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Sabrina's Vampire Series Boxed Set

Page 4

by A. K. Michaels

  She didn’t have time to process that, as he pushed into her, his large cock filling her from behind. In this position, he filled her even more than before, deeper, and the slight pain it gave her aroused her even more.

  “Stay still, Sabrina, don’t move.” Kyle ordered, Sabrina realizing that’s what it had been, an order. She stilled, not moving an inch.

  Kyle thrust slow and deep, hard, and Sabrina growled down deep in her throat. The moment she did Kyle knew he wanted to feel that growl around his cock as it was buried deep down her throat. Soon.

  Sabrina was now biting the pillow, the feelings were too much, she couldn’t take it. Kyle laughed - “Oh you will Sabrina, you will take it and so much more!” Kyle moved faster.

  Sabrina blushed, understanding that Kyle knew her thoughts. Christ, she was acting like a hussy.

  “No, not a hussy, Sabrina, you are definitely not a hussy!” Kyle was fighting his fangs again. He had to get control, he would scare the daylights out of her.

  “Kyle!” Sabrina screamed as her orgasm hit her. This one started deep down in her core and radiated outwards, all the way to her toes and up towards her heart. She gasped, trying to take in breaths, feeling as if she was coming apart at the seams.

  As Sabrina screamed his name, Kyle came, once more spilling his seed deep within her. The feeling so much more intense than any he had felt in centuries. Fuck. He didn’t know if he could let her go.

  Kyle fell over to the side of Sabrina, pulling her with him, so that he cradled her in his arms. It took several minutes before their breathing returned to normal.

  “Kyle, that was... fuck... it was...” and Kyle finished the sentence, “Fucking amazing!”

  Sabrina agreed, snuggled down and promptly fell asleep.

  Kyle lay next to her for a while, then got up and retrieved her bag, or more of a purse with a strap on, that she had on her wrist when he found her. He looked through it and came up with her keycard for her hotel. Good.

  He made a few calls, then waited beside her on the bed. When he got a text he moved. Clearing away the cold food, and going downstairs. He opened the front door, the Concierge from the Hotel was there. With a suitcase and backpack, all of Sabrina’s things from her room. Kyle handed the man a few hundred bucks and smiled, “Thank you.” The Concierge took the money and left, without saying a word.

  Kyle took her things upstairs, placing them against the far wall and hoped she didn’t go apeshit when she woke.

  Sabrina slept for hours. What with the goings on with Kyle, she hadn’t got to sleep until nearly five in the morning, so it was afternoon when she opened her eyes. She stretched and realized where she was. She felt the hard contours of Kyle lying next to her.

  His breathing was deep and even, Sabrina surmised he was sleeping, so she rose up, resting her head on her elbow and looked at him. His face was relaxed, his body on show, or almost, the cover coming to just above his hips, showing a hint of hair heading downwards.

  She licked her lips. Christ, he was gorgeous. His body hard and strong, no chest hair, she hated chest hair. Slowly, she moved a hand to the cover and pushed it down, just a little.

  A small sound escaped from her. He was hard, standing proud and twitching a little. Her mouth watered, she wanted to taste him.

  “Go ahead,” Kyle’s voice broke the silence and her eyes flew to his, he had been watching her. How embarrassing.

  “Not embarrassing at all, Sabrina. Go ahead. I can assure you I won’t protest.” Kyle’s mouth did that little smile thing again, and Sabrina took a deep breath, moving her head downwards. What the hell am I doing? She thought. Though only briefly.

  Her mouth opened, she took him inside, taking it slow, tasting and licking as she went. This particular sex act wasn’t her forte, not having done it that often; however, her enthusiasm more than made up for that fact.

  Kyle moaned loudly, she was killing him. His hand snaked into her hair, guiding her, pushing her downwards, wanting her to take all of him.

  “More!” Kyle groaned as Sabrina tried to accommodate, though she had no idea how. He was already hitting the back of her throat and a couple of times she had gagged. How the hell do I take more?

  The thought entered her head and Kyle answered, “Relax your throat, don’t think about it too much. Just relax and take it in slow, yeah, that’s it, oh fuck, baby, that’s so good.”

