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Aries (Gods & Monsters Series Book 1)

Page 3

by Hanan Sobhy DreamCatcher

  My eyes scanned through the whole gym, and the addictive scent that I smelled grew stronger than ever.

  I saw rogues and wolves fighting, as well, but my eyes fell upon only one thing. One person.

  A large, beautiful, snow white she-wolf with golden streaks entrapped below an, almost, equally large wolf.

  As soon as my eyes were fixed on her, my wolf went ballistic.

  All I saw was red.

  I roared fiercely, my growl bouncing on the walls, echoing, making everyone freeze and look at me, including the wolf above my mate.

  The she-wolf took the chance of his distraction, to slash his face and free herself. Unusually, a prideful feeling settled inside of me.

  I urged on swiftly, my wolf concentrating on protecting only one thing.

  My Mate.

  With one fast move, I latched my jaw on his throat, my sharp canines sinking into his skin. He struggled against me but it didn't faze me, as I ripped a gigantic chunk of his flesh, including his breathing pipe, resulting in his death as his head broke and rolled off onto the floor.

  I turned around to look at the she-wolf, who was obviously of a high rank. I gawked at her, scanning her for any injuries.

  She stared back at me with wide silver eyes, but I didn't see any realization in them.

  She didn't know that I was her mate. My wolf pouted at this, slightly.

  A big large grey wolf appeared beside her, examining her wholly, circling her, then finally, bringing his snout to the crook of her neck, and nuzzling into her fur. Alpha Harris.

  My mate was the Alpha's daughter.

  Alpha Harris howled, and an unknown man came to him with some clothes in hand.

  He handed them to the she-wolf and bowed to her, respectively backing off.

  She carried her clothes and sped to a room. I wondered what would happen if I followed her. I just wanted a peek. Shaking my head, I refrained myself and strode towards Alpha Harris, who shifted back into human form.

  The same man handed him some jeans.

  The strong sugary scent of strawberries aroused my attention once more. I looked towards the known source, and my eyes fell upon the most exquisite creature I've ever seen.

  Her almost icy white complexion, and her light brown hair cascaded down in waves, she had cherry red lips, and a small nose to match her flawless face. She had high cheekbones that were slightly adorned with light, almost unnoticeable freckles.

  She was breathtaking. My wolf was ready to claim her, right then.

  But I refrained myself.

  How could she be my mate? She doesn't even feel the connection. Then she can't possibly be my mate.

  She hurried and buried herself in Alpha Harris' embrace, and suddenly I felt a tinge of jealousy.

  Jake had already shifted back and had some basketball shorts held out for me. I shifted back right in front if everyone. Including the Alpha's daughter.

  Her face turned beet red, and the Alpha growled, hiding her behind him.

  I wanted to growl back at him and tell him that she was my mate, but I wasn't even really that sure, since she didn't acknowledge me at all.

  I pulled on the shorts and stauntered towards them.

  Alpha Harris nodded, "Thank you Alpha Aries."

  I shrugged it off.

  The Alpha's daughter stepped from behind her father, "I could've handled it," She snapped sassily.

  "Yes. Quite well. In fact, you were handling it so well, that you were going to die," I bit back sarcastically.

  She was going to say something but she bit her bottom lip instead, looking down at the ground fiercely.

  Then out of nowhere, some pup came and hugged her tightly, breathing in her scent.

  "Michael." She sighed in relief, hugging him back.

  In an instant, I shoved him off of her sending him stumbling backwards, far away from her, as I pulled her to my chest, "Mine." I growled, feeling protective of her. I nuzzled my head in the crook of her neck, taking in her scent as I closed my eyes relishing in the moment.

  I wondered if the goddess would be so cruel as to bless me with a mate that didn't even acknowledge me?

  I felt a few bangs on my chest, and I realized that it was my little mate.

  She tried to push me away, but I held her in place with my hands on her hips, securely.

  "I. Am. Not. Your. Mate." She stated furiously glaring up at me.

  I glared back at her. Then shifted my gaze to Alpha Harris, who looked quite shocked.

  "How old are you?" I asked her.

  She looked at me stubbornly, "Excuse me?"

  "Don't make me repeat myself." I gritted out, using my Alpha tone.

  She stared at me with disbelief, but spoke, nonetheless, "17." She mumbled, her cheeks tinting lightly.

  She's still not of age, my wolf felt relieved, "You wouldn't know if I was your mate or not. Not yet, at least." I stated.

  She turned to her father, looking at him for back up, but he shook his head, "It's possible." He said.

