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Aries (Gods & Monsters Series Book 1)

Page 8

by Hanan Sobhy DreamCatcher

  His body shook in anger, as he unexpectedly pinned me to a wall, "You will stay with me. You are my mate. You will be my Luna, and rule by my side. You will bare my pups and you will respect me." He growled.

  So many orders, so little time. Said a snarky voice at the back of my mind.

  It couldn't be. It's not. Obviously, i've developed a very sarcastic inner-self.

  I glared up at Alpha Aries, feeling some of my strength return to me.

  He tightened his hold on my wrists, that he held above my head, and i winced.

  He leant down closer to my face, "The faster you wrap your head around this, the better. When the day of your birthday comes, i'll prove to you, that you are my mate." He snapped.

  "Fine." I retorted, as i glared up at him.

  His eyes widened, "What?" He asked, shock written all over his face.

  The look on his face was priceless. If only Lizzy was here to see this.

  "I said fine. I'll stay with you, willingly, until the day of my birthday. After that, if i wish to leave, you'll let me. Deal?" I negotiated.

  Alpha Aries began to think it through as his grip on me completely loosened, but that didn't change the shock that swallowed him whole.

  Suddenly a smirk played on his lips as he backed off of me, "Deal." He agreed.

  "I have to tell my father." I stated, as if that wasn't the most obvious thing in the world.

  He nodded, "I'll inform him."

  "Can't i speak to him?" I asked, hopefully.

  "No. Until your birthday, just over three weeks from now, on the 24th of May, you're completely and utterly mine." He stated.

  Did he really remember my birthday?

  "How'd you know when my birthday was?" I asked as i raised a suspicious brow at him.

  Alpha Aries blushed.

  He blushed.

  I blinked, so i could clear my vision. I couldn't believe that i just made him blush.

  He looked at he ground sheepishly, "You told me, remember?" He mumbled.

  He regained his composure, and looked at me strictly, "Take a shower, freshen up, get dressed and come downstairs." He ordered, as he walked out of the closet.

  I rolled my eyes at him, not that he saw.

  I walked out of the closet and into a bathroom that was on the other side of the flat screen tv.

  The bathroom was exquisite.

  There was a bathtub, a shower, a jacuzzi, and a sauna shower all in one bathroom.

  The light was a dimmer, and there was a speaker in the wall.

  I could play music and i could use it as an intercom.

  There was one button under the speaker that was labelled 'kitchen' under it.

  I assumed that i could order a drink up to the bathroom.

  Skipping my way to where the mirror was, I stopped where two sinks sat next to each other.

  I inspected his products, and they were all for men then walked towards the tub and started to let it fill up with warm water.

  I dimmed the lighting lightly, and stripped my clothes from yesterday, throwing them into the laundry basket.

  I found a robe hung at the back of the door and i wrapped it around my body.

  It was way too big, so i assumed it was Alpha Aries'. I waited for the tub to fill and decided to brush my teeth.

  Looking myself in the mirror properly, i realised that i looked better than i thought i did.

  I took a clearer look and found the four puncture marks on my neck.

  I shrugged it off, deciding not to look into it. It'll probably heal by tomorrow.

  Picking up Alpha Aries' toothbrush, i contemplated whether or not i should ask permission to use it first.

  "Alpha Aries!" I called, yelling his name at the top of my lungs.

  Suddenly, he barged into the bathroom, a panicked look on his face as he breathed in and out.

  I smirked at him, "Can i use your toothbrush?"

  He growled at me, as he deadpanned.

  "Of course." He snapped.

  I narrowed my eyes at his tone, and decided to mess around with him some more.

  I mean if i'm staying, i might as well have fun pushing his buttons, right?

  Something in me jumped with joy of my plan, but i shrugged it off.

  "Do you need anything else?" He said through gritted teeth.

  "Yes," i answered with a smirk, as i pulled on the robe's belt, letting it loosen slightly so it let the top part fall down below my shoulders.

