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Delicate Promises

Page 14

by Kelly Elliott

  “You were made for me, Kynslee. Made to be mine.”

  Her body arched, pushing her nipple back into my mouth as she reached down and wrapped her hand around my cock. It was my turn to moan. She moved her thumb over the tip, then slowly started to move her hand up and down. I moved to the other nipple and devoured it like I had the first one. My fingers slipped inside her again, massaging the area I knew would pull another orgasm from her.

  “Miles, I feel so...”

  “I feel it too, baby.”

  “Please, I need you inside me. Now.”

  I moved, causing her to let go of my cock and sit up. She quickly pulled the T-shirt over her head and tossed it to the floor.

  Frantically looking around, I said, “Condoms. I need a condom.”

  “Where are they?” she asked.

  “I don’t fucking know! I threw everything into boxes when I moved in here.”

  Kynslee stared at me. “Are you clean?”

  Glancing around the bedroom, I looked back at her. “I mean, yeah. I can’t stand germs, so I try to keep my place clean all the time.”

  Her hand came up to her mouth, and she started to laugh.

  “Is my cleanliness funny to you?”

  She shook her head and wiped at the tears that were now rolling down her face while she laughed even harder.

  “I gotta tell ya, Kyns. You laughing at me is making my dick deflate. Fast.”

  Holding up her hands, she took a deep breath. “I meant sexually, are you clean? Have you ever been tested?”

  Well, hell. I felt like an idiot. The blood really did rush from the brain to the dick in times like this. “Yes, I’m clean. I haven’t been with a woman in a few years, and I’ve been tested. You?”

  She nodded. “I’ve never had sex without a condom, and the last guy I was with was Jack. I was tested after we broke up.”

  My eyes widened before I smirked. “So, you really couldn’t move on, huh?”

  Snarling, she said, “Obviously you couldn’t either. Do you want me to knee you where it counts and end this night, or do you want to fuck me without a condom?”

  “I vote for fucking without a condom, hands down.”

  She smiled. “Good, that’s my vote, too.”

  Lying back down, she gave me a sexy-as-hell grin and motioned for me to come to her.

  Settling between her legs, I felt my dick brush against her body, and I trembled.

  “Just so you know, this is probably going to be like our first time. I’m going to come the moment I slip inside you and feel you without anything between us. You’ve been warned. It’s been a helluva long time.”

  Kynslee wrapped her arms around my neck. “We’ve got all night for your little guy to come back up.”

  My head jerked as I lined up my cock with her wet entrance. I pushed slightly into her, causing her to gasp and me to nearly die from how good it felt. She was tight. My God she was tight.

  “Little, huh?”

  I pushed in more, then pulled all the way out.

  “Not little. So not little,” she said with a wicked gleam in her eye and a naughty smile on her face.

  “Tell me I’m big. The biggest you’ve ever had.”

  Her mouth gaped open in a glorious moan. I pushed the tip into her again and stopped.

  “Tell me…I’m big.”

  “Miles, are you seriously having issues with your size? Cuz I can tell you, you’re not little.”

  Kynslee hooked her legs around me and attempted to push me into her more.

  I pulled back. “You insulted him. His feelings are hurt now.”

  Pressing her lips together to keep from laughing, she tilted her head as if in thought.

  “Tell you what, you give me more than five pumps before you lose yourself, and I promise to do whatever you want to do tonight with that big cock of yours. See how much I’m giving in to him, I even used the word I hate.”

  “You really think I won’t last five thrusts? I said it’s been a while, not that I was a virgin all over again.”

  “You’re the one who said you wouldn’t.”

  “You should take that as a compliment, Kyns.”

  She shrugged. “Or it could mean you haven’t had sex in a really, really long time.”

  I rubbed my nose over hers and pushed in more. Her fingers dug into my shoulders. God, she felt amazing.

  “Christ, you’re so fucking tight.”