  Kyle’s words spurred her on, nobody had called her baby before. It sounded good on his lips. Then she realized nobody had actually talked to her before, while having sex, grunts, moans, yes, but talking actual words - no.

  “Sabrina, that’s so good – go on – take more, baby!” Kyle’s head was up watching Sabrina take him in her mouth and it was so fucking hot.

  Taking a deep a breath to calm herself, and hopefully relax her throat, then moved downwards, slowly, taking more and more in. It touched the back of her throat and she willed herself to relax and lowered more – there. She did it.

  His cock slid over the back of her mouth and down. It was a very tight fit, but she held him there. A moan of pleasure erupting from her own throat, one that pushed Kyle over, his seed pulsing down her throat.

  The feeling was a bit weird, she had never done it before, but the sounds Kyle was making made her feel so good. When his seed stopped, she slowly pulled back, licking and sucking all the way, which elicited even more groans from Kyle.

  When she moved her head upwards she saw him watching her and she blushed again. “No, don’t be embarrassed, baby. That was astonishing, and I hope you do that to me again, and again, and again!” Kyle was smiling broadly, pulling Sabrina up into his arms. God, he wanted this woman so much, it actually hurt him.

  “I’m going for a shower,” Sabrina said quietly, still a bit embarrassed, but more shocked at how she was feeling for this man, no, Vampire.

  “No, stay here, for a bit, we can talk.” Kyle refused to release her, so she settled more comfortably into his embrace.

  “What about?” Sabrina asked and Kyle looked directly into her eyes.

  “Well, first, I want you to tell me what really happened, with your work, and we’ll go from there.”

  Sabrina looked away, she was still angry at herself for what happened. She had been so stupid. She should have told her boss she was in way over her head. She should’ve asked for help.

  She sighed heavily. “I was undercover, my first assignment and I was to get close to the suspect, his name’s Russ. Well, I got close and soon he had me living at his place together with a few of his other ‘employees’ that are close to him. As the days and weeks passed I got, well, numbed, I think the word is, to everything that was going on around me. I lost focus and let my guard down and he started showing me more and more attention. He would look at me like I was the only other human being on the planet and it began to affect me more and more.”

  Kyle snarled at the thought of another man showing Sabrina this kind of attention and she looked up, surprise on her face. He motioned with his hand to tell her to carry on.

  “So, anyway, he made sure we were alone, a lot. Brushing against me, holding my hand, stuff like that and I have no fucking idea how it happened but one day we ended up in his bed...”

  Sabrina’s eyes met his and he fought the urge to growl when he saw the hurt she was trying so very hard to hide.

  “I know it’s clichéd crap but I fell for him, hook, line and sinker and before I knew it I was in so deep I didn’t know what way was up. I totally understand Stockholm Syndrome now. After one particular night I overheard him talking to his second in command, it was about some trafficking of young girls from the Eastern Block and I felt sick to my stomach. I knew I had to get out and preferably without him finding out I was a cop. He would’ve slit my throat in a second if he’d found out. Jeez, I was so fucking stupid! I told him I had ‘cramps’ and needed to go to the pharmacy and get something and he was so engrossed
in his plans he just nodded. Normally he didn’t let me outside without one of his men with me. So, I ran, straight to the nearest police station and handed myself in. I told my bosses where he kept things like discs with information on deals, drugs, money, trafficking and stuff like that on them. They raided his home using an ‘anonymous tip’ and managed to arrest him.”

  Sabrina stopped, her heart aching as she again realized her dream of being a cop was over. Kyle nodded. “Go on,” he said quietly.

  “Not a lot more to tell. I had fucked up big time but came clean and spilled everything I knew. They can’t use my testimony but they did ‘find’ a lot of evidence and he’s now locked up tight. Me, well, suspended and with absolutely no hope of getting my job back. So I ran. Like a coward, I ran and here’s where I ended up.”

  As she spoke Sabrina felt a release. Of pent up anger, hurt, loathing, a host of emotions that had been buried down deep. They came out as she spoke and at the end she felt a great sense of relief.

