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Aries (Gods & Monsters Series Book 1)

Page 5

by Hanan Sobhy DreamCatcher

  I gawked at him, as I took a small bite of mine.

  As he swallowed the last of his food, he eyed my sandwich.

  I sighed and handed it to him, "Do you want it?"

  He nodded eagerly, digging in, and finishing it whole.

  He moaned, making my eyes go wide with amusement as a smile formed on my lips, "You like it?" I asked him.

  He nodded, "It's amazing," he said swallowing the last bite, he looked like he forgot something he had to say, and he continued, "Thank you, Ariel."

  I giggled at his childish change of attitude, "You're welcome, Aries."

  His lined lips, tugged at the corners to what seemed like a try for a smile.

  He was about to say something when Liz slid in, singing loudly.

  I mentally face-palmed, and her face flushed when her eyes fell on Aries.

  He looked shocked to say the least, and his stony face was back in place, as he rose from his seat, and coldly left the kitchen.


  Chapter 5- Adrien


  Liz looked at me wide eyed, with fear evident in them, then lunged at me, "You were talking to the Mate Killer!!"

  I was surprised to hear this. I heard many stories about his brutal acts, and about his horrible, beastly pack, but nothing about him being a Mate Killer.

  That being said, I shuddered when i remembered how close he was to me today.

  "W-what?" I asked her, my heart starting to hammer against my chest.

  She grabbed me roughly by the shoulders, and shook me, "Don't you know?" She asked, I shook my head and she sighed, looking around, making sure there were no prying ears before she brought her lips to my ear, as she whispered, "I heard he killed mates off so that he could punish the moon goddess for not blessing him with one."

  I looked at her feeling doubtful of her words, as I cocked an eyebrow, "How do you know? What makes you so sure?"

  She sighed and dropped her arms to her sides, "I heard Michael's mom talking to Mrs Rolland when I was over at his house the other day."

  "And you seriously believe Michael's mom?" I asked her with disbelief, facepalming.

  Liz looked at me sheepishly, her face flushing, as she pushed some of her blonde hair away from her face, "Yeah..." She drawled out, seemingly unsure herself.

  I shrugged, "Well, either way, it doesn't matter. He's in alliance with our pack. No harm could come to us by him. He obviously saw something special in our pack, since we're only the second pack The Blood Prowlers ever form an alliance with."

  Liz was about to open her mouth to speak when suddenly, the clicks and clacks of rushing foot stomps unmatched to a stampede echoed in the packhouse, "Ariiiiiiiiiii!" Yelled a squeaky voice, speeding into the kitchen.

  Adrien had already latched onto my lower left leg, with his little arms and legs wrapped around it.

  He looked up at me with dad's forest green eyes, and soft shiny brown hair, as my own. His hair was long, almost covering his forehead, and he had his baby teeth perfectly in line. His eye-lashes were as thick as our mother's and he had the Harris signature smile. I remember when he first came into the family, mom was in labor for almost a full day, apart from the day before which she spent in the hospital getting ready and checked up. I loved the idea of having a little sibling, but I was afraid. Afraid that I'd no longer be Daddy's little girl, and mom's only child that she talked about all the time, so proudly. But with Adrien in the family, my parents' treatment to me never changed, if anything, it got better. Dad felt like I was growing up so fast, and he was even more protective of me and spoiled me rotten. Mom felt like she could count on me more, as she felt my responsible protective side, kick in. And Adrien and I sort of fell in love. He loved me and counted on me for everything. It felt like, I was his mother instead. He looked up to me and did whatever I did. That's why I had to make sure I'd be the perfect role model. It was his third birthday last month, and he insisted on spending the whole day with me.

  His eyes were excited, and his smile reached from ear to ear, "I've mithed you Ari! Don't ever go back to thcool," he pleaded. Adrien hated school, cause he said it took me away from him. I chuckled and picked him up in my arms, "I've missed you, too, kiddo!" I said, as I ruffled his hair and placed a kiss on his cheek. He wrapped his little arms around my neck and nuzzled his head in the crook of it, as I patted his back softly and relaxingly. "Hey, Adrien!" Liz chimed, as she came to me and placed a kiss on his exposed cheek. His face flushed, and he grinned cheekily, "Hi Lizzy!" He greeted her, shyly hiding his face into my neck.

