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Aries (Gods & Monsters Series Book 1)

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by Hanan Sobhy DreamCatcher

  I could tell she was afraid, her once rosy cheeks, were pale and she kept biting her nails, two things that always happened to her when she was afraid, but she was trying to put up a tough front, just for me.

  "I'm here." I answered Mr Murray, "So are Michael Davis & Elizabeth Jacobs." I assured him.

  He let out a relief filled breath.

  I can't believe what a weak Alpha I am. Here, everyone was trying to make sure I was alright. When it was really supposed to be the opposite.

  I sucked in a breath and walked down towards the centre of the gym, asking Mr Murray for the microphone.

  Reinforcements are on the way baby girl, don't you worry! I'm on my way. My dad mind linked.

  The count down was over and all the doors were sealed tight, with silver linings.

  No one could get in, no one could get out.

  "Hi," I said through the mic, the chatters downing my weak voice, but I was not weak. My wolf refused to believe that, and my alpha blood proved it. I was the Alpha female, soon-to-be, Luna of this pack! I needed to get a grip. My eyes fell upon Mike and Lizzy on the top and they both gave me panicked but reassuring smiles, I cleared my throat, "Hello, everyone, can I get your attention please?" I said louder.

  People still spoke across my voice and my temper started rising. I sucked in a deep breath, "Everyone! Listen, now!" I yelled, using my Alpha tone, for the second time.

  The voices were muted in an instant, and all my teachers and headmasters looked at me with respect, waiting to hear what I had to say.

  Now that the voices were low, we could clearly hear screams and growls from the outside.

  Sadness filled me as did fear, but I pulled it together, my pack needed me.

  "Thank you. I know that you're all scared and afraid, but you needn't be. I already mind-linked the Alpha, and he assured me that reinforcements are on the way," they were a bit relieved to hear this, I mustered up some more courage and continued, "Whatever happens, we stick together, it's times like this, that show people what a strong pack is really made of. And we are strong. We are the Blood Fang pack, for cryin' out loud! We're wolves not rabbits! We are the predators, not the preys! Since when were we afraid of some rogues? The reason they're called rogues is because they're weaker than us! So don't be scared, bite down your fears and howl like you were meant to!" I let out the deep breath I was holding and looked up at my pack, with hopeful eyes.

  Everyone was quiet, and I decided that I was probably the worst leader to ever rule this pack. My ego deflated ten fold as I looked at everyone's panic striken eyes.

  Suddenly the whole room was filled with roaring howls. My ears perked up and I howled along, one loud Alpha roar from me and everyone was cheering, the strength and energy building up inside of us.

  The steady clap of someone emerging from the back of the crowd caught everyone's attention, "Well, isn't this just heart-swelling."

  One whiff of him and I instantly identified him, as Michael and Lizzy quickly appeared by my side.

  I glared at him, anger and fear surging through me, "Rogue..." I spat.

  The tall and dark man, laughed.

  He had dark brown hair, brown hollow eyes, and a visible scar slashed right across his neck. His jaw line was strongly outlined and his muscles prominent.

  He looked at me with sheer predaceousness, a shiny glint in his hollow eyes, "Precisely." He gritted out.

  Chapter 2 - Strawberry Sugar


  Alpha Harris suddenly bolted out of his seat, calling out to his guards and sending them back to his territory.

  We had just signed the alliance paper before he became wary and shifty.

  "Alpha Harris," I boomed, towering over him, "What seems to be the problem?" I growled, taking offence.

  The Alpha look at me with pure pain and hatred "Rogues." He spat darkly, his once green eyes now pitch black.

  Without hesitation, I mind linked my warrior clan's head, Prepare your warriors and send them to BloodFang territories, they're being attacked by rogues.

  Yes, Alpha Aries. He complied.

  I turned to Alpha Harris, "We should be on our way now. Reinforcements have been sent." I said.

  He looked at me with gratitude, yet I could still sense the uneasiness in his demeanour.

  I put my Third in command, Landon, in charge, as I ordered my Beta Jake to assemble a crew so we can head up north, to BloodFang territories.



  The rogue started stalking towards me, closer, closer, and closer, up until the point where he was merely inches away. Although I inwardly shook, I didn't show the slightest emotion. I needed to stay strong, if not for me, then for my pack.

