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Aries (Gods & Monsters Series Book 1)

Page 4

by Hanan Sobhy DreamCatcher

  Liz got up and picked up her bag, turning to me, "I'll go home, so i could check up on dad. Once i'm dressed, i'll come back so we could do each other's make-up." She said, flashing me a dazzling smile before she took off.

  I sighed, as i got up, starting for my closet, but another knock on my door, distracted me. I expected it to be Liz, may be she forgot something.

  I yanked the door open with a smirk, which instantly fell into gaping lips, as my eyes widened, "Alpha Aries," I gasped.

  Chapter 4 - Please & Thank You


  He stood there; looking as shocked as i was, as if he didn't even know his reason to being here.

  He didn't speak, just stood there gaping at me, so i cleared my throat, "Uh- was there something that you needed?" I asked.

  He snapped out of his daze, and looked slightly embarrassed before he regained his composure, his hard features returning, as if they've never left, "Yes. I would like to be shown to the guest room so i could freshen up."

  His answer kind of sounded like a question. It was like he was unsure.

  I nodded, as i stepped out of my room, shutting the door behind me.

  Alpha Aries didn't move from his place, and when i turned around, i got crushed to his chest, pinned against my bedroom door.

  I looked up at him, questioningly. Wondering when he was going to move.

  He looked back down at me, his blue eyes turning slightly darker, as they softened. His right hand moved up, close to my face. I looked at it as it moved closer to my cheek, and sucked in a breath, wondering what he was about to do.

  Right before our skin came to contact, he seemed to awaken from his dreamy state, and completely withdrew his hand, as he stepped back. This made my body feel the cold atmosphere, like a withdrawal symptom from his body heat.

  He watched me like a hawk, his stony features taking over again, as he stiffened.

  I tore my gaze away from him, as i turned and walked through the hall, urging him to follow.

  There were plenty of guest rooms, but there was one in particular, right on the left of mine.

  I placed my hand on the door knob, reluctantly twisting it.

  I felt his body heat from behind me.

  He was standing, yet again too close.

  I felt him inhale my scent, sensing a relaxing atmosphere overcome him.

  I pushed the door open, nervously, and stepped inside.

  "Here," i said softly, "There's a king sized bed, a small fer-forge balcony, a walk-in closet, and a bathroom," i continued, my voice continuing to be just above a whisper.

  I kept convincing myself that his Alpha air was the element that made me nervous and that this was only due to him being the first young looking Alpha for me to meet.

  All the others were about my father's age and there were only 13 packs in the US, as a whole.

  I tried to tell myself that i was feeling mixed emotions because i was a hormonal teenager and that he was a very good looking Alpha.

  I opened the bathroom door, so i could show it to him.

  He looked around, and nodded.

  I closed the door, slightly slamming it, because i felt bothered by how he didn't even act thankful.

  I turned around to leave swiftly, when he caught my arm, making me feel sort of giddy on the inside.

  I think my period could be coming closer than i thought.

  He turned me around so fleetly and roughly that i bumped into his chest. He steadied me as he placed his hands on my waist, our faces were closer than i wished, he leaned down, his refreshing scent overwhelming me, "Thank you." He whispered with a husky voice.

  I looked up at him and his eyes were no longer light blue but a dark shade of electric blue.

  His voice sent a shiver up my spine.

  I gulped opening my mouth to speak but i couldn't form any words, "I-uh."

  I was lost in his eyes, and i, surprisingly, took this chance to take in his features.

  His lightly unshaved face, giving it a slight shadow, his mesmerizing eyes, and his luscious lips. He was mouth watering. I licked my lips and shut my mouth quickly, fearing any drool might seep out.

  I cleared my throat once again, looking at the ground, "Uh, i meant, um, you're welcome," I said, trying to compose myself. My heart was beating so fast, i was surprised i didn't get a heart attack.

  I didn't know what was wrong with me.

  I have talked to millions of guys in my life-time. They all practically begged me to date them, but i never had. None of them were close to his beauty and flawlessness. This was very unsettling.

