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Sabrina's Vampire Series Boxed Set

Page 13

by A. K. Michaels

  “Ok baby but you better be ready, willing and able later! Now let's get that packing done.” Kyle kept her in his arms until they reached their room and then placed her back down onto her feet. His hand swatted her behind and she jumped forward and took a deep breath.

  He knew what that did to her, she knew he had done it on purpose. So she walked back to the suitcase and started to pack again. Determined she wasn't going to give in to the lustful feelings running through her body.

  Kyle laughed and started to pack his own case. His clothes went in properly folded and all neat and tidy. He was a very organized person, in everything he did, from packing a suitcase to killing a pedophile.

  Soon both cases were packed and Sabrina placed a smaller carry on size to the side to add her toiletries and make up the next day. As she closed her case and snapped it shut she got a shot of adrenaline into her system. She was looking forward to this and once more she was shocked at herself.

  Bugger it, she was just going to go with the flow and not think too deeply about just how much she wanted that perv dead. After what he had done to those kids he didn't deserve to breathe the same air as others.

  She stood up straight and was just about to move the case when Kyle's hand covered her's over the handle. She looked up into his eyes and he was smiling at her. She knew he heard her thoughts and she hoped it put his mind at ease, even if just a little.

  She had been a good police officer, she could help him, if he only let her.

  “Definitely not happening on this job baby. Maybe in the future but not now. You've only just found this out and it's a huge thing for you to get your head around. So this time you're only along for the ride and a little holiday, ok?” Kyle emphasized his words with a firm tone and Sabrina nodded.

  “Ok Kyle, but you've got to promise me you'll be careful, ok?” Her eyes were wide and full of worry and Kyle thought she looked downright adorable.

  “I'm always careful baby, always. Now, I've got a couple of things to tie up on the computer. You shower and get ready and by then I'll be finished. I'll get ready quick, after all you promised me some evening entertainment on the way home!” Kyle lifted the case from the bed and then got his own. Carrying both with ease he left the room to take them downstairs and finish the work he had started earlier.

  The suitcases were left at the side of the front door and Kyle went back to his computer. He double checked all the security and programs were running before he opened one of his fake email accounts.

  He opened the one from the father of the latest victim and hit reply. His email was short and sweet. “Job is a go. Have agreed payment deposited by eight am tomorrow. This is the last of our contact.”

  Kyle pressed send and relaxed slightly. Once he made the decision and done all his research the last step before he took the target out was this. Letting them know it was going ahead and making sure the payment was sent.

  Kyle would check before they left tomorrow afternoon and if the payment wasn't there they wouldn't go. Simple as that.

  Even though Kyle badly wanted to gut this guy, it was a job, paid employment. If the payment didn't reach the designated offshore account then he would not carry through.

  The parents of the girl were ridiculously rich. So rich it was nauseating. But that money did not save their little girl. A moment was all it had taken for the pedo to lift her and take her away. A moment was all that stood between their little girl living a normal, privileged life and the life she would now surely lead.

  Damaged, both physically and mentally, their daughter may never recover. Kyle understood perfectly why they wanted the guy dead.

  Kyle logged out and switched off his computer. He stood up and stretched his body, trying to decide on just how he was going to end this guy.

  A simple breaking of the neck was out of the question. Kyle wanted the guy to suffer. He knew many ways to make a human suffer, he just hadn't decided on what one of those many ways he was going to use.

  Kyle daydreamed for a few minutes, all the different ways of inflicting pain running through his mind. He did this in a detached way, no emotion about it whatsoever. All he knew was that the fucker was going to suffer and suffer bad.

  He also knew that he had to be careful. He couldn't, for instance, cut his balls and cock off. That would lead the police in the direction of a revenge killing. Something that he didn't want to do.

  The families this guy had destroyed did not need the police up in their faces about taking the law into their own hands.

  Kyle's research showed the guy used drugs. He was by no means a junkie but he did snort coke on occasion. Usually when he was in possession of a child.