  Liz chuckled loudly and ruffled his hair, "You're such a cutie." She squeaked.

  He giggled, but nonetheless remained in his safe cocoon, that is my neck.

  Suddenly, Liz's eyes lightly glazed over, she was mind-linking someone, before it returned back to normal, "What was that about?" I asked, as i saw her widened sky blue eyes.

  She groaned, "My dad wants me home, something about chores." She grumbled, as her shoulders slumped while she dragged her sorry ass out of the kitchen.

  I chuckled loudly, at her silliness and carried Adrien all the way to the games room.

  "Wanna play?" I asked, him mischievously.

  He suddenly perked up, and almost jumped out of my hands, "Yeah!" He yelled, happily, as he turned to look at me.

  The light in his eyes dimmed and a frown made its way to his face when his eyes landed on something behind me.

  I furrowed my eyebrows and turned around, as Adrien hid behind my leg.

  "Hello," greeted Aries with a straight face, from the doorway.

  I awkwardly scratched my head, "Hi," i greeted him.

  Light tugging on my legs caught my attention, as i looked at my little brother, "It's okay Adrien, he's daddy's friend," I told him reassuringly.

  Adrien reached his hands up in the air, "Up, up." He said.

  I sighed and carried him as he hid his face on my chest.

  I looked at Aries, "Sorry, he's shy, he's not really used to many people." I apologized, taking a seat on the mahogany couch in front of the flat screen TV.

  Aries made his way to me, and took a seat at the far edge of the couch, "It's okay." He said, eyeing Adrien from his place.

  I cocked an eyebrow, "Is something wrong?" I asked him, concerning my brother.

  He simply shook his head in response.

  I sighed, looking at Adrien, he looked back at me from the corner of his eye, "Don't you wanna play?" I asked him.

  He nodded his head slowly.

  "Well, you'll have to get off of me if we're going to play." I informed him with a small smile.

  He smiled back at me then rubbed his eyes as he got up and jumped off the couch, racing to the medium sized trampoline we had next to the billiards and Foosball table.

  He climbed in and started jumping while i watched him with amused eyes.

  As he jumped up and down his eyes fell upon the cotton candy machine, and they lit up.

  He looked at me with a grin and puppy dog eyes, and i sighed giving in to his silent request.

  I walked towards the machine, as he continued to play, and turned it on.

  I grabbed the sugar bag and poured some into the opening where the heat came from.

  Pulling out a cotton candy stick i started swirling it around as soon as i saw the fine threads starting to form. I kept doing that until it made enough cotton candy layers then i stopped the machine.

  As soon as i turned around with it in hand, Adrien squealed with happiness and raced out of the trampoline as he made his way to me in a hurry, his small strides making him look like a petite munchkin.

  "Yay!!" He yelled as i handed him the cotton candy.

  As soon as he laid his hands on it, he started munching.

  I giggled as i sat back on the couch, turning on the TV to his favourite cartoon, Handy Manny, on Disney junior.

  When i didn't think his smile could grow any bigger, he proved me wrong, as he climbed up the couch and sat himself between A
ries and i.

  Aries was so quiet, calculating and watching us, that I had forgotten his presence.

  Adrien snuggled himself more on my side, and began watching, as he sang along to the theme song.

  His words were so funny to hear. It was like he had his own language.

  Mom, Dad, and i, are his own personal dictionary of everything he says, since most people don't understand what he's saying.

  Aries turned to me, "He's.." He said talking about Adrien, as he paused contemplating his next words, "Cute." He continued.

  I almost cracked a smile, "Thanks," was my curt reply.

  He looked away at the TV, and it was silent between us for a while, apart from Adrien and his cartoons, we were in complete silence, but it wasn't uncomfortable.

  "When's your birthday?" Aries asked, out of nowhere, taking me aback.

  My head snapped to him, as he looked at me, i cleared my throat, "Next month, on the twenty-fourth," I said.

  He nodded his head, and before he could speak, i cut him off, "Why?"