  I was about to turn around and leave, once again, but he opened his mouth to speak, "What's your name?" He asked.

  My lips formed into some sort of small smile, as my cheeks flushed lightly, "Ariel," I answered softly.

  "Ariel.." He repeated, more to himself. It was like he was testing the name as it rolled off of his tongue, and i had to say, my name never sounded more interesting.

  I nodded my head slightly so i could hint my parting, turning on my heel as i left, without waiting for his dismissal.

  When i shut his door, I sprinted for my room, slamming the door behind me. I let out a breath and slid, my back to the door, falling to the ground, clutching at my chest, my heart beating rapidly under my palm.


  After I calmed myself down, I decided to take a shower and get dressed.

  I turned the shower tap and stripped my clothes off.

  After the water was warm enough for my liking, i stepped into the shower, feeling the warm water relax my muscles.

  In, about, fifteen minutes, i was done.

  I turned off the water, stepping out of the shower as I wrapped a towel around my body and dried my hair.

  I walked out of the bathroom, while running a hand through my hair.

  As soon as I took a glimpse at my bed, I screamed bloody murder as clutched tighter onto my towel.

  Alpha Aries was in my room. Shirtless. His hair was damp and he only wore the shorts from earlier.

  I was in my towel, naked underneath.

  He looked alarmed when he heard me scream, but then his eyes scanned me and his eyes widened turning pitch black.

  I heard a growl emit from deep within his chest, and I swallowed nervously, "What are you doing here?"

  His eye colour returned to an electric blue gloss when I spoke.

  "I needed something." He stated with a husky voice, as he eyed me from top to bottom.

  My cheeks flushed under his gaze. But I mentally gave myelf a slap to snap out of it as I raised my eyebrows at him, "Which is?" I drawled out.

  He looked down at his body and back at me, but when i didn't catch on, he huffed, "I need a shirt." He stated as-a-matter-of-fact-ly.

  I scowled, not appreciating his tone, "Why'd you come here then? Were you hoping you could borrow a crop top?" I snapped, sarcasm coating my each and every word.

  He growled loudly and swiftly pinned me to the wall, as he caught both of my wrists in his hands on top of my head.

  I struggled fearing that my towel would drop, but he wouldn't let me go.

  "Don't you dare disrespect me!" He sneered angrily, his eyes turning pitch black.

  My wolf grew agitated, the Alpha blood within me boiling.

  "Or what?" I yelled, a growl emitting from deep within my chest.

  He clenched his jaw and gritted his teeth, "I am an Alpha! You have to respect me!"

  "Yeah? Well, incase you haven't noticed, i'm my own Alpha, and you sure as hell aren't." I spat.

  His eyes widened in realization, and his eyes turned slightly lighter as his grip started to loosen.

  My towel started to undo the more i struggled and it showed a visible amount of my cleavage.

  His gaze lowered and his eyes widened, as his once light coloured eyes turned pitch black.

  He growled loudly, and his grip tightened again pinning me to wall his much bigger frame swallowing me whole, "Mine."

breathing became slightly shallow as I started to panic, he leaned in, taking in my scent as his face lowered towards my own.

  His lips grazed against my forehead and trailed downwards towards my chin and lower, raking his lips against my skin, making me shudder under his touch.

  He loosened his grip on my wrists and intertwined his fingers with mine, still keeping my hands above my head.

  He reached my collarbones and trailed small kisses on their outline. I squirmed in place, trying to break free, making him growl in response.

  He looked up at me with lustful pitch black eyes. I could see that he was no longer in control, that his wolf was at bay.

  He brought his face to mine and tried to claim my lips but i denied him.

  He growled and tried again, but he ended missing once more.

  My towel started to slip a little and i gasped, starting to get uncomfortable. I struggled again against him, but he wouldn't budge.

  "Please let me go.." I whispered, pleading with my eyes as they glistened with unfallen tears.

  His facial expression softened, and he regained control, his wolf forcibly being suppressed. His light blue eye colour returning.

