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Aries (Gods & Monsters Series Book 1)

Page 9

by Hanan Sobhy DreamCatcher

  I felt him smirk against my lips, as he kissed me once more, gently, with more passion.

  He deepened the kiss as he bit on my lower lip, sucking it lightly. A light moan escaped my lips with that action and i knew i was in too deep for me to run now.

  He took that as a good sign as he tightened his grip on my hips, moving me up closer on him. I could feel the bulge in his pants through the thin fabric of my lace undergarment.

  He kissed me repeatedly, our lips moving in sync, neither of us able to stop. He swiped his tongue on my lower lip, asking for entrance as he tried to pass through my lips.

  I denied him entrance because the logical part of me didn't want to take this any further.

  Although it seemed to me that i lost all sorts of logic when i decided to get in this car with him, earlier.

  An intimidating growl escaped his lips as he dug his fingers into my dress further, i could practically hear the fabric begin to rip, but thankfully, that didn't seem to be his intention.

  He kissed me again, but this time i could feel his canines grazing my lips with every move.

  He bit my lower lip roughly, making my eyes widen in shock as he plunged his tongue through my lips, his roughness only adding to my excitement and arousal.

  The taste of his tongue was euphoric, as he played with mine, fighting for dominance. Sparks shot all over my body, making me want to scream for more.

  I involuntarily moaned loudly, encouraging his kisses to deepen as he tilted his head in an angle to taste more of me. His hips started to slowly move making me grind against him. I gasped as i felt his member stroke my core lightly through the fabric of his jeans.

  My body seemed to like it and i uncontrollably started to move my hips faster along with his rhythm. His eyes snapped open due to this action and he groaned into my mouth, without breaking our kiss. I stroked his tongue with my own repeatedly making him moan.

  More moans started building up in my chest but i had to suppress them.

  I couldn't let him know he had this effect on me. I just couldn't. This was a mistake. He was a mistake. Although, i'd hate to admit, that he is the best mistake i had ever made.

  I suddenly felt the need to breath, so i tried to break the kiss off. But he placed a hand on the back of my neck, keeping me in place and deepening the kiss even more.

  His other hand started sliding down from my hips down to my bum, as he gave it a teasing squeeze that made me squeal as my body squirmed under his touch.

  I tried once again, with all the will power i had left, to pull myself apart from him, but he wouldn't budge.

  I decided that i needed a different strategy, so i deepened our kiss, taking full control, as i perforated my tongue through his lips making him groan loudly. As soon as he got distracted with my tongue i bit his lip roughly, making his eyes widen in alarm as i broke our kiss and untangled myself from his embrace.

  I sat back down in my own seat, gasping for air, as he did the same.

  "Fuck!" He suddenly growled as he brought his fingers to his lips which seemed to have bled lightly, "What was that for?!" He yelled.

  "I needed to breath," i snapped, as i took a deep breath. "You were suffocating me," i spat.

  He flinched at my harsh answer, "I can smell your arousal." He stated as he revived the car.

  My face was already warm as it felt but he had to say that and make my face go crimson red.

  I glared at him, and looked down at his member, "Yeah, you're the one to talk." I retorted.

  His eyes widened as he fixed his eyes on the road, but i can see the tug playing on his lips as he tried not to smile.

  I pulled down the mirror and looked at myself, fixing up my hair. My lips were red and swollen and my cheeks were tinted drastically. There was no way to hide what we've just been doing. I trailed my finger across my tender lips, and it tingled.

  I found myself smiling like an idiot as i remembered what we've just been doing, and the amazing sensations that he made me feel. I felt my core ache for his touch once more, but when i felt his gaze burning on me, i shut the mirror quickly and placed a scowl on my face, looking through the window.

  "Where do you want to go?" He asked, out of nowhere.

  "How about we go into town? If there's a restaurant you know..." i drawled out, so he could suggest a place.

  He nodded at me, and fixed his eyes on the road as we continued our silence.

