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Sabrina's Vampire Series Boxed Set

Page 5

by A. K. Michaels

  There, on her neck, plain for all to see, was his bite mark. His bites didn’t leave a mark, how could this be and what the hell did it mean?

  Sabrina was looking at Kyle in the mirror as she dried her hair. She had noted the mark on her neck, wondered again at the fact that it hadn’t hurt. No, definitely didn’t hurt. In fact the feeling it gave her, were so far from hurt, it was out of this universe.

  He looked so hot standing in just a towel wrapped low around his hips. His body there for her to gape at. And gape she did.

  He seemed to shake himself, as if he had been thinking hard about something.

  “Right, get dressed up, we’ll hit the casinos then take in a show.” Kyle’s voice was like a drug, every time she heard it she wanted more.

  She nodded, thinking what was in her case? Oh yea, she had brought “that” dress, the one she had bought in a moment of madness. Bright red, very tight, very short. She had never worn it but she was going to wear it tonight.

  Kyle moved to his walk in wardrobe. A huge space that was only half full. He pulled out smart black trousers and a matching shirt. Extremely simple, elegant, and very expensive. The jacket to go with them was hanging next to the outfit, everything together that matched. He was more than a little OCD with regard to his wardrobe, everything had its place, so that it was easy for him to instantly put an outfit together. He wouldn’t just purchase one piece of clothing, no, he always bought a matching outfit and never interchanged anything. He had enough outfits to last a long time and if he needed more, well, he bought them.

  Sabrina opened her case and was rummaging through it. “Why don’t you put that in the dressing area and hang your things up, they’ll get all creased in your case.” Kyle had no idea why he had just said that. Why would he tell her to put her things in his wardrobe for Christ sake?

  Sabrina smiled. “Thanks, I’ve not got a lot so it won’t take up much room.”

  “Don’t worry, there’s plenty of room.” Kyle said distractedly, still trying to work through what was going on.

  Sabrina moved in the direction that Kyle had gotten his clothes and her mouth fell open. The wardrobe and dressing area were bigger than her living room. It looked bare with only half of it holding Kyle’s things, but with how large it was she saw just how many he had. She didn’t know a man that had as many clothes, all matching too.

  She hung up her few things, placing underwear and such in drawers to the side. Right up the back was a small, lighted, dressing table with a mirror, and she put her make-up and stuff there.

  She stayed in the dressing area applying her make up carefully, not a lot but just right. She had actually taken a few “lessons” in a large department store, on how to apply it properly, and the difference was immense.

  When she was satisfied, she dressed, thinking twice about wearing the red dress. She steeled herself and put it on, over a lacy bra and thong. Her matching shoes lay out and she looked at them, they were higher than her normal but matched the dress perfectly. She slipped her feet inside and looked at herself in the mirror. She was quite surprised at what she saw. She looked good, or better than normal anyway.

  She found a small handbag and put a compact and lipstick inside. She sprayed her favorite perfume and turned around. She walked through into the bedroom, stopped and gasped.

  Kyle was standing with his back to her but she could see his front in the mirror, he was so handsome. His clothes obviously expensive and designer. Shit, he looked hot.

  She coughed slightly and he turned round.

  Kyle had heard Sabrina opening the dressing area door and felt her scrutiny. He stood still and didn’t move until she gave a small cough. He turned and thought, “Oh my god, I’m doomed.”

  She was stunning, her long hair hanging in soft waves down her back and over one shoulder. Her face made up expertly, with minimum make up. Her dress, oh dear lord, that dress.

  She looked as if she had been poured into the silky red material, hugging her like a second skin. All the way down his eyes roamed and he saw her matching shoes. High stiletto heels, making her legs look so long, her calves arched and tight, just begging for his hands to run up them.

  “You are beautiful, baby, and so gorgeous. I don’t know if we’ll make it out the room!” Kyle was pretty sure that if they didn’t move, soon, he would rip that dress to shreds while getting it off her body.

  “Uhm, thank you, you’re looking pretty hot yourself, Vampire.” Sabrina blushed at the compliment and then at her use of Vampire.