  "I-i'm sorry," he said with, what seemed to be, sadness in his eyes, "I lost control." He mummbled, more to himself, as if he couldn't believe that he did.

  He let go of me, and stared at me with his regular hard expression.

  I tucked the towel tightly, and approached him hesitantly.

  I lifted my hand up near his face, and he flinched looking away as he shut his eyes, probably thinking i was going to slap him.

  I even thought I was going to, because I was enraged that he actually acted against my will.

  But I did the least expected thing, and caressed his cheek lighly, running my thumb on his cheekbone forgivingly, "It's okay." I found myself saying, my voice just above a whisper.

  His eyes snapped open in shock and his hardened features relaxed as he leaned into my touch, his eyes fluttering back shut in peace. He placed his hand on my hand that was still placed on his cheek and kept it there for a while, until i decided to withdraw. He opened his eyes, boring them into mine as he reluctantly let my hand go and composed himself.

  I looked at him, amazed at how someone so vicious could be affected by me, out of all people, so easily, "I'll get dressed and get you a shirt and a pair of jeans, alright?"

  His stony expression returned and he stiffly nodded his head, "I'll be waiting in my room." He stated, as he sped out of the room as if being showered with hot lava.


  I put on a pair of highwaisted light blue jean shorts and a sleeveless, strappy off-white crochet top with a flowery pattern and some beige sandals.

  I brushed through my hair and tied it up in a high pony tail, then added some Bad Gal Bang mascara and Huda trendsetter matte liquid lipstick, so I would look presentable. I never really went to these lengths, my mom bought me all types of makeup to try and get me 'out there' but I never felt the need to impress anyone. I always thought, 'girl, if anyone's going to like you, they should like you as you are', and went by it, until now.

  For some reason, I wanted to turn heads today. Well, not ALL heads, just one in particular.

  I went downstairs and searched for Trevor, and I found him in the kitchen grabbing a bottle of water as he waited for my mom so that he could run her errands.

  "Hey!" I chimed.

  "Hello, Miss Harris." He greeted me with a small casual smile.

  "I was wondering if you had an extra pair of jeans and a shirt." I asked him as I awkwardly rubbed the back of my neck, with a shy smile plastered onto my face.

  His eyes widened and he looked confused.

  "For Alpha Aries." I added.

  His face seemed to show understanding as he nodded, "Of Course, I'll bring them right over." He said, as he left.

  I walked towards the cupboard so i could reach for some cereal, after all, i haven't eaten all day.

  Someone cleared their throat from behind me and startled me.

  I turned around to see who it was only to spot Michael leaning on the door frame.

  I let out a breath of relief.

  Michael looked confused, "I was worried you'd be Alpha Aries." I said clearing up his confusion, with a chuckle, as he came over and wrapped his arms around my waist.

  "Oh, yeah, i heard he was staying the night."

  I groaned, "Yeah, he is."

  "The dude seems really intimidating."

  "Tell me about it!" I groaned, Michael chuckled then turned serious.

  "You don't think he's telling the truth, about being your mate, do you?" He asked, with worry and concern.

  I shrugged, "Nah. I don't think so." I said, trying to convince myself of that, firstly.

  Michael nodded, "So i'll see you at the barbecue?" He asked.

  "Sure will," i said with a wink, as he backed up heading to the kitchen door.

  "Let's cross our fingers that the big bad Alpha doesn't show." He said with a mischievous smirk.

  I nervously giggled, "Let's." I said.

  He smiled at me and left without another word.

  I let out a breath, and pulled out my cheerios, eating right out of the box, as i shoved a handful into my mouth.

  I almost moaned as i tasted it's yummy goodness.

  Someone cleared their throat, and I was sure it was Michael, yet when I turned around, I almost choked on my food.

  I coughed lightly as i swallowed the cheerios.

  Alpha Aries was leaning on the door frame, looking much more intimidating than Michael.

  Michael wasn't even intimidating.

  His eyes widened when he eyed me, and assessed my clothing choice.