  It was awkward to say the least, but i decided that silence was better than us arguing.


  After a while, the car finally came to a halt as we approached an expensive looking restaurant.

  There was valet parking and a man wearing a suit at the entrance, taking the waiting list.

  A good looking man opened my door for me, and i got out. I caught his scent and could easily identify him as a wolf.

  Aries was by my side, and he offered me his arm.

  I linked my arm with his and we were on our way.

  The man in the suit didn't even ask for our names or put us on the waiting list.

  He just nodded and bowed his head in respect for us, as he lead us to a table for two.

  "Shouldn't we have waited?" I asked quietly, as soon as i got into my seat.

  Aries smirked at me, "This is my restaurant." He stated.

  Now i knew where part of his money came from.

  I nodded, as i picked up the menu.

  I read a few lines and gave up.

  I sighed, "I'll have whatever you're having."

  Aries nodded at me, and started giving the waiter our order.

  I took that chance to look around.

  There were golden chandeliers and expensive looking velvety rugs and furniture.

  The women were all dressed up, and the men were wearing either suits or button up shirts, just like Aries.

  I started feeling shy and under dressed.

  "You look beautiful," said Aries, as he watched my reaction.

  "If you would've told me, i would've dressed up instead of looking like a little girl," i mumbled.

  "You look beautiful, Ariel," he repeated.

  Suddenly i heard someone clear their throat.

  As we both looked up, i saw an older looking women, gawking at Aries.

  She had piercing blue eyes and blazing curly red hair.

  She was wearing a crimson red short dress, with a 'v' shaped strapless top, which put her full cleavage on display.

  Her dress clung to her body like a second skin, and came up to slightly above her mid thigh, basically, short enough to cover her butt. Her boobs were huge and almost fell out of the dress. She had strappy black stilettos on, to add to her height, as well.

  "Aries.." she called on him, seductively leaning down on the table as she placed a hand on his upper thigh.

  Her eyes shifted to mine, momentarily, as she narrowed them, and scowled at me, "Excuse us, little girl." She sneered.

  Aries clenched his jaw as his eyes hardened and features stiffened.

  The women completely dismissed me, and i knew that she wasn't just a friend to him.

  Something in me burned with anger, while the other part of me, couldn't give a rat's ass.

  I raised my eyebrows at him and he gulped nervously.

  "Don't touch me," he growled at her, with a scowl on his face.

  The red head pouted her red coloured lips,"But Ari, i miss you," she whined, before he grabbed the hand the was placed on his thigh and twisted it roughly. Making a sickening crack fill my ears as i covered my mouth with my hand in disbelief.

  The red head screamed in pain but her scream was muffled by his hand. She tried to withdraw her hand from his grip, but he pulled her to his face, "If you ever come near me again, i will rip out your insides and feed them to you," he growled, his eyes turning pitch black.

  Tears fell out of her eyes, as she mumbled incoherent words.

  I got out of my seat, feeling sympathetic towards her, and walked to Aries' side.

  I caressed th
e back of my hand on the side of his cheek, "Aries.." i cooed, "Let her go," i said softly.

  Aries' unclenched his jaw, and fluttered his eyes shut under my touch as he leaned towards me, breathing in slowly.

  He didn't let her go but his grip on her wrist had loosened.

  "Aries," i repeated.

  He looked up at me, with softer eyes, "Yes?" He asked, with a deep husky voice.

  "Let her go," i repeated more firmly.

  He looked at her with sheer disgust, and let go of her broken wrist. Before she could scurry off, he grabbed her by the face and squeezed it roughly, bringing it closer to his.

  "Don't ever, approach us again. Do you understand?" He sneered.

  The lady nodded slowly, as tears fell onto her cheeks.

  "Do you understand?" He repeated again.

  She piped up a small, "Yes, Alpha." Before he let her go completely, and as she scrambled to leave, she threw me a harsh glare, and scurried away.

