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Sabrina's Vampire Series Boxed Set

Page 3

by A. K. Michaels

  The sensations his speed and size were evoking in her, made her mind go to mush. She couldn’t think, her heart was beating fast, her skin felt as if it was on fire. The only thing important was the way he was making her feel, and that was like nothing she had ever felt before.

  He upped his speed again, now she knew that something was not right, no man should be able to move like that. However, the feelings it gave her made her so breathless, she thought she may pass out. She bolted towards a release, rising higher and higher, until it came, hard, very hard, and once more she screamed.

  This time though, she knew his name, and it was his name that she shouted. As soon as she did his own release came, his seed once more erupting inside her.

  Oh no, this wasn’t good, unprotected sex with someone I don’t know. Twice! Am I stupid or what?

  Chapter 3

  It took Sabrina several minutes to have a coherent thought, the first one was, shit, I could be pregnant.

  She had stopped taking the pill after all the business with her ex. knowing she wasn’t going to be sleeping with anyone any time soon. The pill always made her feel bad, bloated, headaches, and if she wasn’t in a relationship she didn’t take it.

  She didn’t have one night stands, so this hadn’t come up before. Oh dear lord, that would be the icing on the fucking cake of her life, to fall pregnant to a stranger in Vegas.

  Kyle’ voice broke through to her, she realized that she was no longer restrained and he was holding her tightly to his body. “You won’t be pregnant, Sabrina, trust me, and you won’t catch anything either.”

  As she tried to process the words, she felt how comfortable she was in his arms. What the hell was going on with her? Then his words registered. How did he know that’s what she had been thinking?

  “It’s obvious you would be worried. In this day and age, unprotected sex with a stranger is not a good idea. However, I can assure you all is well.” Kyle’s tone was soft, his hand caressing her arm, rubbing up and down in slow motions.

  He had to touch her, keep her close, smell her scent, and their two scents mixed in their climax. But, he couldn’t understand what was going on.

  Kyle lived his life without complications, never bringing anyone to his home. Never. So why had he brought this girl? He realized now, she was older than he had first thought, she was more like mid-twenties, not the late teens he had first took thought.

  He continued to hold her, tight, he didn’t want her to up and leave. No, that definitely wasn’t going to be happening. He wouldn’t allow it.

  “Are you here with anyone?” Kyle asked, needing to know if anyone would be looking for her.

  “No. I’m on my own, I needed to get away and I’d always wanted to come to Vegas, so here I am.” Sabrina answered at the same time as she understood that she had basically told him nobody would miss her.

  She was a trained detective. She should know better than to give that information out to a stranger. One who had her all alone in his home, a home she had no idea where it was.

  “You’re safe with me Sabrina. I won’t hurt you and I certainly won’t let anyone else hurt you.” Kyle took a deep breath in, desperate for her scent to be imprinted in his senses.

  Sabrina realized that he had once more answered something that she had been thinking about. What the hell was that all about?

  Then the previous evenings antics hit her, the guys in the alley. Kyle had saved her from her worst nightmare.

  “Sorry, I don’t think I thanked you for last night. It was stupid of me, getting drunk like that, then pissing those two assholes off. I think that’s one of the few times in my life I’ve actually been scared. If I was sober, I could’ve handled them.” Sabrina was still angry at herself. How many times had she seen this happen to other girls, thought them stupid for getting into that kind of situation? She wouldn’t be so judgmental in the future, that was for damn sure.

  “So, you could’ve handled them?” Kyle asked, wondering how this slim young woman would’ve done that.

  “Yea, no problem. They were drunk and neither was in any kind of shape, so I could’ve taken them, if I hadn’t been so drunk. My job was quite dangerous and I do several martial arts. And, if I do say so myself, I’m pretty damn good.” Sabrina thought on her job, well she was certain she no longer had one. Suspended, pending a hearing, but she knew how that would end. She would be sacked, no doubt in her mind.