  Her breaths quickened. “Miles, stop teasing me.”

  I buried my face in her neck and pushed all the way in. Being inside this woman left me utterly breathless. I’d been dreaming of this moment for so many years. Hell, since the morning I woke up in the barn with her in my arms. I had wanted her again, but that fucking phone call interrupted us, and then that asshole showed up.

  “Miles,” she softly whispered as her fingers moved over my back. “I’ve missed you so much.”

  Slowly, I pulled almost all the way out before sliding back into her. Her eyes locked with mine, and I was lost to the sensation, lost to all the years we’d been without each other, lost to her.

  “Tell me it feels good, Kynslee.”

  Her eyes shut, and she arched her back, a sigh slipping from between her pretty pink lips. “It feels like heaven.”

  “I’ve dreamed of this for so many nights, baby.”

  Her eyes filled with tears, but she somehow managed to hold them back. “Don’t treat me like I’m delicate, Miles.”

  I smiled. “Tell me what you want me to do, princess. I want to hear it from that pretty little mouth of yours.”

  She didn’t miss a beat.

  “Fuck me. Hard and fast.”

  With a wide smile, I did exactly that, and I lasted much longer than five thrusts. Ooh Rah.


  LOUD THUNDER RATTLED the windows of the small cabin. I felt the bed move, and Miles jump out of it.

  I opened my eyes to see him pacing. His hands were in his hair, and he was mumbling. He looked upset about something. I waited for a minute before I realized he wasn’t stopping.

  Throwing the covers off, I looked around. One of his T-shirts was on the floor. I put it on and carefully made my way over to him.

  “Miles? Is everything okay?”

  He stopped pacing and looked at me. “Kynslee?”

  I smiled. “Yes, are you okay?”

  With a smile that practically lit up the entire dark room, he made his way over to me. He pressed his mouth to mine and kissed me like he hadn’t seen me in years. His hands quickly removed the T-shirt before he picked me up and carried me back to the bed, where he gently laid me down. My heart raced as he crawled over me.

  “I want to make love to you again,” he whispered softly against my lips. I wanted to ask him if he’d had a bad dream, what had made him jump out of bed and paced like that, but I was lost to him. Lost to the way he made me feel so cherished. Lost to his lovemaking.

  After Miles had cleaned himself and me off, he pulled me to him, and I drifted off into a beautiful dream.

  My body ached in the most delicious way. I’d had sex. Finally. Not just any sex. Sex with Miles. Three times last night.

  Smiling, I rolled over to find the bed empty with a note on the pillow. I reached for it and sat up, drawing the sheet with me.


  Didn’t have any breakfast here, so I ran to get some. Be back soon.


  PS. Don’t leave. We need to talk.

  I swallowed hard. What did that mean, we need to talk? Was it good, bad? Shit, was Miles going to say we made a mistake?

  With a shake of my head, I calmed myself down. No, it wasn’t bad. Nothing about last night or this morning had been bad. It had been the opposite, amazing. Even better than our last time together. Beautifully perfect. We might not have said it, but it was obvious we had both been wanting that to happen for a very long time. There was a connection between me and Miles, always had been. I had fallen in love with him years ago, and the
way he was looking at me when he made love to me at four in the morning said he felt the same way. Maybe that was what he wanted to talk about.

  A thrill raced through my body, and I slipped out of bed and made my way to the small bathroom where I took another shower. I wanted to be cleaned up before Miles came back. Maybe we could go for round four before we had this little talk.

  I heard the front door open and shut. “Kyns?”

  With a wicked smile I headed toward the living room. I was about to give Miles a little show. Maybe we could play a little before we had that talk.

  I walked out and dropped the towel as I said, “I missed you.”

  Miles’s eyes widened, and he quickly grabbed someone behind him, turning them away from me.

  His mother.

  “Oh my God!” I cried out, dropping down to the floor and onto the towel. In my mind my plan to salvage this situation had made perfect sense. Fall to the floor butt-ass naked, and blend in. No way his mother would see me.