  "Well, because i want to know when we'll finally finalize the mating process." He said, appalling me, that i almost choked on my own spit.

  "W-what?" I asked, nervously, trying to control my emotions, not succeeding, because my wide eyes, and gaping lips gave me away.

  "You heard me. So why do you insist on making me repeat?" He asked through gritted teeth, his stony features hardening even more, though i never thought it was possible, as his eyes darkened.

  I took a glimpse at Adrien, who was still looking at the TV, but i knew him well enough to know that he was listening in on our conversation, trying to understand, anything.

  "Could we, may be, discuss this elsewhere?" I asked softly, not wanting my little brother to be here when all hell breaks loose.

  He looked at Adrien, then back at me, and sighed, "Alright then, let's go somewhere." He said as he got out of his seat, abruptly.

  I cocked an eyebrow and scowled at him, "Now?" I asked.

  He gritted his teeth again, and crossed his arms against his chest, "Yes." He snapped, his dark eyes getting darker.

  I growled, feeling my wolf start to get upset, as i stood up out of my seat, not wanting to take orders from him.

  Suddenly i felt someone hide between my legs.

  I looked down and found Adrien looking up at me with big watery eyes.

  My eyes softened, and i worriedly cradled him up in my arms, "Hey, hey, why are you crying?" I asked softly.

  He sniffled as light tears started falling onto his cheek, then he mumbled something incoherently, but he pointed at Aries, so i understood that he was afraid of him.

  I glared at Aries, who's hard features didn't change, but his dark eyes slowly turned to their electric blue colour, soon enough.

  "Don't worry, Adrien, he won't hurt you," i reassured him, stroking his hair comfortably, but he shook his head, not wanting to hear any of it. He wasn't used to seeing anyone get angry, even my parents never fought in front of him, if they ever did. He also didn't get out of the house much, he only went to nursery and played with children his age, so he wasn't exposed to any violence, thankfully.

  I sighed, and approached Aries, "Would you please apologize to Adrien, for getting angry?" I asked him softly, so he could help me calm Adrien down.

  Aries' eyes turned pitch black, "No." He growled.

  I glared at him, before i gritted my teeth, "Please." I pleaded.

  "I said, no!" He growled loudly, causing Adrien to whimper in my arms.

  I sighed, and patted his back, "Shh, Adrien," i spoke softly, as i turned around from Aries and started walking towards the door.

  "Don't walk away from me!" He sneered.

  I turned around to him angrily bumping slightly into his chest, as i glared at him, "Enough!" I yelled my Alpha voice booming, as i felt my wolf slowly take over, feeling protective of my whimpering baby brother, who's nails were digging in my back as he clutched onto me like dear life.

  Aries' eyes widened in shock as stared at me, bewitched.

  I took this chance to scold Aries, and let out my anger, "Enough of this." I paused, looking at him with disbelief, "Are you really as heartless as they say? Scaring my little brother, it's preposterous!"

  Aries' eyes widened and then narrowed at me as he took threatening steps towards me, his chest rumbling with suppressed growls, as he gritted his teeth. I held on tightly to Adrien and backed up, getting cornered at a wall.

  Aries placed both his hands on either sides of the wall, as he leaned in his face towards me. He was so close that I felt his breath fan my lips, i shut my eyes tightly slightly afraid of what he would do, "Yes." He spat, as his presence suddenly diminished.

  I peeled my eyes open and found that he was gone.

  My eyes started to blur lightly as tears stung my eyes.

  Adrien unwrapped his arms from around me, and wrapped them around my neck, looking at my eyes, "Don't cry Ari, i'm here to protect you," he whispered softly, as he hugged me tightly.

  Chapter 6 - The Eye of the Beholder


  I took Adrien to my mom so she could soothe him and let him nap a little. Aries had gotten him all worked up and he wasn't used to this kind of violence in conversation.

  I marched straight to my room so that i could wash my face and cool down.

  As soon as i walked inside, i almost screamed bloody murder when i found Aries looking over through my window, watching the people set up the Primary pack house's backyard, that stretched to the forest greens behind, for the barbecue.