  Alpha Aries' eyes widened, as he got a partial view of my cleavage.

  I folded my arms under my chest, and gave it a small boost.

  His eyes turned pitch black and he gulped taking slow steps towards me.

  "I need," i whispered, teasingly, as i poked a finger onto his chest.

  "Yes?" He asked lowly, with a deep husky voice, urging me to go on.

  I went on my tip toes, as he wrapped his arms around my waist crashing my chest to his own, and i grazed my lips on his, like he constantly did to me.

  "Shampoo," i continued with a smirk as i stepped away from him completely, and applied some toothpaste onto the toothbrush.

  Alpha Aries growled loudly, and yanked my arm roughly, turning me back to him, "It's in the cupboard next to the shower." He gritted out as he stormed out of the bathroom with inhumane speed.


  After i lathered myself in his tub, i decided that i didn't have to be as wrinkly as a prune to get out of the bath.

  I washed off and unplugged the drain lock. I got out of the bathtub and put on the bathrobe as i dried myself off.

  My stomach growled again and so i hurried out of the bathroom and into the walk-in closet.

  I stripped off the robe and opened the undergarments drawer. Picking out some light pink lace underwear, i slipped them on.

  I felt that the panties itched and realised that it still had it's price tag on.

  I plucked it off and searched for the matching bra and did the same thing.

  I put on my bra, and looked through the dresses.

  I heard some shuffling in the room, and poked my head from behind the door.

  Aries was laying down a food tray on the bed.

  As soon as he felt my presence he turned around with a small sheepish smile on his face.

  "I thought you'd want to eat something," He said.

  I looked at the food tray and found a big bowl of caesar salad and another bowl of assorted fruits.

  I nodded at him, "I could've come downstairs."

  "I thought may be you wanted to take your time and rest more so i-"

  "Thank you," i said curtly, cutting him off.

  He nodded at me and turned to leave.

  "Alpha Aries?" I called out reluctantly.

  He stopped in his tracks and turned around, "Yes?"

  I quickly went back into the walk-in closet and picked out an off white corset bust sundress with pink flowers and small spots all over, that i thought would look nice.

  I walked back out and held it in front of my body, "Would this look nice?" I asked.

  Alpha Aries' eyes darkened drastically and he looked at me intensely, "Beautiful," he whispered, as he stalked towards me, "Try it on." He said, as he tucked a stray strand of my brown hair behind my ear.

  I nodded as he wrapped his arm around my bare waist, making me shudder under his touch.

  I untangled myself from his side and turned around as i hurried to the closet, shutting the door behind me.

  I slipped on the dress and put on some pink ballet flats as i walked back out of the closet.

  Alpha Aries was comfortably seat on the couch.

  "What do you think?" I asked as i walked up to him and turned around, letting the dress flutter.

  He placed both of his hands on either side of my hips, stopping me in place as he pulled me, unexpectedly, onto his lap, "As i said before, beautiful." He whispered huskily.

  I sent him a small smile as i pulled myself out of his grasp, "Come on." I said as i started my way to the door

  "Where to?" He asked.

  "Take me out to dinner," i said before walking out of the door and hurrying down the stairs. I heard him chuckle lowly after me. I could only take that as an 'okay'.

  I walked to the main door hastily.

  This could be my only chance of freedom.

  I had to take it.

  I had to get out of here...

  Chapter 9- Best Mistake


  Alpha Aries had caught up to me faster than i had hoped. I was walking down the stairs, passing the wolf statues that stood at the bottom.

  "Where are you going? The garage is that way." He stated, pointing to the opposite side on the right.

  I shrugged, "I thought we'd walk there."

  "My territory is quite spacious, Ariel, i suggest we take the car," he insisted.

  I sighed and nodded, thinking may be this way i could convince him to take me out into town which was just on the outskirts of Blood Prowler territory.

  Alpha Aries got a hold of my hand and awkwardly intertwined his fingers with mine.