  My beta approached me, "Alpha Aries, have our duties been fulfilled?"

  "Yes, Jake. We'll be on our way now."

  Alpha Harris walked up to us, "It's been a long day. You're welcome to stay the night in our pack house, so you could rest."

  I looked to Jake, who just shrugged, and then nodded.



  I walked out of the girls locker room, dressed in a pair of jeans and a white tank top, and my eyes fell upon my saviour, who was still in wolf form.

  His wolf still peeked my interest. He was marvellous. Strong and powerful. He reeked of Alpha dominance.

  His wolf looked at me, his judging eyes raking my whole body. I felt shocked of his bluntness as he checked me out, but I didn't complain, because I wasn't bothered by it. Actually, I was flattered, and secretly seeking his approval, for some reason.

  I strode to my father as he embraced me comfortably in his strong arms.

  I heard a light growl and I could've sworn that it came from the obsidian wolf.

  He looked away from me and his eyes fell on my father before shifting. Right in front of me.

  My cheeks felt warm as I quickly, and hesitantly, teared my eyes from his gorgeous body.

  His sculptured chest and firm, prominent muscles strongly built with eight packs.

  His dark brown hair made him look young and piercing blue eyes were captivating, stirring the wolf within me in a way I've never felt before.

  My father growled at his blunt action and hid me behind him, but the Alpha didn't answer back.

  As soon as he was all covered up, my father allowed me to stand by his side.

  The Alpha that saved me was wearing a pair of shorts which hung lowly on his waist, showing off his 'v' line.

  He walked towards us and my father nodded at him, "Thank you, Alpha Aries." He said, with gratitude.

  Alpha Aries...

  His name sounded lovely, and for some reason, it made my wolf jump in excitement.

  But I remembered his name from somewhere. It sounded familiar.

  I think my mom might have mentioned it once or twice, before, when she was talking to me about the strongest pack in werewolf history. The BloodProwlers. Even their name used to bring me chills.

  They said their Alpha was a vicious beast. But Alpha Aries couldn't be him. He just saved me from death itself. So how could they be the same person?

  Alpha Aries shrugged, not even caring to reply to my father with a simple 'you're welcome'.

  I scowled at that, feeling the arrogance seeping from his domineer, "I could've handled it," i snapped, trying to bruise his ego slightly.

  His gaze snapped to me, sharpening as he narrowed his eyes at me, "Yes. Quite well. In fact, you were handling it so well, that you were going to die." He spat sarcastically.

  Clearly his looks were misleading compared to his personality. He was quite the charmer. Note the sarcasm. He seemed to be seriously disagreeable. May be he was the viciou
s Alpha of the BloodProwlers, after-all.

  I bit my lower lip and looked at the ground, feeling pissed off. When out of nowhere, I was engulfed with the spicy cinnamon musky scent I knew so well. He hugged me tightly and I returned his warmth, melting into his hug, and feeling the brotherly comfort. He breathed in my scent and i sighed in relief, "Michael," I acknowledged him.

  Forcefully, I was ripped away from his arms, and crashed into a solid wall, "Mine." A husky male voice growled, as he nestled his face in the crook of my neck, inhaling my scent as his features relaxed.

  I recognized the musky refreshing scent of my saviour; it was a mix of spearmint and, weirdly enough, lavender. I started banging on his chest so he could let me go, and my eyes widened in realization of what he said.


  He thought i was his mate.

  This has got to be a joke.

  I pushed myself away from him - well as much as i could with his iron grip - and scowled at him, "I. Am. Not. Your. Mate." I hissed.

  "How old are you?" He asked me, catching me off guard and completely vexing me to no end.

  Plus, who was he to ask me that question?

  I furrowed my eyebrows, "Excuse me?" I asked him with disbelief.

  His eyes turned slightly darker, "Don't make me repeat myself." He gritted out between clenched teeth.

  Just answer the question, my father mind linked me.

  I didn't want to cause a scene, so i did what i was asked, "17." I mumbled, feeling embarrassed of my young age compared to him. To him, i was probably a pup, i felt like i disappointed Alpha Aries, and for some reason, i needed his approval.

  His stone hard facial expressions didn't change, he was completely unreadable.

  "You wouldn't know if i was your mate or not. Not yet, at least." He stated casually.

  I looked at my father, so I could see how he was taking things, may be he'd reassure me that no one could find their mate before they became of age, but he just shook his head, "It's possible," he said, flushing all my hopes down the drain.

  A man with a strong built approached Alpha Aries, "Alpha Aries, have our duties been fulfilled?" He asked.