  I glared at him, looking straight through those dark hollow eyes as he easily sized me up. Suddenly his cold fingers trailed across my cheek, making me flinch, feeling a shiver crawl up my spine in response, as his mocking laugh filled the gym. Michael, Liz, and most of the pack growled all starting to take action but I raised my hand to stop them. Michael took a defensive position, his body shaking with anger and pure fury.

  "What is it that you want?" I inquired him harshly, stiffening.

  "Well, it's simple really. We originally came for your land," he stated, as a matter-of-factly, pausing, "But then when I came, I saw something-" he paused, as he eyed me up hungrily, fiddling with the tip of my hair; "Or rather someone-" I pulled away forcefully with disgust evident in my eyes. "Much more worthy." He continued.

  Something in me snapped, kicking into full alpha mode, "What if I strike you a deal?" I stated strictly, as I crossed my arms across my chest.

  The rogue raised his eyebrow at me, with an amused shimmer in his eyes, "A deal, aye?" I heard echoing laughs all around, then I realized it. Rogues. All around. Guarding the exits of the gym.

  How did they get in?

  What are you doing? Michael yelled through mind link.

  Shush. I scolded him.

  "Yes." I spat through gritted teeth.

  "What makes you think that you can negotiate?" He inquired mockingly.

  "The fact that we're still talking and I'm not dead." I snapped.

  He nodded as he eyed me from top to bottom, a smirk creeping on his face.

  I took this as a sign to continue, "Battle me, wolf to wolf," everyone gasped, I looked around and back at him before I continued, "If I win, you leave. If you win, then you can do as you please. But that'll be, over my dead body." I spat the last four words, venom dripping through my lips.

  His eyes went wide in astonishment, not believing his ears, but he nonetheless agreed.

  Of Course I would never allow him to take advantage of the pack, if I lost. I was just stalling until dad's backup made it here. Plus, I'm one of the best female fighters there was. And I was determined to win, hopefully.



  We finally reached BloodFang lands, and my wolf was anxious to spill some blood.

  As soon as we entered their boundaries, my wolf howled inwardly. He was excited for the first time in ages. I didn't know what for.

  "Where to Alpha Aries?" Asked Beta Jake, who was driving.

  "Follow Alpha Harris' car." I ordered.

  Without hesitation he complied. I could see that the other werewolves in the car were tense. They were looking serious, going to battle. That was good; this was how I taught them to be. They needed to take this seriously if they weren't planning on screwing it up.

  My wolf was on the verge of bursting out of the car doors when he saw that we were at School Grounds. Probably wanting to end this mayhem.

  Rogues surrounded the school, near and far. Some in their wolf form fighting against Alpha Harris' and my men, some in human form holding people hostage. My Beta parked far enough so we couldn't be seen. Most of my fighters were already here.

  As I stepped out of the car, I could smell blood from a mile away.

  I spotted Alpha Harris and caught up to him, "We should get in, in w
olf form." I informed him.

  He looked at me looking distressed, "Someone has to get in there in human form, the gym is the sealed panic room, we need to deactivate the system if we are to get to my daughter and the rest of the children."

  "Alright," I paused to think, "I'll go in wolf form from the back, you cover the front, send your Beta to deactivate the alarm, and we'll both head directly to the gym." Alpha Harris nodded, he was about to speak when I continued, "I already sent some of my fighters to the main compound and pack house, so they could make sure that all is well. We have surrounded the borders; no rogue is getting out of this...alive." I stated, reassuringly.

  He nodded, looking somewhat relieved before he shifted into his wolf and sped to the main entrance.

  I nodded at all my men, telling them that they should all shift, and deal with the outer problems while we took care of the inner.

  I shifted feeling my wolf break free as I sped to the back, my beta on my tail.

  I ran and ran, ripping out any wolf's jugular vein as I passed by.

  Fighting off rogues wasn't a big deal to me. I once killed an Alpha. I was trained to fight from a very young age. And I earned my title, not many years after.

  I was only 15 when my father was killed. So it was only fit for me to take the title, right after his burial.

  I grew harsher, ripping through the rogues' necks roughly, as I remembered the day my father was killed. My wolf going on a rampage.

  Getting close to the back door we heard a loud siren coming from the inside.

  I busted through the school's back door, crashing it with my large wolf. My Beta's wolf snickering from behind me.

  I rolled my eyes, and kept going, searching frantically for the gym.

  We ran into a couple of lower ranked rogues, Jake and I easily overpowering them.