  He made me feel so exposed, when in reality, I really wasn't.

  "Change." He growled.

  I raised an eyebrow at him, "What?" I asked, trying to make sure I heard him right.

  "You heard me. Change your clothes, there's no way i'm letting you walk outside dressed like this." He spat.

  I shook my head, not believing his words, "Okay, back up. First of all, I don't take orders from you. Second, you say that like you're in charge of how I dress, and third of all, I won't change."

  He gritted his teeth and balled his fists, and before he was able to speak, Trevor walked in with some clothes in his hands.

  "Here you go Miss Harris." He said, with a smile.

  I was about to reach out for them, when Alpha Aries snatched them from his hands, rudely.

  Trevor looked shocked, and awkward.

  Anger rose within me, "Thank you Trevor, Thank the man, Alpha Aries." I spat.

  Alpha Aries looked outraged and angered by my words, as he slipped on the plain white t-shirt.

  "I don't have to thank anyone, I am an Alpha."

  I growled at him, feeling protective of my pack member, "That may be how things work in your pack, but here, we thank our men when they do good. It has nothing to do with status, and rank, but it has to do with something called manners. Which is something you obviously haven't learned." I spat angrily, as I crossed my arms across my chest, tapping my foot impatiently, waiting for him to thank Trevor and apologize for being so rude.

  Trevor had a triumphant smile playing on his lips. He had watched me grow up ever since I was a little pup, and I think he was feeling proud of me.

  Alpha Aries' eyes went pitch black, Trevor stood close to me, ready to protect me if needed be, but I shook my head, and stood in front of Trevor, "He won't hurt me." I informed him lowly.

  I looked straight into Alpha Aries' eyes, and I decided i'd test this whole 'mate' theory. If he were really my mate, he'd compromise for me.

  Alpha Aries unclenched his fists as my words sank in, and sighed, his clear blue eyes returning.

  He cleared his throat, and hesitantly began to speak, as he looked at Trevor, "Uh," it was the first time to hear him speak unsurely, he always had strict words, he always knew what to say and when to say it, and no
w, we were both watching him struggle for words, "Yeah, thank you." He said, as he looked at me sternly.

  He couldn't say it while looking directly at Trevor, seeing him as inferior, so he settled on me, since I was, somehow, equal to him in rank.

  It was a start. I thought, as I gave him a satisfied smile.

  "Good." I said, as I nodded at Trevor dismissively, who looked appalled, a smile tugging on his lips.

  "You are mostly welcome, Alpha Aries," he said, kindly, as he left.

  I turned away from Alpha Aries who was staring at me intently, putting back the cheerios box into the cupboard.

  I turned back around and started walking out of the kitchen, lightly brushing shoulders with the Alpha, when he grabbed a hold of my arm, he turned me around to face him, and looked at me nervously, "I-uh-I'm hungry."

  "You can help yourself, the fridge is right there," I said with a small smile, pointing to the fridge in the corner, "There are plates over there-"

  "I don't know how to make anything." He said, cutting me off, seeming embarrassed, with his same hard features, and a frown on his face.

  He looked like a lost puppy, and I kind of softened up, sighing, "Of Course you don't," I said, "What would you like, Alpha Ar-" he cut me off, again, as he spoke.

  "Just Aries." He said.

  I stared at him like he grew two heads. I waited to make sure he wasn't joking but his stone hard features and serious aura didn't change. So I only nodded slowly.

  I cleared my throat, "What would you like, Al-uh, Aries.." I asked, reluctantly, testing out his name. I turned around and opened the fridge waiting for him to make up his mind.

  "A sandwich." He stated sternly, with a demanding tone, which my wolf didn't like.

  I turned to him, with a raised eyebrow, as I placed a hand on my hip, looking at him with a scowl on my face.

  His eyes widened in realization, and he cleared his throat, "Please," he added.

  "Alright," I said, turning back around to the fridge as I rummaged through the contents to make him a sandwich.


  I ended up making him two Italian BMT sandwiches, which he devoured in less than five minutes.


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