  As i started to go back to my seat, he grabbed my arm to stop me, but before he spoke, i raised my hand to halt his words, "I don't want to hear it," i said, as i ripped my arm away from his grip and sat back down.

  After a while of sheer silence and Aries trying to initiate a conversation, but failing, the food arrived.

  Aries had ordered us some steak, with mashed potatoes and steamed vegetables on the side.

  The waiter poured us some expensive looking red wine as well, before leaving.

  I started eating hungrily because i haven't had any food since yesterday when Michael and i left home to Blood Prowler territory.


  Only thinking about him made me feel homesick.

  I missed him.


  I looked up at Aries, but he was eating silently, then looked around but saw no one calling me.

  Ariel, where are you? The voice spoke up again. It sounded like Michael.

  Could it be?

  I concentrated on Michael and tried to mind-link.

  Michael.. I linked.

  Ariel. You're alive! Where are you? Are you safe? He linked back.

  I couldn't believe it! I could mind-link again! Good heavens!

  Yes! Yes, i'm alive. I'm safe! I'm coming home Michael. I'm running away from Aries.

  Where are you Ariel! I'll come get you. We've been worried sick! After i heard you scream yesterday, i tried to get back in, but his guards grabbed me and took me back to Blood Fang territory. Your parents have been worried sick! Alpha Harris was waiting for a full 48 hours before he would decide to declare war on the Blood Prowlers.

  No! No, tell him i'm going to escape! Tell him i'm alive. Tell him, i'm coming home!

  Why don't you tell him? He asked, worry evident in his voice.

  I can't! Something happened to my wolf, the only person i could seem to mind-link is you. I linked back.

  Alright. I'll meet you half way out of our territory, i don't want you travelling alone at night. He said.

  I ended the link and looked up at Aries who was watching me intently.

  "You mind-linked?" He asked, rage and relief both coating his voice.

  I shook my head, "No, i tried to though, it won't work." I lied.

  He nodded as he eyed me suspiciously.

  I took the glass of wine and took a sip.

  It tasted lovely.

  I drank it all in two gulps, before asking Aries for more.

  He chuckled lightly. His voice sounding beautiful to my ears.

  I smiled at him sheepishly as i tried to act calm. But i couldn't contain myself. I was finally going home.

  I had some more of the velvety drink before excusing myself to go to the bathroom.

  Walking into the large bathroom, i noticed that no one was there.

  I shut the main door and locked it, as i searched the place for a window.

  At the end of the bathroom there was a small window, at the top.

  I hurried towards it, before plucking the lock down, and pulling the window upwards.

  I lifted myself up, careful not to ruin my dress, and pushed myself through, face first.

  I was dangling out of the window, half out and half in.

  Before i slowly decided to take the fall. Who cared about the dress?

  I pushed myself more so that i tipped my weight on the outside, and i flipped out of the bathroom, landing painfully into some bushes.

  I held my tongue and suppressed the scream that wanted to escape my lips before i stood myself up and raced towards the valet parking area.

  I ran to the man, who eyed me suspiciously, and asked him for the keys, "Aries asked me to drive instead." I lied.

  Realization dawned upon him as he handed me the keys.

  I unlocked the car, and got in, locking it securely and putting on the seat belt.

  Turning the car on, i pulled out of the driveway, and sped away.

  As i neared the main road, i looked through the rear view mirror, only to see a far view of Aries, rushing out of the restaurant, ripping through his clothes and shifting into his dark black wolf.

  I pressed down on the gas pedal even more, obviously, exceeding way past the speed limit as i rushed through the woods' road.

  Aries and i were both speeding to BloodFang territories.

  It was only a matter of, who got there first.

  Chapter 10- Eternal Love


  After a long way of seeing Aries' wolf try to gain on me, i sped up even more until i lost him. My heart ached at the sight of him. I felt bad. I felt like a criminal. On my way, i heard him howl in pain and hurt a few times. It hurt me to do this, but it had to be done.

  He was crazy obsessed with me, and i wasn't even his mate!