  I didn't imitate his actions, just stiffly kept my hand in his as he pulled me through his maze garden. He tightened his hold on my hand and i felt his gaze on me. I only kept looking at the ground that i was treading on.

  Suddenly, the tree hedges grew taller than i, and i felt like i was walking down a hall.

  There was a small pond, at the end, where the hedges ended, with baby ducklings, frogs, and Lilly Pads scattered all over.

  I felt the corners of my lips tug as i watched two baby ducks trying to copy their mother when she waddled out of the pond as the sun went down. The first duckling succeeded and followed it's mother but the second was left stranded.

  The duckling kept trying to push itself out of the pond and onto land, but it was too small.

  I let out a small giggle and again i could feel Alpha Aries' eyes on me.

  He released my hand and strode over to the little duckling who started to cower away, but he was too fast for it.

  He crouched down and reached out to it with his large hand, as the duckling quacked in fear.

  Alpha Aries carefully carried it out of the water as it jumped out of his hand and quickly waddled it's way to it's mother.

  He stood up straight and turned back to me with a small tug on his lips as he re-intertwined our fingers together.

  This time i responded to his gesture as he led me through the garden.

  "That was kind of you, Alpha Aries," i piped up softly, feeling my heart start to race.

  He smiled down at me, his blue eyes sparkling lightly, "Please, as i said before, no need to be formal with me. Call me Aries," He said gently.

  For the first time, whatever spewed out of his lips wasn't an order or a threat.

  I nodded at his request, and put it in mind.

  He dragged me along with him until we reached an area of rose bushes. Filled with all the different colours. White, red, pink, hybrid colours, and the rarest of them all, the black roses.

  I must have gasped at the sight of them because i, once again, felt Aries' gaze on me. I involuntarily let go of his hand and found my feet moving towards the rose bushes.

  I walked towards the bush of black roses, in particular, because i've never seen them up close.

  Carefully wrapping my fingers around the petals of one, i held it between my fingers as the black rose rested in the palm of my hand. I crouched down, to take a whiff of it's vibrant scent.

  I felt him crouch down behind me as he placed a hand on the side of my waist, "Do you like it?" He asked, with a husky deep voice.

  I looked back at him, realising that our faces were inches apart, and i could feel his breath fan my lips.

  I gave him a small shy smile as i felt the heat rise to my cheeks, "I love it," i whispered.

  He took a hold of both my hands, and pulled me up as we both stood closer than i would usually allow.

  He brought both my hands to his lips. Placing a kiss on the back of both of them.

  He looked back at me with gentle and kind eyes, "They're yours," he whispered, "Everything here is now yours," he stated as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me dangerously closer.

  I looked up at him and opened my mouth to speak, but i couldn't form any words.

  His eyes flickered from my eyes to my lips as he slowly leant in. His eyes fluttered shut and my own almost did the same. I felt his lips graze my own, and sparks started to tingle wherever he touched me.

  As soon as the memory of my plan appeared in my mind i looked away from him, making his lips kiss my cheeks.

  I heard a low growl come from within his chest, but i ignored it as i felt his lips start to trail wet kisses along my jawline and back towards my lips.

  My breathing started to get heavy as my body reacted positively under his touch. I extended my neck to the side as i weaved my fingers through his hair, pushing him closer to me.

  I exposed more skin to his addictive kisses, as a moan, that i was sure he could hear, started to build up in my throat.

  The desire and need for his touch started aching in my core, but I couldn't let this happen.

  I was leaving tonight, it didn't feel right to deceive him like this. Even though i had to defy every need and every unwanted feeling my body felt for this horrible--yet not horrible as i thought--man.

  I pushed him away before he could plant anymore kisses on my skin and trap me here forever. He stumbled back a few because i caught him completely off guard.

  Confusion and hurt swarmed in his eyes, but his jaw clenched and stoney features returned at the sight of my defiant figure.