  As we approached the gym, getting closer, a heavenly scent was all over the area. It was a mix of strawberries and a sugary smell. It made me want to moan out loud.

  I looked at Jake questioningly, but he looked confused, uncomprehending even.

  My wolf grew anxious, and I decided that I was probably just hungry.

  I ignored the thought, and put it aside, it wasn't the time to think about food.

  We got closer to the gym doors that were clearly sealed with silver.

  Suddenly the sirens switched off, and the doors started to lift open.



  I quickly shifted into my wolf, ripping through my clothes, not bothering to take them off first.

  His eyes widened at the sight of my wolf. Clearly getting slightly shocked. My wolf was larger than the average she-wolf, even with the Alpha gene counted.

  I stretched lightly and started to circle him, a wolfish grin playing on my lips. My wolf was feeling bouncy on the inside, glad to be free, and anxious to rip this bastard to shreds.

  The rogue stripped down his clothes, standing in front of the whole school with all his nasty glory. Most of the men growled, half of the girls looked away, while I glared at him with distaste, concentrating on his upper body.

  The ones who already become of age and found their mates seemed to see red at that moment, their eyes turning into a pitch black colour.

  Unlike them, I haven't even turned eighteen yet. My birthday is in a month.

  Michael looked like he could kill him right then and there, and Liz looked away, watching all of the other rogues on guard.

  He shifted into a big dark brown wolf, with no tail and messy fur that stood.

  His wolf didn't intimidate me. It was about the size of my mother's wolf. And I was still larger than her, considering that she was quite petite, even in human form. Most of the school gathered around, the rogues stepping back, giving their so-called leader space as they watched cautiously.

  He growled at me ferociously, and I growled back.

  I'm coming, Ariel, I'm just on the outside of school! Tell me you're alright, darling. My dad's worried voice linked me, catching me off guard, as the rogue took his chance to lunge at me.

  His body crashed into my own, sending me flying backwards as he growled once more.

  I'm fine. I gritted out, linking him back, deciding that I only needed to stall for a little while.

  I let out a thundering roar through the gym, which echoed all around, feeling my wolf grow furious, I unleashed my anger and let her take full control, turning my stormy grey eyes, black.

  I lunged for him as he did the same letting both our wolves crash into each other. He tried to take a bite off of my neck but I slashed his face deeply ripping a chunk of fur and flesh off.

  I heard growls come from the rogues as I slashed their leader, but I could feel pride grow inside of me.

  His wolf shook his head, and stumbled back. As he regained his composure he glared at me, his dark hollow eyes turning pitch black.

  He howled loudly rushing towards me, but I side stepped him as he slid backwards. He lunged again, but I slid right under him.

  He growled in frustration, before turning to watch my next move.

  We circled each other, growling. Before I rushed towards him, him using my trick and jumping over me. But as he was in mid air, I took that chance to bite down on his right hind, twisting it harshly as he let out a roaring wail.

  He fell down with a loud thud, looking angrier than ever.

  Suddenly one of the rogues lunged for Michael. I growled loudly starting for him, deciding to rip off his head, and as I was distracted, something's weight crashed on me, making me topple to the floor.

  He overpowered me, placing his paw on my neck, letting his claws dig into my skin.

  I struggled to get free, and my pack members angrily attacked the rest of the rogues.

  I looked at Liz who was overpowered by a rogue. She had already shifted, as did Michael and some of our teachers.

  Their leader smirked down at me, as I let out multiple growls, to show him that I wouldn't give up. I couldn't give him the satisfaction.

  He bent down his jaw dangerously close to my neck, and just before he decided to finish me off, the loud forgotten sirens went off.

  The doors were unsealed, and a savage roar filled the school.

  As the rogue was distracted I freed my paw and slashed his face once more, injuring his left eye consequently, and I was free.

  I was about to attack when a humongous, furious, black wolf lunged at him and ripped off his head as he let out another heart stopping howl.

  My wolf froze. Everyone froze. The rogues looked like they were about to retreat in panic.

  He looked as beautiful as midnight, but truly scary. I didn't know if he was on our side or not. But I assumed he was.

  Out of the blue, wolves started filing in killing each and every rogue.

  My father boomed into the gym, in wolf form, looking around frantically until his eyes landed on me.

  The unknown wolf was frozen in place, I noticed, his fur shiny black and smooth, and his eyes, his eyes were dead set on me.

  Chapter 3 - Spearmint & Lavendar



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