  I gritted my teeth and fisted my hands fixing them to my sides, "What are you doing here?" I growled lowly.

  I was so angry with him for what he did to my baby brother, i wanted to rip his head off.

  Aries turned around, and looked at me with sad eyes filled with guilt.

  He got up and walked over to me, "I-i'm sorry." He said, looking into my eyes. And my anger suddenly dispersed.

  The stubborn side of me though, nonetheless, forced me to shake my head.

  Aries' eyes widened as they darkened lightly to an electric blue colour.

  "What?" He asked, about my gesture.

  "It's not me who you should apologize to," i answered simply.

  Aries looked at me confused as he furrowed his eyebrows, vexingly.

  "Adrien, that's who," i said as-a-matter-of-factly.

  Aries' eyes darkened even more, "You want me, the strongest Alpha in werewolf history, to apologize to a three year old?" He asked with disbelief.

  But i nodded to show him my determination.

  Aries growled, lividly, and loudly, making me jump in place, "To hell with this!" He roared, before storming out of my room, and slamming the door on his way.

  I sighed, and took in a deep breath if exasperation before feeling a lump get wedged in my throat, while tears began stinging my eyes.

  But i swallowed hard, and let out that breath before deciding to head on to the barbecue.


  I passed by people, our paths crossing as our shoulders bumped, while i mumbled out a few, "Excuse me"s on my way to the bonfire out back.

  My eyes immediately spotted Michael who waved at me to come over.

  I smiled at him when my stormy grey eyes met his cool blue ones.

  I walked towards him as he gave me a side hug greeting.

  "How you doing?"

  I sighed, "Fine, i guess," i replied.

  Michael gave me a sympathetic smile, "Big bad Alpha problems?" He teased.

  I let out a light giggle, as i nodded, "He's so goddamn difficult."

  Michael chuckled, and leaned in, hiding part of his mouth with the back of his hand as he pretended to whisper, "Scary too."

  I smiled at him, shrugging, "So, did you see Liz?" I asked.

  Michael stiffened and shrugged, "I don't know, i don't keep tabs on her." He snapped.

  "Okay, gosh. It was just a question." I bit back.

  Michael sighe
d, "I'm sorry, i-"

  "No, i don't want to hear it. Ever since you two hooked up last summer, you've been all weird. Our three amigos thing is falling apart! You can at least talk about her nicely," i spat.

  Michael's eyes widened, "She told you?" He asked, outraged.

  "Of course! When you tell someone not to tell anybody something, it automatically doesn't include best friends." I added.

  Michael glared and walked away, storming in the direction of Liz's house.


  I hurried behind him, calling his name.

  "Stop! Wait! Michael!" I repeated over and over again. But he didn't even turn around, he marched straight to the Third's house.

  I groaned, "If you don't stop and listen i swear i'll never speak to you again!" I decided to say.

  Michael suddenly stopped dead in his tracks and turned around.

  "That's not fair," he growled.

  I smirked at him.

  "You don't get to do that!" He snapped exasperatedly, pointing an accusing finger at me, "You don't get to anger me, and still win."

  "Yes i do." I teased.

  "Says who?" He teased back, smirking suddenly, while taking a few steps towards me.

  "I'm the Alpha, here, last i knew you were my Beta, you have to listen to me," i pressed, my grin growing wider.

  Michael's eyes widened, while a seductive smirk made its way to his lips, as he took more steps towards me, him stopping just as our chests brushed.

  Suddenly he fell to his knees, and looked up at me his eyes growing darker.

  "What do you want me to do, Alpha?" He said lowly, with a seductive tone in his voice.

  I looked down at him, confused, "Michael? What are you doing?"

  Michael's smirk was wiped off in an instant, "I'm apologizing," he said lowly before wrapping his arms around my waist and pressing his cheek to my stomach as he hugged my lower abdomen tightly, "You're so beautiful Ariel," he sighed, breathing in my scent.

  "Michael, stop," i said, feeling a bit creeped out.

  "No, let me say this." He insisted, looking up at me, "You're the most beautiful girl in the world."

  I furrowed my eyebrows, "Don't embellish, i'm not beautiful."


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