  “I see, so tell me, about your job, and why you’re here in Vegas on your own.” Kyle needed to know, he had to know, because he didn’t want her jetting off back to the UK. No, that definitely wasn’t in his plans.

  “I joined the police when I was eighteen, basically to get away from a shit of a father. My mum died when I was young, and he got way worse after that. Anyway, I found I liked it, loved it in fact, and I was good at my job. Then, a detective took me under his wing so to speak, he understood that my looking younger than I am, could work in their favor. So he trained me, then I went under cover. I was way, way, under cover, and thinking on it now, I was way over my head. Fuck! Anyway, it all went south, I’ve been suspended, though I know I’ll be kicked out. I had my wages paid when I was living under cover, so I hadn’t used them, for ages, so I had a little bit put away and decided it would be my last chance to come here. Always wanted to, so here I am.” Sabrina finished, realizing saying the words out loud made it more real, tears came to her eyes, thinking on how badly she had fucked up.

  Kyle felt her pain, knew she was near to crying, held her tighter - “It’s going to be okay, don’t worry.” and he knew he would make it okay, well if things went as he wished, that was.

  Sabrina moved even closer, her stomach rumbled, it was loud in the large room and she realized she was starving. She thanked her lucky stars that she didn’t suffer from hangovers, because she would’ve had the one from hell if she did.

  “I take it you want some food?” Kyle queried, knowing there was nothing in the house for a human to eat.

  “Yeah, I missed dinner last night, was too busy getting free drinks. Everyone thought I was Irish with the accent, and it was St Paddy’s day, so I got free drinks, everywhere I went. Hence the state I was in.” Sabrina couldn’t believe how much alcohol she had drank, she should’ve been comatose.

  “Give me a minute.” Kyle got up and Sabrina missed his body next to hers. He put a dark ruby robe on and left the room, a few minutes later he was back. “I’ve placed an order, it’ll be here soon.” Kyle spoke as he moved back to the bed, sitting down at the edge, placing his hand on Sabrina’s cheek, his thumb running along her bottom lip.

  She was perfect. He still didn’t know what was going on, but he was drawn to Sabrina like he had never known before. He had heard about Vampires that found a mate, but it was very, very, rare. Vampires were solitary beings, spending their time, usually, doing not so very nice things.

  Kyle had several businesses and portfolios, he also took work once or twice a year, and he wondered how Sabrina would react, if she knew what that work was. He lived in Vegas, had done for over thirty years, but he would go anywhere his work took him. For that one or two weeks a year, he would go wherever it was required. His payments were always in the millions, so he lived well. Played hard, very hard, fed, and lived a solitary life. Now here was a female that had him bringing her to his home. Not wanting her to leave.

  Sabrina leaned into Kyle’s hand, loving the touch against her skin. Once again she thought he was a bit cold but brushed it away, maybe it was just the way he was. His eyes were boring into hers and she could see the lust in them, and she quivered, thinking on what they had just done. She had never had a one night stand, or unprotected sex, then there was the restraints. Something else she had never done, but, it had felt so good.

  A buzzer went off, alerting Kyle that someone was at the gates. “I won’t be long.” He had to wrench himself away from Sabrina, not wanting to leave her side, but g
etting up to go and get her food.

  Sabrina sighed when Kyle left the room and took a good look around. The bedroom was lavish, the bed huge, it had four carved wooden posts at each corner but nothing over the top like a usual four poster would have. If she didn’t know any better, she would say the bed was very, very, old, an antique.

  The dresser matched the bed. It was very large, with carvings all over it, with a three part mirror on top. The middle part was the largest, with ones either side, which were angled, so that if you stood in front you would be able to see all around, both yourself and the bedroom.

  The floors were hard wood with rugs scattered over them, ones that looked suspiciously like Persian? Jeez, Kyle didn’t seem to be poor, no, if anything Sabrina would say he had plenty of money. Oh well, he was at least buying her some food.