  Now a drug deal gone bad would be a perfect cover. Kyle took his burner phone out and placed a call. “I'll be needing some coke, say a couple of thousand bucks worth – yea. Drop it at the usual place and I'll leave the money.” Kyle hung up and moved to his safe.

  The long wall that held his many bookshelves had a safe hidden behind the middle portion. No ordinary safe. Kyle had had it installed after he finally bought the property. It was voice activated, then retina scan, then DNA scan.

  Kyle moved the sliding part that covered up the safe and stood in front. “Sabrina open.” Kyle spoke with a small smile, he decided on that password when the safe was put in.

  The retina scan blinked green and he placed his eye over the scanner. Once again the appropriate light blinked green and a small opening appeared, a small piece of metal slid out and Kyle let his claws out, long and very sharp claws. He pierced his thumb and let a drop of blood fall onto the metal. It slid back in and it was another two minutes before the safe finally opened.

  Kyle reached inside and took a bundle of cash out. He needed money for the drugs and he took some fun money out too. He looked around and pulled out the credit card he was after, a platinum card in an alias he used. The one he had booked the hotel under. He then closed the door and spoke again. “Sabrina close.”

  The door to the safe locked quickly and Kyle slid the books back over in front of it. He pitied anyone who tried to get into it. If anyone tried, within twenty seconds there would be a large, focused, explosion to the front of the safe and for a three foot radius. Kyle couldn't afford for anyone to get their hands on the things inside that safe.

  The safe was one of the perks of having contacts within Government agencies. This one was not even on the open market.

  Kyle took the cash and counted out the money for the drugs, keeping that separate to put in the hole a mile from his house. The little hole held various things over the past few years; from drugs to false ID's. Kyle never met in person with those kinds of contacts, mainly because he didn't trust any of them.

  Luckily his vampire powers could tell if anyone was in the vicinity as he neared the area, and if there was, he drove on and found a new contact for that particular item.

  Kyle was nothing if not paranoid when dealing with people.

  He made his way upstairs and as he got to the doorway of their bedroom he stopped in his tracks. Sabrina was just picking up her small evening bag and she turned to him. She was a vision, a small smile crept onto his lips as she did a little twirl.

  “You like?” She asked and Kyle's eyes took her all in. From the way she had pinned her hair up, leaving small ringlets to frame her face, to the figure hugging black dress that left little to the imagination about her curves and assets, to the sheer, what, stockings? Did his little mate have stockings on? Dear lord he didn't know if they would get out.

  “Now Kyle! I'm hungry, behave! You can see them later vampire, now go and shower!” Sabrina knew that as soon as Kyle saw her legs were not bare that he would know she wore stockings. She knew exactly what they did to her vampire.

  “I could order you in something baby?” Kyle tried his luck but saw her shake her head 'no' and groaned loudly.

  “You're very naughty, you know that? I may just
have to spank that behind of yours later Sabrina!” Leaving her with that thought he forced himself to go towards the en-suite and not towards her and rip that bloody dress off.

  “Oh now who's being naughty vampire!” Sabrina moaned and watched as he made his way inside the bathroom.

  Sabrina wiggled, trying to ease the ache that had started in her 'nether regions' and walked out of the room. She knew if she didn't she would be joining him in the shower and she would never get her food, or her bottle of wine.

  Chapter 5

  Kyle's shower was colder than usual He tried very hard to rid himself of his arousal and only partially succeeded.

  As he came out of the bathroom he could smell her perfume, his favorite and hers. Primal Mist, from a native Las Vegas perfume house.

  The perfume was sensual and erotic and Kyle loved the unique way it smelled on Sabrina. He knew she would have kittens if she had any idea whatsoever of the price of the exclusive perfume. Kyle knew she was worth every single cent.