  “So, the crux of the matter, is that you don’t have anything to go back to?” Kyle said slowly, trying to gauge her reaction.

  Sabrina tensed then relaxed, thinking on the truth of his words. Nope, she didn’t have any bloody thing to go back to. Not a one.

  What did that mean? Why had he asked that? “No, nothing. Why?”

  “Sabrina, don’t be mad, okay, but I got your stuff from your hotel.” Kyle waited on her response, how would she react to him taking control of her situation?

  Sabrina jerked her head, looking straight at him. What the hell did he think he was doing? Getting her stuff? Making presumptions.

  “Look, I don’t know what ‘this’ is, between us, I mean. But I’ve never felt like this before, never, trust me when I say that’s a very long time Sabrina. I just want to spend time with you, for us to get to know each other. I promise I’ll show you all Vegas has to offer, all the touristy things, you won’t miss out on any of it. I just want you to do it with me.” Kyle tried to explain, but he didn’t understand what was happening himself.

  Sabrina frowned, lots of thoughts running through her head. Would it be so bad? To see Vegas with someone, to not be alone? With a very, very, hot someone at that.

  Kyle lifted his lip on the side, just a little, and Sabrina was lost. When he did that, it did things to her body she had no control over. No, it wouldn’t be so bad to spend her time here in Vegas with Kyle, not so bad at all.

  “Okay, we’ll see how it goes.” Sabrina finally answered and Kyle’s body relaxed, good.

  He hadn’t wanted to use his Vampire powers on her, but he would have, if he needed to. He wasn’t letting her go any time soon. He needed to get this sorted. His mind not knowing what was going on. He didn’t like that, didn’t like that at all.

  “I think we should have that shower, together.” Kyle’s voice had gotten low, husky, sexy, and Sabrina knew it was going to be a shower like no other she had experienced before.

  Kyle got up, pulling her after him, not releasing her hand, taking her into the bathroom, and turning the shower on easily. Sabrina thinking she would need to get him to show her how to do that.

  They were both naked, and Sabrina realized that she didn’t feel awkward at all. Kyle’s eyes raking her nakedness, with a deep want showing, clearly liking what he saw.

  Sabrina returned the favor, taking in his muscles, slim hips, strong thighs – oh – and the hardness that was once more standing to attention.

  Kyle moved backwards, taking Sabrina with him, entering the very large shower. However, it was more than that. There was a wide shelf on two sides, to be utilized as seating, meant to be used when the shower was on the sauna setting. Kyle was going to make good use of them now.

  He sat down, the water spilling over his body, the heat welcome against his skin. Sabrina stood in front and he pulled her closer, moving his head to her apex, his mouth going to work. Sabrina braced her arms on the wall above his head, gasping and moaning at his ministrations. God. What he could do with a tongue.

  Kyle brought her to orgasm with his mouth, quickly. Sabrina gasping loudly, finding it difficult to get a breath. The water cascading down over her head, her hair hanging down in front of her in a wet veil.

  Kyle smiled, she was so responsive to his touch, without using his Vampire abilities. Fuck, she was magnificent. He pulled her down so that her legs straddled him and without any preamble entered her hard.

  The sharp intake of breath that was drawn from her was like music to his ears. He started to move, thrusting up and deep, while using his strength to grasp her hips and move her also. He knew that her legs were like jelly at the moment so she couldn’t move under her own steam.

  Harder and harder he thrust, and soon he could feel her rise again. Her head thrown back, her hair falling, wet and long, down to nearly her behind. Her throat right there in front of him.

  His fangs erupted all on their own, he tried to retract them, but his body would not obey.

  Sabrina moved her head forward, looking down into Kyles face, and she saw great, huge, white fangs, gleaming in his mouth.

  Fuck. Fear rippled deep in her belly, what had she done. She was naked in a shower with a fucking Vampire. A Vampire that could rip her throat out easily and leave her for dead.

  “No, I won’t. I told you Sabrina. I will not harm you, trust me.” Kyle’s voice was low, but she heard it, and hells bells, she believed him.