  Sabrina stretched and got up and went to the bathroom, wanting to clean up a little before she ate. As she only had the tight dress she had been wearing earlier, she took another large towel and wrapped it around herself, not wanting to be totally naked. When she walked back in, the smell of food hit her senses and her mouth watered. Kyle was setting up a small table in the corner, next to the window, and she walked over.

  Her eyes widened when she saw what was on the table. She had been expecting a pizza or burgers. No, there on the table was a proper meal of steak, fries (as the Americans called chips), salad, a portion of chocolate cake and a large diet cola.

  How the hell did he know one of her favorite meals, and drink? Well non-alcoholic drink anyway.

  She smiled at Kyle, who was watching her closely as she sat down in one of the chairs. Kyle taking the other. “This is really weird, this is one of my favorite meals. How did you know?”

  Kyle’s lip lifted on one side and her stomach jumped. Christ he looked so damn hot when he did that.

  “Lucky guess,” he said, but Sabrina thought it was anything but a lucky guess. She thought there was more to this man than she first thought. She just didn’t know what. Yet.

  She looked at him closely as she ate. His skin was completely free of any blemish, none, zip, nada. He was cold to the touch. He had, as far as she was concerned, read her mind several times. He had rescued her from two guys, with what appeared to be complete ease and .... fuck..... the speed he had made love to her.

  NO. He couldn’t be. Could he?

  Kyle made a low sound that was very like a small laugh, and Sabrina’s eyes widened all the more. She had heard of them. There had even been a few TV programs about them. However, they lived so far under the radar that she didn’t know anyone who had ever truly met one.

  Kyle inclined his head to the side, as if appraising her, her face blushed at his scrutiny. Was he reading her mind now?

  There was that lip lift again.

  “I won’t hurt you Sabrina. I already told you that.” Kyle was finding it amusing, watching Sabrina’s mind work. Obviously her police training was kicking in, and she was coming to the conclusion of what he was. He wasn’t going to help her, no, he would see if she got there all on her own.

  Sabrina took a deep breath, then a drink of her diet cola, staring at Kyle. Was her mind playing tricks on her, or was he what she thought? There was that lip lift again, she was getting more and more sure that he could read her mind.

  He was so hot when he did that. As soon as the thought entered her head, she blushed. Bugger, if he could read her mind that was so embarrassing.

  Kyle almost choked, so she thought he was hot? That was so good to know.

  “Okay, out with it!” Sabrina said her eyes wide in query and Kyle just stared.

  “Out with what?” He replied, knowing exactly what she was talking about.

  “Do I need to ask, or are you going to tell me?” Sabrina was now sipping on her cola, her brain going round and round. Was he really a... a.... Vampire?

  Kyle nodded and Sabrina started to cough, her cola going down the wrong way.

  “Really?” She finally asked. Kyle was now looking very pleased with himself.

  “Yes. I am what you’re thinking. I again say, I won’t hurt you.”

  Sabrina stared, and stared, and stared. “Is that why your skin’s a bit cold?” She managed to get out, still staring.

  “Yes, but I don’t feel it. I tend to stay out of the sun, I won’t burst into flames, but I would feel uncomfortable and it weakens me slightly after a while.” Kyle was, for the first time in centuries, explaining things to another living being. It was more than a bit strange to be doing so. Up until now he had no need of explanations, basically because he didn’t give a toss about anyone else, or their feelings.

  “How?” she asked.

  “How? You mean how did I become a Vampire?”

  Sabrina nodded. Kyle cocked his head to the side. Was he going to tell her? He had never told a human anything about him...ever. Staring across into her eyes he smiled, decision made. “It was a long time ago, so long it’s a distant memory. I was badly hurt and was near death. It would only have been moments before I passed over but my Sire found me. I’d actually seen him before, he was visiting the area and I’d caught glimpses of him in the local tavern but hadn’t spoken to him or anything. Anyway, he found me and made the decision to turn me. He took me with him. A newly turned Vamp can be...volatile. He takes his position very seriously and never lets any of his progeny hurt anyone. If he finds out that one of us is “misbehaving” in any way then he’s quick to take action.”