  I was about fifteen minutes away from home.

  I was almost there.

  I anxiously sped up a bit more.

  Ariel! Where are you? I'm waiting for you at the border. Should i come get you? Michael's voice rung in my head, making my eyes glaze over so that i couldn't see the road clearly.

  No, Michael, it's fine, i'm driving my way home. I said via mind-link.

  As soon as my eyes returned to normal, i saw a big black wolf standing in my way, his eyes watching me with hurt and distress.

  I screamed and stepped on the brakes but i was going too fast, and he was too near.

  I rammed into him sending him flying a small distance back as he landed on the floor with a loud thud as a wail escaped his lips. If i was driving at a normal speed, he would've healed and gotten right back up, but i wasn't.

  The car's front got slightly indented.

  I stared at his fallen body, as the blood drained from my body.

  I stepped out if the car hastily as i sprinted towards his wolf.

  I crouched down by his side tears pouring from my eyes. He was badly injured, he was breathing deeply, in and out. His eyes made contact with my own, as a whimper escaped his lips, before fluttering shut. I searched him for wounds, and his body had none, but his head. His head was bleeding. He must have cracked his skull slightly when he hit the ground.

  Suddenly, a shooting pain throbbed in my neck but i ignored it the best i can.

  I shook my head in denial, "Aries..." i whispered, stroking his fur and trying to get him off the road, "No, no, no, no, no..." i kept chanting, as i used all my strength to carry only his upper body.

  He was too heavy for me to carry, but i still tried.

  I slung my arm under his forefeet, as his head slumped onto my shoulder.

  The rest of his body was dragging on the floor as i pulled him with me towards the car.

  In wolf form he was heavier and taller than me.

  Let's face it. He's taller & heavier than me in human form even.

  I opened the back door of the car, before placing his body inside, gently.

  I got into the passenger seat, and drove home, fast.

  I had to get him to our pack doctor.

  As soon as possible, before it was too la

  I knew he would probably heal, but i needed to make sure he was alright.

  This was all my fault. The pain and guilt i felt in my heart was unbearable. Suddenly something whimpered consecutively.

  I looked back at Aries, but he was unconscious.

  The whimpering sounded repetitively. And i realised that it wasn't Aries' wolf, it was my own.

  My wolf was back!

  I could feel her again...

  My lower lip trembled as i sobbed silently.

  My eyesight blurred as more tears fell freely onto my cheeks.

  My heart hurt me and i couldn't make it go away.

  My wolf kept trying to tell me something but i couldn't understand.

  I couldn't hear her.

  I couldn't communicate with her.

  All i knew was that she was hurting as was i, but more.


  I had reached the border in a record time, and Michael was waiting for me with some patrollers.

  His eyes were bloodshot and tired. There were bags under his eyes and dark circles around them. He looked paler, and depressed. The frown on his face was deep but it slowly lessened as my car came up to view.

  As soon as they saw that i was all in one piece, they sighed in relief.

  Michael got into the passenger seat and tried to hug me but i pushed him away as i shook my head.

  "What's wrong?" He asked, but i didn't have it in me to answer.

  I sped into the territory, heading to the pack doctor instead of going home, Michael spotted the tear stains on my cheeks and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "What's wrong? Are you hurt? What did that monster do to you?" He growled.

  "I-it's not what h-he did to me. It's w-what i did to him. I was the real monster.." i said, choking on more sobs as i looked back at Aries' unconscious wolf.

  "Holly shit, Ariel!" He gasped as his eyes widened at the sight of him, "What did you do?" He asked, narrowing his eyes at me suspiciously.

  "I-i ran away with his car, a-and he ran after me. When i thought i'd lost him, i sped up. T-then you mind-linked me, and i c-couldn't see the road well enough, but as s-soon as you stopped, he s-stepped in front of the car. A-and, a-and i-i couldn't, i-i couldn't s-stop in t-time.." i stammered before throwing a fit of more tears.


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