting lost.”

  Kynslee chewed on her lower lip and stared into the mug before she cleared her throat and looked at me.

  “I didn’t mean what I said earlier, Miles.”

  Drawing my brows in, I watched her intently. This was her show, and I was going to let her do the talking first, so I waited for her to go on.

  She cleared her throat. “When I said I didn’t need you and that I’ve been fine without you here, or that everything was fine before you showed up…”

  My heart raced faster. The moment she had tossed those words out I felt a piece of my heart break away. If she had been trying to hurt me, she did a helluva good job at it.

  “I haven’t been fine since the day you left for the Marines, if you want the truth.”

  A strange feeling washed over my entire body, and I slowly drew in a breath. All those years I’d wondered if I had done the right thing leaving her here and now I had my answer.

  She kept talking. “It’s true. I couldn’t marry Jack because I couldn’t give him my heart.”

  I swallowed hard, then whispered, “Why not?”

  Her green eyes met my blue, and I felt transported to the day I first laid eyes on her. The day I swore she would always be a part of my life. I think I had fallen in love with her instantly; I just didn’t know what love was at such a young age.

  Her mouth lifted with a shy smile. “Because I gave it to you a long time ago, Miles. The whole thing. It’s always belonged to you.”

  Reaching for the cup she held, I put it on the coffee table. Kynslee’s chest rose and fell rapidly as our gaze locked on one another.

  “It’s always been you, Kyns. Baby, it has always been you.”

  Her eyes searched my face. Reaching for her hands, I pulled her to me, moving her body so that she straddled my lap. Cupping her face with my hands, I looked into those eyes that had captivated me so long ago.

  “It will always be you. I’m sorry I came back and fucked it all up. Damn, I’m sorry I left in the first place, but I had so much pressure with my dad leaving us. I didn’t know what in the hell I was doing back then. Hell, I still don’t know what I’m doing.”

  She smiled.

  My hand slid behind her neck, and I drew her to me as I pressed my mouth to hers. It didn’t take her long to open to me. Our tongues danced softly at first, until neither of us could take another second. I deepened the kiss as she pressed her core into me, making us both moan. Her fingers sliced through my hair, tugging hard as she let me know she wanted more. The kiss grew hotter by the second. I flipped her onto the sofa and kissed her with everything I had. Her legs spread, and I pressed against her. My hand slipped underneath the T-shirt and was treated to her bare breast and a tight nipple. I pinched the nipple with my thumb and finger, causing her to jerk her hips and rip her mouth from mine as she gasped for air.

  I stared into her eyes, so full of desire and need. I knew they matched my own. “Tell me to stop if you don’t want this, Kynslee. Tell me to stop and I will.”

  Her eyes searched my face before they landed back on my gaze. “Please don’t stop. I want you desperately, Miles.”

  I closed my eyes and mumbled, “Thank fuck. I want you, too.”

  Our mouths crashed together as I pushed my hard cock into her. Kynslee pulled my T-shirt over my head, breaking our kiss only long enough for me to reach behind and yank it free.

  “Lift your hips, baby,” I panted against her lips. She did, and I yanked the sweatpants off of her. The smell of her arousal filled the air and nearly had me coming right on the spot. I moved down, spreading her legs farther apart.

  This wasn’t our first rodeo. The first time was sloppy and neither of us knew what in the hell we were doing. It had been awkward, but still a night I would never forget. I had not only given her my virginity, but a piece of my heart that night. My very soul.

  The second time we slept together, we were scared and young. Spending our time in a way that made us feel closer to
each other, having no fucking clue how desperately in love we actually were. The third time, I needed to be with her more than my next breath. This time, though, this time I was taking my time with her body. We were both more mature, and I wanted to taste every single inch of her. Run my tongue over her and possess every part. I intended on making Kynslee mine. Forever. I stared at those beautiful pink lips and tight bundle of nerves. My tongue ran over my mouth before I leaned in and blew on her clit.

  “Oh God, Miles.”

  “Do you want this, princess? Do you want me to taste you?”

  Her hands went to my hair, pulling and twisting as she squirmed with anticipation.

  “Tell me what you want, Kynslee. Talk to me.”

  “Yes! I want you to taste me. Fuck me with your tongue, please.”

  Holy shit. My heart slammed, and I tried hard not to sway. A rush of need and desire hit me so hard I swore I was going to pass out. Hearing her talk like that had my cock straining to come out and play. I buried my face between her legs and gave her what she wanted. She tasted like heaven. I sucked and nipped at her clit. Slipping my fingers inside her, Kynslee softly called out my name and it was the sweetest thing I’d ever heard from her lips.

  “Miles. I’m going to…oh my God. I’m going to come.”

  She was so responsive, and I loved it. Her body trembled as her insides clenched around my fingers, drawing them in deeper while she pulled and tugged at my hair.

  Then she let go and gave me even more of herself. I licked and sucked until she begged for me to stop.

  Lifting my eyes, I watched her as she came down from her high. In that moment, I vowed I was never letting her go. Kynslee was mine. Forever. No one else would ever have her. She was mine and I was hers.

  I picked her up in my arms and carried her to my bedroom. This time she would know how I felt. Hear the words from my lips and know I meant them. It was time to let her know the truth.

  Gently placing her on the bed, I watched her eyes move over my body. I unbuttoned my jeans and pushed them down, letting my hard cock spring out and hit my stomach. Kynslee bit down on her lip and attempted to hide her moan—but failed. I crawled onto the bed and pushed her shirt over her breasts and took one nipple into my mouth. She gasped, and I couldn’t help but smile. I loved how she reacted to me. Even our first time together, she responded to my touch like no other woman had before or since, and nothing had changed all these years later.


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