  He got ready quickly and walked down to get Sabrina. She was sitting in his favorite armchair with a book in her hands. She loved reading and up 'til she came to live with him she read on her kindle. Now, she preferred having the books in her hand and flipping through the pages.

  Some of the books he owned were first editions and rare copies so both of them were always careful when handling them. Sabrina heard his dress shoes on the marble floor and raised her head.

  “Shit Kyle, you look amazing!” Sabrina's eyes moved over her vampire. The elegant dark grey, hand made suit, with a crisp white shirt, open at the collar. He looked so handsome she smiled like a kid in a candy shop.

  His fair hair was slightly wavy and messed up. He only used a tiny amount of gel to get it to sit just right. It was on the long side, coming way over his collar in back, but god did he look hot.

  “Why thank you Sabrina, shall we go?” Kyle could clearly hear her thoughts and he pushed her buttons a little more. He did the side lip lift thing that always made her heart stutter and, yup, there it went.

  Sabrina's breath hitched as she got up from the chair, carefully placing the book on the side table. He done that lip lift thing and she always got butterflies when he did that.

  She smiled as she walked towards him and he held out his hand. She took it with one of hers and reached for her small evening bag from the entrance way table as she passed.

  Kyle opened the door and closed and locked it then led Sabrina to his very large and expensive SUV. He had only owned it for six months but boy, it had seen some action. Which was precisely his reason for buying it.

  Sabrina tried to hide her smile as he helped her up into her seat. He took the seat-belt and fastened it over her, clicking it into place before closing the door and getting in the drivers side.

  “I've got reservations at a little Chinese place I know, you're in for a treat but I'm not telling you. You'll need to wait and see.”

  “So do you want to talk about our trip or not?” Kyle was now feeling anxious, and not in the way he thought he might. He actually wanted to talk to Sabrina about it and his plans for a drug deal gone wrong killing. It felt strange, he had never discussed things of this nature and to now want to do so took him by surprise.

  Sabrina turned so she could watch him as she spoke. “If you want to then yes. I'm not pressing you Kyle, if you don't want to talk to me then that's fine too.”

  Kyle nodded his head slightly and thought, should I? Bugger it, she was his mate, he should be able to talk to her about anything, right?

  “Well I'm not sure how you'll feel about certain things and I don't want to spoil the evening. But I kinda would like to talk about it, get your input as a cop?” Kyle could only hope that this went well. He didn't want to freak her out.

  “Kyle I was undercover in the most disgusting of circumstances, the things I saw and stuff I was forced to do...... well, I'm pretty sure you won't spoil the evening. However, I reserve the right to tell you if I think something's off or won't work.” Sabrina suddenly felt a frisson of excitement as she thought about what was going to happen over the next few days.

  “Let me start by asking your opinion. If it was you how would you do it?” Kyle waited to see if Sabrina's thinking was anywhere near as bloodthirsty as his regarding what he wanted to do to this pedo.

  Sabrina didn't answer for a few minutes, her head going through different scenarios. She took a deep breath and began.

  “Well first off I would want him to suffer and the obvious way is to cut his you know what off. I would like to tie him up by his feet and cut a sliver off at a time! That would hurt really bad. BUT that just would cause too many questions for the police. They would look on it as a revenge attack for his being a pedophile, and, the families would be the ones they looked at first. They've gone through enough so that won't work. I still want him to suffer though. Is he involved with any other illegal things or does he have gambling debts?” Sabrina was thinking if he owed money that was always a good motive for hurt and death.

  Kyle smiled; her train of thought was the same as his. Although he hadn't thought about any possible gambling debts.

  “My thoughts were the same. I did find out he uses coke, on a regular basis but not enough to be a junkie. I do know that he usually has coke when he is in possession of a child. So I've procured a couple thousand bucks of coke, scatter that around so it looks like a drug deal gone bad. What do you think?” Kyle kept his eyes on the road but felt every nuance of her body, felt her heartbeat pick up. Was that in excitement or fear?