  Kyle smiled, a proper smile, not the lip lift thing, and it was the most perfect smile she had ever seen. It lightened up his entire face and she wanted to run her lips across his, biting at his bottom lip.

  Kyle groaned. “If you don’t stop those thoughts, Sabrina, we definitely won’t get out tonight!”

  Sabrina blushed again realizing he had once more read her thoughts.

  “No, I’m hungry we need to get out, I don’t want to leave Vegas and not have seen anything but this bedroom, even if it’s a lovely bedroom.” Sabrina laughed and stopped, a frown had come over Kyle’s face. Just for a second, before he smiled again, motioning towards the door with his hand.

  As soon as Sabrina uttered the words “leave Vegas” his stomach clenched. No, the thought of her leaving Vegas any time soon was not on the agenda.

  He motioned to the door and they left the bedroom. Sabrina taking in the grandness of the house. It was huge, far too big for one person but who was she to say that. If she had the money she very well might have a house such as this.

  The stairway was curved and marble with an elaborate handrail made of some kind of metal. As they made their way down, she took in the lower floor. A large double front door and large entranceway, with some very nice artwork on the walls. She could see into a living area, very large, comfy looking, sofas were dotted about and she got a glimpse of a very large flat screen TV. Boys and their toys, she thought.

  Kyle took her straight to the door and they went out, it was fully dark and there was no sign of any sun. Outside the house, on the drive, was a sports car. She had no idea what make or model as it wasn’t something that would normally be seen in Scotland. However, she knew it was expensive and fast.

  Kyle opened the door for her and helped her in. As the seats were quite low, this help was gratefully accepted. Sabrina realized that no man had helped her into a vehicle, ever. She didn’t think anyone had opened a door for her either. She liked it, liked it a lot.

  Kyle got in and drove, back towards the bright lights in the distance, and Sabrina saw they were quite far out of town. As soon as he hit the main road he put his foot down and they flew along. Sabrina holding her breath at some points, as he moved in and out of the traffic.

  Once they got into the main strip area he slowed right down and cruised along, she felt like a celebrity. A huge smile was on her face and Kyle smiled too, it was catching, and he loved seeing her reactions. He pulled in at The Bellagio, a valet took the keys, as Kyle got out, coming around and waved the other valet away, helping Sabrina out himself. She smiled up at him as he did so and his stomach clenched once more.

  Kyle moved with confidence through the hotel, heading to the Prime Steakhouse restaurant, the Maître D smiling, as if in recognition. As they arrived next to the imposing man, he put his hand out. “Mr. Scott, how nice to see you again, your usual table’s ready for you, sir.” He turned around walking on into the restaurant. Kyle and Sabrina following.

  She raised an eyebrow at Kyle who just smiled as she looked around. The place was lovely, set next to the lakeside and it was also busy, very busy.

  Their table was set slightly apart, as if for privacy, and the view over the lake was breathtaking. Once more, Kyle waved off the man and helped Sabrina into her seat himself.

  She could get used to this, she thought. As her thought entered Kyle’s head, he smiled, thinking that so could he.

/>   “I thought you might like it here. Their speciality is steaks, but I only ever have wine.” Kyle spoke as Sabrina settled in her chair, she noticed a bottle of wine was already in a cooler next to the table. Kyle pulled it out, as soon as his hand had reached for the bottle, two waiters rushed over to do it for him.

  Kyle just moved his hand, letting them know to leave. He poured out two glasses and held one out to Sabrina. She took it and had a small sip, the taste was not like any wine she had had before. It was fruity and floral but slightly sweet too. She discerned this was what expensive wine tasted like.

  “You like?” Kyle asked while sipping his own and she gave him a bright smile. “Oh yes, it’s good, Kyle, really good!” and Kyle chuckled – her joy making him happy.

  “Do you want a menu, or is there something in particular you like?” Kyle queried and watched a moment of panic come over Sabrina’s features. His senses telling him she didn’t want to make a fool of herself in the restaurant.