  She watched him closely, taking in every word. “So, he’s kinda like a parent? And, sorry, but what the hell is with that name...Sire?”

  Kyle laughed, “When a Vampire turns another they have sired that Vampire so they are known to us as our Sire. It’s a strong bond between us so, yes, I guess you could say that they are like a parent. Anyway, we were already far from my home by the time I was more in control and by then I knew there was no point going back. I’d be burned at the stake or something else just as gruesome if they knew what I’d become. So I stayed with him and we travelled extensively for a very long time.”

  “Are you close?” she asked as he thought on his Sire.

  “Not as close as we used to be, we’ve kinda drifted apart and he no longer lives in the US so I’ve not seen him in a while. I know if I ever need him he’s only a call away though.” Kyle stopped, amazed that he had told this human so much more than he ever told anyone, human or not.

  Sabrina gave him a small smile. “That must be nice. To have someone you know you can count on no matter what.”

  He noticed sadness in her eyes as she spoke. “You don’t?”

  Her eyes were even sadder as she shook her head. “No.” was all she replied, not expanding and he felt it wasn’t the time to probe.

  “That must be hard.” he said instead and she nodded her head.

  “What’s his name? Your, uhm, Sire?”

  He chuckled as she stumbled over the word. “Yes, Sire. His name’s Boyd and although he is rather formal he is a rare commodity in the Vampire world. He actually cares about others. We’re generally a selfish lot.”

  “I don’t think you’re selfish. If not for your help I dread to think what would’ve happened and I’m really grateful for that.”

  Kyle’s anger appeared at her words, the thought of anyone hurting this female having his stomach clenching. “I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

  Sabrina moved a hand across the table, reaching for one of Kyle’s. He moved his hand and they clasped each other’s, Sabrina rubbing a thumb over the back of his. The soft touch of her skin made him hard and he smiled. The look of lust plain on his face, he didn’t even try to hide it.

  Chapter 4

  Sabrina gasped as the look of pure sexual longing on Kyle’s face took her breath away.

  She felt her body responding, all thoughts of food gone. She had ate almost half, more than enough. Kyle stood up, their hands still together, a
nd he pulled her up, straight into his arms.

  His hand came up slowly over her back, and he tugged the towel free, before tangling his hand in her hair. He pulled on her hair and her head went back, her face up, his lips lowered and claimed hers.

  His tongue darted forwards and she took it in, gladly. Their clasped hands separated and his went to her ass, pulling her tight against him. She felt his hardness and moaned into his mouth, all rational thought gone from her mind. She wanted him like she had never wanted anyone, even her ex who she had broken the law for.

  This feeling was so much more intense, she had never felt it in her life.

  Kyle wanted to taste her again, not just her mouth, her sex, he wanted to truly taste her. He fought for control of his fangs and won, but only just.

  He moved fast, his robe gone, and they now stood body to body, naked. His hardness pressed against her belly as she moved ever closer. Kyle picked Sabrina up and carried her back to his bed, somewhere he hoped she would be spending a lot of time.

  He lay her down gently and started to cover her body in kisses and little bites, not breaking the skin. Her moans drove him wild, he needed her like no other.

  Kyle moved and sat back on his knees between her thighs, grabbing hold of her and flipping her over with ease. Sabrina let out a light “oomf” as he turned her, and was surprised her face was now deep in a pillow.

  Kyle kneaded her ass, it was perfect. He was pretty certain it was a virgin ass, so he wouldn’t go there, not yet anyway.

  He positioned Sabrina so her knees were up under her body, her ass in the air. He bent down and licked, from her nub at the front, all the way through her wet folds, and up her ass. Licking her tight hole for a second before moving on.

  As his tongue touched her Sabrina groaned loudly, the sensations he was giving her so much more than she had felt before him. Then his tongue licked her ass, her actual ass, and she bucked, the feeling alien and strange.


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