  That didn’t happen, though, and I quickly realized it. I took the towel in my hand and rolled over, bringing the towel with me. Now I was simply a naked person rolled up in a towel. Lying on the floor. Like a human burrito.

  Miles cleared his throat. “Okay, well, you see something new every day.”

  I shot him a dirty look. By now Jen had retreated out the front door, quietly closing it behind her.

  “A warning would have been nice, Miles.”

  He busted out laughing. I hopped up and quickly looked for something to wear back in the bedroom.

  “Here. I got your bag from your car when I left to get breakfast.”

  I looked back at him and smiled. “You remembered I keep a change of clothes in there?”

  He nodded. “We sort of forgot to put your clothes in the dryer last night, so they’re drying now.”

  My heart melted at how well he knew me. I quickly started to get dressed.

  “Sorry. The moment my mother found out you were still here, she insisted on coming down. I texted a warning that she was coming back with me.”

  That’s when I realized I didn’t have my phone. “My phone! I left it in my car.”

  There was a knock on the cabin door, and I froze. “Knock-knock, we’re coming in! Come on y’all.”

  “We’re?” I whispered.

  Then I heard the voices. Oh. No. My parents.

  Miles looked like he was ready to jump out the window headfirst.

  “Steve, Ally, you got my text that I found her!”

  My eyes widened in what I was positive was a look of horror while Miles wore a look of utter fear.

  “It’s your parents!” he said while I yelled, “My parents!”

  “What do we do?” Miles asked.

  “Run! We need to sneak out of the window, go around back, and hide in the trees. Once we know it’s safe, we make a run for my car. I’ve got money stashed under my seat that will get us by for a week, maybe two if we budget.”

  Miles stared at me for the longest time before he shook his head. “Who hides money in their car?”

  “What? Me! I do! You never know when you’re going to be stranded, and need a little bit of extra cash.”

  “In your car, Kyns?”

  “Miles, now is not the time to talk about all my hiding places for money.”

  “You have more than one hiding place? You do own a debit card, right?”

  I went to say something when a knock on the bedroom door froze us both in place.

  “No one’s here!” I cried out before slapping my hand over my mouth. Miles rolled his eyes. Dropping my hands, I let my head fall.

  In a whispered voice, I said, “That’s it. Sex with you has made me stupid.”

  He laughed and then walked to the bedroom door and opened it. My father, mother, and Jen all stood there, smiles on their faces like the cat that ate the canary.

  I lifted my hand. “Hey there, y’all.”

  “Is everything okay?” my mother asked, eyes bouncing from me to Miles, and back to me.

  “Yep. All is fine. I got stuck in the storm last night, and Miles was nice enough to let me stay here while my clothes dried. Well, I mean, I had to take my clothes off because they got wet in the rain, not for any other reason.”

  Miles looked at me with pity. He knew I was digging myself into a hole I wouldn’t be able to crawl out of.

  Everyone looked at my clothes.

  “Looks like they’re dry now,” Jen said, a blush on her cheeks. I wanted to die of embarrassment.

  “Oh!” I said with a laugh. “Well, we forgot to move them into the dryer last night. Not that we were doing anything last night. I mean, we, um, were playing games.”

  Miles lifted a brow, crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the door jamb. He was leaving me on my own with this one.

  “Games?” our parents all asked at once.

  “Board games. Clue! Y’all remember how good I am at Clue. I kept winning and Miles was insistent that we keep playing until he finally won.”

  “Ah-huh,” Jen sounded skeptical, glancing at her son. “Let me guess, it was strip Clue?”

  Kill. Me. Now.

  “Strip Clue?” my father asked.

  My cheeks heated, and I felt like I couldn’t breathe.

  Oh. My. God. What if that had been my parents who had seen me naked? I felt faint.

  “Kyns? Are you okay?” Miles asked, rushing over to my side.