  “Why don’t I order for you?” He asked and she nodded gratefully. Kyle lifted one of his arms slightly and immediately a waiter was at his side. “Porterhouse with mushrooms, onion and side salad – medium to well – with a portion of fries on the side too.” The waiter nodded and moved quietly away.

  Sabrina relaxed, looking around and taking it all in. “So you come here a lot?” She watched for his reaction and he did the lip lift thing. Her reaction shocked her. Her stomach clenched and she felt more than a little aroused.

  Kyle watched Sabrina intently, every movement, however slight. Her eyes as she looked around, how her hair bounced every time she moved her head. The way her breasts lifted when she breathed, nearly but not quite, straining the material of her dress. His longing to be inside her again was growing, and he didn’t know if his plans for the evening would pan out. Didn’t know if he could last through dinner and a show.

  “I come here on a regular basis, but not what I would call a lot. I like their wine list and the service.” Kyle was trying hard not to get aroused, although he thought he was failing.

  They chatted about this and that and then Sabrina’s meal arrived, she attacked it with gusto and mmm’d and aaah’d her way through. She didn’t eat the fries, the steak seemingly being large enough to fill her.

  As soon as she finished Kyle raised his arm, the waiter immediately at his side. “Chocolate cake,” he ordered and the waiter turned, moving faster, as if he didn’t want to leave Kyle waiting.

  “I’m not sure I’ll manage!” Sabrina laughed, Kyle did that smile and she started to feel warm, hot even.

  “If you don’t want it, leave it, not a problem.” Kyle’s voice was soft and low, and Sabrina’s hair stood up on her arms in reaction.

  “So, the other night, I know I was drunk and when I’m drunk my accent gets more pronounced, but I thought I heard you talk with a Scottish twang?” Sabrina asked this because she was sure she had heard it, but since then Kyle didn’t have an accent, it was quite weird. His words were put together and sounded great to her ears, but if she had just met him, she wouldn’t be able place where he came from.

  “Ah yes, your accent was very pronounced, baby, it brought mine out. Yes, I would class myself as Scottish, even if I’ve not been there in a very long time.”

  Sabrina wondered just how long. Kyle didn’t elaborate, and she speculated where in Scotland he came from.

  “My past is far behind me. I try to look to the future, Sabrina. It was so long ago and a different time, talking about it wouldn’t give you any information on me. If that’s what you’re after?” Kyle sipped his wine, was she just curious?

  “It’s okay. I don’t want to talk about my past any more either, it’s over and done with. I’ve got to decide what I want now, but I have no idea.” Sabrina frowned thinking on her options, which seemed very few to her.

  “Well, you don’t need to decide now, Sabrina. Let’s have some fun! Want to try the Casino?” Kyle asked with a cheeky look on his face and Sabrina gave him a smile, one that he liked a lot.

  “Okay, but I’ve no idea how to play the tables, I’ve only done the slots.” Sabrina hadn’t had a chance to do much, her first day had been St. Paddy’s and they both knew how that had ended. Since then she had been with Kyle, in his bedroom.

  Sabrina’s mind wandered, thinking on what they had done together, her face flushing with heat. Kyle made a sound and Sabrina realized it was a low groan.

  “I can hear your thoughts, baby. Do you know what you’re doing to me right now?” Kyle was staring at her, and she had once more forgot about his abilities.

  “Mmm, sorry, couldn’t help it and no, I don’t, why don’t you tell me?” What the hell, why did she just say that?

  Kyle moved, bending over slightly so his head was nearer to her, he whispered, “I want to rip that dress from your body, then fuck you right here, on this table.”

  Sabrina jumped, no, he did not just say that. “Casino! I think we should go to the Casino!” She squeaked, worried that he would do just what he had said.

  “One moment,” Kyle moaned as he tried to get rid of the hardness in his trousers.

  Sabrina looked all around, everywhere, but at Kyle. She knew if she looked at him her mind would be full of lusty thoughts.

  After several quiet minutes Kyle’s chair moved, he stood up. “Okay, safe to move now, baby, come on.” His hand held out to hers and she grabbed it quickly wanting to feel his touch, even if it was only on her hand.