  Kyle thrust harder, Sabrina starting to move too, her legs recovered enough to help him in their movements. Not that he had needed the help, he moved her about as if she weighed nothing at all.

  Sabrina kept her eyes on his face, watching the feelings cross it. Pleasure was right there, up front and foremost on his face. It affected her in a deep primal way, and soon she was screaming his name, as she came again.

  Without thinking she moved forwards, cuddling into Kyle, his own orgasm ripping from him. Too late she understood her mistake.

  Her throat was right there in front of his fangs.

  She felt him lick her throat on the side, felt the sharp scratch of his fangs, once more fear pooling deep inside her.

  “I won’t hurt you, Sabrina! I’m getting a bit tired at saying that.” Kyle’s voice sounded hurt and Sabrina winced. He had not given her any reason to doubt him, had rescued her the night before, so she tried to relax.

  “Will it hurt?” Sabrina asked, knowing that he wanted to pierce her neck. Not knowing if she wanted him to or not.

  “Absolutely not, in fact it will feel good, very good.” Kyle’s voice was now filled with need. A different kind of need now, and it turned her on again. WTF was going on with my body? She had no control over it at all.

  “Promise?” She asked and Kyle nodded. “I promise and I won’t take a lot, just a little. I need to taste you Sabrina, may I?” Kyle asked and knew he was all but pleading.

  Kyle didn’t plead. He didn’t usually even ask, taking what he wanted, or needed, with no thought to anyone but himself. What was Sabrina doing to him? He was asking if he could. He didn’t know, but he hoped her answer was yes, because he didn’t know if he could stop it now.

  “Okay, I think I trust you, Kyle, but I don’t know why, go on.” Sabrina held her breath, waiting on the pain that those massive fangs would surely inflict on her neck.

  Kyle became hard again inside her, just at the thought of feeding from her and tasting her sweet blood. Sabrina felt it, moaning deeply, moving her head slightly, which gave him a clearer view of her throat.

  He saw the pulse underneath the skin, heard her heartbeat quicken, and he pushed up into her as he lowered his mouth. His lick was first, then the fangs pierced, going deep into her neck. A groan of pleasure came from her throat, as she started to move on him once again.

  Kyle took his first mouthful. The taste hit his senses and he gasped. It was glorious.

  Sweet and savory at the same time, but t
he taste was so unique, he was shocked. Most blood tasted alike, or blood groups, with slight differences only between type A, B, etc. But this, this blood that was entering his mouth, was like no other he had ever tasted, it was downright intoxicating.

  He pulled some more and knew that Sabrina was near another orgasm, he went with her. Pulling again on her neck, as a loud scream burst from Sabrina’s throat. The feelings in her body so all consuming, that nothing else mattered, only the sensations coursing through her system.

  Sabrina felt Kyle’s climax meld with hers and she melted against him. Realizing that his fangs were no longer embedded in her neck.

  Kyle had to force himself to pull his fangs out, the taste so mind blowing. But he had promised not to hurt her and he had no intentions of breaking that promise, no, not at all.

  Chapter 5

  Once Kyle had fed from Sabrina, he felt completely different. A feeling growing inside him that he had not had before. One that he wasn’t sure of, couldn’t quite comprehend.

  What he did know, was he wanted her here, in his home, in his life, and that shocked him greatly. He had never had a woman in his home. Not once. He bored quickly, and usually within hours, wanted to be rid of the female.

  He was a member of a private club, one that catered to the needs of rich males. He even owned a few of the Clubs, they raked in money hand over fist. It was a mix of men just wanting sex, to BDSM tastes, with plenty of willing submissives available for whatever took your fancy. He had spent a lot of time there, availing himself of the willing young girls, and some not so young. He could spend hours doing whatever he liked and the female would cry for more.

  Now, when he thought about it further, he found it tawdry, cheap, and wondered again what was happening to him.

  They were back in the bedroom, both wrapped in towels, still wet from the shower. Kyle was watching Sabrina dry her hair and the sharp angle of her neck brought into sight her neck, he stilled. His breath all but stopped. No, that couldn’t be right.


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