  “That's good Kyle! That's very good! If you make it look like that then the cops won't go anywhere near the families! Now, do you have any idea on who runs the drugs in Denver? Is it Russian Mafia, Colombians? If you knew you could get an old scrap of paper, old, dirty, ripped, and write part of a word, in Russian or whatever language, of the major drug dealers in the area. We have to steer the cops away from the families and a revenge killing.” Sabrina liked Kyle's idea of using the drugs; it was a very plausible plan.

  “Ah Sabrina, that mind of yours is amazing, that's a good idea, about the paper I mean. I'll put in a call to one of my contacts in Denver and find out. Now all we need do is think of what to write on the paper?” Kyle knew Sabrina's mind would probably come up with things he himself hadn't thought of. Her years of experience on the force would have her thinking in a way that would be immensely helpful to Kyle.

  “Oh that's easy, a number, as in twenty thousand dollars and 'owed' that's all you need. No need to over think it, no need for anything fancy, plain and simple is best. Then when they get it translated the police will think he owed that money for the coke!” Sabrina was smiling, she was helping Kyle break the law and she was smiling.

  “Baby I think we're going to work together well, but you still stay back at the hotel. I am absolutely not having you in any kind of danger, ok?” Kyle was adamant about that point. If needs be he would put her into a deep slumber state until he returned.

  Sabrina moaned. “I could stay in the car?”

  “Nope, not happening. Anyway I don't take it anywhere near. I go in using my vamp speed. Quick, silent and nobody sees me, or my vehicle! Sabrina, you need to understand it's been hard enough for me to even talk to you about this. I really thought I wouldn't tell you. Fuck, my sire Boyd told me I shouldn't tell you! But it just didn't feel right, so I've let you in, but you have to be safe. So no more arguments on that matter. Now here we are.” Kyle parked the SUV and turned the engine off.

  Sabrina looked out the window and saw a small row of restaurants, every kind imaginable. There was Mexican, Italian, Greek, Chinese, and a whole host of others all on this one little street. Where she was she had no idea, she hadn't been paying attention as Kyle drove. Some detective she was.

  Kyle came around and helped her down out of the SUV, took her arm and led her to the Chinese restaurant. Sabrina felt a little overdressed
for this kind of setting but hell she liked the dress and knew Kyle did too.

  As they neared the door a small lady opened it for them and ushered them inside. She chattered the entire time but Sabrina had no idea what she was saying.

  They were led to a discreet, private table and there beside the table was her favorite wine. Kyle pulled her chair out and she sat down and raised an eyebrow at her mate. She was pretty sure this little place would not have her favorite wine on the menu.

  Kyle only smiled and made sure she was comfortable before taking his own seat.

  The small Chinese lady continued chattering and then Sabrina realized something. Kyle was slightly nodding in places and at another time he shook his head. When he shook his head the ladies voice went up an octave and she started to do little bows.

  What the hell? Could Kyle understand her?

  “It's not Chinese, it's a dialect of Cantonese and she's very happy that we're here. Now, I know you would expect a menu about now but tonight is going to be a little different. So sit back, relax and enjoy baby.” Kyle had that smirk again and Sabrina wondered what the hell he was up to.

  Kyle reached and got the wine bottle, pouring Sabrina a glass first and then one for himself. He quite liked the wine and sometimes he would have it instead of his usual whisky.

  After only a few minutes the lady came back out with a plate in her hand. She placed it in front of Sabrina before doing that little bow thing and disappearing.

  Vegetable spring rolls, her favorite starter. She also liked wonton soup but if she ate a bowl of that she could never eat her main course.

  “Mm smells good and the wine is lovely.” Sabrina gave Kyle a smile before tucking in. When they first gotten together she found this quite hard, her eating while he only sat watching. Now she didn't bother about it, he didn't eat food; he drank her blood instead, so what? As soon as that thought entered her head she squirmed. The feelings of him feeding were always so damn erotic.


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