  “Yes, sorry. I think I need some breakfast.”

  My father clapped his hands together, causing both me and Miles to jump. “Perfect, let’s all head into town and grab some breakfast at the Hunt Café.”

  “Oh, I’ve been dying for one of their chocolate cranberry muffins!” Jen said.

  “Those are heavenly,” my mother added to this extremely awkward conversation.

  Miles and I exchanged a look. Well, there goes talking this morning, and all the other yummy things I had in mind.


  HUNT CAFÉ WAS one of those typical small-town cafés. The moment you walked in, you went to your normal spot to eat, if it was open. The waitress didn’t bother asking what you wanted to drink; she already knew and was setting it down as you took your seat. This was one of the upsides to small-town life.

  Folks who hadn’t seen you in a while stopped you on the way to your regular spot and asked things like, “How is your momma doing these days?” Even though they had just seen your momma yesterday at the grocery store. Or, “How’s the fishing in your tank? You plowed that field yet? Did you hear about Lou’s Aunt Beth, she’s done had another kid!” Those were the types of conversations that were overheard day in and day out.

  Yep, that was Hunt Café. The moment we walked in, Miles let out a groan as all eyes locked on us. Not on our parents, but on me and Miles.

  “Haven’t been into the café yet, I take it?” I asked in a hushed voice as I kept my well-bred southern manners from slipping, making sure to smile and nod to those who were saying hello.

  “Nope. For this very reason.”

  A plethora of eyes looked at us. Some old, some young, some who looked like they’d been sitting at the counter since the last time Miles and I walked in this place together years and years ago.

  “Well, if it isn’t out yet, it is now,” Miles said, nodding and saying hello to folks as we followed our parents to the large table in the back corner.

  “Miles Warner, welcome home, son,” Mrs. Johns said.

  He tipped his hat. “Thank you, ma’am. Good to be home.”

  One older gentleman extended his hand to Miles. I tried to keep walking, but he grabbed my hand and laced his fingers with mine. My stomach fluttered while my nerves kicked it up a few notches. If walking into the café with both of my parents didn’t seal the deal for the gossipy folks in this town, the PDA was sure to do the trick.

  Miles and I were together. Let the rumor mill commence.

  “Thank you for your service, son. Never did get to
see ya when you came home to visit your momma.”

  With a polite smile, Miles shook the old man’s hand. “Thank you so much, sir. It was my honor. And the same goes to you. Thank you for your service.”

  That seemed to make the old man happy. “Fellow Marine. Semper Fi.”

  Miles replied, “Semper Fi.”

  I couldn’t help the way my chest filled with pride. I respected the hell out of him for what he had done for both his family and for our country. It was nice to see people acknowledge his sacrifice.

  We continued to our spot. Our parents were already seated at the table. My eyes caught on Erin. Why wasn’t she at the barn getting ready for a lesson? She smiled big, and I returned the gesture. Then she tilted her head in that annoying way of hers, and I quickly looked away.

  “Was that Erin Monroe?” Miles asked after we walked by, and I slipped into the chair.


  He looked back over at her. “Boy, she’s grown up.”

  I didn’t want to feel jealous, but I instantly felt it. “If you’d like to go talk to her, have at it.”

  Miles turned back to me quickly, giving me a confused look. “What?”

  I pulled in a deep breath and looked away. He sat down and reached for my hand, but I drew it away.

  “You mind telling me what’s wrong?” he whispered so only I could hear.

  Kellie, our waitress, was setting cups of coffee down for everyone.

  “Nothing,” I stated quickly and with a little too much pettiness in my voice. I needed to calm down. Where was this jealousy thing coming from? My goodness, why were my emotions all over the place?

  Our parents fell into a casual conversation almost instantly. Talking about The Mercantile, the farm, our ranch, horses, the weather… It went on and on while Miles and I sat there, listening and smiling every now and then.


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