  Kyle placed a load of cash on the table and then led her out towards the main Casino.

  They played the slots for a while, then Kyle managed to get her onto the tables, playing black jack. She loved it, jumping up and down and squealing if she won, then squealing even louder if Kyle won.

  Kyle played well, and soon his winnings were mounting up. Sabrina’s mouth opened wide when she saw how much was sitting in front of him. She stopped playing and stood next to him watching him play. He was a very skilled player and soon her heart was beating wildly in her chest. Jeez, she could buy a bloody big house with what was lying there.

  One arm snaked around her waist, pulling her close, and she moved into him, almost rubbing her body against him. Christ, she felt like a cat in heat.

  As soon as she thought it, Kyle’s head swirled round. His eyes pinning hers, so she stood perfectly still. “Cash me in and add it to my account,” he ordered the croupier and then moved to kiss her, right there, in the middle of the Casino with everyone watching.

  Sabrina knew her face was red, but she didn’t pull away. She opened her mouth to his probing tongue and languished in the feeling.

  “Home, I think?” Kyle murmured and Sabrina only managed an “hm mm” before his lips touched hers again.

  If they didn’t leave she was going to explode in the middle of all these people.

  Kyle pulled his lips from hers moving, quickly, towards the front door.

  Chapter 6

  Kyle was moving fast and Sabrina’s feet found it hard to keep up. She stumbled, and before she knew what was happening, Kyle had turned around and picked her up.

  He strode towards the door with a blushing Sabrina cradled in his arms. Oh my god. She was embarrassed and turned on. The guy was unbelievable.

  At the door the valet rushed, and then the car was there. Kyle lay her gently into the seat, as soon as his arms left her, she groaned. Missing his touch made her stomach clench and she couldn’t wait until they got back to his place.

  Kyle jumped in, throwing a large tip to the valet, and drove out of the hotel with tires screeching.

  This was like something out of a fucking movie. Sabrina’s head was reeling. She looked over at Kyle and saw his jaw clenched tight. Was there something wrong?

  “No, Sabrina. I’m just trying to hold on. I really want to sink my cock in you right now, and this car isn’t made for that. I may have to get another. One that I can pull to
the side of a quiet piece of road, put the seat back, and fuck your brains out.” Kyle hissed. “Could this car not go any faster? It was a fucking sports car, it should go faster.”

  Sabrina suck in a deep breath, the thought of him doing that turning her on, far more than it should have. “Nobody’s done that before,” she whimpered, trying to keep some kind of control of her body.

  “What?” Kyle asked, trying to get the car to go faster.

  “Nobody’s spoke like that to me, nobody’s ever spoke dirty to me like that before.” Sabrina was trying to process the effect his words were having on her and just couldn’t. Her senses were on overload, and bugger, she wished he had that kind of car. Wanted him to pull over and take her in the car.

  Kyle growled low in his throat and the sound made her jump once more. Was he okay?

  Sabrina noticed they weren’t on the main road, where were they? There was nothing about, no lights, no buildings, nothing.

  Kyle braked hard and pulled to a stop. He got out, coming round to Sabrina’s side of the car, opened the door and hauled her out. What the hell?

  He kept the car between them and the deserted road, in case anyone drove by. He pulled Sabrina to him and kissed her deeply. His hands reaching down and pulling her dress up to her waist. The night air made her shiver slightly. Or maybe it was Kyle’s touch.

  Kyle moved his hands down her body, found the sides of her thong and pulled them apart, the sound loud in the silence. Sabrina inhaled sharply, yet another thong ruined.

  Kyle stood up straight, looked her in the eye. “Turn around,” he commanded and she complied immediately. Kyle moved in behind her, placing her hands on the roof of the low slung sports car. He moved her backwards a bit, then pushed on her back, lowering her body and sticking her behind out in his direction.

  “Fuck! I couldn’t wait, oh the sight of you like this, Sabrina. I’m going to make you feel so good, baby. That ass, just waiting on me, how I want to bury myself deep in there!” Kyle’s hands were rubbing her ass cheeks and her heart stuttered, her ass. What the hell?


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