  Alpha Aries nodded his head, "Yes, Jake. We'll be on our way now."

  I let out a breath of relief, as those words reached my ears, but I shouldn't have let it out so soon, "It's been a long day. You're welcome to stay the night in our pack house, so you could rest." Said my father.

  My eyes widened and I freaked out, Alpha Aries nodded slowly as he contemplated the thought.



  It was an awkward drive to the pack house, Michael and Liz were pestering me through mind-link, but i had blocked them out.

  The school day has been cut short, obviously due to the rogue attack.

  So much for a perfect senior year. Everything already seemed to be falling apart.

  Beta Davis was driving and my father was in the passenger seat, leaving me at the back with Alpha Aries.

  Michael and Elizabeth were in the third row of the SUV, whispering to and, no doubt, mind-linking each other.

  Alpha Aries was quiet and completely stiff as a board.

  His facial expressions were hard and stony, I wondered what would happen if I caressed the side of his face. Would his features soften?

  He looked like he was deep in thought.

  My curiosity was getting the better of me as I pondered what was occupying his mind.

  He had his arms crossed across his chest tightly, his breathing was so even, that I thought he wasn't even breathing.

  His head suddenly snapped towards me, making me look away swiftly, my face growing warm as I thought of being caught gawking at him.

  Goddess, now he probably thinks i'm weird.

  You are weird! My wolf sneered.

  I ignored her and inwardly rolled my eyes.

  I felt his eyes on me, trailing from my hair to my face, down to my neck and below. It was like I could feel exactly where he was looking, from the intensity of his gaze.

  The car came to a stop as we got home, to the pack house.

  I felt suffocated and almost jumped out of the car and ran towards the door.

  Because the odds were against me today, I tripped on the porch stairs.

  I shut my eyes and got ready from the impact of the harsh ground.

  But it never came.

  I was suddenly flipped, and found myself on the porch floor, on top of someone.

  As I opened my eyes, I came face to face with the man I dreaded the most.

  Alpha Aries.

  I quickly got up off of him, stumbling backwards, but again, he caught me before I fell, with stern arms around my waist. He wasn't even affected by the fall, and acted like a weighed nothing.

  "Are you okay?" He asked me, his hard facial expressions remained intact, but I saw slight concern flash across his eyes. Although it vanished as fast as it came.

  I merely nodded in response, untangling myself from his grasp.

  I side passed him fleetly and strode into the house, heading towards my room.


  Not many seconds later, Liz barged into my room, with an unreadable expression on her face, "Don't say it." I dismissed before she even opened her mouth to speak.

  "Say what?" She asked.

  I creased my eyebrows, "Anything at all! I don't want to hear anything that concerns Alpha Aries." I stated, throwing my hands in the air, exasperatedly.

  "I don't even know what to say." She said with a frown, sighing as she threw herself on my bed.

  I mimicked her as we both lay there, staring up at the ceiling, in silence.

  A knock on my door broke me from my solemn condition.

  Elizabeth and i exchanged curious looks before i got up and walked to the door, opening it.

  It was my mom, she was in tears, and her lower lip was trembling, "Oh my darling!" She gasped as she crushed me with her arms, "You're alright." she said, more to herself, as she scanned me for any injuries.

  She walked into my room, drying her tears, as she went to Liz, giving her a tight hug. She turned to me and outstretched her arm, "Come here, sweetheart." She continued with light sniffles.

  I walked to her as she sat down on my bed, next to Liz, and took us both in her warm embrace.

  She kissed my forehead, as I snuggled into her, resting my head on her bosom, "You're safe now my pups."

  My mom was a very emotional person, but it wasn't a bad thing.

  She loved Elizabeth, because she practically raised her since she was a baby.

  Mr Jacobs lost his mate, after Liz's birth by a year, in a rogue attack.

  Liz's mom was my mom's best friend, and she practically raised her until Mr Jacobs got his life back together.

  He was devastated, but unlike other wolves that lost their mates, he didn't turn all his grief into anger and rage, he put all his emotions and turned them into love and dedication concentrating them on Liz & his work.

  "So girls, are you going to shower and get dressed?" She asked, with a smile on her flawless face.

  "What for, mama?" I inquired.

  "Today's the barbecue! Don't you remember?"

  Liz looked confused, "But i thought that it-"

  "-would be cancelled because of the rogue attack? No. We won! That's all the more reason so we could celebrate." She said enthusiastically, cutting Liz off.

  "Alright, we'll get ready," i reassured her.

  She nodded and kissed us both again, leaving us so we could get ready.


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