  He shook his head at me disappointedly before walking ahead towards the garden's exit. A nagging at the back of my head scolded me for denying him the pleasure of kissing me, but i shook it off and ignored that small voice.

  I trailed behind him silently still trying to catch my breath and wrap my head around what had just happened.

  We reached his garage that was packed with different cars.

  Mustangs, Ferraris, SUVs, Porches, Mercedes, BMWs and stunningly, different coloured Maseratis.

  I almost drooled at the sight of all these cars, but i had to compose myself.

  "Choose." His deep voice echoed through the place.

  "What?" I asked, my voice laced with disbelief.

  He scowled at me, his eyes hardening, "I said, choose a car." He growled.

  Great, we were back to square one, and it was all my fault.

  But i shouldn't care.

  I didn't like him. I didn't care about him. He was a monster. He didn't deserve any love. And I was leaving.

  Guess it wouldn't be of any harm if i chose the car i'd be stealing from him.

  "That one." I said, pointing to the metallic black Maserati.

  He nodded at me, and walked towards this safe that was built-in the wall.

  He put in the lock combination and it unlocked revealing a whole lot of car keys.

  He picked out one in specific, and unlocked the car. He went onto the passenger side and opened the door for me. I walked towards him as my heart fluttered at his gesture, and got in.

  "I'll give you your set of keys when we get back," He stated as he got in.

  "W-what?" I stammered, my voice sounding shaky.

  He turned his full body to face me and sighed, "Ariel, you are my other half. No matter what you think of me right now, you are mine and i am yours. So it's only fair that you and i share everything. Anything that is mine, is now yours. You rightfully deserve this."

  My heart cracked a little as i heard his words.

  May be a couple of weeks won't hurt. A voice in the back of my mind whined.

  No. I have to get back home. I stubbornly decided.

  I nodded at his words as he returned to the driving position, and switched on the ignition.

  The car rumbled to life as he pressed the gas a few times, getting me excited and all 'fast and furious-y'.

  He put the PRNDL on the D and we were off speeding into the night.

  The sun had just set and the sky was dark with light colours mixed in.

  It looked marvelous.

  I kind of wished that the circumstances were different.

  What if Aries was the good guy?

  What if we were really destined to be together?

  The way he touched and looked at me made me feel like the most valuable person in the world.

  His possessive grip on my hips, his dominant kisses, his electrifying touch. I wanted it all, but under different circumstances, if he were a better person. If he wasn't so cruel to kill off mates. If he were compassionate. If he were my mate.

  "Ariel?" He called out, as he momentarily looked at me instead of the road.

  "Yes?" I looked at him.

  The look in his eyes made me think there were things he wanted to tell me.

  He stopped the car on the side of the road clenching his hands on the steering wheel.

  He looked stressed and i knew for sure that something was on his mind.

  I placed my hand on his and his death grip on the steering wheel had loosened lightly. He took my hand in his gently, and placed a kiss on the back of it letting his lips linger for a bit longer.

  Tingles shot up my arm, making me gasp audibly as my heart started racing and the aching in my core returned.

  He placed his left hand on the right side of my cheek, making me look at him. As soon as our eyes met i felt a feeling settle inside of me, trying to say something, but i couldn't get what.

  He leaned in closer, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me onto his lap with one swift move.

  Our noses were almost touching, as he gripped my waist tightly digging his fingers in.

  Somehow that didn't hurt me as much as i thought it would. But that was probably because of the fabric of my dress that stood in the way. Feeling his fingers simply on my body, clothes or none, made more sparks and tingles shoot through me. He seated me so i was straddling him, and with the dress i was wearing, it felt pretty intimate.

  His fingers dug a little deeper on my hips, as he inched his face closer to mine so that i could almost taste his lips. I felt my core clench anxiously as he lightly placed a chaste kiss on my lips. My eyes fluttered shut as i relished in our proximity. He waited for my withdrawal action but i didn't do so, i simply waited for his next move.


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